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Jttke 2, 1855.] THE LEAJEB. &%j
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Jttke 2, 1855.] The Leajeb. &%J
Jttke 2 , 1855 . ] THE LEAJEB . & % j
. i 1 I I I I I I I , [ J . - „ q rl ^ pHE THIRD ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL JL of the NATIONAL ORPHAN HOME will take place at the STAR AND GARTER , Richmond Hill , on FRIDAY , June 22 , when I His Royal Highness the Duke of CAMBRIDGE . I will preside . T FIRST ANNOUlTCEirEinr OP STKWAEDS . I The Right Honourable the Earl of Efflngham . The Right Honourable the Earl of Shaftesbury . ( ' The Right Honourable Lord Berners . j The Right Honourable Lord Robert Grosvenor , M . P . I The Honourable F : Tollemache . j J . King King , Esq ., M . P . I Charles J . Bevan , Esq . C . J . Baldis , M . D . The Rev . J . W . Laughlan , H . a . Bohn , Esq . B . A . ' W . Budges , Esq . E . F . Leeks , Esq ., F . S . A . The Rev . Joseph Brown , The Rev . W . M . Lusignan , I M . A- M . A . The Eev . Burgh Byam , M . A . The Rev . C . Mackenzie , M . A ., Peter Carthew , Esq . Prebendary of St . Paul ' s . The Rev . Whitmore Carr , Rev . J . W . Markwell , M . A . M-A . ^ J . J . Mechi , Esq . I ~ W . Chapman , Esq . W . Parkin , Esq . The Eev . J . E . Cox , M . A ., John Parson , Esq . F . S . A . The Major Pole . The Rev . G . TownshendDrif- J . Compton Pott , Esq . field , M . A . J . D . Powles , Esq . Gordon Forbes , Esq . W . Rogers , Esq . J . E . Hadow , Esq . J . Scratchiey , Esq . H . Harwood Harwood , Esq . J . G . Sheppard , Esq . J . E . Hobson , Esq . The Rev . Stewart Smythe , The Rev . Augustus G . How , M . A . M . A . The Rev . T . Spyers , D . D . The Rev . T . G . P . Hough , The Rev . H . I . Symons . LL . D ., M . A . Chaplain to the Forces . The E * v . Thomas King , M . A ., J . D . Troughton , Esq . F . S . A . Samuel Walker , Esq . W . Lambert , Esq . The Rev . R . Whittington , Thomas Lee , Esq . M . A . ' The Committee earnestly appeal for help , that they may I admit , if possible , many of the Orphans left at this time by I ' the War and Pestilence . I All application for the Stewardships ( the number of 1 which will be limited ) must be made before the 9 th of June , f ( addressed to the Honorary Secretaries , National Orphan j Home , Ham Common ; or to the Rev . R . Whittington , M . A . ' I r Chapter House , St . Paul's Churchyard , by whom every in- I formation respecting the Institution will be given , as well J is by the Rev . Joseph Brown , Rector of Christ Church , J a Blackfriars-road . j Ten guineas will give two life votes at all elections ; five I — juineas , one vote . j
SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY . Incorporated by Royal Charter , 1847 . The Court of Directors grant LETTERS of CREDIT and BILLS upon the Company ' s Bank at Adelaide at Pak . i Approved drafts negotiated and sent for collection . 1 Business with the Australian colonies generally con- I ducted through the Bank's Agents . I Apply at the Company ' s Offices , 54 , Old Broad-street , I London . WILLIAM PURDT , Manager . I London , June , 1855 . I ¦ * 1 rl I . T I ( j I j I
ST . GEORGE ASSURANCE COMPANY , 118 , PALL-MALL , LONDON . Capital , 100 , 000 ? ., in Shares of 51 . each . Deposit , 11 . per Share . I ( On which Interest , at the rate of 5 l . per cent , per annum , I exclusive of Dividend , is guaranteed by the Deed of Settlement . ) Chairman—Viscount RANELAGH , Park-place , St . James ' s . I Deputy-Chairman—HENRY POWNALL , Esq ., Ladbrokesquare , Notting-hill . , Secretary— -W . C . URQUHART , Esq . POLICIES ABSOLUTELY INDISPUTABLE . [ Annuities and Endowments for families , children , and I J others on the most favourable terms . Premiums payable yearly , half-yearly , or quarterly . - No charge for medical fees or stamps . j „ Loans granted for long or short periods , payable by monthly , quarterly , or half-yearly instalments . q Defective Titles , Reversions , & c > assured and guaranteed . I I I
BANK OF DEPOSIT , No . 3 , Paxl Mali East , London- I Established A . I ) . 1844 . j PARTIES desirous of INVESTING MONEY are requested to examine the Plan of this Institution , I by which a high rate of Interest may be obtained with J perfect Security . I The Interest is payable in January and Juxx , at the I Head Office in London ; and may also be received at the I various Branches ^ or through Country Bankers , without I delay or expense . I PETER MORRISON , Managing Director . I Prospectuses and Forms for opening Accounts sent free I on application . ' I
r *\ ENERAL INDEMNITY INSURANCE \ JT COMPANY , Cannon-street West . —Capital , 500 , 000 / ., in Shares of 51 . each ; call , 10 s . per Share . j Every description of insurance business transacted at this I office . Policies absolutely indisputable . Guarantees afforded against losses arising from robberies , forgeries , frauds , debts , I insolvency , and non-payment of rent . Fire and life insurance effected on improved and safe principles . —Plate-glass insured . Prospectuses , terms of agency , proposals , & c , can bo had on application . J . G . HUGHES , Secretary . | '
AT Mr . MECHI'S ESTABLISHMENTS , 112 , REGENT-STREET , and 4 , LEADENHALL-STREET , j are exhibited Itho finest specimens of BRITISH MANU- , FACTURES in Dressing-cases . Work-boxes , Writing-cases , ; Dressing-bags , and other articles of utility or luxury , suit- , able for presentation . A separato department for Papier- J Mach 6 Manufactures and bagatelle tables—table cutlery , razors , scissors , penknives , strops , paste , & c . Shipping orders executed for merchants and captains—an extensive assortment of superior hair and otliGr toilet brushes . ¦¦ i
ONE THOUSAND BEDSTEADS TO CHOOSE FROM . —HEAL and SON have just erected extensive Premises , which cnablo them to keep upwards of Ono Thousand Bedsteads in . stock , One . Hundred and Fifty of which aro fixed for inspection , comprising evory variety of Brans , Wood , and Iron , with Chintz and Damask Furnitures , complete . Their new warcrooms also contain an assortment of BEDROOM FURNITURE , which comprises every requisite , from tho plainest Japanned Deal for Servants' Rooms , to tho newest and most tasteful designs in Mahogany and other Woods . Tho whole warranted of tho soundest and best manufacture . HEAL and SON'S ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF BEDSTEADS , AND PRICED LIST OF BEDDING , sent free by Post . —HEAL and SON , lfl ( S , Tottcnhnm-court-road .
T HE JGs . Trousers reduced to 14 s . —Trousers and Waistcoat , 22 s . —Coat , Waistcoat , and Trousers , 47 s ., made to order from Scotch Tweeds , all wool , and thoroughly shrunk . Tho TWO GUINEA DRESS , or FROCK COAT , tho Guinea Dress Trousers , and tho Half-Guinea Waistcoat , made to order by JJ . BENJAMIN , Merchant Tailor , 74 , Itegout-strect . For quality , stylo , and workmanship , cannot l ) o equalled by any house in the kingdom . N . B . —A perfect lit guaranteed .
RUPTURES . —BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE'S MOO-MAIN LEVER TRUSS is allowod by upwards of 200 Medical Gentlemen to bo tlio monfc oil ' eetivo invention in tho curative treatment of Hurnia . Tho uHOof a steel spring ( . so often hurtful in its oilects ) ia hero avoided , a soft Uandago being worn round elm body , while tho requisite resisting power is supplied by ino Moo-Main Pad and l ' atout Lever , lltting with ho much oaso and closeness that it cannot ho detected , and may bo worn during sleep . A descriptive circular may bo had , and tno TriiHM ( which cannot fail to lit ) forwarded by post , on Jinp ciroumforeuce of the body , two inches bolow tno hips , balng Hout to tho Manufacturer , Mr . JOHN WHITE , 228 , Piccadilly , London . lflLASTIO STOCKINGS , KNEE CAPS , Ac ., for VARICOSE VEINS , and all eases of WEAKNUSH and « WULJjING of tho 1 , 1008 , BPRA INS , . to . They are porous , light lu . iuxtu . ro , and Inexpensive , and n . id drawn on filui uu ordinary Mtookine . Price from 7 n . lid . to Ilia . Posture , ( Id .
I j , ; , J CRAUFURD HOUSE CLASSICAL , MATHEMATICAL , AND CHEMICAL SCHOOL , MAIDENHEAD , BERKS . MR- PEARCE has pleasure in announcing that the increase of his pupils has led to extensive alterations and enlargement in Craufurd House , combining ' every arrangement for convenience , comfort , and health . During nine years medical attendance has been required j once . The various branches of polite and useful learning I are taught in the most approved / , expeditious , and effective methods . Discipline is maintained , and good habits are formed by careful training and vigilant superintendence . I The jrapfls speak French constantly , many as easily as I English . German is spoken . There are Singing and Draw- I ing classes . A band of Music is being formed . Science is I taught experimentally . The younger pupils aro under special and appropriate management . The vigour , cheerfulness , and enthusiasm , in cricket , gymnastics , swimming , daily rambles , and frequent excursions into the neighbouring country , attest the scope and encouragement afforded to the development of boyish feelings and physical strength . The terms are from 301 . to 401 . £ er annual . References of tho highest respectability will o sent on application .
i T > RIVATE EDUCATION IN PARIS . — JL Professor SAUVALLE , Ruo des Postes , 44 , near tho Pantheon , receives a select number of young gentlemen as pupils . They aro treated as members of the Family . The course of Instruction includes ancient and modern Literature , and the Sciences . Particular attention is given to tho French language . For particulars , apply ( by letter ) to Mr . E . P ., 20 , Arundelstrect , Strand ; and for personal reference , to Mr . W . Eaton , 10 , Princo ' s-gato , Hyde Park , London , or to Mr . Holt , 55 , Charing-cross .
ITAI ^ AN AND FRENCH LANGUAGES . MR . ARRIVABENE , D . LL ., from the ¦ University of Padua , who has been established in London for three years , gives private lessons in Italian and French at his own house , or at the house of his pupils . Ho also attends Schools both in town and country . Mr . ARRlVAUJflNE teaches on a plan thoroughly practical , and tho most mediocre mind cannot fail to thoroughly comprehend his Ioskous . Apply b ^ letter to Mr . ARRIVABENE , No . 4 , St . Michael ' splace , iSromptoii .
DR . DE JONGH'S LIGHT BROWN COD LIVER OIL . T HIS pure and genuine transparent Light-Bi'ovn Cod Liver Oil , long known and justly appreciated on tlio Continent , has now acquired tho general confidence of tlio Medical Profession in t his country , by whom it has boon extensively and successfully prescribed , and with almost immediate and romarkably beneficial retmltn—in many iiiNtnneoH where ordinary Cod Liver Oil had been copiously , lliongh inell ' ectually , administered . Being Invnrifibly and carefully submitted to chemical analysis—rind supplied in scaled bottles , so as to preclude any Nubncquoiit admixture or adulteration —the pli . ysieian and the patient may allko rely upon a f- 'onuino medicine . and , so far as iH poaaiblo , anticipate a uniform , regular , ami certain row nil / . Sold in ijottloN , capsuled and labelled with Dr . de . Tough's stamp and signature , without wimiu no mo auk okniji nk , by ANSAll , IIARKORD , and CO ., 77 , STRAND , London , Dr . do Jonah ' s noIo accredited Consignees and Agents ,-and in Tins oointiiy by respectable CneinistH . llalf-pluts ( 10 ouncoH ) , 1 > h . ( Id . ; Pints ( 20 ounces ) , in- i'd . j Quarts ( to ouucca ) , l ) a . IJUl'ERIAL MEASURE .
BL A- C E W O OB'S M A GA ZJ 2 KB , foa JUNE , 1855 . No . CCCCLXXVI . Price 2 s . 60 . contentss . The Rkv . Charles Ktsgst ^ t . ArtAND—The Baltic m 1854 . Zatdkbl : a Romance .- —Paht VII . Once upon a Time * Notes on Canada and the Nobth-West Stakes ob America . —Part III . Spanish Intolerance and Insolvencx . The PAiiMERSTON Administration . TjatE Story of- the Campaign . —Part VII . Wbi * txk in a Tent in the Crimea—Chap . XXL The Second Cannonade—XXU . Subsequent Operations . VFrLMAM BtACEWOOD and Sbirs , Edinburgh and London .
FRASER'S MAGAZINE for J 1 ENE , Price 2 s . 6 d ., or by post 3 s ., contains : The Administrative Reform Recent French Literature . " Movement "— An Attempt Possibilities of an Americoto put it on Wheels . Russian ; Alliance . Sir Robert Strange . Sir Henry T . De la Beche . Wine , its Use and Taxation . Three Months in Weimar ; Sonnets . By T . Westwood . On Some Pictures in the Hmchbrook . By J . C . Jeaf- Royal Academy Exhibition freson , Author of "Crewe of 1866 . Rise . " Part V . The Political Crisis . London : John W . Parker and Son , "West Strandi
' ' B ENTLET'S MISCELLANI , Price Half-a-Crown , For JUNE , contains : —War Politics and Strategics—Confessions of an Exile . —The Exposition in Paris . —Monsieur Cabasson ' s Caravan . By Dudley Costello . —Stag-Hunting in France—Roman Charities . —The Kaffir Commando . Thomas Babington Macaulay . By Monkshood , & o ., & c . London : Richaed Besot ^ ey , New Burlington-street .
¦ 3 n the 30 th of June will be published , price Five Shillings No . I . of rHE NATIONAL E'ETIEV . A new Quarterly Journal of GeneralXSterature , Politics , nd Special and Religious Philosophy . London : Robert Theobaxi > , 26 , Paternoster-row .
j EXHIBITION OF ART-INDUSTRX IN PARIS kpHE ART-JOURNAL for JTTNE contains ¦ JL an Illustrated Report of the most beautiful and interesting contents of the Exhibition in Paris . The ENGRATINGS FROM THE ROYAL PICTURES in the Art-JotjrnaIi for June are : — " Portsmouth . Harbour , " after C . Stanfield , R . A . ; and "Ariel , " after H . J . Townsend . The Sculpture is " The Nymph of the Rhine , " from the Statue by Schwanthaler . The Exhibition of the Royal Academy and the two Water-Colour Societies are noticed at fufl length ; also articles on " Kaulbach ' s Illustrations of Shakspere ; " "British Industries , " by Robert Hunt , F . R . S . ; " The Exhibition of French Pictures in London , " & c ., & c . Virtue , Hah , and Virtue , 28 , Paternoster-row .
Will be published on Saturday , Juno 2 ( Price 2 d . ) , No . I . of 4 i » THE WHIPPER-IN , " and MARYLEJL BONE TIMES . " Tour attendance is most earnestly and most particularly requested . "—Hatter , House of Commons' Circular . Published by John Weslet and Co ., 54 , Paternoster-row ; and sold by Henry Wettone , 213 , Oxford-street .
Just published , price 4 d ., THE NATION OF REFUGEES . A MEMORIAL , HISTORICAL and POLITICAL , addressed totlio French and English Nations . By General L . MIEROSLAWSKI . "It is good , true , dignified . What more can I say ?"Maszini ' s Letter . Published for the Nowcastle-on-TynoForeign Affairs Comniittuo , hy HoiYOAKE and Co ., 147 , Flcot-strect , London .
Just published , price 2 s ., post free , 2 s . Od . A N ESSAY ON SPERMATORRHOEA ; its -fA- Nature and Treatment , with an Exposition of tho 1 ' muaa that aro practised by persons who advertise tho speedy , safe , and effectual cure of Nervous Derangement By a . IMEMHER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE Ol ^ PHYfc > l € lAi \ S , London . London : W . Kent and Co ., Cl and C 2 . Patcrnoatcr-row .
Oili Nervousness , Debility , mid Indigestion . Just published , JSovv and Cheaper Edition , price Is ., or by post Cor 7 n . ( id ., npilE SCIENCE of LIFE ; or , HOW to X LIVE , and WHAT to LIVE FOlt . With Ample Rules for Diet , Regimen , and ttclf-Mnungt'iiicnt , together with Instructions for Securing Health , Longevity , and that wteiiing HappincHH only atlninahle through tho Judicious * Ob . servanco of a Wcll-ltegulated CourHo of Llfo . JJy a PHYSICIAN . London : 1 ' ii'KK Hkotiikks and Co ., 2 H , J'aternoati'r-row ; Hannay , (!;! , () . \ l ' ord-atrcet ; Mann , au Cornhill ; « nd all Hook . sellcr . s .
CA U T I O IS . — To Tradesmen , Merchants , Shippers , Outfitter * , &« . —Whereas it linn lately coino to my knowledge ' I " ' k < )| 11 (! unprincipled person or per . soutt huvi ' , for Mdiiiii tJmo pasl , been imposing upon tho public by sclliim to Ilio I rude mid others a spurious article under tho iiiuiiu of IJOND'N I'lOKAlAiMKAT MARKING INK , this irt to kIvo notice , that , I urn the original and solo proprietor and immiifaeluror of tho miid article , uiul do not oniploy any traveller , or autlioriM ! any iiorM > nn to represent themscl vos urn-iiniiiiK from jny establishment for tins purpose of HolliiiK <• ' <• * ' *• ' « ' nik . Thin caution i . s published by mo to prevent I'ui'ther imposition upon ( ho public , and MoriouM injury lo inyHelf . Id . It . HON 1 ) , hoIo executrix and widow of tli ' o liitu John Uond , •_ ' » , Long-lnno , Wont Snilthneld . *„ ? To avoid disappointment from tho substitution of oomiU .-iTolts , be careful to link for the genuine liond ' w Permanent . JtlarkhiK Ink , and further to distinguish it , obsorvo ( hat NO SIXPENNY S 1 ZK in , or haw aX any timo , been propnrod by him , ( ha inventor and proprietor .
Leader (1850-1860), June 2, 1855, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_02061855/page/23/