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' „ imfr I^IADEB. fNo.484. Jfa.r 2. 1859...
Radical View oi-thbt New Cabinet.—Mr. Co...
OBITUARY. We regret to announce the deat...
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At The Meeting Of The Deposit Creditors ...
considered preferable ¦» to «« alling . Tip th & amount unpaid on the existing shaies .. : . At the meeting of the OjCNjUda Company a dividend was declared of £ 2 per share free of income-tax . From a comparative statement of the lands disposed of in the present year to the 27 th of last month it appears that 542 acres have been sold at an average of 21 s . 3 d . per acre , and 6 * 994 leased at 42 s . Compared with 1858 there is a decrease in the first item of 392 acres , and an increase in the second of 1 , 790 . Seven tovm lots have also been sold and leased at an average of £ 45 7 s . per acre . 27 , 686 acres of leased land have been converted into freehold . The total receipts have been £ 35 , 195 currency , showing an augmentation of £ 11046 .
, The general meeting of the Crtstal Pai-acb Compan y was held on Thursday . The report states that in consequence of the understanding come to at the last general meeting , that the accounts should be made up annually , to 31 st of October , and presented to the meeting in December , no accounts are appended to the report , and the directors therefore abstain from any comment on the financial position of the company until the meeting in December next , when they trust to be able to lay before the sharethe work
holders a satisfactory statement : of year ' s - ing . Two of the directors , Captain Walter and Mr . Danby Seymour , retire from the directory , arid the board does not consider it necessary to fill up the two vacancies . The negotiations between the company and the Brighton Railway Company , respecting the award lately given in favor of the Crystal Palace Company , are , they state , progressing favorably , and they hope that a re-arrangement between the companies will be made on a basis tnore . satisfactory to both . The number of visitors during the year
ending 30 th April has-been 1 , 432 , 013 , being an increase of 38 , 078 over that of the proceeding year , The report directs attention to the improvements which have been made in the exhibitors' department , and also in the picture gallery , and to the advantages offered to the public by the newly-established artunion . With respect to the late musical commemoration , the report says :- — "It is impossible yet to submit any accurate statement of the results of the Handel Festival . The directors can only congratulate , tlie proprietors on'the remarkable success with which ' its celebration has been attended . It has realised all the expectations they expressed concerning it in their last report , and will be highly advantageous to the company in a pecuniary po int of view . "
The Chairman said the accounts showed a net balance of . £ 13 , 000 in favor of the company , and from that fact he felt confident of a dividend in December next . After some discussion the report was adopted .
' „ Imfr I^Iadeb. Fno.484. Jfa.R 2. 1859...
' „ imfr I ^ IADEB . fNo . 484 . Jfa . r 2 . 1859 . ¦ ovKfi ) ¦ . . . , ¦ . .. ¦ ¦———^——————— . ¦¦ |
Radical View Oi-Thbt New Cabinet.—Mr. Co...
Radical View oi-thbt New Cabinet . —Mr . Cobden ' s journal asks : — " Is the useless , but ornamental , Granville , a court counterpoise to the useful but ' unadorned' Cobden ? - ' Isvthe Duke of Argyll to represent names and shado ws of the past , because Mt Milner Gibson represents men and things as they are to-day ? The popular voice is to be aUo wed to speak in the cabinet ; but the three dukes , two earls , three lords , and three baronets , will be its auditors ; and they will tone its counsel into courtly fashion ere they let them come before the world . Imagine such a cabinet listening to the commonr sense views of a man of business like Mxr Cobden , and acting on them . Does it not seem almost specially constructed to render such a consummation hopeless . , ¦
Port op London . —In the port during the past week there has been rather 'less activity . The number of ships announced inwards from foreign pdrts amounted to 194 . There were 5 from Ireland and 45 colliers . The entries outwards were 129 , and those cleared 101 , besides 13 in ballast . The departures for the Australian colonies' have been 9 vessels—viz . ; 5 to Port Phillip , of 4 , 804 tons ; 2 to Sydney , of 1 , 802 tons ; 1 to Adelaide , of 1 , 032 tons ; and 1 to New Zealand , of 273 tons ; making a total of 7 , 911 tons . Western Bank ; of Scotland . —The first stop in the prosecution of the directors of the Bank fox * the losses inflicted on the shareholders in that concern took place last week by the issue of the summons stating the several grounds of complaint . The proceedings are adopted by the liquidators in the name of the general body , but it is to the indefatigable exertions of Captain Mucouochie Wei wood , on behalf of his fellow-sufferera , that this service to the cause of , public justice i $ mainly to be attributed . ThjI 3 pBjvjTARiNB T « LEjGRAPn . —This coinpany have received intelligence of the successful submersion of tlieiv now cable between Boulogne and Folkestone . It contains six conducting wires , surrounding a hempen core . These wires are covered with hemp , and the whole is enclosed in twelve iron' wires of great strength . The weight of the cable is nearly ton tons per mile . After its submersion , perfect signals were interchanged upon all the six conducting wires . As soon as the connecting links of land wires are completed , and the cable rendered available for the publiq use , which will probably be effected by the 15 th July , the rapidity of the interchanges between England and the Continent will be greatly increased . The old cable between Dover and Calais has not worked by any means as well as could be wished during the last few days $ and the efficiency of a portion of the company ' s land telegraph has just been temporarily impaired through the offiata of lightning , The company intend to submerge early In the ensuing month another cable of three conductors direct to Denmark . They will then possess five separate Bulunaftrine cables containing in the whole twenty-ftmr lines of communication between England and the Continent .
Obituary. We Regret To Announce The Deat...
OBITUARY . We regret to announce the death , on Saturday , the 25 tli of June , at 3 , Lavinia-grove , Wharf-road , King ' s Cross , of Mrs . Elizabeth Ann Squires , aged 58 .
Oil Of Horse Chestnuts.
This recently discovered remedy for GOUT , Rheumatism Lumbago , Neuralgia , Toothache , & c , applied externally allays the paiii and quickly cures tho worst cases . 1 resh proofs daily of its wonderful efficacy . In bottles , 2 s . Od : and 4 s . 6 d ., by post on receipt of stamps . Prepared only by REW and CO , operative chemists , 282 , Reg-ent - street . City ag-ents , Butlek and Harding , 4 , Cheapside . .
GREY HAIR RESTORED TO ITS . NATURAL COLOUR . NEURALGIA , Nervous Headache ; Rheumatism , and Stiff Joints cured by F . M . HERRING'S PATKKT MAGNETIC BRUSHES , 10 s . and 15 s . ; COMBS , 2 s 6 d . to 20 s . Grey hair and Baldness tkevented by F . M . H . ' s Patent Preventive Brush . Price , 4 s . and 5 s . Offices , 32 , Basing-hall-street , London , ' where may be had , gratis , the illustrated pamphlet , "Why Hair becomes Grey , and its Remedy . " Sold by all Chemists and Perfumers of repute . ¦ , . _^_ - ¦
RUPTURES . BY ROYAZ , LETTERS PATENT . WHITE'S MOG-MAIN LEVER TRUSS is allowed by upwards of 200 Medical Gentlemen to be the moat effective invention in the curative treatment of Hernia . The use of a steel spring ( bo hurtful in ita effects ) is here avoided , a soft Bandag-e being-worn round the body , while the requisite resisting-power is supplied by tlie Moc-Main Pad and Patent Lever , fitting- with so much ease and closeness that it cannot bo detected , and may be worn during-sleep A . descriptive circular may tc had , and the Truss ( which cannot fail to fit ) forwiirdi'd l > y post , on the circumference of the . body , two inches belo \ v the hip , beingsent to the Manufacturer , JOHN WHITE , 228 , Piccadilly , London . ¦ Price ot a single truss , 10 s ., 21 s ., 26 s . Cd ., and 31 s . Od . — Postag-e Is . Double Truss , 31 s . 6 d ., 42 s ., and 52 s . 0 d . —rostag-e Is . 8 d . Umbilical JTruss , 42 s . and 52 s . Od . —Postngv Is . lOd . Post-office orders to be made payable to J OHN WHITE , Post-office , Piccadilly . ELASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEE-CAPS , & c , for VARICOSE VJflINS , and all -onsen of WEAKNESS and SWELLING of the LEGS , SPRAINS , & c , They are porous , light in texture , ami inexpensive , and are drawn on like an ordinary stocking-. Price from 7 s . Od . to 10 s . each . —Postage Od . JOHN WHITE , Manufacturer , 22 a , Piccadilly ,. London .
ECLECTIC MEDICAL INSTITUTE And PRIVATE BATH ESTABLISHMENT , 105 , Great Russell-street , Bloomsbury , W . C . —JJimplo and Mcdicatwl VAPOUR , GALVANIC , and ELECTItO-CUEAlICAL BATHS , on Improved principles . For Ihc extraction of Lead , Mercury , and Other Minerals from the body , and for the cure of Nervous , Diabetic , Paralytic , Cutaneous , Huputlc , Spinal , Rheumatic Gout , and other diseased , Medical Superintendent—JOHN SKMJLTON , Esq ., M . D ., M . R . C . S ., Emr . For terras , & c , see circular , sent ireo upon receipt of address .
AN ACT OF GRATITUDE . Of \ fVfifi Copies of a MEDICAL BOOK for &\ J ) \ J \ J \ J gratuitous circulation . A Njbrvous Sufferek having- been effectually cured of Nervous Debility , Loss of Memory , Dimness of Sight , Lassitude , and Indigestion , resulting-from the early errors of youth , by following the Instructions given in a MEDICAL WORK , lie considers It hie duty , in gratitude to the author , and for the boneflt of others , to publish the means nued . Ho will , therefore , sond free , secure from observation , on receipt of a directed envelope , and two stamps to prepay nostngo , a . copy of tho book , containing every information required . Address , Ja-jibb Wallace , iflsq ., WilforU House , Burtonorescent , TaviBtook-squaro , Lonapn , W . O , ,
DO YOXT WANT LUXURIANT HAIR , WHISKERS , Etc . ? TUo moflt 'marvellous preparation for the spoody production of Hair . Whtakers , MouHtaohJos , & o ., restoring-the hair In baldness , strengthening it whou weak , preventing ltH falling off , aridoheolUnffgxoyneBa , Is ROSAI'JMOOUraLLlfl'S OJtllNUTKIAK , Tor tho nursery it is rticomniondod for promoting a fine healthy head of hair , nnd averting baldness in affor yoare . Hold by all Qhomistu and Perfumero , Srlce a « ., or eont post froo on receipt of 2 * p « nny atampB , by lies Coupollo , 00 , Cafltlo-etrcot , Newman-utrect , London . ' Mrs . Cartor -writes--. "My head , which who bald , Is now covered with now lialr . " Mrs . Wllllnnis— "I can show a fine head of h « lr from unlng your Crlnutrlur , " Mrs . Rcqvo , ' My hair is gaining' ntrongth and thlokneuH . " Sorgt Craven—" Throuffh using 1 It Jl have an excellent mou , etacho . '' Mr . Yaton— " Tho young man hab now « , good pnlr of whiskeys . - I want two packets for other ouBtomoru /'
———— . ¦¦ | ALLSOPP'S PALE ALE , In the finest condition , is now beinr delivered' by HAKBmGTON , PARKER , and CO . TWhi celebrated Ale , recommended by Baron Liebiff and all thu Faculty , is supplted in Bottles , and in Casts of 18 gallons uid upwards ,, bv HABKINGTON , PARKER , and CO ., Wine anS Spirit Merchants , 5 * Pall-mall , London .
LAZBNBY'S SAUCES , PICKLES , ETC . As sole Successor and Representative of the old-established Firm of E . LAZENBY and SON , I fiud it necessary to caution the Public agrainst the further imitations of my Cards and Labels , which have arisen from the continually increasing celebrity of the Sauces , Pickles , Condiments , & c , prepared by me at the original warehouse , o , Edwards-? trc-et , Portman-square , London . Marsha 1 and Son of 20 , Strand ( nffainst whom an injunctiou was lately granted by the Court of Chancery for Iniltattaff -tli « labels attached to my Harvey ' s Sauce ) , are now attempting- to obtain for thoir own articles the cover of a well-reputed name , by the emulovmcnt of a person named Charles , or Charles John , Laieuby , who has not , and never had , any business connexion whatever with the firm of E . Lazenby and hpn nor With any of its present or former members . Having been informed that the town traveller lately dis .-hargvd by me is troin" - about London with a list of Marshall and . bon ' s goods printed in close imitation of mine , to solicit orders for Sauces , Pickles , & c , with cards and labels difficult to distin « nush from mine , I beg- to caution the trade generally that all articles prepared or sold by me are labelled with my address , 0 , Edwards-street , Portman-square , London , — WILLIAM LAZENBY ( Successorto E . Lazenby & son . )
TO INVALIDS , MERCHANTS , & OTHERS . mHE PATENT ALBERT PORTABLE ± LOUNGING CHAI 1 J , the most luxurious and cheapest ever manufactured . Self-propelling- IJath , lJrighton , aud every other description of chair lor in and out-door use . Mechanical Chairs and Beds of every description , Perambulators , & c . ( the largest assortment in the world ) , always on hand for sale or hire . Agents : — Messrs . Smith , 1 aylor , and Co : ; Bombay , Batavia , Singapore , and bamarang- ; Messrs . F . W . Browne and Co ., Calcutta . Sole Patentee and Manufacturer , J . WAItD , 5 and ( 5 , Leicester-square , YV C . Established «> . > years .
TTYA ] VIand CO . 'S CONJOINT GARISIENTS . XL —Consisting-of Guinea CoatahdVest , Twenty Shilling-Trousers and-Vesti and Thirty-eiglit Shilling- Whole Suits ; well designed" from uniform patterns . LONDON : SO , Oxford-street . BIKMJNGHAM ' : 21 , 22 , and 23 , Now-strict . LESKDS : & , ISriggate . HYAM and Co . ' s CAMERlDGK SAC and PAGET JACKETS . —Th'f . bPstposMiblo gniments for Kcutiemcn ' s customary in-door or out-door wear . Price 12 s . Cd ., 10 s . Od ., 21 s ., 20 s ., and ols , Ctl .. ¦ _ . YA ^ r and CO . 'S DRESS and SURTOUT ¦ COATS , 'in West of Enerland'W'ool-dyi'd lUiuk Cloths , Invisibles , Saxony Broad Cloths , IVouuod Fabrics , & c . Price 25 s . to C > 3 s . HYA M aud Co . ' s OVER COATS and CAPES , in Venetian and Llama Clotlis , Undressed ami Mixed Tweeds , Lustres , Morinos , Cashinerettes , & c . l ' ricc 10 s . Od ., aiB ., 2 » s ., and 35 s . H YAM and CO . 'S JUVENILE COSTUME , displaying faultless adaptation to early age , habit * , nml growth . Children ' s ISclt Suits in new and bonutiful mnt * . - rials . I ' rfce 10 s . ( Jd ., 15 s . fld ., and 21 s . Light Ovcreoals and Capos , Ss . Pel ., 10 s . Cid ., 12 s . 0 d . H " ~ YAM and Co . 's HARROW , ETON ; and RIK . HY SUITS . Three new HtyK .-H , bwoming- in design , scrvicoablo for school or dross -wear , and admirably adapted for young gontlcmen . frli-o lfis . 0 d ., 21 a ., 20 s ., and 31 b . Od . ^ __ J H YAM and CO . 'S CLOTHINCJ TO ORDER , designed in every variety q { ' Ko \ ' . 'l Fnlirk 1 . Frvnch and English Cutters employed . YAM and CO . S ' TriTo / fittliiig TR 6 USER ^ . — To order , on a flt'lf-adjliftt / tiff and Hhapc-nXaiiiiiii . ; Bystom . Prico 17 s , Od . ; Vests to mateli , 8 s . 0 d ., CAUTION . HYAM and CO . arc connected only with tho fijlliwintf Establishments : — LONDON : SO , Oxford-street . UIIUIINOHAM : 81 , 22 , and 2 a , New strocl . LKEDti : * 2 , Itrlgg-ate .
TEETH . By Her Majesty * a Royal Letters Patent . 33 , LUDGATE HILL , and 110 , KKUKNT . STNKIOT , Are tho Dental Establishments cOloem-H , OAUK ( I 0 I-, the olclTefltabllBhed DentlstH—pjitouUt'S of tlu < llMJ'UOVKU Shaded MINBKALTEETH and Fl-liXiULK ULJAItS llttud on their newly-udapted principle of aqII ' -juUh'sIod , without Hprlngs , wires , or any operation . They nni ooniiiowcil of best materials with first-class workmanship , and arc nunplled at charges lower than any wlYfrtiHoU . EslnbliHliiil 180-i . Particularly observe the nun » b « . 'i % And at l . 'll , Dukostrcet , Liverpool .
MAN AND HIS HABITS .. Dally , at Three and hiilf-pust JBIflht , l ) n . K . viin will dollvur Lectures at his unrivalled nu < i original Mmhi'Uid , U Tlohborne-struot , fachiiytho llayiimrkot . ^ va . x . auua . —Identity of Bolf-lovu mill Soohil -The I'lillo-Bophy and I'hyslolog'y of Marrhigo—llupny iuu . 1 I ' nhnppy Julons—Whom and when to Marry—' l'lio ( Iront riocial Svil , ita rvnl Ouro-1 'liilantliroplola um \ tliolr MuIuiuch—New VIowh of Men and Thlng-N—Diviiuith of Youth — Ifoi'ku of Advanced Afefo—The true Ulory yl ' JVliUdlo Ayo—AJy M'Omo j i' 8—Much In Little . The Museum is open dally ( ft > j \ Qontl ^ inon only ) from Twelyo 1 111 Flvo and fi-omSeven till Tvn . 'JOxplaimllon <> i the Models evory hnH ' -lioui . A ( 1 iiiImh 1 oii Oiu > Slillllnu ' , Including Handbook . By Josni > u Kaun , Al . l ) ., ( Iniduiite n Medlolne , Surgery , and Midwifery , of tliu Inipirlul University of Vicuna . <& o . i free by noHi for twelve Mtimipw , airoofc from tho author , 17 , Mnrloy-Btreol , OuvomUchquftjfQ .
Leader (1850-1860), July 2, 1859, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_02071859/page/22/