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M^ V p^ ^ " ntT V "V V"' c i ^ p^\ / VV ...
Vol. x. " " no. 48 ~ 4.t " " Saturday, j...
tlm-Oci^v / A l,Uji».tf A,,' JUUo Wfrtfa...
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M^ V P^ ^ " Ntt V "V V"' C I ^ P^\ / Vv ...
Vol. X. " " No. 48 ~ 4.T " " Saturday, J...
Vol . x . no . 48 ~ 4 . t " " Saturday , july 2 , 1859 . Price j ^ j ^ : , ; : ifJ i yjcf > EWCE ' _ . _< . , : : ¦ - — : ! . ' 1 ' ' ~
A MAllUIED CLERGYMAN has VACANCIES fora few more PRIVATE PUPILS . TJio Course of Instruction , in addition to a sound English Education , includes also , French , L , n ' , Music , & c . The house is lnr ^ -e , and pleasantly and 'healthily situated . Tonii-v if under Twelve years of atro , 50 f . per aiinum ; above .-that agy , Ci'Jl . Address , Kev . B ., Westbrook House , F ; ir-i . ii $ jflon , Berks .
HANWELL COLLEGE , MIDDLESEX , La still retaining- its hig-. li character . — . L ' tiitetl Xervhe Cnzetti .-. A Prospectus will be forwarded on application to theTJev Dr . EAIJ'UITON , the Principal .
NEW MODE OF ACQUIRING WEALTH . See the Prospectus of the , 1 'UIiLU' LIKE ASSULUXCK COMl'ANY . , Charing - Cross , London , which describes the way to obtain l'O . oCUf . Consols payable during life ; or 5 , 0007 . Consols payable at death , for u Premium of < Hie Guinea . No other charge nor liability . No medical examination . No references to friciuld roquired . ' Mule and female lives admitted on equal terms . Applications } for Prospectuses , Kornis of Proposal ; ifcc .. to be made to G . . J . FARKANCE , Manaffinn" Director , ut t ! ie Chief Offices , 4 ~ , X'haring- Cross , London . j \ fr <> nts wanted throughout the ITnifoil Kiiip-iToni .
THE LAST ANNUAL REPORT , CASH ACCOUNT , and BALANCE SHEET of the MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY ( A . D . 1 M 4 ) , may be had on a written or personal app / icition to the Actuary ,, or to any of the Society ' s Country ARvnts .. To the Hoport and Aecuunts is appended a List of Bonuses paid ou the claims of the year lM . Vt . No extra charge for joininir Volunteer Ritli .- or Artilh-ry . Corns . CHARLES ING ALL . Actuary . Tin-Mutual Life Assurance'Office * . 3 : ) , Khif > --atreet , Cheapside , ICC ! ., London .
. Estajh . i . siiei > 1837 . BRITANNIA LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY . Jh ' n > 2 > on'ere < l by Special Act qr' I'arlirujirnt , 1 J'ivt . C < ip . i \ AND BRITANNIA MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION . JCiii / iuwvrvd bji Her 3 Jn ) et ) fj /' n Jtoyul ^¦ ¦ t tt'ra J ' ntvut . 1 , I ' riiH'os-utrout , Bank , London . M ; ijor- ( Jonernl Ai . r . x . vxoKit , Blacklu'iith-purk , Chairman . HALF CKEDI . T KAT 1 CS OF 1 'K lOH U . M . ]) E 11 SONS ASSURED ooconlin ^ to tli . vsc J- ltntus are allowed credit for half tlu > amount of the first live or seven Annual Premium * , paylny luii'ivst Oicivon at tlio rate of Klvc per Cent , per Annum , with thropi inn of paying oil' the arrcarH of H ' reinhims at any tiixu * . or lu » viny thu iimouut ( loductod from the mini a . ^ sui ' L-d when tlic Policy becomes a claim , ANDREW FKANC 1 S , S . M-retmy .
Til 10 DlitKCTORrt OF THE STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY RoquuHt attention to tho report , of the Company fur ilicyiur la . VS . A printed copy can bo obtained on ajipllcitlon ut tin-Compnnj '" H otlifi's in Loixlon , 10 d | iihur : jh , or iMiblln , or to any of tins aKents in Enti'lund , . Scotland , or Irelaiul . llie tollowin ^ ' ruHultH arc stated in the report : — Tlio i \ i <\ v ashuraucotj uflVoted clurli ; , l ^ : » s «•> : ct'i-il . -C . Mxj . ik . ii ) , and thu amountdurlny the lust 1 > yvars r \ tviMl .-i £ 6 , 0 ( 10 , 0011 . Tlio fni'oriU' of tho Coinpany Ih upwards i > C . C ' . T . ViHi t i ; id 'i'liu iicoiinuiliiti'il fund I'xoi ' cds cousldi'i'aV . U' . C 1 , ' nn . v h . TliuKtitndard was cstubilsliod in H . '" , c . nil the proilts rcallHud liavo bcrn illvliloU on Jlvo occasion < , is l" « , l . sin , ] M , \ lri . "> i ' , and 1 N . V > . TIiuhIMIi division of profits will take plane ih'n ! year , mul tliero In mi advautayo in JoIiiIiih' tho C ( nn ] i ; i : iv bi-fori- tin * clo . se of thu books hi the prt'Hi-nt year , w * tlu > liiiu'lit i , f I wo yc'Hi'rt' iMiti'y to the profit Moliemc will bo hoimiiviI , AttunMon Is Hp « fcuilly illroctod to tho fact Unit ihct \ . iupnuy liav « i lately Introdiiufil Into their pulU'irs ocrlnlu teriiiu and oomlluoiiH which maku tlu'mot liicivasi'd vnluo iin the bnalrt of ntiii ' i'liiK'o aottlomonts , family provl & luiis , ai tu all trauHactiouu whore- it In unscntlal that tlic I'diiirnri . Nhoiild be , as far as poMKlbU 1 , n voinplctu hcuurlty aualu * , nil ooutliiuoiioJt'tf . WILL . TIIOH . THOMSON . Mmm . iuit . II . JONKM WIM . IAMrt , Ih-s . « ,. . . I . oikIoii t H , ' , Kluw Wllilam-htroi't , ( . it \ . J'lrihtbiii ' M'h s : t , ( Jcoruv-slroct . JUublhll ( 111 , (' pillTMlll'liVlIK' -StfOOt ,
DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT BANK . FIVE PER CENT . on . sums for fixed periods , or at seven days' notice , or Three per Cent , at Call . Or . H . LAW , Manager . Offices , 0 , Cannon -street'West E . C . . ¦
NOTICE OF DIVIDEND . BANK of DEPOSIT ( Established A . D . 1844 ) , No . 3 , Pallmall East . London , S . W . —The WARKANTS for the HALF-YEARLY I NT JO REST , at the rate of 5 per cent , per annum , on pi-posit Accounts , to the- 30 th instant , will be ready for delivery on and after the 11 th July , and payable daily between the hours of Ten and Four . June , iK 5 !> . PETERMOKRISON , . . 31 allaying Director . Prospectuses and forms sen . t free on application .
LONDON CHARTERED BANK OF AUSTRALIA .. INCORPORATED BY ltOYAL CHARTER . PAID-UP CAPITAL , 700 , 000 . Chairman—1 > UNCAN DUNBAK , Esq . DErLtv-Chairm A 3 J—AVILLIAM FANE DE SAL 1 S , Es < j . Offices—17 , CANNON-STREET , E . C . LE T T E R S of CREDIT and BILLS of EXCHANGE arc " ranted on the Brunches of this Bank ut SYDNEY , MELBOURNE , OEELONG , MARYBOROUGH , ARARAT , and BALLAKAT . DKAFTS of tile Australian Colonies negotiated and sent for collection . Hy order of the Court , G . M . UKI . Ii , Secretary .
Established in thorcij , m of Queen Anuo , a . d . 17 J 4 . UNION ASSURANCE OTFICEFlltJK AND JL 1 FE . OFFICE S . SSI , CORNHILL , AND 70 , BAKER STREET , LONDON ; And in Bristol , Liverpool , Edinburgh , Dublin , llumburji'li , Berlin , and Berne . DIBKCTOE 9 , TRU 8 TKKS , JiTC , HENKY ALDW 1 N SOAMES , Esq ., Chairman . WILLIAM GILP 1 N , Esq ., Deputy Chairman . . Tiunes Bentley , Eaq , J . Remington Mills , Esq . Daniel Britten , Esq . John Morley , Ksci . NU'holnti Chiirrinjfton , E . sq . John Rogers , Esq . , s . Preston ( , 'liild , K » q . Henry Kutt , Esq . Beriah Drew , Esq . (} . Spcncor Smith , Esq . John Mibbert , Esq . AN ' . Foster Wliite , Esq . TlioiiuiiS Lewis , Esq . . Samuel AVilnon , Esq ., Aid . Thoinati Mills , Esq ., M . I 1 . tttephen Wilson , Esq . TM 11 E rilK ^ ILUMS l ^ UE at MIDSUMMER X should be paid on the ; Uth of June , ls > it > , or > vltl \ iu 13 days after . VOLUNTEER RIFLB COUPS . — N o Kxtru I ' remlum will be charged to MoinU-ra of Volunteer Itllk Corps who may hi > cAllfd upon to Hji'ht in defence of their country , bo loii" - as they continue within the limits of tho United KintTdoih \ _ W . m . B . LEWIS . Secretary .
ACCIDENTS ARE OF DAILY OCCURRENCE . Insurance data showtlmt ON 10 PERSON In every FIFTEEN Is more or loss Injured by Accident yearly . An Annual Payment of £ ' . i secun'a A FIXED ALLOWANCE OF . litl PJOi : WEEK " IN Till " . KVKNT OF INJIJIIV , Oil Ct . ( MM ) IN CASE OF DEATH F 1 IOM ACCIDENTS < IF EVKRY DKrJCIMI'TIOX , By n I ' ollcy in tl » o . RAILWAY FASSKXCiEHK' AS . SURAN'CE ( O ^ IPANY , AVliich hits ah'oady pnlil Irt compensation for Accidents £ ;»; , iMtw . Forms t \ f I ' i'u | mish 1 ami 1 ' i'OHpeotiiseH may be liad nt tho Cuiiipnii ) ' h ( HlhvH , iiiul atoll tlio principal ItalUvny Stations , whoro , also , Railway Acciilonts alone miiy bo insured nuiiliibt by tho Journey or year . NO CIIAKlIK I- 'OK STAM 1 ' Dl TV , « . CAPITAL , ON'K MILLION . WILLIAM . 7 . V 1 A . N , Sirrotary . Railway I ' liHHoiiiyiTh' . \ MHiiranoo Compiuiy , o / lloes , il , ( Mil Broad-Htroot , London . K . C .
THE STJBPLIOE SHIRT . ( AcUnowloilu'ed am | hon » ont comfortable and durilblo Shirt over yot produced ) , mailu to meartiiri , < ls . ltd ., 7 s , < ld ., Hi 1 , tnl . anil Km . Oil . Ciii ' iIh 1 ' or self-llleiHlireJIlrllt , JOUiN y . VMP . iJON , Ilo ^ lor , 1 . : ! , Oxfonl-stroot , > V .
CRAMER ' S INTRODUCTORY PRACTICE for the PIANOFOKTE . Price 5 s . CRAMER'S EXERCISES FOR THE PIANOFORTE , Published in Parts , f > s . each . . These Studies remain the Standard Work in the Musical Academies of Europe . All the eminent Pianists , includinff Mesdames Pleyel , Clauss , Goddard , MM . Thalberg :, Halle , Rube-nstein , IJeimett , Benedict , Sloper , Osbornc , fiihis , and . Bhuneritlial , have employed this Work in their general course of Study . BEETHOVEN'S SONATAS FOR THE PTANOyOKTE . Complete Edition . Edited by . T . Moseheles . In -Si-njrle Numbers , price frojn 3 s . to 4 s . each ; or ia Uliree-Vols ., ijls . Od . each . ¦ . Published by Chamer , Deale and Co ., 201 , Kegeat-street .. PIANOFORTES . CRAMJEtt , B . EALE , AND CO . have the best of every description for Sale or Hire . Cramer , Beal <\ and Co . arc the Proprietors of the NEW MODEL OBLIQUE Git AND PIANOFORTE . Ml , Rogent-strcet , and 67 , Conduit-street . ~ HARMONIUMS . ~~ CRAMER , BEALE , AND CO ., . are the chief agents for Alexandre and Son ' s NEW MODEL HAItMONIUM . Kvcry variety . — 201 , Recent-street .
THK WAR IN ITALY . —In fcap . Svo . 2 s . boards . CONTINENTAL EUROPE from 179210 is ;> 9 . With detaiJri of the War to the Battle of Sohcrino . By J . W , King-. TRAVELS AXD TRAVELLERS , By Mrs . TKOI . LOPE . Iucludiug- Rambles in Bavaria , Switzerland , Sardinia , & c . Fcap . Svo ., - * . IJnst pufiUxheil . London : Knight and Son , and all Booksellers .
Fourth Edition , Part I ., 3 s . « d . pOPYHOLD , LIFE-LEASEHOLD , AND \ J ClIUUCH PROPERTY . In Two Parts . BvArthim : ^ icnATCHLEY . M . A ., of the Inner Temple , Esq , Barrtster-at-Law . Part I . contains—Principles and Practice ; Itules . for the Formation Of Copyhold Enfranchisement njul Freehold Land Societies , & c . Ac . Part II ., with the -New Acts and Legal Decisions , will be published shortly . nUETELET'S LETTERS on the THEORY V * Of PROBABILITIES . Translated by <> . U , Downds , Esq ., o | " the liconomie 1 M \> Assurance Society . «> vo , clotli boards . l'Js . ' * . London : Chaiilks and Edwin Layton , l . "> 0 , Klevtstroet , DEPOT FOR BOOKS OX ASSURANCE—LIVK , riHE , AND MARINE .
3 s ' ow Ready , in One Vol ., post Svo ., price . "in . THE ENGLISH IN INDIA : LKTTBKS miOM NA < U'ORE , WrUton li > IW 7-R . By CAPTA 1 N I-iVANS BKLL , Second MadrnB European Li ^ ht Infantry . London ; John Chapman , 8 , lvhi ^ WiUllani-strei't , Sh-and .
ONCE A WEEK . Contents of No . I ., publinlfcil this day . " price Mil . « tmv a Week . Uy Shirley BrookH . Illustrated by John J . noJi . — Man iiiuoiiu : the Manunotlis . Illustrated . —Aiidim iiml JiH Whlto ISnar . By « . W . Onsent . llliiHtratod hy Jvlvi Tonnlol , — Snakes and their 1 ' roy . —An Afrli-an A . ljviiture . —Knsllsli I ' rojoctiles . By ~\ V . Brlduvfl AdrtinH ^ . VHtriMim . By Tom Tnylor . 'lllustrated liy . J . K . . Vllllais .-A / . ooil liuhl . By Chnrloa Roade . llluatnited by C . Kcoiio . —1 lu » } u" <>» aTadpoUi . By ( J . II . Lowch . —Tho Original Hun llouso . Illustrated by . John Leech . , , ..-.,. t .. * JtiiAniiL-tiv and Evan * , II , IJouvork-atreof , M .-et-stK-ot .
LIVING CELEBRITIES .-A HiTli-fl of I'liototfraplilo I ' ortnjltii , by MAl'LL ijihJ POLYIILANK , pricu o » . nicli . Tlio number lor . ILLY C 0 Utlilllfi LOKOCOLCHKSTKR , with Memoir . Maii , i . nixl roi . vm .. \ Ni { , M , ( Jraccchurch-slroet , anil W ? a Plooidllly « and W . Kbnt and <'«» ., Flool-stroet .
nn , T . G . 1 'A O A N O , rROFWS ^ OU .. ^ - . \ J ITALIAN , LATIN , \»\ d OICKEK , with tlm-Oci ^ v / turo ol ouch limKMWtfw . ° nVrf' LMM »« NH IN A l , Uji » . tf A ,, ' HATIIKSA ATI * % l'HILOBOl'llY , and JUUo Wfrtfa ' iruii <*) iff « of Legal Sdoneo . Topimh , modorato ^ rtn itjM '' »^\* r Cion to L > r . ras ' auo , 10 , St . Wuortfu ' s-ti'i'raco , J lyHo Park Nvrth . ,-. ' ; : i ' ' \ " th tlm- vM «* rav ' S' AMi ^ JWJV , , " ¦ Uio vwriC ^ n ' u ^ n npjtlUvjw . . 0 , 'JlyHi lWk
Tlm-Oci^V / A L,Uji».Tf A,,' Juuo Wfrtfa...
tlm-Oci ^ v / A l , Uji » . tf A ,, ' JUUo Wfrtfa ' ^ rtn itjM '' »^\* r , J lyHo Park ,-. ' ; : i ' ' \ " th tlm- vM «* rav ' S' AMi ^ JWJV , , " ¦ Uio vwriC ^ n ' u ^ n npjtlUvjw . . 0 , 'JlyHi lWk < ^\ V t ; w " ¦ : ?< \»> <
Leader (1850-1860), July 2, 1859, page 1, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_02071859/page/1/