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»u -. -.,1- .-1-'^-"*-" ¦--•¦ ¦--¦>"riTt...
""- ypli. IX. No, 445.1 SATURDAY, OCTOBE...
LONDON and NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAT.-Tours to the Lakes of Killarney, North Wales,. — ¦-- I.
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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""- Ypli. Ix. No, 445.1 Saturday, Octobe...
"" - ypli . IX . No , 445 . 1 SATURDAY , OCTOBER 2 , 1858 . Pbice { SSgagg ^ igSS ?' ¦¦ '" . ' 7 ,- — ,,,.-. ¦¦¦ .-i ¦ . . -r * -r tnTwTT ^ TT * £ ~^ A T
London And North-Western Railwat.-Tours To The Lakes Of Killarney, North Wales,. — ¦-- I.
. — ¦ -- I . X ONDON and NORTH-WESTERN RAIL-1 j WAY—Tours to the Lakes of Killarney , North Wales ,
Cork , Ac . TICKETS , available for one month , from the principal stations . Fares from Euston station , ISOs . first , and 105 s . second class . '•
TO RAILWAY SHAREHOLDERS . Just printed , for Gratuitous Circulation amongst Railway Shareholders , A PLAN for the GOVERNMENT and WORKING of a RAILWAY . —May bo had by personal or written application to THOMAS \ VltIGL 10 Y , Timberhurst , Bury , Lancashire ; or 32 , Princos-streot , RIauchostor . Shareholders desirous of associating for this object may cornmunicato as above . -
• XTORWEGIAN TRUNK RAILWAY . — JCM 1 'OURTU DIVIDEND . —The Dividend on the Preference Shares of the abovo Company , being Vivo por Cent , for the yqar ending 30 th Soptombor , 1858 . will bo paid on and after Monday next * ' 4 th October , at the olllco of Mossrn . Ricardo , 11 , Angel-court , Hank . Tho Coupons must bo loft three clear days for examination .
ST . GEORGE ASSURANCE CO Ml'ANY . 118 , Pall-Mall , London , S . W . Capital 100 , 000 ; ., in Shares of 61 . each . - Chairman . —Henry Pownall , Esq . Deputy Chairman . —Henry Hainos , Esq . Tho Loading Features of this Olllco arc—1 Every description of Lifo Assuranoo on tho most favourable terms . Tho Assurance of Dofootivo Titles , thereby restoring tho property to its full value . Endowments for Husbands , Wives , or Nomlneos . Endowments for Ohlldron on attaining a certain ago . AunuKlos of ovory description grantou on tornia peculiarly favourable . NoticflN of Assignments of Policies Rogletored . Medical Kofcroos paid by tho Company . Ago of tlio JjITo Assured ndmlttod on nil Pollolos , on reasonable proof being « lvon , *" Stamp Uutlos on Luo Poiloioa paid by tho Company . Loana oil Real or Personal Seourlty , repayable by monthly or quartorly instalments , from ono to live years . ¦ For further particulars , Forms or Proposal and Prospectuses , apply to V . H . G 1 LBART , Boorctary .
¦¦ '" . ' 7 ,- — ,,,.-. ¦¦¦ .-CAPE TOWN RAILWAY AND DOCK COMPANY . Incorporated by Special Act of Parliament , 18 Viet ., Session 1855 . AT THE HALF-YEARLY GENERAL MEETING , held this day at the Company ' ^ Office , 261 , Gresham House , Old Broad-street , in the Gity or LOndOn HAB . RISON "VFATSON , Esq ., in the Chair , after tho advertisement calling the Meeting and tho Report of the Directors had been read . It was proposed by the Chairman , seconded by the managing Director , and carried unanimously : — •„„„ , "That the report now read be received , andfthe recommendations therein contained with respect to the preliminary and management expenses , be adopted . It was proposed by John Robert Thomson , Esq ., seconded by Alexander Macdonald , Esq ., and carried unanimously — ' * That the present Directors and Auditors be re-elected . The Resolution Of the Board of Directors , held October 27 th , 1 S 53 , recommending the appropriation of 200 paid-up shares to Captain Raymond , to bo issued in such manner as the Shareholders may determiiie . having been put by tlic Chairman , and seconded by H . Borradaile . Esq ., the following ameudmoht \ vas proposed by James Thompson , Esq ., seconded by M . Shield , Esq ., and earned miam' " Th atrin the opinion of the Shareholders , the sum of £ 1000 w an ample remuneration to Captain Walter liaymorid , as promoter of the Company , as the Shareholders consider that the success of the Company is entirely owing to the energy of the present Directors , and that this sum be paid to Captain Raymond by tho Directors , at such times and in such manner-as they think fit , but all legal proceeding must be withdrawn before any paymeut can bo made . It was proposed by Captain Nutting , seconded by J . Bryant , Esq ., and carried unanimously : — "That this Meeting congratulates the Directors on the success that has attended their oxertions , and oilers thorn , and especially the managing Director , its best thanks for tho energy and perseveranco by winch it has been out'fliiif > rl " HARRISON WATSON , Chairman . 2 C 1 , Gresham House , Old Broad-street , London . Sept . 30 th , 185 S .
\ CAPE TOWN RAILWAY AND DOCK COMPLY . Incorporated by Spocial Act of Parliamont , IS Viet ., Session , 1855 . First Call of If , 18 s . per share . NOTIC E is hereby given that tho Directors of tho Capo Town Railway and Dock Company havo , by a Resolution of tho Board , made a call of U , 18 s . on oaoh share of 20 ? ., and that the same must bo paid to tho bankers of tho company—tho City Bank , Throadnoodlo-stroot , London—on or boforo tho 23 rd instant . Shareholders who shall ncgloet to pay tho cull nowmado , on or boforo tho 25 rd inst ., will bo charged interest at tho rate of 01 . por cent , per mum in , and will incur a loss of interest at tho same rate for thopcriod iiitorvoninpbotwoou tho 23 rd instant and tho date when such call may bo paid . Interest at tho rate of Ql . per cent , per annum will accrue upon tho abovo call from tho dato of payment to tho company ' s bankers . Paymonts in fulW . <» . 2 . 01 , por Bharo . will bo permitted to ho mado by sharonoldors to tho extent of ono-fourth of tholr shares , on giving uotico to tho managing director on or boforo tho 18 th instant . ' By order of tho Board . 201 , Grosham Homo , Old Broad-atrcct , London , October l « t , 1838 .
SCINDE RAILWAY COMPANY , INDUS STEAM FLOTILLA , AND PUNJAUB RAILWAY . At tho FIFTH ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING of tho abovo Company , hold at tholr olllcos , Grosham llouso , Old Broad-strotit , on Wednosiliiy , tho 20 th Soptonibor , 1808 , W . P . ANDREW , Msq ., in . the chair , tho following resolutions woro onrriod unnnimously ;—1 . That this Mooting rccolvo and adopt tho ronort of tho Diructors . 2 . That tho bewt thanks of this ]\ Iootlnfs bo tondorert to tho Chairman and Directors for tho zeal and ability \ v \ t \ \ which they havo conducted tho birtil . npi } H of Cho Company . 3 . That tho odrdtal thanUa of thla Mooting ar * o divo to W . P , Andrew , Esq ., for his courteous conduct in tho chair this * W . P . ANDREW , Chairman . . XUOS . BUltNELL , Boorotnry . Gresham House , Old Broad-atrooto , Soptorabor 20 , 18 * 8 .
^^ . . ^^^ ^^^ -r * -r ^ tnTwTT ^ TT * £ ~^ A T C RYSTAL PALACE . — PICTURE GALV ^ ' LERY . —The Great Picture by James Ward , _ R . A ., considered by the most eminent connoisseurs as the rival o £ the celebrated Paul Potter Bull , and . which excitedgreat interest at the Art Treasures Exhibition , Manchester , is now on view in the New Gallery . Above 280 important ancient and modern pictures have lately been added _ to the collection now formed in the New Gallery withm tne The Photographic Exhibition , adjoining the Picture Gallery , is now open , and contains several hundred first-class ^ Applications for space for the exhibition of sterling works to be addressed to the Secretary .
THE LONDON ASSURANCE , INCORPORATED A . D . 1720 . FOR LIFE , FIRE , AKD MARINE ASSURANCES . ¦ Head Office—No . 7 , Royal Exchange , Cornhill . Governor—JOHN ALVES ARBUTHNOT , Esq . Sub-GoVeknob-JOHN ALEXANDER HANKEY . Esq . DEPCTX-GoVEKyon—BO ^ AMY DOCREE , Jun ., Esq . . - DIRECTORS . Nathaniel Alexander . Esq . G . R . Griffiths , Esq . Ric 1 lardBaKgallay ,-Esa . David C . Guthrie , Esq . Henry Bonham Bax , Eaq . " Edward Harnage , Esq . James Blyth , Esq . Louis Huth , Esq . Edward Budd , Esq . William King , Esq . Edward Burmetter , Esq . Charles Lyall , Esq . Charles Crawley , Esq . Johu Ord , Esq . John Entwisle , Esq . Capt . R . W . Pelly , R . N . Robert Gillespio , Jun ., Esq . David Powell , Esq . Harry George Gordon , Eisq . P . F . Robertson , Esq ,, M . P . Edwin Gowcr , Esq . Alex . Trotter , Esq . Samuel Grcgson , Esq ., M-P . Lestock Teach Wilson , Esq . West End Office—No . 7 , Pall Mall . COMMITTEE . Two Members of the Court in rotation , and Henry Kinsscote , Esq ., and John Tidd Pratt , Esq . Superintendent—Philip Scooiies , Esq . Actuary—Peter Hardy , Esq ., P . R . S .
NORWICH U N ION LIFE INSURANCE SOCIETY . Instituted 1808 . Invested Capital exceeding 2 , 000 , 000 * . Storting . This Society is ono of tho very fow purely Mutual Insurance Olllcos , tho whole of tho profits boing divided among tho Polley-hohiora . , Tho rates aro considerably bolow those usually p hargod Thus at tho ago of -10 tho sum of 32 ? . 10 s . 2 d ., whlph Jfcm *~ i , . ordinary premium will insure 1000 / ., with tho NOJWICfl ^ \ r-, » UNION WILli IXSURE lopo / . 4 s ., Biviiig nn AiAWK *^ . ^) ^^; llouiis In addlti «> n lo sul . sonuout w ° ™}™ ton 9 W @& £ ^ ir $ V ^ j , Aiiuultlus and Bpoclnl lliaka uiKlortakou ^ 'M w S ^ ' M ^ tC or" TJovms of lit-oposnl anil VrMlwntn ^ SjfflsMT lim ^ - . % 13 . 0 ., and Sum > y-atroot , Norw Ifh . _ **! , M fr AM \ IP 1 >
soourity . U 7 , GraoeclJiudi-sfcroot , IS . u . » ^ Cj ^ JNJV
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 2, 1858, page 1, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_02101858/page/1/