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532 The Leader and Saturday Analyst. [Ju...
Londoni Printed by William Stevens. 37, ...
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532 The Leader And Saturday Analyst. [Ju...
532 The Leader and Saturday Analyst . [ June 2 , 1860 .
Macmillan s Magazine . Edited by DAVID MASSON . No . VIII . ( for JUNE , I 860 ) will be ready on MONDAY , Way 28 th . Price One Smiling . CONTENTS : 1 . The Suffrage , Considered in Reference to the WorkingClass and to the Professional Class . By the ¦ Rev . F . V . Maurice . 2 . Four Sonnets . By the Key . Charles ( Tennyson ) Turner . 3 . Shelley in Pall Mall . By Richard Garnett . 4 . The Kamsgate Life-Boat : A Kescue . 6 . The Sleep of the Hyacinth : An Egyptian Poem . By the late Dr . George Wilson , of Edinburgh { concluded ) . 6 . Poet ' s Corner ; or . an English Writer ' s Tomb . By Charles Allston Collins . 7 . The Boundaries of Science : A Dialogue . 8 . Tom Brown at Oxford . By the Author of" lom Brown's School Days . " Chaps . 19 , 20 , and 21 . 9 . The Elder ' s Daughter . 10 . The Royal Academy . 11 . Sir Charles Trevelyan and Mr . Wilson . By J . M . Ludlow . Macmilxan and Co ., London and Cambridge . Sold by all Booksellers , Newsmen , and at the Railway Stations .
ublin University Maga-DZINE . No . 330 . For JUNE . Price 2 s . 6 d . CONTE NTS . 1 . An Analogy suggested by " Essays and Reviews . " 2 . Utrum Horum ? ' or the Revenge of Shane Roe Na Sognrth : A Legend of the Golden Fawn . By William Carletori . Part II . —Conclusion . 3 . The World ' s Two Tribes—or the Worker and the Thinker . Parti . - 4 . American Imaginings . 6 . VOnved the Dane , Count of Elsinore . Part VI . 6 . Invasion—1720 , 1860 . 7 . Palaeontology . 8 . Our Foreign Courier , ao . 10 . ? . My Greatest Fright . . 10 . Politics Abroad and at Home . 11 . De Burgh on the Psalms ^ 12 . Progress of French Agriculture . Dublin : Wilxiam Robertson . London : Hubst and Blackett . ,- -
The Englishwoman ' s JOURNAL , June 1 , 1860 . Price Is . CONTENTS . Education in France ^—No . Ii Elizabeth von Reekie—Part II . Oh Assisted Emigration . God ' s Horologe ,- ^ A Poem . . Retribution . : , - . . . Institution for the Employment of Needlewomen . From Paris—No . II . A Ramble with Mrs . Grundy . Notices of Books . Open Council . . Passing Events . London : published by the English Woman ' s Journal -Company , Limited , at their Office , 19 , Langham Place , Rcc <* r it Street , W . ; and for the Company by W . Kent & Co ., ( late Piper , Stephenson , & Spence . ) Paternoster Row .
' On tlie 1 st of "June , lSWpnce'OffrShillln - g ; - The Pharmaceutical Jour-NAL . Second Series , No . 12 ; Containing the TRANSACTIONS OF THE PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY . Contents : —Adulteration of Food and Drink Bill—• Conversazione—Nineteenth Anniversary of the Pharmaceutical Society—Microscopic Structure of Pepper and its Adulternnts—Bassia Flowers—Results of Physical and Chemical Investigation and Applications in the Arts—Solubility of Quinine in Saline Solutions-Iodized Essence of Juniper—On the Composition of Gutta Percha—On the Proximate Analysis of Plants and Vegetable Substances—On Lighthouse Illumination—Metropolitan Waters—Poisoning by Arsenic-Poisoning by Strychnine—Pepper Adulteration Cases , & c ., & o . Vol . XVIII . may be had in boards , as well as the preceding volumes , price 12 s . 6 d . each . London : John Chubciiiix , New Burlington-fltreet ; Maclachlan and Stewaiit , Edinburgh ; and ITamnin and Co ., Dublin .
Now Reudy , in crown 8 vo ., price 9 s ., Practical Religion contrasted with THEOLOGICAL THEORIES . Discourses by PHILIP WILLIAM PBRF 1 TT , Ph . 1 > . London : Geobqe Manwabinq ( Successor to Joiiir Chapman , ) 8 , King William Street , Strand .
This day , Second Edition , Two Volumes , 16 s ., TJ olmby House : a Tale of JLJL Old Northamptonshire . By G . J . WHYTE MELVILLE . ¦¦ -- - By the same Author , ¦•¦ ¦ - GENERAL BOUNCE . Second Edition , 5 s , PIGBY GRAND . Third Edition , 5 s . KATE COVENTRY . Third Edition , 5 s . ' THE INTERPRETER . Second Edition , 10 s . 6 d . London i John W . Farkbb & Son , West Strand .
'The Cornhill Magazine , -J- No . VI . ( for JUNE ) , is now ready . Price One Shilling , with Two Illustrations . . ' CONTENTS . 1 . London the Stronghold of England . 2 . l *> vel the Widower . ( With an Illustration . ) Chapter VI . —Cecilia ' s Successor . 3 . The Maiden ' s Lover . 4 . The Portent . II . — -The Omen Coming on . 5 . Studies in Animal Life . Chap . VI . —Conclusion . 6 . Framley Parsonage . ( With an Illustration . ) Chapter XVI . —Mrs . Podgens ' s Baby . XVII . —Mrs . Proudie ' s Conversazione . XVIII . —The New Minister ' s Patronage . 7 . William Hogarth : Painter , Engraver , and Philosopher . Essays on the Man , the Work , and the Time . V . —Between London and Sheemess . 8 . An Austrian Employe ' . 9 . Sir Self and Womankind . By William Duthie . 10 . The Poor Man ' s Kitchen . 11 . Roundabout Papers . No . IV . —On Some late Great Victories . Also , just ready , THE CORNHILL MAGAZINE , Volume 1 , comprising the numbers from January to June , 1860 . containing 768 pages of Letterpress , with 12 Illustrations , 40 Vignettes and Diagrams , and a Chart , handsomely bound in embossed cloth . Price 7 s . Bd . For the convenience of Subscribers , the embossed Cloth Cover for the Volume . will be sold separately , price One Shilling . Reading Covers for separate Numbers have also been prepared , price Sixpence in plain Cloth * or One Shilling and Sixpence in French Morocco . London : Smith , Elder , and Co ., 65 , Cornhill .
A NEW NOVEL . This day , crown 8 vo , 10 s . 6 d . Artist and Craftsman . Tlacra Texvr ) Ka ^ waera fieQoSos , aryaOov nvbs itbieaOai AOKEI . " " Every art and every craft , seemeth to aim , at some good . " _ : Cambridne : Macmiixan and Co . ; and 23 , Henrietta Street , Cdvent Garden , London . ^ A NEW NOVEL . This day , crown 8 vo , 10 s . 6 d . Lady in her Own Right . A A Novel . By WESTLAND MARSTON . Cambridge : Macmillan and Co . ; and 23 , Henrietta Street , Covent Garden , London . Now Ready , in cloth , price 4 s . Gd . TVf y First Journal ; A Book JlVJI for the Young . By GEORGIANA M . CRA 1 K , Author of " Riverston , " " Lost and Won , ' «! C . ^ AfAOMii . LA ^ and 43 o ., Xambridge ^^ nd ^ 3 ^ IfiJiriejtta _ Street , Covent Garden , London .
COMPLETION OF ROUTLEDGE'S SHAKESPEARE . , In Three vol 8 ., royal 8 vo , cloth , price , £ 21 Cs ., "Doutledge ' s Illustrated XL SHAKESPEARE . Edited by HOWARD STAUNTON , Esq . With upwards of 900 Illustrations by John Gilbert . Engraved by the Brothers Dalziel . London : Routledge , Wabne , and Routledob , Farringdon Street . NEW NOVEL BY W . HARRISON AINSWORTH , ESQ . In demy 8 vo , cloth ; price 6 ? ., Oying dean Grange . By W . HARRISON AINSWORTH . Esq ., Author of the " Tower of London , " " Mervyn CIHhcroe . ' Illustrated by I'hiz . London : Routmsdoe , Waiinh , and Routledqe , Farringdon Street . In royal 8 vo , cloth , prlco 18 s ., Routledge ' s Illustrated NATURAL HISTORY . —MAMMALIA . By the Rev . J . G . WOOD . With upwards of 800 Illustrations , from designs by Wolf , Zweolcer , Harrison Weir , Harvey , Coleman , etc . Engraved by the Brothers Dalsslel . London : Routledqe , Wabnk , and ItouixEDOK . IParrlngdon Street . .......
Fraser ' s Magazine , for JUNE , I 860 , price 2 s . 6 d ., contains Physical Theories of the Phenomena of Life . By William Hopkins , F . R . S . Part I . A Reverie after reading Miss Nightingale ' s " Notes on Nursing . " Gryll Grange . By the Author of " Headlong Hall . " Chapters XII . to XIV . Suggestions for the Improvement of the Reading De « partment in the British Museum . By James Spedding . Self-Help . Concerning Growing Old . ByA . K . H . B . Wheat and Tares . A Tale . Part VI . A Raid among the Rhymers . By Shirley . Difficulties of Political Prophecy . The Literary Suburb of the Eighteenth Century . — PartV . Life at Nice . The Rochdale Pioneers . The Exhibitions of 1860 . London : John W . Pabker & Son , West Strand , W . C .
OLDEN TALES by the Author of " Mary Powell . ' This Day , Cheap Edition , price 2 s . 6 d ., nphe Old Chelsea Bun House , J- in Antique . Lately Published , DEBORAH'S DIARY . With Illustrations . Cheap Edition ... Price 2 s . THE COLLOQUIES OF EDWARD OSBORNE . Price 2 s . 6 d ., in antique . The HOUSEHOLD of SIR THOMAS MORE . Price 2 s . 6 d ., in antique . Abthub Hall , Vietdb & Co ., 25 , Paternoster Row .
In a few days will be published , by Messrs . Kknt and a Co ., 21 , 51 and 52 , Paternoster row , price 6 s . 6 d . in boards , A NEW POEM , A SPRING MORNING'S DREAM , WITH SOMNILOQUENCE AND ErEIP ^ MEN . By JOSEPH HAMBLETON' .
Now ready , price Half-a-Crown , per post , 2 s . 10 dif A n Essay on the Causes of x \ , DISTANT ALTERNATE PERIODIC INUNDATIONS ^ over the Low _ Lands of each Hemisphere , suggesting the means whereby tire Earth's surface is renovated , and the continuous support of its creatures-provided for . To whieh-is subjoined a Table connecting the Two Sister Sciences of ASTRONOMY and GKOLOGY . With an Appendix and Notes elucidatory of the Author ' s Theory . By AUGUSTUS BERGH , London : James Ri . dgway , 169 , Piccadilly .
Just published , in cloth , 'is . 6 d ., post free , "Photographic Poems . By JL C . C . SPILLER . " A collection of short poems , breathing much of the -pensive ami pious spirit of Copper . Purity Of sentiment , simplicity of expression , graphic delineation ; and melodious rhythm , constitute poetic merits of a high order , and these will be found combined in Mr . Spiller ' a pages . Tliey bear the impress of aii earnest thinker , a serious observer , and a benevolent labourer for the advancement of religion and peace . —National Standard . ' ¦ '• ¦ ¦ . London : C . C . Si-illeb , 102 , Holborn-hill , E . G .
NEW NOVELS . ' I . ' . . ' . nPhe Baddington Peerage : X WHO WON IT AND WHO WORE IT . By GUORGB AUGUSTUS SALA . Three vols ., post 8 vo . [ Just out . CAMP LIFE . By LASCELLES WRAXALL . One vol ., post 8 vo , 10 a . Od . [ This day . III . UNDER A CLOUD . By EREDEMCK and JAMES GREENWOOD . Threovola . post 8 vo . [ Thia day . Ciiabi . es J . Sheet , 10 , King William Street , Charing Cross .
FIFTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION . « ' The Man of Ross . " — -I- Every Thursday—One Penny . An Independent Family Paper , having ( with one exception only ) tho 1 unrest circulation in the County of Hereford . Within a radius often miles of Itoss it exceeds thnt of all tho other local papers put together . Orders . Advertisements , and Books for Review , to bo sent to tho Publisher , J . W . F . Counuell , Market-placo . Rosa . "
IN JUNE WILL BE PUBLISHED , MEMORIALS OF THOMAS HOOD . Collected , Arranged , and Edited by his Daughter , with n Preface mid Notes by his Son . Illustrated witli Copies from his own Sketches , nnd of n Manuscript Pnge of " The Song of the Shirt . " London : Bdward Moxon nnd Co ., Dover Street .
Londoni Printed By William Stevens. 37, ...
Londoni Printed by William Stevens . , Boll Yard , Temple Bar . in the Liberty of the Rolls , in the County of Middlesex 1 And publUhod by ¦ Charles Nuttftll Tomllns , At No . 18 , Catherine Street , Strand , la the County of Middlesex . —Juno a , wao .
Leader (1850-1860), June 2, 1860, page 24, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_02061860/page/24/