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No. 406, January 2, 1858] THE LEAPEB. 21
FOREIGN FUNDS. Last Official Quotation b...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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No. 406, January 2, 1858] The Leapeb. 21
No . 406 , January 2 , 1858 ] THE LEAPEB . 21
** British Funds Fob The Past Week. (Cxo...
** BRITISH FUNDS FOB THE PAST WEEK . ( CXOSINO PBICB 80 Sat . Mon . Tv . es . \ Wed . Thur . FHd n . n 1 r Rfnnfc . 217 219 217 2184 SSasfssair .: ; :.:::. « « w m g * . **} 3 per Cent . Con-Ain . »•• ¦ -- - ••••• ]«| } " » Consols for Account 94 931 93 | 9 « »« New 3 per Cent . An 94 J 94 i 933 »¦>* a * J New 2 i per Cents ... „ " , — , « ? Long Ans . 1860 2 1-16 & j Ditto B onds 7 * i < M > Oj !"" . ' 2 o ' d . 11 . / . 20 d ...... i ...... Ditto , under £ 1000 15 d ...... I 6 d , 15 d Ex . Bills , £ 1000 par lp ; 3 p par lp n ; lln fiend . ID ID i » P * P Dit & imaii ::::::::::: :.:::: ! i § iP <_?«_ , « p , * p
Foreign Funds. Last Official Quotation B...
FOREIGN FUNDS . Last Official Quotation buking the Week ending Thuksday Evening . ) Brazilian Bonds 99 [ Portuguese 4 per Cents . ... Buenos Ayres 6 p . Cents 92 [ Russian Bonds , 5 per Chilian 6 per Cents 102 J Cents 108 Chilian 3 per Cents 1 Russian 49 per Cents .... 98 i Dutch 24 per Cents 65 * \ Spanish . ¦ ...-. 42 Dutch 4 per Cent . Certf . 98 * Spanish CommitteeCer-Equador Bonds ! cf Coup , not fun 55 Mexican Account 20 ' , 1 Turkish 6 per Cents 97 * Peruvian 44 perCents .... 77 « Turkish . New , 4 ditto .... 102 Portuguese 3 per Cents . 454 ! Vtsnezuela 4 i per Cents
Her Majesty's Theatre. Piccolomini. Spezia, Belletti, Aldi-
GHIERI , VIALETT 1 . and GIUGLINI- „ . „ IL TROVATOHE , LA TRAVIATA , LUCIA , LA FIGLIA and LA FAVORITA . The order of performances will be as follows : — TUESDAY , Jan . 5 . IL TROVATORE . WEDNESDAY , Jan . 6 , LA FIGLIA DEL KEGGIMENTO , and Last Act of LA FAVORITA . THURSDAY , Jan . 7 , LA TRAVIATA . SATURDAY , Jan . 9 , LUCIA DI LABIMERMOOR . Prices -. —Pit stalls , 123 . 6 d . ; boxes ( to hold four persons ) , pit and one-pair , 21 . 2 s . ; grand tier , SI 3 s . ; two pair , ll . 5 s . ; three pair , 15 s . ; gallery boxes , 10 s .: gallery stalls , 3 s . 6 d . ; pit , 3 s . 6 d .: gallery , 2 s . —Doors open at half-past seven , ana the opera to commence at eight o'clock- > Applications for boxes , & c , to be made at the Box-office at the Theatre .
PROFESSOR WILJALBA FRIKELL . St . James's Theatre . T 3 HYSICAL AND NATURAL MAGIC , JL "WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS at 3 and EVERY EVENING at 8 . Stalls , 5 s . ; Balcony Stalls , 4 s . ; Boxes , 3 s . ; Pit , 2 s . ; Gallery , Is . Private Boxes , Two Guineas , One Guinea and a half , and One Guinea Places to be secured at Mr . Mitchell ' s Royal Library , 33 , Old Bond-street .
r ^ HRISTY'S MINSTRELS . —159 th Concert , \_ J Polygraphic Hall , Strand . — ITALIAN OPERA NIGHTLY . — Morning Performance on Saturday , commencing at 3 , evening at 8 . Stalls . 3 s . -, Area 2 s . ; A » nphifheatre . Is . Scats can be had at Mr . Mitchells , 33 , Old Bond-street ; and at the Hall . MR . ALBERT SMITH'S MONT BLANC NAPLES . POMPEI I , and VESUVIUS , EVERY NIGHT ( except Saturday } , at Eight , and Tuesday , Thursday , and Saturday afternoons at Three . Places can be secured at tho Box-office , Egyptian-hall , daily , between Eleven and Four , without any extra charge .
DR . KAHN'S MUSEUM AND GALLERY OF SCIENCE , 3 , Tichborne-street , facing tho Haymarket . ' Programme for the Christmas Holidays : — GUENAL'S Al'PAREIL URANOGRAPH 1 QUE constantly in motion ; LIVING OBJECTS in tho largo Oxy-Hydrogen Microscope ; Hundreds of new Anatomical Models of a most interesting character . Lectures by Dr . KAHN , at 3 o ' clock , on tho Physiology of Digestion , and at 8 , on the Physiology of Reproduction ; and by Dr . SEXTON , at i past 1 , on " Tho Air we Breathe ; " at 4 , on tho Mysteries of tho Human HAIR and BEARD ; and at 0 , on tho Wonders of Electricity : all the Lectures illustrated by Brilliant Experiments , Dissolving Views of an entirely new charaotor , & c . Open ( for Gentlemen only ) from 12 till 5 , and from 7 tifi 10 . Illustrated Handbook , Sixpence . Programme Gratis . Dr . Kahn ' s Nino Lectures and a Programme sent post free on tho receipt of 12 Stamps .
A RCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHIC ASjCX . SOOIATION . —An Exhibition of tho Collection for 1857 will bo opened at tho Galleries in Sull'olU-street , Pall-Mall East , on Thursday , January 7 th . 185 tf , at an Evening Conversazione . Tho Chair will bo taken by tho President , O . R . Cockoroll . Esq .. R . A ., at half-past seven o ' clock . The Exhibition will continue open dally till Fobruary 2 Uh . Subscribers will bo entitled to mnko their selections from tho subjects exhibited , for which purpose n card of admission and a catalogue will be sent to each . ROBERT HE 8 KETT , Hon . Sec . 95 , Wimpolo-Btroot , W .
H OLLOWAY'S PILLS have beon placed by the common consent of mankind at tho head of internal remedies . They save thousands annually from falling a saorlllon to Dyspepsia , Dysentery , Diarrhoea , Constipation , Liver Complaints , & o . — a fact attested by myriads of witnesses ) no sufferer from scorbutic affections has over failed to exporienao relief from thorn . General weakness and debility , tho premonitions of vital decay , are replaced with vigour and healthful action in every organ throughout tho ontiro syntoin by tho restorative and exhilarating in-^ fluoiico'Of-tril 84 lfe-BH 8 tttlni » B-vegqtablo . nr , opataJion . ___^^ Sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout tho world ; af " Professor HOLLO WAY'S 10 iJtabli » hrnoi > ts , 244 , 8 trand , London , mi . t H > , Maldou-lano , No \ v York i by A . Statnpu , Constantinople ; A . Gutdioy , ttmyrna { and li . Muir , Malta .
DEAFNESS . NoiseB in the Head . Turkish Treatment by a Retired Surgeon from the Crimea ( who was himself perfectly cured ) . Just published , a book , SELF-CURE , free by post for six stamps . Surgeon COLSTON , M . R . O . S ., 0 , Leicester - place , Leicester -square , London . At homo from 11 to 4 , to receive vjslts from patients .
ALLSOPP'S PALE ALE IN IMPERIAL PINTS . HARRINGTON , PARKER , and CO ., are now delivering the October Brewings of the above celebrated Ale . Its surpassing excellence is vouched for by the highest medical and chemical authorities of the day . Supplied in bottles , also in casks 61 18 gallons and upwards , by HARRINGTON , PARKER , and CO ., Wine and Spirit Merchants , 5 $ , Pall-mall . Jan ., 1858 .
S ISAL CIGARS ! SISAL CIGARS ! at Goodrich ' s Cigar , Tobacco , and Snuff Stores , 407 , Oxford-street , London , near Soho-square . Box , containing 14 , for is . yd . ; post free , six stamps extra ; lb . boxes , coutaininjsr 103 , 12 s . None are genuiue , unless signed ' U . N . Goodrich . "
T ' UTOC CIGARS ! at Goodrich ' s Cigar , To-JlJ bacco , and Snuff Stores , 407 . Oxford-street , London , near Soho-square . Boxes containing 14 very line Zutoc Cigars for 3 s . ; post free , six stamps extra ; lb . boxes , containing 105 , 2 ls . None are genuine unless signed " H . N . Goodrich . "
TMPORTANT to EVERY MAN who KEEPS JL a HORSE , COW , SHEEP , or PIG . —THORLEY'S FOOD for CATTLE , as used in her Majesty ' s stables ; also on his Royal Highness the Prince Consort ' s farm , Windsor Sold in casks containing 4 * 8 feeds ( with measure enclosed ) , price 50 s . per cask ; carriage paid to any railway station in the United Kingdom . For horses it is indispensable in promoting and sustaining all the animal functions in health and vigour . For milch cows it is invaluable , increasing the quantity and improving the quality of milk . For beasts nothing can compare with it for feeding quickly . For sheep and pigs its effect in one month will exceed all expectation . A pamphlet , containing testimonials from Mr . Brebner , steward to his Royal Highness the Prince Consort ; Mr . James Fisher , farm manager to her Grace the Duchess of A thole ; Sir David Canyngliame , Bart . ; Sir John Cathcart , Bart . ; Sir John Ribton , Bart . ; and some of the . leading agriculturists of the day , may be had , post free , on application to the inventor and sole proprietor , JOSEPH THORLEY , 77 , Newgate-street , London ; 115 , High-street , Hull . Post-office orders to be made payable at the General Post-office .
MAJOR'S IMPROVEMENTS in VETERINARY SCIENCE . "If progress is daily made in Medical Science by those whose duty it is to study the diseases to which the human flesh is heir . 1 t would seem that improvements in Veterinary art quite keep pace with it , as is manifest on a visit to the well-known Horse Infirmary of Mr . Major , in Cockspurstreet . Here incipient and chronic lameness is discovered and cured with a facility truly astonishing , while the efficacy of the remedies , and the quickness of their action , appear to have revolutionised the whole system of tiring and blistering . Among the most recent proofs of the cure of spavins by Mr . Major , we may mention Cannobie , the winner of the Metropolitan , and second favourite for the Derby , and who is now as sound as his friends and backers could desire . And by the advertisement of Mr . Major ' s pamphlet in another column , we perceive that other equally miraculous cures are set forth , which place him at the head of the Veterinary art jui London . " —Globe , May 10 , 1856 .
K EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES .- —For half a century this well known remedy for Pulmonary disorders has successfully stood -the test of public approval , and their usefulness has been extended to every clime and country of the civilized world . They may be found alike on the gold-lields of Australia , the backwoods of America , in every important place in the East or West Indies , and in the palace of Pokin . During this long period they have withstood the pretensions of numerous inferior rivals , and arc the now acknowledged antidote for Coughs , Colds , Asthma , & c . Prepared and Sold in Boxes , Is . lid ., and Tins , 2 s . 9 d ., by THOMAS KliATING , 71 ) , St . Paul ' s Churchyard , London . Retail by all Druggists .
A NEW DISCOVERY , whereby Artificial / I Teeth and Gums are fitted with absolute perfection and success hitherto unattainable . No springs or wires . no extraction of roots , or any jjninful operation . This important invention perfects the beautiful art of tho dentist a closeness of fit and boauty of appearanco being obtained equal to nature . All imitations should bo carefully avoided , tho genuine being only supplied by Messrs . GABRIEL , tho old-established Dentists , from 3 s . ( id . per Tooth—Sets , 4 * 1 . 4 s . Observe name and number particularly . 83 , Ludgato-lull London ( live doors west of tho Old Bailey ); and 134 , Dukostrcct , Liverpool . Established 1804 . Prepared White Gutta Peroha linamol , tho best Stopping for decayed Teeth , renders them sound and useful in mustioatioo , no matter how far decayed , and effectually prevents Toothache . —In boxes , with directions , at is . Cd . ; free by post , 20 stamps . Sold by most Chemists in Town and Country . Ask for Gabriel ' s Gutta Percha 'Enamel . —Boo opinions of the Press thereon .
rpilIESEMAR . —Protected by Royal Letters JL Patent of England , and secured by tho seals of tho Eeole do Pharumeio de Paris , and tho Imperial College of Medicine , Vicuna . Triesemar , No . 1 , is a remedy for relaxation , spormatorrhooa , and exhaustion of the system . Triesemar , No . 2 , effectually , in tho short space of three days , completely and entirely eradicates all traces of those disorders which capsules have so long beon thought au antidote for , to the ruin of tho health of a vast portion of tho population . Triesomar , No . 8 , is tho great Continoiita ) remedy for that class of disorders which unfortunately the English physician treats with mercury , to the inevitable destruction of tho patient ' s constitution , and which all the
pRAUFURD COLLEGE , MAIDENHEAD , \ J BERKS . —The new Oxford Examination Regulations will in future direct the course of study , which will prepare students under fifteen to take the certificate , and under eighteen the title of Associate of Arts of the University . The college has a Principal of energy , experience , skill , and extensive learning , a complete staff of professors , and a renown established by the success of its scholars at competitive examinations , with every arrangement for the formation of moral character , the exercise of the physical powers , and the development of robust health . Pupils are admitted from seven years ; the terms from SOL to 50 * . ; detailed prospectuses and references on application-
EPPS'S COCOA . —This excellent preparation is supplied in lb . and J lb . packets . Is . 8 d . and lOd . A tin canister , containing 7 * lb ., lls . 6 d . —JAMES EPPS . Homoeopathic Chemist , 170 , Piccadilly ; 82 , Old Broadstreet , City ; and 112 , Great Russell-street , Bloomsbury .
T > RECKNELL'S SKIN SOAP , recommended JL > as the best for producing a clear and healthy Skin , being the old Yellow Soap , made expressly for the purpose , of the best materials , and not scented . Sold only in One Shilling packets of either four rounded tablets , or eight squares ; and extra large tablets , Sixpence each . —BRBCKNELL , TURNER , and SONS , Manufacturers of Wax , Spermaceti , Stearine , and Tallow Candles to her Majesty , Agents to Price ' s Patent Candle Company , dealers in all other Patent Candles , all kinds of Household and Toilet soaps , in Colza , Sperm , Vegetable , and other Lamp Oils , & c , Beehive , 31 , Haymarket , London . —Please observe that each tablet and square is stamped " Brecknell ' s Skin Soap . "
OKtiGK-NELL'S GLYCERINE SOAP . — J 3 This Soap , now much improved , is recommended for use when the skin is rough or chapped , the glycerine combined with the soap producing a softening effect . Sold in Packets of four Tablets , for Is . 6 d . —BRECKNELL , TURNER , and SONS , Bee-hive , 31 , Haymarket , London . — Please observe that each Tablet is stamped "Brecknell's Glycerine Soap . "
WASHING , CLEANING , and DYEING for London . —Dirty Carpets , Rugs , Blankets , Counterpanes , Muslin and Lace Curtains , and all large articles , washed and finished in the best style . Moreen and Damask Cut tains , Dresses , Shawls . & c , dyed and finished extra well at moderate charges . The Company ' s vans receive and deliver , free of charge , no matter how small the quantity . All goods returned within a week . Price Lists forwarded on application . Country orders promptly attended to . METROPOLITAN STEAM WASHING AJND DYEING COMPANY , 17 , WHARF-BOAD , ClTY-HOAD , N .
DR . DE JONGH'S LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL , entirely free from nauseous flavour and after-taste , is prescribed with the greatest success by the Faculty as the safest , speediest , and most effectual remedy for COiN SUMPTION , BRONCHITIS , ASTHMA , GOUT , RHEUMATISM , SCIATICA , DIABETES , DISEASES OF THE SKIN . NtiURALGIA , RICKETS , INFANTILE WASTING . GENERAL DEBILITY , AND ALL SCROFULOUS AFFECTIONS . Numerous spontaneous testimonials from physicians of European reputation attest that , in innumerable cases where other kinds of Cod Liver Oil had been long and copiously administered with little or no benefit , Dr . DE J on gu's Oil has produced immediate relief , arrested disease , and restored health . OPINION OF DR . LETHEBY . Medical Officer of Health to the City of London , & c . & o . " 1 have frequently had occasion to analyze the Cod Liver Oil which is sold at your establishment —I mean that varioty which is prepared for medicinal use in the Lofl ' oden Isles , Norway , and sent into commerce with tho sanction of Dr . de Jongh , of the Hague . In all cases I have found it possessing the same set of properties , among which the presence of cholaic compounds and of iodine in a state of organic combination are tho most remarkable ; in fact , the Oil corresponds in all its characters with that named ' JIuila bruno , ' and described as tho best variety in . tho masterly treatise of Dr . do Jongh . It is , I believe , universally acknowledged that this description of Oil has great therapeutical power ; and , from my investigations , I navo no doubt or its being a pure and unadulterated article . " Sold only in Impeiuai Half-pints , 2 s . 0 d . ; Pints . 4 s . 0 d . ; Quarts , 0 s . ; capsuled and labelled with De . » as Jongu ' b Stampand Signature , wituoutayiiichnoukcan possibly be GKNUINJ 2 , by most respectable Chemists throughout the Provinces . ¦ VVIIOLKBALE AND RETAIL DEPOT , ANSAR , HARFORD , & CO ., 77 , STRAN D , LONDON , W . O ., D « , DK JONGU ' a SOLE SBITISH CONSIGNKKB .
RUPTURES . —BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS ia allowed by upwards of 200 ModiealGentlomen to bo the most effective invention in the curative treatment of Hernia . Tho use of a stool spring ( so hurtful in its eliects ) is hereavoidod . asoftBandagobeing worn round tho body , while the requisite resisting power is supplied by tho Moo-Main Pad and Patent Lovor , ifttinB with so much eaao and closeness Uiat it cannot bo detected , and may be worn during sleep . A descriptive circular may bo had , and tho Truss ( which cannot fail to lit ) forwarded by post , on tho circumference of tho body , two inches below the hip , uoinif sent to tho Manufacturer , JOHN WHITE , 228 , Piccadilly , London . 1 ' rleoor a slnglo truss , l 0 s ., 21 s ., 20 s . 0 d ., and 31 s . Od . — ^ Jouirtw-UVuss ,-31 s .. Cd .,. 42 a ,, ivnd ^» . 0 d . —Postage Is . 8 d . Umbilical Truss , 42 s . and B 2 a . M . —P 58 'fS &< TX 9 riod ^ Pobt-olllco Orders to bo made payable to JOHN WHITE Post-office , Piccadilly .
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 2, 1858, page 21, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_02011858/page/21/