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THE LEADER ¦ '¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ . ¦ • • ¦ . AND ¦...
No. 532. 1 T 11T1O O-nA 1 QfiO I Price M...
CONTENTS. Private Policy of the Court. T...
Cr y still Palace.—Arrange - ments for week endini; SaturdayJune 9th.
, description foX ' ' M &^< fi '¦ ¦ ' 1 ...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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The Leader ¦ '¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ . ¦ • • ¦ . And ¦...
No. 532. 1 T 11t1o O-Na 1 Qfio I Price M...
No . 532 . 1 T 11 T 1 O O-nA 1 QfiO I Price M . ITetv Series , No . 22 . j JUn < 3 ^ ' ± » t > U . . \ Stamped , Gd .
Contents. Private Policy Of The Court. T...
CONTENTS . Private Policy of the Court . The Wakefield Bribers . Irish Character and Eng- New Poems . Bights and Precedents . The Relations of Labour . lisli Counsel . Sermons . Serials . Madras Minute—Other Coal Miners and the In- . Local Associations with Theological Works . Fruits . speetion Bill . Royalty . Foreign Correspondence . The Speech of Cavour . ¦ British Defences . The Screw Propeller . Record of the Week . Re-appearanceoftheEastern | Courts of Appeal . New Romances . Entertainments . Question i Who Shot the Doe ? Melodramatic Romances . Parliament .
Cr Y Still Palace.—Arrange - Ments For Week Endini; Saturdayjune 9th.
Cry still Palace . —Arrange - ments for week endin '' Saturday , June 9 th .
Monday , open at y . Tuesday to Friday , open , ¦ a tm On Tuesday , Annual Fete of Band of Hope Union . On Wednesday , Great Meeting of Charity Children , us at St . Paul ' s . On Friday , first day of Grand Jlaza ' ar and Fancy Fair in aid of Warehousemen ' s and Clerks' . Schools . Orchestral Bund and . Great Organ Performances ¦ daily . Admission , each day , One Shilling ; Children under 12 , Sixpence . . : , _ jSatubday , open at 10 . Fancy Fair and Grand-Bazaar in aid of Warehou . « emen ' s and Clerks ' - Schools , and Promenade Concert . Admission , JIalf-a-Crown ; Children under 12 , One Shilling ; Season Tickets , freer Sl-nday . Open at 1 . 30 to Shareholders , gratuitously , by-tickets . 4 ¦ ' _ . ' __ ' ' erystal Palace . —Charity SCHOOLS ' —Thcs Great Meeting of the Children of the CHARITY SCHOOLS not taking place this year at St . Paul ' s , will be held at the Crystal Palace on WEDNKSDAY next , ( JtU June . —Conductor , Mr ; G . W . Martin . Admission , One Shilling ; Reserved Seats , Half-a-Crown extra , should be at onee applied for at the Crystal Palace ; at 2 , Exeter Hall ; or by order at the Agents .
O _ tiLt e . _ Fire I n sura n c e kjT COMPANY . Offices—32 , Ludgate Hill ; and 3 , Pall Mull , East , ' London . Chairman—The Right Hon . Lord KKANE . Munttrrhuj />// yv / w ~ PETER MOKRISON , Esq . Capital Half a Million . Premium Income , £ 30 ; 000 per annum . This Company , not having any Life business , the Directors invite Agents acting only for Life Companies to represent this Company for Fire , Plate Glass , and Accidental Death Insurances , to whom a liberal Commission will be allowed . The Annual Report and every information furnished on application to WILLIAM CA . NWELL , Secretary .
British Empire Mutual Life ASSURANCE COMPANY , 32 , NEW UltlDGESTUEKT . LONDON , E . C . Incorporated 1817 . UOVEK , JOHN , Kaq ., Chairman . Amount of Assurances now in force .. £ ' 1 , 723 , 115 Annual Inqomu .. . .. ¦ . 51 > , 33 !> Accumulated Fund , consisting of the Pro- ^ iniuniB remaining after payment of all claims on policies and three Uonusca , y .... ¦ ,,. and boInK nearly 00 per cent , of the I 1 " >> * » whole premiums received on all exist-J ing policies The business of the present year to 24 th April exceeds that ol'the corresponding period of lust year by £ 23 , 200 . Persons assuring during the present year \ vlll bo entitled to share in the bonua to bo declared up to 31 st . December , 1803 . No extm premium is charged to . members of Riflo Corps aerving in the United Kingdom . April , 1900 . JAME 9 . INQLIS , Secretary .
Loan , Discount , and Deposit BANK . Established 1810 . DEPOSITS reoojvod , boarlng interost at from 6 to 10 per cent ., Withdrawable ae per ngreement . LOANS granted . Prospectuses , and ovory Information , may bo obtained , oy letter or personal application . MDWAKD LEWIS , Manager . 145 , Blaokfrinrs-road , S .
'The Standard Life Assurance X COMPANY . .- SPECIAL NOTICE .-BQXUS YEAR . SIXTH DIVISION OF PROFITS . All Policies now effected will participate in the Division to be made as at 15 th November next . THE STANDARD was Established hi ¦ 1825 . The first Division of . Profits took place in IS 35 ; and subsequent Divisions have been made in 1-840 / 1845 , 1850 , and 1855 . The Profits to be divided in 1800 will- be those which have arisen since 1855 . Accumulated Fund . £ 1 , 684 . 598 2 10 Annual Revenue .... 289 , 231 13 5 Annual average of new Assurances effected during -the ln . st-T . en years , upwards of Haifa Million sterling . WILL TIIOS . THOMSON , Manager . ~~ H . JONES WfLLIAMS , Resident Secretary . The Company ' s Medical Officer attends atrthe Office , daily , at Half-past One . - LONDON .. . . 82 , KING SVILLI AM STREET . EDINBURGH 3 . - & K < Q'RGE STREET 1 Head Office DUBLIN .... 66 , UPPER SACKVILLE STltEEI ,
Professional Life Assurance COMPANY , 11 , PALL MALL . Capital , £ 250 , 000 . With a numerous and influential Proprietary . Chairman . —James Andrew Durham , Esq . Deputy Chairman . — "William Wellington Copper , Esq . Every description of Life Assurance at the most moderate rates consistent with security . ^ n ^ r ^ T ^^ riinr 7 ^ THWJrger-aTid * St : c 7
Professional Life Assurance COMPANY , Chief Offices , 41 , Pall -Matt . London . London , April , 18 ( 10 . Notice is hereby Given , that interest at the rate of Five per cent , per annum , will be payable on the pnidup capital of Company , to the 31 st December last , at the Chief Oinces , from Monday , the 30 th inst ., to the 31 st July next , inclusive . Payments will be made between the hours of Kleven and Three—excepting Saturdays , when the hours will be from Eleven to One o ' clock . GKO . WINTER , Manager and Sec .
Ban k of Deposit . Established a . d . lbll . 3 , Tall Mall East , London . I Capital ( Stock , £ 100 , 000 . Parties desirous of Investing Money are requested to [ examine the Plan of the Hank of Deposit , by which a high rate of Interest may be obtained with ample | security . , , Deposits miuloby Special Agreement may l ) i > withdrawn without notice . The Interest is piiyuble in January and July . IM 4 TKU MORRISON , Managing Director . i Fonn « for opening accounts sent free on applica- i tion .
Bennett ' s Watches , 65 and 01 , CheupfiUlo . in gold and silver , In great variety , of overy construction and price , from Utodo gulnouH . Evory watch BHHfully examined , and Its ¦ correct perl'orniunce guaranteed . Free and aafo pur post . Money Orde r * to JOHN IIKNNETT , Wntoh Munufactory , 09 and 01 , Chuapsido .
Pelican Life Insurance COMPANY . Established in 1797 . 70 , LOMttARD STREET , CITY , and 57 , CHARING CROSS . WESTMINSTER . DIRECTORS . Octavius E . Coope , Esq . Henry Lancelot Holland , William Cotton , D . C . L ., Esq . F . R . S . Win . Jas . Lancaster , Esq . John Davi 9 , Esq . John Lubbock , Esq ., Ja-s . A . Gordon , M ; D .. F . R . S . F . R . S . Benjamin Shaw , Esq . Edwd . Hawkins , Juri ., Matthew Whiting , Esq . Esq . , . . M . Wyvill , Jun ., J 2 sq ., Kirkman D . Hodgson , M . P . Esq ., M . P . .: ¦ _ -. . ¦ This Company offers COMPLETE SECURITY . MODERATETRATES ^ of Premium with Participa- . tion in Four-fifths or 80 per cent . Of the Profits . LOW RATES without participation in Profits . LOANS in connection with Life Assurance , on approved Security , in su-ns of not less than £ 500 . BONUS OF -1861 . ALL POLICIES effected prior to the 1 st July , 1861 . ou the Bonus Scale of Premium , will participate in tho _ next division of Profits . . ROBERT TUCKER , Secretary and Actuary .
The Mutual Life Assurance SOCIETY , 30 . King Street . Cheapside . E . CA . D . 1834—The TWENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL ¦ REPORT , Cash Account , Balance Sheet , & c , are now ready , and may be had on written or i > trsbnal application . CHARLES INGALL , Actuary .
Cramer , Beale , and Co / s NliW l'UBLICATIONS . b . d . FAVARGKR'S Fantaisie from Guillaume Tell .. 1 O FAVAItGKK'S Le Depart du Conscrit .. .. .. 3 « F A VARGEIt'S Promenade surl'Enu .... .. 3 0 FAVARGElt'S Lydia ( sans Octaves ) 3 0 New Kditious of OBERON ni ) d IL BARBIKRB FANTA 1 S 1 ICS UY THIS POPULAR COMPOSER . CRAMEll'S JN'nU ) D ~ UCTQRY PRACTICE and EXERCISES for the PIANOFORTE , In l ' arts , 5 s . and 0 s ; each . These Exercises form the standard Studies in nil . Musical Academies of Europe . M . Thalberg , Sterndale liennett , O . Halle , Itubenstein ,. Mmo * . Goddard , l'k'vel , and other Pianistes , have employed tliem in their general course of practice . NEW S ~ ( 7 n GS . The Sulilects from Popular Novels . MURIEL .. .. From " John Halifiix . " DINAH " Adam Ueile . " HETTY .. .. .. Do . LITTLE SOPH Y . „ " What will he do with it ?" Written and Composed by O . MNLETl . 2 s . each . W . MAYNARDS ART OF SINGING , AFTER Til E METHOD OF Til E 11 EST ITALIAN MASTERS . Fourth Edition . Pricu 7 a . OLD ENGLISH DITTIES , From W . ChiinpeU ' a " Po . ular Music of the Olden Time , " with Symphonies and Accompaniments by G . A . Maofamiikn . In Parts , containing Twelve Songs , I * , each ; or In Single Kongn , In . each . CRAMER . IIKALE . AND CO .. 801 UKUKNT V BTRHET , and « 7 rCONDUlT STREET . Pi anofor tes . —Cramer , 11 EAI . E . AND CO . Every description foX ' ' liIAI "" ° Iir WjfONIUMft M &^< fi '¦ ¦ ' 8 KK &! l ^^ W ^ ARffl £ « fW , 'V ' r-. V i --^ A-uSjsXf :. Am , «>• . » j , ttd &^ : : ; : : t- > STHEET , anb 07 , C'JNDUIT tiIlCEI | K | % \^ . ^ ) ; . , - , J f- _ l-j ">;¦ . , -- ' -. - ^ v ^ Ttn ¦ ; : ¦ m ^^ £ ^ y * x aiuwx , ( criptlon Sot , " > ¦ urtt the Pro ; . ' . , t . ' , ¦ •/ r t «( f ^;; j ^; t ;; i . v jj "¦>; ¦ . , / . - ^ ft
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Leader (1850-1860), June 2, 1860, page 1, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_02061860/page/1/