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THE LEADER. _^ [ft° i* l i! & >S* G'*O**...
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The Leader. _^ [Ft° I* L I! & >S* G'*O**...
THE LEADER . _^ [ ft ° i * i ! > S * G' * O ** x > 2 , 18 && . XUlO - ¦ . : „_ . —— - - ~— ^ -. ¦ i ¦ - -- ¦ ¦ - ¦ .
THE PEOPLE'S PROVIDENT ASSURANCE ' SOCIETY , FOB MFE ASSURANCE , ANNUITIES . AND THI GUARANTEE OF FIDELITY IN SITUATIONS OF TRUST . Chief Office , 2 , Waterloo ' rplace * Pali-Mall , London , S . W . With Agencies in all the Principal Towns throughout the Kingdom . . PBESIOENT . The Bight Hon . Thomas Milner Gibson , M . P ., Wilton Crescent . TRUSTEES . George Alexander Hamilton . Esq ., M . P . Joshua Proctor Brown Westhead , Erfq ., M . PJames Heywood , Esq ., FErS . . Richard Spooner , Esq ., M . P . BOAED OP DIKKCTOES . George Alexander Hamilton , Esq ., M . P . for Dublin Uniyer-John Cheetham , Esq ., M . P . for South Lancashire ^ James Davidson Esq ., Anpel-court . Tlirogniortoo-street . Jolin Field ! Esq ., Warnforcl Court , and Dornden , Tunbridge Wells , Charles Forster , Esq ., M . P . for Walsall-Richard Fnvncis George , Esq ., Batn . Thomas G . Hay ward , Esq ., Minones and Highburj . J . HedKiris , Esq ., Thayer-street , Manchester-square . Chas . HindW , Esq ., M . P . for Ashton-under-Lyne . T . ¥ . McChriStie , Esq ., Revising Barrister for the City of Jame " Edward McConnell . Esq ., Wolrerton . John Hoss , Esq ., Reform Club , and Derby . _ . Charles William Reynolds , Esq ., 2 , Eaton-place . Piralico . Bichard Spooner , Esq ., M . P . for North Warwickshire . H . Wickham Wickhajfa , Esq ., M . P . for Bradford . Thomas Winkworth , Esq .. Gresham Club , and Canonbury . The President , Trustees , and Directors are all Shareholders in the Society . ¦ MANAGER AND SECKETAKT . —WILLIAM CLELAND , The People ' s Provident Asspraxce Sogiett transacts Guarantee business upon very favourable terms ; and , u combined with a proposal for Life Insurance , still greater advantages are given to fhe , assured . ¦ The Premiums of this Society are applicable to all ordinary classes of risk , and range from 10 s . per cent , and upwards . The rate in each particular case is dependent upon the nature of the duties , the system of accounts , and the extent of responsibility or trust reposed . The Guarantee Policies of this Society are accepted by the leading London and Provincial Joint-Stock and Private Banks , the principal Railway Companies , Life and J ? -ire Offices , Public Companies , Institutions , and Commercial Firms throughout the kingdom . ' _ ¦ Immediate Annuities , payable during the whole or lire , may . be purchased on the following scale : — Annuities granted at the undermentioned ages for every lOQl . of Purchase Money . Ages . 50 60 I 70 """^ Annuity ^ 8 5 s , 7 d . £ 10 11 s . 7 d , | ^ 15 4 s . lid . List of Shareholders , Prospectuses , and Agency applications may be obtained oh application .
THE ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE . Incorporated a . d . 1720 , by Charter of King George the Pirst and confirmed by Special Acts of Parliament . Chief Office , Royal Exchange , London ; Branch , 29 , Pall-mall , FrEE , Life , and Marine Assurances may bo effected with this Corporation on advantageous terms . Life Assurances are granted with , or without , participation in Profits ; in the latter case at reduced rates of Prem * sum not exceeding 15 , 000 * . may bo assured on the 9 a The Reversionary Bonus on British Policies has averaged 48 per cent , upon the Premiums paid , or very nearly 2 per cent , per annum upon the sum assured . The future divisions of Profit will take place every Five Tears . The Expenses of Management , being divided between the different branches , are spread over a larger amount of business than that transacted by any other ojjlce . The charge upon each Policy is thereby so much reduced as to account for the magnitude of the Bonus which has been declared , and to afford a probability that a similar rate will be maintained at future divisions . This Corporation affords to the Assured a liberal participation in Profits , with exemption under Royal Charter from the liabilities of partnership;—a rate of JBpnus equal to the average returns of Mutual Societies , with the guarantee , not Afforded by them , of a large Invested Gapital-Stock t—the advantages of modern practice , with the security of an Office whose resources have been tostod by the experience of nearly a Century and a Half . ' " JftHW A . WTftFIAM ' . Ant . niuwn . ml Snnrntarv .
T " HE LIVERPOOL and LONDON FIRE ' and LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY . ' Ofllcoa—No . 1 , Dajo-street , Liverpool , and 20 and 21 , Poultry , London . . ; Subscribed Capita ) , 2 , 000 , 000 ; . I 860 . 1857 . 1857 * £ 222 , 000 ... Mro Premiums £ 280 , 000 Increase .... £ 07 . 000 72 . 780 ... Lifo ..., 110 , 000 Inoreasp ... 88 , 000 17 , 838 ... Life Annuitlos 27 , 000 Inoroaso ... 9 , 600 ' mO 00 p gJ ^^^^} l . 08 ^ 00 O . « Iuqre « . eM . « 0 WK » Tho Income of tjlo Company now exceeds 400 , 0002 . a year . , The sums paid in settlement of losses exceed One Million , fltiQFlf tlft # * FIRE INSURANCE , at homo and abroad , at rates proportioned to tho risk , LIFE INSURANCE . —Prospootusos may bo had on application , and attention ie speolally invitod to tho system of Guaranteed Bonuses in the Life Dopartmont , by which Js secured : —J . Exemption from liability In partnership , under any pbsslblo olrou instances . 2 . Bouusos , which » r 0 not oojatnigont on profits , bud flxoU and guarautood by tho < whole resources of tho Company . „ . Fire Policies duo Miohaolraas-ctoy uhouldobo ronowoa on or Wore ttth October , ^^ B 0 ULT | Se ( jrotRryf
NATIONAL PROVIDENT INSTITUTION . 3 48 , Gracechurch-street , London . _ FOR MUTUAL ASSURANCE on LIVES , ANNUITIES , & c Established December , 183 S . ; ' DIRECTORS- ' . . ' SAMUEL HAYHURST LUCAS , Esq ., Chairman . CHARLES LUSHlNGTON . Esq .. Deputy Chairman . John Bradbury , Esq . ^ n n o K W Sq ' Thnmas Castle . Eso . Charles Reed , Jisq - gtt **» sa PHYSICIANS . . _ ^ t T Cnnnnpst M D- F L S . I Thomas Hodgkm , M . D . J Baw « S .-Messrs ' . B & wn . ' janson , and Co ., aud Bank of . SoiJCrTOB— Septimus Davidson , Esq . _ Consulting Actuary . —Charles Ansell . Esq ., £ ; R . S . On the 20 th November last tho total number of policies issued was 20 , 620 . . The annual income arising from premiums , after deducting 83 , 348 ? . 17 s-2 d . for abate- - g inent on premiums , was ¦ J-i ' nS . 1 o 4 From interest on capital t * i , J- » » « Total income £ 275 , 33117 0 Amount of capital £ 1 . 500 . 367 17 11 Amount paid for claims arising from dcatn , and bonuses accrued thereon .... A < 0 « ,. JZ * 17 11 The Directors , in their report to the annual m « c * l"f , ° " the 22 nd Decerabor last , referred to the pro « rcss the Actual y had made in the investigation-of tho assets and liabilities of the institution up to tlie 20 tU November last . ; they haio now the pleasure of stating tho amount of profit accrued , Computed ~ value of assurances in Class IX- ll . Q 0 O . O 9 p . 10 « Assets in this class .... £ l , 3 t 5 , l > 5 0 5 Difference , beiiif ? surplus or profit .. £ 345 , 034 3 11 Of which the sum of 305 , 030 * . Us . 7 < 1 . is now m course of appropriation among the members , either by a reduction or premium for the next five years , or by apportioning a bonus to the sum assured , as they may hnve elected ; the renlaininc 40 003 M 2 S . 4 d . beinpheld in reserve to the next division . Sltffirs whose premiums fall due on tho 1 st October are reminded that the same must be paid withm 30 days from The new Prospectus , with illustrations of the profits for the five years ending the 20 th ¦ November last , may be had on application , by wiiich it will be seen that the reductions on the premiums range from 11 per ceiit . to 98 * per cent , and that in one instance the premium is extinct- Instances of the bonuses are also sh 6 wn . gEpH ^^ 8 ccr ^ September , 1858 . " ' ¦ . . - ¦ _ _ _ . __ __ ¦¦ ¦ I . |— — ^^ H . W rtl ¦ 9 • - iuii THfi
* ^ „ AGENTS RE < 4 lJlKJiU - MAG NET LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY , Established 1851 . _ Chiep Offices—22 , 3 Ioorgate-strcet , City . Prospectuses , proposal forms , and every information for effecting Policies may be obtained by letter , or personal application at the Chief OfTice , or to any of the Society s Agents throughout tho Kingdom . . Influential persons desirous of taking Agencies whore appointments are not already made , can apply for terms , & c , to the Manager , POTT
' the mutual lite assurance JL SOCIETY . 39 , King-street , Cheapsido , E . C . Tho BALLOT for a DIRECTOR , instead pf tho late Sir John Kov , Bart ., will take place at THIS OFFICE on TUESDAY next , the 5 th inst ., botween the hours of 12 and < t , and will bo declared at tho same place on tlio following day viz . Wednesday , tho 6 th inst .. at One . o ' clock . Tho Candidates are—Richard Rowo , William Pritchard , and Alfred William Smith , Esqs . Oct . 2 , 1858- CHARLES INGALL , Actuary .
ACCIDENTS ^ OF EVERY DESCRIPTION . £ 1000 IN CASE OF DEATH , OR A FIXED ALLOWANCE OF £ 6 PER WEEK IN THE EVENT Off iiSfJUUV , May besecurodby an Annual Payment of £ 3 for a Policy in tho "OAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE IX COMPANY . A special Aot provides that porsons receiving compensation from this Company are not barred thoroby from recovering full damages from tho party causing- tho injury f ^ ir ^ r ^ H $ Tm ^ / ftju fifteen more or loss injured by Accident yearly . This Company has already paid as compensation for Accidents 27 . 088 J . Forms of Proposaland Prospoctusos inny ho had at tho Company ' s omcos , and at all tho princlpaLRailwny Stations , where , also , Railway Accidents alone ninyto insured against by tho Journey or year . NO CHARGE FOR STAMP DUTY . Railway Pasaongoirs Assurancei Company , ^^^^^^ Sij ^ ^ i ^^ r ^ ,.
LOANS AND INVESTMENTS . TTTE 30 LINGTON LOAN AND INVESTVV MJ 3 NT ASSOCIATION ( Limited ) , » , Chatham-plooo Blaokfiiars , London . Deposits received at 0 per cent . Interest , payable half * yearly . , . . Loans graiTitod at modornto rates . Particulars of OIIAIILES W . ROB , Secretary . N . B . Agents ronulrod In town awX country .
T > ANK OF DEPOSIT , Estubiishcrl a . p . 1844 . J 3 8 . PMl-Mair East , London . Parties desirous . of INVBSTINO MON * lilY tore roquostpd to oxainino tho Plan of tho Bank ov Dhi'Obit , by which a high rate of Intoroyt way bo obtained with ntnp lo Bocurlty . Tho lntoroHfc is payable in Janiwry and July . . __„ _ , _ , . 1 WEK . MORRISON , Managing Dlrootor . Forms for opening Accounts sont froo on application .
r ^ k Y TT ° ^ M OULMEIN AND B w sSme y & assss 4 ^^ - ¦ saa safc ^ s aaajfjiis :. * ggj / EgBS 3 B £ ^ piirt of hcr Cargo e » enBcd , and wilijiave immediate despatch . — Apply to G . W . Brciiincr , 136 , p churcli-street . . , .
ATIONAL LINEN COMPANY 7 ~ l ^ t 7 blished 10 . years , for tho SALE of HOUSEHOLD ami FAMILY LINEN of tho best qualities , every article iiiad » especially for their different uses , and warranted for dura bility and purity of bleach . Citv Branch . 1 O . > , Fleet-street ( E . C ); West End Branch 130 , New Bond-street ( W . ) . tu '
r XT ATIONAL LINEN COAIPANY ^ sTlSTS XN of PRICES contains full particulars , prices and widths . Sent free by post . ' City Branch . 105 . Fleet-street ( E . C . ) . foot of LadRatc-Uil ! i West End Branch , 180 , New Bond-street ( W . ) , corner of Grosvenor-strcet .
NATIONAL LINEN COMPANY . LADIES are INVITED to SEND for PATTERNS for coin- ' 1 parison , anil free by post . . Address either to the City Branch , 105 , Fleet-street ( E . C ) , or 130 , New Bond-street ( W . ) .
NAT IONAL LINEN COMPANY . ~~ PATTERN BRUSSELS CARPETS , original price s 4 s . 9 d . per yard , are selling « t 3 s . 6 d . A large stock now on hand of Tapestry Brussels , 2 s . 2 d . to 2 s . Oil . per yard . Velvet Pile and Turkey Carpets , Table Covers , and Curtains of every description . Price lists free . Patterns forwarded in town or country . Address , 105 , Fleet-streot ( E . C ) .
SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY .. Incorporated by RoyalCharter , 1847 . LETTERSof CRKJH'T and HILLS i ? suoil upon Adelaide , Port Adelaide , and Gawler- Approved drafts lippoimltd anil sent for collection . Kvery description of Hanking business is also conducted . direct with Victoria , New South Wales , aud the other Australian Colonies , throiuh the Company ' s Agents . Apply at 5 t , Old Broad-street , London , E . C . WILLIAM PURDY , Manager .
DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT BANK . Fr \ £ E PER CENT , is paid on all Sums received on DEPOSIT . Interest paid half-yearly . The Rit-ht lion- the Earl of DEVON , Chairman . CJ . H . LA . IV . iUauaser . Offices , G , Cannon-street West , E . C . of
TTCONOMY ; IN FUEL .- ^ The waste coab JOj arising from the use of badly constructed tireplaces in most families is truly enormous . Tho desirable objects of clfuctiiiR a Ki-eat saving and a « Ulvng to the comfort of apartments are obtained by the use of tho follpwiu } , 'grates : —1 . Improved Smokeless Fire Grates , now made from 20 s . each . These grates burn little fuel , pive much heat , will burn for hours without attention , and accumulate so littlo soot that chimney-sweopiiig is almost supcfsedcil . 2 . Improved Grates , with StoiirbridBc fire-brick backs , from iW . each , complete . Anyone who has experienced tho supiv riority of firo brick over iron for rotanunR 'V , , ™ ¦ ftSSSinSit into an apartment wouKl never coiisoiit to Iia » a grates with iron backs which conduct theJ" **™ " * . fc Improved Grates with Stourbrulffc urO j Ar ^^ U ' porcelain sides from 35 s . each , complete . Thc adv ^ . intap ; boi porcelain for ornament over iron or steel ar ^ e ir <> m u cleanliness , saving , of trouble in cloaiuiig . bhJ . ttm «• beauty not being impaired by lapse of time . II ^™^ prospectuses forwarded on application . Also Mo \ is ior Entrance Uall « . School-rooms , Clmrehes tc f la be ¦ construction . Those Stoves burn little fuel , io ' » e ^ 4 ^ 1 e attention , may bo had with or without opp n p . nn « Till burn night and day in severe woathor ., or JW « tho season if required , whilst they are Oht r , iinl ? ili » tho objection found to so many staves , thiU ol a " > "j }™> : become overheated and to render tlioatnms 1 - ro oUlnwe IllusU'ated prospectusos forwarded . Mwiulac « < - ' » d lid ^ ards ' s Smokeless Kitchen KanwP . wliich alo . no ouwino a Jlrat-class medal ftt tho Purls I ** . ""} " ' " d ' kItclien EDWARDS , SON . and Co ., General Stove »»« , ^\ % Range Manufacturers , 42 , Poland-street , Oxford-btittt , « _ i ? 1
/ CAUTION t «> Housoholclcrs umcc ? , , u-V ^ clmnts , and Public Offices . The Tfttrn NAin ^ n , nd DBFI ' ANOU LOCKS can ho had onlu oi ^ k ftre . RIDGE , 52 . Strand , near plmnnp-oi'OSH- . ^' ° . ' , [ uteves , important for tholr security against inxn »« " ? V ^ t Ht tl » o asovidoncod in tho rrnudufoiit ntUmv' VU ' tor foroinnn Cryatal Pahico . \ n August . 1854 r \> . vJoh n C , oiUi , wrt toTMossru . Chubb , for tho RISWAHU of 200 ( mli « ^ ft | 1 ( l Vamphlot and DoHcri )) tion , to bo "a" ,. *" " ' 1 )( 1 ( , j , cnsli . Thior proof Iron Safos , ' Plato and Jowi ' l L ' ^ ' ^ . ' d streetand Despatch Boxes , Kmboasing Dlca . & c W nrin » Hi- « *» Door LatchcH , 17 s . fld . each . , _ _ - _ ¦
OYDBNIIAM ALPACA OV-BRCOAJg wj O Bummar Wear . Admirably adaj . tod for ¦ tno r » Toffn PostlvalH , Raoc-Coursca , Country Ra »» lV . mt for tr « -v'l | llll 9 Wear , or tho Soa-SlUo , and equally convoni . nt f (»» , Vora in hot dry woathor from tho protection whlci »«¦ > th 0 against UuHt , without tho «» c « mbrnu ^ < n 1 , ) , n , nlo wltU t » restraint of transpiration . Thoso goo Is n e mumj hft | tt dogreo of caro hlthorto u » PV ' co < 1 ^ , Vs ont to nmtoli , Trousers of flno light oloth , 17 s . ««!¦« ^ Xfin ^ Sunnu or 8 s . 0 d . ( BusiiiosHor Park Coat , 17 s . 0 d- S / , ^ "' u for Uoy » , Overcoats of Melton Cloth , aiH . i Complow j «»\ Jpcrft Bulfi , 248 . i Oontlomon ' a domploto B vonln ff , JJ' 0 "i well known la fl 3 » . Tho Sydonham construction aH la now ^ , v 0 ftlla effectuallydirootod toHoguro the most PWQ ^^ iy by tho easyttt iii all nositloiiH of tjioboj y . X 'lJM , | . Invontora , 8 AJ \ l ( jEL HROTflliRS , ait , Ln < l « ftto _ « HJL- —
THE . SUITS at 47 a . ' , 50 s ., ^ ' f . Si ^ U & r »' V 038 ., are made to order frt . ui boottJ n ^ ,, Vu ,, k , Ohovlot tweeds and angolas , all wool , nn 1 thoioimu » , ,, t . by Jl . UWNJAMIN , merohant and / ft n » * Lj'ftVi K lib ! Im * . I ' " 0 ; dtfroot , W ., and aro adaptod for « thoi » ° o" « PlJ a yt-rfuot monado , Boa-Hido , or con tinental tovvvinB- «•»• ( It guaranteed .
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 2, 1858, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_02101858/page/2/