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028 TlEE ., I|2g AD E &. [Saturday, June...
liONDONi Printod and Published by AXVSBD...
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028 Tlee ., I|2g Ad E &. [Saturday, June...
028 TlEE ., I | 2 g AD E & . [ Saturday , June 2 , 1855 .
Hit BA 6 BN POWEtli'S NEW WORK . Xn crown 8 * 0 , with Diagrams , price 12 s . 6 d . doth , ES SAXS on the SPIRIT of the INDUCTIVE PHILOSOPHY , the UNITY of WORLDS , and the PHILOSOPHY of CREATION- By the Rev . BADJBN POWELL . M . A ., F . R . S ., F . R . A . S ., P . tf . S ., Savilian Professor of Geometry in tho University of Oxford . London : Lowoat 4 . ir , Beown , Gbeen , and Longmans .
. In June will be published ; in 8 vo , HISTORICAL and CRITICAL COMMENTARY on the OLD TESTAMENT . By Dr . M . KALISCH , M-A . First Portion—Exodus : in Hebrew and English ; containing a new English . Translation from the Hebrew Text , based on the Authorised "Version — copious Notes , Critical , Philological , and Explanatory , illustrative of the History , Natural Philosophy , and general Archaeology of the Holy" Scriptures—and embodying and reviewing in a systematic Digest on every difficult Verse , the Opinions of Ancient Interpreters , and the Researches of Modern Biblical Critics . An Edition comprising the English Translation , and an abridged Commentary , with the omission of all philological remarks , for the use of English readers , will be published simultaneously . *»* The present volume forms a complete work in itself ; and is published first ,-because it is best-calculated to show , by the Mosaic legislation , and the other important subjects or which it treats , the spirit and tendency of this Commentary . It is written without sectarian bias ; is exclusively based on the original text ; and although the theology of the Old Testament is carefully considered , it is constantly derived from a literal analysis of the Sacred Records . London : Longman , Beowk , Green , and Longmans .
Carefully Illustrated with Drawings , Diagrams , & c NEW AM ) POPULAR EDUCATIONAL WORKS . Extract of a Letter from the Rev . T . Wilkinson , Her ' Majesty ' s Inspector of Schools . " Stanwix Vicarage , Carlisle , January 19 , 1855 . ' * Dear Sirs , —I beg to offer you my sincere acknowledgment of your kindness in sending me the parcel of books . They are indeed valuable additions to our educational helps , and I shall not fail to recommend them throughout my various tours of inspection . "I am , dear Sirs , yours very truly , "T . Wilkinson . "To Messrs . Ingram and Co ., Milford-house . " ALGEBRA , for Schools and Students . By G . AINSWORTH , B . A ., and J . YEATS , F . R . G . S . 4 s . ARCHITECTURAL- DRAWING and ENGINEERING . By R . S . BURN . 268 engravings . 2 s . ARITHMETIC : A New and Easy System , with diagrams . By HUGO REID . 2 s . ASTRONOMY , with Illustrative Diagrams , & c . By J . R . HIND , F . R . A . S . 2 s . . CHEMISTRY for the YOUNG . By J . SCOFFBRN , MJ 3 > . 2 s . DICTIONARY , WEBSTER'S ENGLISH , imp . 8 vo , 1265 pages . Cloth , 16 s . ; bound , 20 s . DRAWING and PERSPECTIVE . By R . S . BURN . 2 s . Ditto , PLANTS SHRUBS , TREES , & c . By G . BARNARD , Esq . 6 s . ELECTRICITY , HISTORY , PHENOMENA , and APPLICATIONS OF . By F . C . BAKE WELL . 2 s . EUCLID , printed in a clear and bold type , from the text of Sirason . 2 s . GEOLOGY , for Schools and Students . By F . C . BAKE WELL . 72 Engravings . 2 s . GEOMETRY , PRACTICAL , rendered easy . By R . S . BURN . 284 diagrams . 2 s . GEOGRAPHY . By JOSEPH GUY . With maps and 100 engravings , 2 s . ; ditto coloured , 3 s . GRAMMAR of tlie ENGLISH LANGUAGE , Improved Elementary , is . INSTRUCTOR , THE , consisting of Extracts from English Classical Authors . A Companion to tho Readingbook . 120 engravings . 2 s . MECHANICS and MECHANISM , TREATISE ON . By R . S . BURN . 206 engravings . 2 s . MICROSCOPE , with 500 engraved objects for study . ByJABEZ HOGG , M . R . OS . 6 a . NATURAL PHILOSOPHY , ELEMENTS OF . By JABEZ HOGG . 305 engravings . 4 , 3 . PIANOFORTE HAND-BOOK , WADE'S IMPROVED . By JOHN BARNETT . fls . READING-BOOK of AMUSING and INSTRUCTIVE LESSONS . 250 engravings . 2 s . " SPELLING-BOOK , THE , with 170 descriptive engravings , la . ; ditto , coloured 2 a . STEAM-ENGINE , THE , its History and Mechanism . ByR . S . BURN . 177 engravings . 3 a . TESTAMENT , NEW , containing Panorama of Egypt and tho Holy Land . 120 flno engravings . 0 s . The above series of educational works is Intended to supply , at tho cheapest possible rate , books adapted for schools and private study , with tho young it is nocoa » ary to speak to the eye as well aa tho mind t to givo a picture of an object as well as a description ; and th « adoption of such a plan of tuition is not only by far tho most effective , but also far less irksomo to tho toachor , and more pleasant to tho pupil . The great auocoss which has attended tho works published in this series Is a sufficient proof that such a class of works was required . i Published by Hbubdsbt Iwooam and Co ., 108 , Strand , \ London i and allBooksollers .
jl 8 t « fa tSBtorfe . < Kferiebr-fcj -gr * ITinlrlcsf . ILLUSTRATED ( LIFE SIZE ) BY N ATU R E - P R I NTI N C . Publishingin Monthly Parts , price 6 s , each , in handsome folio , each containing THREE COLOURED PLATES , the FERNS OF GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND FAITHFULLY REPRESENTED ( LIFE SIZE ) BY THE NATURE-PRINTING PROCESS . With Descriptions of the Indigenous Species and Varieties by THOMAS MOORE , F . L . S . PART III . is published this day , price 6 s . * * This publication differs from all other Botanical Works , since the Plants are represented not only in their natural size and form , but also in some of the most minute details of their structure . BR A DB U RY AND E V A N S , II , BOUVERIE-STREET .
On the 5 th of June will be published , price 3 s . 6 d ., cloth , IMPERIAL PARIS ; INCLUDING NEW / SCENES FOR OLD VISITORS . By W . BLANCHA . RD JERROLD . BRADBURY AND EVANS , 11 , BOUVERIE-STREET .
NEW WORK BY DR . WILSON , OF MALVERN . Just published , Second Edition , 8 vo . cloth , 7 s ., THE PRINCIPLES and PRACTICE of the WATER-CURE and HOUSEHOLD MEDICAL SCIENCE , in Conversations on Physiology , on Pathology , or the Nature of Disease , and on Digestion , Nutrition , Regimen , and Diet . By JAMES WILSON , M . D . London : John Chtjjichijli-, New Burlington-street .
MR . HARVEY ON DEAFNESS . Just published , fcap . 8 vo , price 2 s ; fld ., illustrated with Wood Engravings . TH E EAR in HEALTH and DISEASE , with Practical Remarks on the Prevention and Treat , ment of Deafness . By WILLIAM HARVEY , F . R . C . S ., Surgeon to tho Royal Dispensary for Diseases of tho Ear . London : IIenkt Renshaw , Strand .
This day is published , price 4 s . Gd , boards , with an Illustrated Cover by J . TENNIEL , STORIES FROM A SCREEN . By DUDLEY COSTELLO . " Look horo upon this picture—and on this !"—Hamlet . Bbabbuky and Evans , 11 , Bouvorio-stroot .
On tho 1 st of Juno , 1855 , will be published , prico One Shilling , with Two Illustrations by H . K . Browne ( Phiz ) , Part 8 of H ARRY COVERDALE'S COURTSHIP , AND ALL THAT OAWLE OF IT : showing how this misguided young man fell from tho ways of good followship and ( irOsobricty ; how for his sins ho was condemned to—Matrimony j together with a detailed account of his sufferings in that state of bondage I By FRANK E . SMEDLEY . Author of " Frank Fatrlegh , " Lowls Arimdol , " & o . Vibtuu , UALh , and Viutub , 25 , Fatornostor-row .
Juafc published , prico fld ., AN ADDRESS to tho BISHOPS and CLERGY of all DENOMINATIONS , and to nil Prooasors and Teachers of tho Christian World , on Robert Owon ' a Proclamation of tho Millennial State , to commonco this year ( 1805 ) . By ROBERT PMMBERTON . F . R . BL ., Author of " Tho Attributes of tho Soul , " & o ., & o . London : SaundBbs amd Otjuby , Conduit-streot .
Now ready , prico 7 s . Gd ., 8 vo , Antique , ' MONASTIC INSTITUTIONS : their Orig in , Progress , Nature , and Tcndoncy . I By SAMUEL PHILLIPS DAY . Formerly of tho Order of tho Presentation . London : Longman , Bkoavn , Greets , and Longmans .
Just published , 8 vo , cloth , price 9 s ., THE SABBATH ( Vol . II . ) ,- or , an Inquiry into the Supposed Obligation of the Sabbaths of the Old Testament . By Sir W . DOMVILLE , Barb . London : Chapman and Hatjl , VjS , Piccadilly .
MR . KINGSLEY'S NEW BOOK 1 'OR THE SEA-SIDEThis day , fcap . 8 vo , with Frontispioco , cloth , 33 . flu . /^ LAUCUS ; or , the Wonders of the Shore . VJ By CHARLES KINGSLEY , Author of " Westward Ho ! " & c . Cambridge : Macmillan and Co . London : Bell nnd Dajudy , 180 , Flcet-stroot .
ANNOTATED EDITION OF THE ENGLISH POiSTS . This day , 2 s . ( id ., cloth , S HAKSPEARE'S POEMS . Edited , with Biography and Notes , by ROBERT BELL . On tho First of July , 2 ?) . " Gd ., tho Fifth Volume of CHAUCER . London : John W . Paukjsu and Son , West Strand .
This day , crown octavo , LORD DE ROS'S TOUR in tho PRINCIPALITIES , CRIMEA , and Countries adjacent to tho Black Sea , in 1835-0 . London : Joiiir W . Pakiceii and Son , West Strand .
Thin day , Second Edition , Revised and Enlarged , W ,, ENGL ISH : PAST AND PKESENT . * ivo Looturofl . By RICHARD . OHMNKVIX TKNNGH , B , l ) ., Examining Chaplain to tho Lord Bishop of Oxford , n nd . Proressor or Divinity King ' s College ; , London . By tho Homo Author , ON THE STUDY OF WO 1 U > S . Fifth EMion . su . oa . . , ON THE LESSONS IN PKOVJERBI 3 . ' ^ hlVd Edition . 3 s . Londoni Jonir W . Pahkbib and Sow , Wos * Strand .
Liondoni Printod And Published By Axvsbd...
liONDONi Printod and Published by AXVSBD EDltUKXt Gauoytxy , at " Tho Loador" Office , No . 154 , Strand , in tho County of Middlesex . —Juno 8 . I 860
Leader (1850-1860), June 2, 1855, page 24, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_02061855/page/24/