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. ¦ ' .,.. A ' - ' ¦ . ¦ ' ' ' _ ¦ _ ' ¦ ¦ 510 The Leader and Saturday Analyst . [ June 2 , 1860 .
Messrs . Collard and -. Collard beg leave to announce that their . NEW ESTABLISHMENT , No . 16 . G . rosvenor . Street , Bond Street , being completed , the Premises arc NOW OPEN for the Transaction of Business , with an ample Stock of PIANOFORTES of all classes , both for SALE and II IKK . " Messrs . C . & C . trust that the arrangements they have made will be found to conduce very materially to the convenience of their customers , more especiiilly of those residing in the Western Districts of the Metropolis . Accounts and Correspondence will be carried on at 16 , Grosyenor Street , Bond Street . 1 G , Giwvenor Street , Bond Street .
Mapp in g s Electro-Silver PLATE AND TABLE CUTLERY . 31 APPIN BROTHERS , Manufacturers by Special Appointment to the Queen , are the only Sheffield makers who simply the consumer in iLonrlon . Their . London Show Koomi , fi 7 ami 68 , King William Street . London Bridsre , contain bv far the bmrest stock of ELECTBOBILVER PLATK and TABLE CUTLERY in the Vr'ORLD , which is transmitted direct from their manufactory , Queen ' s Cutlery Works ,. Sheffield . "~ . i ' itldIe ~~~ Doub fe Kings ' s-I Lilly Pattern Thread Pattternj Pattern £ s . d . £ s . d £ s . d . £ s . < h 12 Table Forks 1 MO 0 2 14 0 3 0 0 3 12 ft 12 Table Spoons .. 1 10 " 0 * -J 14 0 3 0 0 ! 3 12 0 12 Dessert Forks .. 1 7 ft 2 0 0 2 4 Oi 2 U 0 V 2 Dessertspoons .. 17 0 2 0 0 2 t ft ! 2 14 0 12 Tea Spoons . 0 1 (> 0 1 4 01 7 0 < 1 16 0 SIDE DISHES , ELECTRO-PL 4 TI 0 J ) ON HARD NICKEL SILVER suitable for Vegetables , Gurries , and- En ! ree 3 . Ptr set of 4 Dishes . No . £ . s . d . E H 6 ~ 8 Gadroon Oblong Pattern , Lijrht Plat ' he ; 8 8 0 £ ' 5137 Beaded Edge and Handle , " similar to . ¦¦ ¦ -E-umy : io in o E 17 SfJ Ijitto ditto . stronger ditto 13 0 0 E ' 4012 Antique Scroll Pattern , Melon-shaped , Dish ........ ; .... 12 0 0 E 41 ) 13 % Beaded Pattern Dish .... 13 4 0 By-removing ; the _ Handles from the -Covers , the set of 1 four can he made to form a- set of eipht Dishes . B 1792 Norfolk Pattern , a very elaborate Desipti , v .- ; tl-. rich Scroll Border all round 17 10 0 Hot Water - Dishes for above e ? ttra 15 0 0 * 1 " 97 Threader . Pjtttern , equally good as the Norfolk Pat tern ... , 10 ' 12 0 Hot Water Dishes for above .. .. extra 15 10 . 0 DTSH COVEIiS , ELECTRO-PLATKD ON HARD NICKEL SILVER . Each set contains- one Cover 20 inches ; one of 18 Inches ; and t ^ vo of 14 inches each . No . Complete set of 4 Covers . E 2750 Plain ' Pattern , with Scroll . Handle .... 10 10 0 k 2751 ' Melon Pattern , French Scroll Handle , either Plain or Gudroon ed ^ e , very handsome ..., .... ¦ 13 . 12 0 _ 3812 Shrewsbury Pattern , with bold Wearied Edge nn ' dHandles 15 12 0 E 4085 < 3 rcek Ornament Pattern , matches . E 4375 Sido Dishes ..-. 25 0 0 5 , 4 "fi « f . t Wpr ^ yi .. ] ,- Vnttern . iimitC'hoB s 4 ^ 03 tSiriA Dishes ... 23 0 0 3 Iappi ' n T $ rothe : us guarantee on all their manufafjttires in Electro ' Silver Plate a strong deposit of real silver , according to price charged . A Costly Hook of Engravings , ' with Prices ' attached , may be had on nnplicnMoo . Ksthnat . es' furnished for Services of Plate for Hotels , Steam Ships , and Regimental Messes . MAPPIN BROTHERS , 07 and 68 . King William Street , City , London , E . C . ; Manufactory , Queen ' s Cutlery Works , Sheffield .
Greenhall , makex * of the SIXTEEN SHILLING TR 0 USKRS , 325 , Oxford-street , London , W . ( Two doora west of the Circus . ) Overcoats , £ 2 2 a , Frock Coats , £ 2 10 a , Dress Coats JC 2 10 s , Morning Coats £ 2 2 s ., Walstconta 12 a ., Ulack Dress Troiirfers ™! Is . 825 . Oxford-st ., W .
FIRE , THIEVfiS , PJRE . Second-hand Eireproof Safes , the most extensive assortment by Milnor and other eminent Mnkerd , at luilf tho ]) iice of new . Dimenslona , 21 in . hisrh . Is in . wide , imd Id in . deep , . £ 3 10 s . At C . O'ltlFFITH ' S , 33 , Old Change , St . Paul ' s , E . C . Wanted , Second-hand Safes by Mtlncr Chubh , Marr , or Murdan . NOTICE . —Gentlemen poasessed of Tann ' s Safes need not apply .
Q piced Breakfast Tongues , VO 74 ( 1 . each , or 3 s . Od . per half dozen . Cheddar _ oaf CIioch .. ' , 74 d . and SJd . per 1 b . O . shorne'H Vent-• moked RrenkfiiHi , Ha on . Mjd . per 1 b . by tho hnlf side . Butters in perfection at rennonablo ratoa . A snvingof 15 percent . Is effected by tho purchnser nt this imta-WliilViHcnt on nil llm olans provisions , PnoknB « 8 gratis . OSBORNK'S . CHUKSK WAREHOUSR , Oshorne House , 30 , Liulgato Hill , nenf St .. I ' aul'a , K . C .
NOTICE . — "BEWARE OF IMITATIONS . " Lea and Perrins' ' * Wor-CESTEUS . HIUE HAUCE" In pronouiiceil by CdrihoisKoura to bo a most agrcenblo addition to everv vurlety of dlrfli . • «* Seo tho jiami's of Lica and Pkhiunb upon overy Xnbok Bottle , nnd Stopper . Sold by MeHHrs , ( 'kon . se and Br . ACKWRtx , London ; imd by . Dealoru in Kmicvu generally . ,. '«' ' . A Solo Manufacturers—LT 3 A AND PRUUIN 8 , WOKOHSTKR .
Theatre? And Amusements.
THEATHE ROyAi ., HAYMARKET . ( Under the » Ianaj ? ement of Mr . UuckiBtone . 1 Monday , 4 th June , and during the ^ week , an » Amy Sedgwick in the new Comedy of 1 HE 1 AMlI / 1 Se ^ SL ^ SSS ^ HiP ^ Ff ^ 4 iK ^ HALL ANew Ballet , THE ODD ITIES OF THE OHIO , by the . I . eclerqs . Concluding with A KISS IN THE DARK .
E 0 TAI . GLYKPIC THEATRE . lessees , > ressrs . F . Robson and W . S Emden . On Monday , and during the week , will be performed a new Comedietta , in one act , adapted from " I , a Belle Mere et le Gendre . " to be called DKAIILM MAMMA . Charscters by Messrs . Addison , \ V . Gordon , and George Vining ; Mrs . Leigh Murray , ailsses Cottrell and-1 ! erbert . After which , the new serio-comic drama , UNTILE ZACHARY . Characters by Messrs . F . Robson , G . Viniiig . W . Gordon , G . Cooke , F . Vining , II . Kivers , and Franks ; Mrs . Leigh Murray , and Miss Herbert . To conclude with " B . B " Characters by Messrs . F . Kobson , H . 'Wigan , G . Cooke ; Miss Stephens and Mrs . W . S . Emden . ^ Doors open at 7 . Commence at half-past 7 .
Mr . and Mrs . GERMAN SEED'S FIRST BENEFIT will take place on MOXDAY evening , June 4 th , at the Royal Gallery . of Illustration , 11 , Regent Street , introducing several novelties . Admission , . Is ., 2 s . ; stalls , 3 s . ; numbered stalls , 5 ^ . ; secni-ed at the Gallery , and at Cramer . Heale , an < l Co . ' s , 201 , Regent Street . Commence at Eisrht o'clock .
3 kER . JOHN PARRY Will make his re-appcarance before a London audience at Blr . and Mrs . German Reed ' s IJonelit . on Monday evening next . June 4 th , at the Royal Gallery of lllusr tration , 14 , Regent Street .
CHRISTY'S MIITSTRELS . P O L Y G R A P HI C H A L h , Ki . vg William-street , Stkand . FAREWELL S E A S O X , in Tonrlon . Every- Evening , at I ^ igbt ; and . every SATURDAY Morning ,-at Three o ' clock . Tickets and Places maybe secured nt the Hall , from Eleven til ) Three , and at Mr . Austin ' s West-end T 5 ox-oiffce , St . Jame ' a ' s Hall , PiccVidilly . Sole Proprietor and Manager , Mr , J . W . RAYKOR ; Secretary , II . M . ONTAGUE .
WASHHTGTOJr FRIEUD'S M ^ usieal and Pictorial Entertainment . ' illustrating his Grand Tour of 5 , 000 miles in Cannda and the United . States , entitled TWO HO'UIJS IN AMEUICA , with h ' s SONGS anrl MELODIKS , will open at St . . Inme ^' s Ilsiil , 'Piccadilly , on Monday , June 4 th . Exhibitions daily at 3 and 8 o ' clock . Ticket Office open from Ten till Five .
SOUTH , KENSINGTON MUSEUM . Until further Notice this Museum will bo open to thePublic on Mondays , Tuesdays , and Wednosdnya from 10 a . m . till 10 ji . in . On Thursdays , Fridays , and Saturdays from 10 . a . m . to 0 p . m . Admission according to the usual Rules . By Order of the Committee pf Council on Education .
( Chambers to Let , close to V ^ LINCOLN'S INN and the TEMPLE . Three excellent Rooms , Firf > t Floor , en suite , suitable either for Offices : or Residence . Rent moderate ; no Taxes or Tun Dues . Apply nt 17 , New Boswell Court , Lincoln's Inn .
The Surplice Shirt ( ac-J- knowledgcd na tho mostcomfoi tuhlo and durable Shirt , ever yet produced ) , made to me-usure , ( in . ( Id ., 7 a . < id ,, 8 h . ( id ., and 10 s . ( id , Canta for self-mi . 'nsiirement . SAMPSON , Hosier , 123 , Oxford-st . W .
THIS BEST AND CMEAIM 5 ST I ^ eas and Coffees in Eng-- land are fo ho obtained of ITIILLU'Sfc Co ,, Tea Merchant * . 8 , King William Struct , City . Good strong useful Ten , 2 s . Hd ., 2 s . 10 d ., : m . and it \ . \ rich Souchong , 3 h . 8 d ., ' . is . 10 d ., and 4 n , Pure Colloea , In ,, In . 2 d ., la . lid ., l . s . -id ., iH . Od ., anil Is . Ud . Ten find Coffee to tho vnluu of -lOd . sont currlago-free to « ny railway ntntion or market town in Englnnd . A price current free . Sugars at . iniirkct- priocn . All |; oodB cariinge-IVee within eight milcd of tho C ! lly .
Spring Overcoats . —The N- ^ Yoluntecj , ' AV . rupucr , 30 a . ; I lie Victor . ' JiZ * , ; tho Inverness , ar > H . ; tho J'oliHnlor , 21 h . i reudy-miiilu or mnrto to order . The Forty . aevon Shilling Suits mnrlo to onlor from Scotch Iloutiior and Cheviot Tweeda imd Angolan , all wool and thoroughly shrunk , by I ) , ItUN . IAM . IX , Morchunt and Family Tailor , 7 \ , Uonent-streot , W . i ' liiteniH , do ^ lgnti , anil dlruotionH for rtelf-mennuromont sent lieu . N . ll . A perfect lit gnu ran teed .
Brecknell , Turner , &; Sous ' HANI ) CANDLKHTICKH with Uogldtored 0 Ia 88 Shinies entirely iiruvtmt tho guttering of chikIIch wlmn curried iiboiH .. —ill £ ECKNKLL , TufiNEi ( . nnd HONS , wax and tidlow chiuullern and « onp and oil merclmmis ivt tho liw Hive , Ul and Hi , niiymnrkct .,
I Qterling Silver . — William i O S . BURTON has added to his extensive stock of General FURBISHING IRONMONGERY and IIOUSE-FURMSiriNQ REQUISITES , a selection of sterling SILVER SERVICES for the tab e or for presentation . His prices .-will be found considerably belovrthose usually charged . . Fiddle Pattern- oz . s . d . £ s . d . 12 Table Spoons ... 3 Oat 7 4 It 5 2 12 Table Forks ... ? . O „ 7 4 11 00 12 Dessert Spoons ... 20 „ 7 4 7 08 12 Dessert Forks ... 20 „ 7 4 v 0 8 2 Gravy Spoons ... 10 „ 7 4 3 li 4 I Soup Ladle 9 ,, 7 4 3 b-0 4 Sauce ladles ... 10 „ 7 10 3 IS 4 1 Fish Slice .. ... .. ¦• 2 10 0 4 Salt Spoon ? , gilt bowls .. 1 0 O 1 Mustard Spoon , ditto .. 0 7 <> 12 Tea Spoons ... 10 at 7 10 -A is 4 1 Pair Sugar Tongs Vic 1 Moist Sligur Spoon .. .. 0 8 b 1 Sugar Sifter .. .. ¦• <> }; > £ 1 Butter Knife .. . . . ° - £ -57 15 10 King ' s Pattern . oz . p . d . £ s . rl . 12 Table Spoons ... 40 at 7 6 \ o 0 O 12 Table Forks ... 10 „ 7 0 V > 0 0 12 Dessert Spoons ... 24 „ 7 6 9 0 0 12 Dessert Forks ... 23 , 7 fi S 12 (» 2 Gravy Spoons ... 11 „ 7 G 4 2 6 1 Soup Ladle ... 11 „ 7 0 -J 2 r , 4 Ssiucc Ladles ... 11 „« 0 i 80 4 S . s » lt Spoons , ai . lt bowls .. 1 li > 0 1 . Mustard Spoon , ditto .. 0 10 0 1 Fish Slice .. S 0 0 12 Tea Spoons .. 14 at 8 0 5 12 0 1 Pair Siurar Tongs .. . - 15 0 1 Moist Sugar Spoon 0 15 0 1 Sugar Sitter 130 1 'Biittcr Knife .. .. - ¦ - 1 1 O £ 75 10 G Cottage Pattern Tea and Coffee Service . oz . s . d . ^ s . d . Teapot ... .. 22 at 10 0 11 0 0 "'¦ Sugar Basin .. 1 !• ,, 11 0 7 110 Milk Ewer .. .. 7 „ 11 0 3 17 0 Collee-pot .. .. 25 ,, 10 0 12 10 0 £ : 35 0 0 Kingis Pattern , Richly Chased . oz s . d . £ s . d . ^ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' -TDapot .. ¦ ¦ - .-. ¦ --23-at . l'O- « 13 10-sugar Basin .. 13 „ II G 7 ¦» 6 . Cream Ewer .. 7 „ 11 G . 4 Of , . - CoiroCipot - .. .. 2 G .,-, 10-6 13 13 0 : - ; . £ -37 3-0 T 7 enders , Stoves , Fire-irons , JL and CHIMNKY PIECES . —Buyers of ' the nbove are requested beforo fmnlly deciiiiuir , to visit-WIIJI ^ IAM S . BURTON'S SIIOW-ROOMS . They contain snch an assunmcnf-of FENDERS , STOVKS , nANOES , CHIMNEY PIK . CES , FIRE-IKONS , and UBNIIRMj IKONMONCrKaY , as cannot he approached elsewhere , cither for variety , novelty , beauty of design , or cxqnisiteness of workinans-hip . ' Bright stoves , with ormolu ornaments ' and two sets of bars * £ 3 15 s . to £ 'ii IOs ; . broneeil Fenders , with standarda , 7 s . to £ f ) IL ' s . ; steel fenders , i" 2 15 s . to , fil 1 ; liitto , with rich ormolu ornaments , from i . ' 2 ' lfis . to . £ !•}; chimney pieces , fr . mi Cl Ss . to . £ 8 ( 1 ; fire-irons , from tis . Hil . ' the ^ et-to ^ M-4 s 7- ^ Wie-r ^ W ^ r ^ N- ^ iMl ^ li ^ llu 5 i % a ^ VXJv ^ Ui Sl'OVES , with radiating hearthphites . "D edsteads , Baths , and J ~ * LAMI'S .-U'TLT . IAMS . nUKTOXh . is SIX I . AlJGE SI IOW-K . OO . MS . devoted . exclusively to the SEPARATE DISPLAY of J , AMPS , BATHS , an < l METAIjMC BEDSTEADS The stock <>« ' each is nt once the largest , newest , and most varied ever submitted to tlici public , and marked nt prices proportionate with thosu that haVn -tended to miikc hii establishment the most distinguished in this country , ISedsteads , from ,.. l ' 2- « . 6 d . to £ -20 0 ench . 'Shower ltatlis , from « s . Od . to . € « 0 each . I ^ nmps ( JIodcr | itcnrJ from ( is . Od . to £ * 7 7 each , ( Another kinds at the same rntej Pure Colza Oil -la . per gallon . William S . Burton ' s General Fiiniiuhing Ironmongery Catalogue may bo had RiatitV im » l free by post . It contains unwanJs or 400 IlliwtrntionHor his illimitcd Stockof sterling silver and Ktectro I'ltito , Nickel Silver , nnil . Uritmniia Metnl Gobiln , Disli Covers , Hot-water Dialies , Srovef , Kendei-H , Marhle Chimncypicces , Kitchen l { iin ^ 'os , Lamp .- ) , OitHoliors , Ton Trays , Urns , and KciiIi-t » , Clockn , Table Cutlery , Uatha , Toilet Wnro , 'I ' lirncry , Iron and ( Irnss Bcd . itoadH , Bedding , Bedroom , Cnhliiof . Furniture , & c , with Liata of Prices , and l'lmis of the Twenty largo Show Uooms , at 3 !» , Oxford Mvee-f W . ; I , 1 a . 2 , II , mid -I , Newman-street ; 4 , !> , and 0 , Perry ' a-pluco ; and I , Newjiuui-mowa , Lomlou .
HPeeth . - — Mr . Eskell , Sur-- * -. fteon-DoiitlHt , 311 , Koffent-iitroet ( Intlnt , ' the Polytechnic ) , Kiippiloa hla I'ATKNTKD 1 NCOUKODIHLI 3 TEKTII , which can hi 1 inutohcd ho i . lorji'ly in shape nnd colour to r . h < if ><> left In tho month , imd urtt formed bo exiwtlyto nnturo , that the cloxent observer cminot detect Ihn ( lillVienct , und In all ciisch thc . v ifhtoro p orfent nrttculiitloivinKl miistlo , itloiv . Thi ' . "' tooth arc iVxeil from one to li complete Rift upon Sir . EMu-ll's ne »« r-fnllliip and | mlnlcfla urhiclple of Ht'K ' -iKlhoNlon , without , ¦ iirt ractihfl any team or xtum / in , or / iir / itu ( tiif / pain ¦ tuhaltttH'r ; nnd being incorrodible they possess ilie superior iuIvantage of never ohiuiylnir culoui' nor detayiiiK . Mr . to *\ ne \ V * celebrated OiVriCOl'LASTIO I 0 NAM 12 L , I ' oBt free for thirty Htnmpa , lor xlhpplnrT di'cnyed 'IVeth , Ih n prepfiratlou whiclf iifver rliiinRi ' H colour noc Qllc-cts tint colour of tho tooth , nnd ia free from any Injurious properties cither ns reiriinl * the tctHlt or KiMieml health . | Ia upplloutton la eually . vfrrornicd , und without k'vIhk thu Hnnhle » t pain . 1 M !< lenrlyit of palule elleituully remedied . Looae tvelli fiiNiened . Teeth regulated . Dlncolourcd teeth rvntored , & f . Hours . Ten to HIx . Coimultatlon , free , ClmrB «» » - ' »« . 'tly nm-( Ifrnte , —JI 14 , HeKt'nt-strect ., London (< ip | io «> »• the 1 <•• lytvchniu ) , Eatubllslicil 18-lP .
Leader (1850-1860), June 2, 1860, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_02061860/page/2/