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ROR THE 1EABEE. [Sa^ueda*,
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Ror The 1eabee. [Sa^Ueda*,
ROR THE 1 EABEE . [ Sa ^ ueda * ,
Tpretf Ch Plats. Mons. Levassor
TPREtf CH PLATS . Mons . LEVASSOR JP a lT . G »«^ d ' annoncer son amv ^ ft L ^ dres ^ et et des MATINEESRECREATIVJBH avec
a . ^ oflrira deVsOXBEES et des MATINEES , RECREATIVJBH et ^ M ^ UE ^ Accompagnement dePiano . au THEATRE ! de STT ! jaMES , commensant Mercredi sou :, 6 Juin S ' adresser chez Mr . Mitchem ,, 33 , Old Bond-street .
1 > OTAL OLYMPIC THEATRE X \> lessee and Manager , Mr . A . WIGAN . Monday , and during the week , will be performed the New and Original Comedy , called STILL WATERS RUN DEEP . In which Messrs . A . Wigan , Emery , G . Vining , Miss MaskeH , and Mrs . A . Wigan will appear . To conclude with A BLIGHTED BEING . Characters by Messrs . F . Robson , Danvers , Leslie , H . Cooper , and Miss Marston .
r ^ ALLERT OF GERMAN ARTISTS . The \ lT THIRD ANNUAL EXH I BITION of the WORKS ofMODEHN GERMAN A RTISTS is NOW OPEN , daily , from Ten till Six . Admission , Is . Catalogues , 6 d-Gallery , 168 , New Bond-street , next door to the Clarendon .
PHOTOGRAPHIC EXHIBITION . —An Exhibition of the finest English , French , and Italian Photographs is . now open at the Photographic Institution , 168 , New Bond-street . Open from 10 to 5 . Admission , with catalogue , Is .
PITCH & SON'S CELEBBATED BREAKFAST BACON , A 2 SD FIRST-CLASS PROVISIONS . "The City is the emporium for all good things ; and the emporium for rich and delicious bacon is FITCH & SONS , 66 , Bishopsgate-street . " — Vide United Service Gazette , March 31 st . , . This celebrated Bacon has now been fifteen years before the public , and still retains its deserved pre-eminence . It is-sold by the side , half-side , and separate pieces . The half-side of SOlbs 9 d . per lb . The Middle-piece , 121 bs 9 £ d . „ THE FINEST DESCRIPTIONS OF CHEESE , Stilton , Cheshire , Parmasan , Somerset , North Wiltshire , and others . HAMS—namely , the far-famed and still unrivalled Yorkshire , together with Somerset , Westphalia , and Brunswick . OX TONGUES CURED UPON THE PREMISES , both pickled and smoked . Wiltshire Chaps and Chines , Anglo-German Sausages . FITCH & SON ' S HOUSEHOLD PROVISIONS . s . d . Fine rich Chesire Cheese , by single Cheese ... Per lb . 0 8 Good Sound ditto , ditto 0 7 j Ditto Serviceable ditto , ditto 0 7 Fine New Salt Butter by Half Firkins 0 11 * Very good ditto , ditto 9 jd . to 10 * Fine Small and Large Hams 8 to 9 A remittance is requested from correspondents unknown to the firm . Deliveries free to all the London Railway Termini , daily , and the suburbs twice a week . A priced List of the parts of a side of their celebrated Bacon free upon application . _ FITCH AND SON , Provision Merchants and Importers , No . 66 , BISHOPSGATE WITHIN , LONDON . Established 1784 .
AMERICAN SARSAPARILLA . OLD DR . JACOB TOWNSEND'S AMERICAN SARSAPARILLA . This is , of a ll known remedies , the most pure , safe , active , and efficacious in the purification of tho blood of all morbid matter , of bile , urea , acids , scrofulous substances , humours of all kinds , which produce rashes , eruptions , salt rheum , erysipelas , scald head , sore eyes and ears , sore throat and ulcers , and sores on any part of tho body . It is unsurpassed in its action upon the liver , tho lungs , and the stomach , removing any cause of disease from thoae organs , and expelling all humours from tho system . By cleansing the blood , it for over prevents pustules , scabs , pimples and every variety of sores on tho face and breast . It is a great tonic , and imparts strength and vigour to tho debilitated and weak , gives rest and refreshing sloop to the nervousand restless invalid- It is a groat female medicine , and will enre more complaints peculiar to the sex than any other remedy in the world . Warehouse , 878 , Strand , aal oining Exeter-Hall : POMEROY , ANDREWS and CO ., Sole Proprietors . Half-pints , 2 s . 6 d ; pints , 4 s . ; smnllquarts , 4 a . 0 d . ; quarts , 7 s . ( 3 d . ; mammoths , 11 s .
r JURIES EM AR . —PROTECTED BY ROYAL JL LETTERS PATENT OF ENGLAND , and secured by the SEALS of tho ECOLE do PHARMACIE do PARIS , and the IMPERIAL COLLEGE of MEDICINE , VIENNA . * TRIESEMAR , No . 1 , is a Remedy for Relaxation , Spermatorrhoea , and Exhaustion of tho System . TRIESEMAR , No . 2 , effectually , in tho short space of Three Days completely and entirely eradicates all traces of those disorders which Capsules havo so long boon thought an antidote for , to tho ruin of tho health of a vast portion of tho population . TRIESEMAR , No . 3 , is tho Groat Continental Remedy for that class of disorders which , unfortunately , tho English physician troats with Mercury , to tho inevitable destruction of tho Patient ' s constitution , and which all tho Sarsaparilla in tho world cannot remove . TRIESEMAR , Nos . 1 , 2 , and 3 , aro alike devoid of tasto or small , and of all nauseating qualities . Thoy may lio on tho toilet-table without their use being suspected . Sold in tin oases , at 11 s . each ; frco by post , 2 h . extra , divided into separate dosea , as administered by Wolpoau , Lallomand , Roux , & o .. & c . To bo had wholesale and retail , in London , of Robert Johnson , OH . Cornhill ; H an nay and Co ., 08 , Oxford-street ; Sanger , 150 , Oxford-streot j It . H . Inghara . Druggist , Markot-Htroot , Manchester ; Priostloy , Chemist , Lord-stroet , Liverpool ; Wlnnall , Bookseller , Higli-Btrout ; Birmingham ; and Powell , Bookseller , 15 , WoBtnaoreland-Btreot ; Dublin .
aENUUTE COCOA . —Cocoa has 'been designated by Physicians of eminences one of the richest productions of the vegetable kingdonvand , when properly prepared , is justly celebrated for its peculiarly invaluable nutritive properties . So keen , however , has been the avidity to render this article a lucrative manufacture , an < so strenuous the competitive efforts thereby excited , that the moat flagrant adufiwwations have been resorted to , with the sole aim of lowness of price . The evds with which so baneful a system is fraught are strikingly manifest to the medical profession , who , highly esteeming Cocoa ( in its PTTBE state ) as an article of diet , frequently prescribe and recommend it to invalids as a remedial agent in promoting health . The results are , however , too often rendered nugatory by the impurity of the article supplied . The magnitude of our legitimate business as Tea Dealers necessarily precludes our aevoting a strict ^ and essential supervision to the manufacture of Cocoa ; we have therefore completed arrangements with the highlv respectable firm of Messrs . HENRY THORNE and CO ., Leeds , whose many years' successful experience in the preparation of this article , and the celebrity they have thereby acquired , together with their uncompromising determination to adhere to the principle they originally adopted , viz ., to manufacture only from the choicest Nuts , and to rigidly eschew adulteration in any shape whatever , warrant us in recommending their "GENUINE TRINIDAD COCOA" to our numerous Friends , to the Medical Profession , and to the Public . Price—TENPENCE per POUND . SIDNEY , WELLS , and CO ., Family Tea-men . 8 , Ltjdgate-hii / l , SOLE AGENTS FOR LONDON .
THE " APPS" BREWERY , LITTLEHAM , BIDEFORD , NORTH DEVON . "APPS" ALE— "APPS" PALE ALE . The peculiar excellence of these Ales ( independently of being , as says the Lancet in July , 1854 , " clear , sparkling , and toell brewed" ) is derived from the presence in the " API'S Sphing- " from which they are brewed of the finest Saline and Tonic matter in singular combination . The well-known Chemist , Herapath , in a letter to the Rev . J . L . Harding ( owner of the ' \ A . pps" Estate ) , writes as follows : — " Bristol , 1853 . " Sir , —I take it for granted you have received my report , in which I have stated your Spring to be a good brewing water , with Tonic and other properties , & c-, & c . "WILLIAM HERAPATH , F . C . S . " The same great authority bears evidence to the purity and excellence of the Ale : — „ . " Bristol , 1854 . " To the Proprietor of the ' Apps' Brewery . " Sir , —I have examined and analysed four specimens of your Beer of various strengths ; I find them clear , sound , and well brewed , & c ., & c . I have no doubt your Beers will become popular . „ WILLIAM HERAPATH , F . C . S . " The celebrated Dr . Ure expresses great satisfaction , and says : — " Having submitted to chemical examination a sample or the ' Apps Am :, ' I find it to be clear , sound , and well fermented , most grateful to the taste , and supplying a wholesome and invigorating beverage . _^ " London , 1855 . " "ANDREW URE , M . D ., F . R . S . » Many- other Medical Men in London havo strongly recommended these Ales , on account of their purity and freedom from adulteration . Dr . Bright writes : — "I havo examined a sample of tho 'Arps Ale , ' and can with great confidence recommend it as a most wholesome and nutritious beverage . _ " London , 1855 . " " JAMES BRIGHT , M . D . For particulars , apply to W . D . BRAGINTON , Esq ., Bideford . Accounts collected Monthly .
A NEW DISCOVERY IN TEETH . MR . HOWARD , SURGEON-DENTIST , 52 . FLEET-STREET , has introduced an ENTIRELY NEW DESCRIPTION of ARTIFICIAL TEETH , lixed without springs , wires , or ligatures . They so perfectly resemble tho natural teeth aa not to bo distinguished from tho originals by tho closest observer ; they will nover change colour or decay , and will be found superior to any teeth over before used . This method does not require tho extraction of roots , or any painful operation , and will support and x > reservo teeth that are loose , and is guaranteed to restore articulation and mastication . Decayed teeth rendered sound and useful in mastication .
DEAFNESS and NOISES in the HEAD . — Free of Charge , for the Protection and Instant Relief of tho Deaf , a Book of SO pages . —An extraordinary Discovery . —Just published , sont free by post to any deaf person writing for it , A STOP TO EMPIRICISM and Exorbitant Fees . " SuffercrH extremely deaf , by means of this book , pormanently cure themselves , in any distant part of tho world , without pain or use of any instrument . Thousands havo been restored to perfect hearing , ' and for over rescued from tho" snares of tho numerous advertising , dangerous , unqualified pretenders of tho present day . it contains lists of startling cures , published by Dr . F . R . HOGMTON , Member of tho London Royal College of Surgeons , May 2 , 1840 ; L . A . O . April 80 , 1840 j Consulting Surgeon to tho Institution for tho Cure of Deafness , 0 , Suffolk-place , Pall Mall , London , whore all letters are to bo addressed . —Personal consultations ovory day between 11 and 4 i o ' clock . —Sufferers deaf 40 or 00 years havo their hearing perfectly restored in half an hour without a moment ' s inconvenience . Testimonials and certificates can bo soon from all the loading members of the Faculty , and from Paticuts cured .
00 , 000 NERVOUS MIND AND HEAD O SUFFERERS .. from Noblomon to Mechanics , having tried all advertised and other ronindios without a euro , havo , during eighteen years , boon obliged to apply to t ) ho Raw , Dr . Willis MoHoly , 18 , JilooniHbury - street , llodford -square , London , and 00 are not known to bo uuourod . Meanis or euro only to bo pajd for , and a relapse proventod tor li /' o . Novel Observations , a pamphlet on nervousness , frimkocl to any address if onostamp is sent ; oit . for 3 ( 1 . Tvwflvo Chapter * on tho Only Moans of Curing Nervous or Mind Complaints j " tho best book on nervousness in our language . "
TENDERS , STOVES , and FIRE-IRom -T Buyers of the above arerrequested , before finally ti & . ciding , to visit WILLIAM S . BARTON'S SHOW-ROOMS 39 , Oxford-street ( corner of Newman-street ) , Hos . l ; 2 & 3 ! Newman-street , and 4 & 5 , Perry ' s-place . They are the largest in the world , and contain suoh an assortment of FENDERS , STOVES , RANGES , FIRE-IRONS , « md GENERAL IRONMONGERY , as cannot be approached elsewhere , either for variety , novelty , beauty of design or exquisiteness of workmanship . Bright Stoves , witshbronsed ornaments and two sets of bars , 21 . 14 s . to 51 . IOs . ; ditto with ormolu ornaments and two sets of bars , 51 . 10 s .. to 121 . 12 s . ; Bronzed Fenders complete , with standards , from 7 s . to 3 ? . ; Steel Fenders from 22 . I 5 s . to 6 £ . ; dftto with rich ormolu ornaments , from 21- 15 s . to 11 . 7 s . ; Fire-irons foeia Is . 9 d . the set to 4 l . 4 s , Sylvester and all other Patent Stoves , with radiating hearth plates . All which he is enabled to sell at these very reduced charges—Firstly—From the frequency and extent of his purchases ; and Secondly—From those purchases being made exclusively for cash . TDATHS and TOILETTE WARE . —WILJL > L 1 AM S . BURTON has ONE LARGE SHOW-ROOM devoted exclusively to the DISPLAY of BATHS and TOILETTE WARE . The Stock of each is at once the largest , newest , and most varied ever subm itted to the public , and marked at prices , proportionate with those that have tended to make bis establishment the most distinguished in this country . Portable Showers , 7 s . 6 d . ; Pillow Showers , 31 . to 5 / . ; Nursery 15 s . to 32 s . ; Sponging , 15 s . to 32 s . ; Hip , 14 s . to 31 s . 6 d . A large assortment of Gas Furnace , Hot and Cold Plunge , Vapour , and Camp Shower Baths . — Toilette Ware in great variety from 15 s . 6 d . to 45 s . the Setof Three . THE BEST SHOW of IRON BEDSTEADS in the KINGDOM is WILLIAM S . BURTON'S . He has TWO VERY LARGE ROOMS , which are devoted to the EXCLUSIVE SHOW of Iron and Brass Bedsteads and Children ' s Cots , with appropriate Bedding and Mattresses . Common Iron Bedsteads , from 16 s . ; Portable Folding Bedsteads , from 12 s . 6 d . ; Patent Iron Bedsteads , fitted with dovetail joints and patent sacking , from 17 s . 6 d .- ; and Cots , from 20 B . each . ihandBome ornamental Iron and Brass Bedsteads , in great variety , from 21 . 13 s . 6 d . to 15 Z . 15 s . T > APIER MACHE AND IRON TEAJL TRAYS . An assortment of Tea Trays and Waiters wholly unprecedented , whether as to extent , variety , or novelty . New Oval Papier Mach . 6 Trays , per set of three from 20 s . Od . to 10 guineas . Ditto , Iron ditto ... ... frpm 13 s . Od . to 4 guineas . Convex shape ditto from 7 s . 6 d . Round and Gothic waiters , cake and bread baskets , equally low . WILLIAM S . BURTON has SIXTEEN LARGE SHOWROOMS devoted to the show of GENERAL FURNISHING IRONMONGERY ( including cutlery , nickel silver , plated and japan wares , iron and brass bedsteads , and bedding ) , so arranged and classified that purchasers may easily and at once make their selections . Catalogues , with engravings , sent ( per post ) free . The money returned for every article not approved of . 39 OXFORD-STREET ( corner of Newman-street ); 1 , 2 and 3 , NEWMAN-STREET ; and 4 and 5 , PERKY'SPLACE . Established A . d . 1820 .
FURNISH YOUlt HOUSE WITH THE BEST ARTICLES AT DEANE'S Ironmongery and Furnishing Warehouses . Established a . i > . 1700 . A Priced Furnishing List , l ' reo by post . DEAN 13 , DRAY , and CO . ( Opening to the Monument ) , London-bridge .
ADNAJVL'S Improved [ Patent Groats and Barley . THE ONLY EXISTING PATENT , And Strongly recommended by the Medical Profession . rpo INVALIDS , MOTHERS , AND FAMIX LIES . —The important object so desirable to lie obtained has at length been secured to the Public by J . ami J . O . Adnam , Patentees , who , after much time anii attention , havo succeeded by their Improved Process 111 producing preparations of tho purest and finest quality ever manufactured from tlie Oat and Barley . Tho Barley being prepared by a similar process is jib P « ic as can bo manufactured , and will bo found to produce ft light and nourishing l ? ood for Infants and tho Aged . A report having neon circulated that preparations of « o white a character could not bo produced from ( . ironts unu Uarloy alone , the Patentees have had recourse to the nignofc authority for an analyala to establish tho fact , a copy 01 which is subjoined ; — CliomicalLaboratory , Guy's llos ]) U : il , February 10 , l HOB . I have submitted to a microscopical and ehomicsu . omuu ¦ nation tho samples of Uarloy-nioul and Groats wine » J « " { havo forwarded to mo , mid 1 bog to inform you thai . 1 ' »' in thorn only those principles which arc found in Koott liai < v . Thoro is no mineral or olhor impurity present ; and , iroiii "' result of my invontlKiit > lon , I belieyo thorn to Iw goiimno , h "" to possess those nutritive proportion assigned by tliolau' vi-Pcroira to UiIh description ol fcod . ( Signed ) A . S . TAYi . ou" Messrs . J . and J . ( J . Adnajm and Co . " Caution . —To prevent error * , tho Public are ' •( ' < il >< , ' j ' ' to obsorvo that <> a « h Pnolintfo boars tho Mlguatii' 1 " () 1 pAXiONXiSKa , •) . and J . O . Adnam . To bo obtained Wholesale ) at tho Manufactory . ^"'' J' ^ J lane , Qnoon-Htre « j . . . hondam and Itotail iii Piwk ; » Canisters at 0 ( 1 . and ln . on . oh , and in Canisters lor * an 1 < at 2 n ., fis ., and JOs . oiwjIi , of all respuofciiiblo Grocers , w"h t cltttM . & c , in Town and Country .
Leader (1850-1860), June 2, 1855, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_02061855/page/22/