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1046 THE LEADER. [No. 445,October 2,1858...
The Isthmus of Suez Scheme.—It appears t...
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1046 The Leader. [No. 445,October 2,1858...
1046 THE LEADER . [ No . 445 , October 2 , 1858 .
The Isthmus Of Suez Scheme.—It Appears T...
The Isthmus of Suez Scheme . —It appears that on the continent the results of the efforts of the promoters of this project are assuming a definite shape . Last year , £ n this country , the agent of the company , stated that M . de Lesseps did not come to England for money , that the necessary amount had been reserved for the various countries in Europe , and that if England did not take the share reserved for her it -would not prevent the work from being carried into execution , Sffhese representations , it is asserted , will soon be verified , and the various countries interested « re said to have agreed to assist in producing the 8 , 000 , 000 ?* required ; leaving a portion reserved for England of 1 , 600 , 000 ? ., which capital is to be represented by 400 , 000 shares of 201 . each .
Export of British CoAL .- ^ Messrs . Laird ' s ( Liverpool ) monthly circular , gives full details of the coal trade during the month of August . The total exports from January to August ( both inclusive ) were 4 , 229 , 324 tons against 4 , 117 , 960 tons in the same period of 1857 , showing an increase for the present year of 111 , 364 tons . There were exported last month 585 , 537 tons , viz . 371 085 tons from the northern ports , 24 , 017 from the Yorkshire ports , 41 , 728 from Liverpool , 112 , 139 from the Severn ports , and 36 , 568 from the Scotch ports . The Rothschuj > s . —A correspondent of the Nord savs that all the chiefs of the Rothschild House—from Ijondon , Vienna , Frankfort , and Naples—are assembled at Paris , forming a congress of financial powers .
Rumoured Accident to a Steamship . —On Thursday a telegram was posted in the Liverpool Exchange News Room , to the effect that a letter had been received in Dublin from Galway , in which it was stated that the steamship Propeller was run aground to prevent her sinking . Tribunals o ^ Commerce . —The Select Committee on Tribunals of Commerce , in reporting the evidence , express no opinion on the subject , but recommend the resumption of the inquiry next session . The evidence of the witnesses , Mr . D . Brown , Corr-Vander Maeren , Mr . E . Blount , Mr . H . D . Hutton , Mr . F . Lyne , and Mr . C . C . Crasemann , fills a blue-book of 200 pages .
Progress of the Birkenhead Docks . ^—The Mersey Dock Board , at the meeting yesterday , accepted the tender of Mr . W . McCormick , for the excavation of the low-water basin , at Birkenhead , the enlargement of the Morpeth Dock , and other kindred works , including the fillirig-in and formation of a quantity of land , wliioh is to form wharves , quays , yards , streets , & c . Improvement of Gaxwat HabbcTur . —The-Government are about to send three gentlemen , experienced in engineering and maritime matters , to Galway , who will report to the Government upon the state of the harbour and roadstead , and who will also inquire as to . what works may be necessary for rendering that port safe and commodious . —Freeman ' s Journal .
Manufactories nr the Papal States .-t—A letter from Rome informs us that an exhibition of woollen cloths and silks , manufactured in the Papal States , has been opened in the hall of the Capitol . About twenty manufacturers seat opccimone of their produce ; of these the cloths of Bologna and Rome were particularly . admired . Competent judges state that the Romans can now supply themselves at home with coarse cloths without having recourse to other countries . Trade of Paris . —The retail business of Paris has been rather active during the past week . The accounts from the provincial manufacturing towns are very satisfactory ; orders are flowing in , and business altogether shows a decided improvement .
A Telegram from China . —The Beacon ^ a religious journal published in Fleet-street , gives currency to an exclusive telegram from China , which says : —Shanghae , 2 nd of August . —No . 8 Tsat-lee silk joas advanced to 330 taels , and the settlements since last mail reached 3000 bales , of which 2000 are in the present steamer . Eight chops black tea , old crop , settled at 20 to 22 taela . 8 ; $ lbB . grey shirting in good demand at 2 taels 1 mace . jExchange , 5 11 . Hop , Intbltjcgencb . — Kent : In many places the picking is already completed ; there appears to be o general opinion that the aggregate crop is lighter than had been thought . In some parts the crop exceeds our original estimate , owing to the fine maturing weather
¦ we have / enjoyed , and the hops are in excellent condition . In other places the hops have suffered from vermin , and had become very brown before they could be secured . Sussex and Surrey : The reports from these counties are generally similar to those above given from Kent . Worcester : At our annual hop-fair on Monday near 1000 pockets of new growth wore pitched for sale . The number of pockets passed over the public soales was 779 new and 58 old . There were also 107 new and 81 old weighed on Saturday . Currency : Inferior samples , 45 s . to 48 s . ; middling to fine , 50 s . to 58 b . ; oholco , 60 s . to 65 s . and 66 s . per owt . Duty quoted , 260 , 000 / . — / South Eastern Gazette . New Bishops . — -On Wednesday Drs . Hobhoueo and Abraham , the recently appointed bishops of the now dioceses of Nelson and Wellington , were consecrated' at Lambeth church . The Bishop of Oxford preached the sermon , and the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishops of London and Hchuold took part in tho coremony .
The New Moldo-Wallachian Capital . —Th town of Fockschani , which , according to the convention on the Danubian Principalities , is to be the seat of the Central Commission of the two Principalities , of the High Court of Justice , and of the Court of Appeal , is situated on the Milkov , a tributary of . the Sereth , one of the tributaries of the Danube . The Milkov forms the frontier between Walla ' chia and * Moldavia , and the town stands on both its banks . The more important part of the town belongs to Moldavia , contains a population of 12 , 000 souls , and is the chief town of the district of Putna . The Wallachian part , less extensive and less populous , is also the chief town of a district . The town is the centre of the commerce between Moldavia and Wallachia , and the great highway which unites the two capitals , Bucharest and Jassy , passes through it .
Last Week But Two. Professor Wiljalba Frikell.— Polygraphic Hall, Kinfc William-Street, Cha-
ring-cross . TWO HOURS OF ILLUSIONS—previous to Professor Frikell ' s departure on a Provincial Tour . Every Evening at Eight . Saturday Afternoons at Three . Private Boxes , One Guinea ; Box Stalls , 5 s . ; Orchestra Stalls , 3 s . ; Area , 2 s . ; Amphitheatre , Is . Places may be secured at the Polygraphic Hall , and at Mr . Mitchell s Royal Library , 83 , Old Bond-street .
DR . KAHN'S ANATOMICAL MUSEUM , 3 , Tichborne-street , opposite the ITaymarket , OPEN DAILY ffor Gentlemen only ) . LECTURES by Dr . SEXTON at 8 , 4 * . and 8 o ' clock on Important and Interesting Topics in connexion with ANATOMY , PHYSIOLOGY , and PATHOLOGY ( vide Programme ) . Admission , Is . — Dr . Kahn ' s Nine Lectures on the Philosophy of Marriape , & c , sent post free , direct from the Author , ou the receipt of 12 stamps .
TO INVALIDS , Merchants , and others . —Th e PATENT ALBERT PORTABLE LOUNGING CHAIR , the most luxurious and cheapest eyer manufactured . Self-propelling Bath , Brighton , and every other description of chair for in and out-door use . Mechanical chairs and bedsof every description , perambulators , & c . ( the largest assortment in the world ) , always on hand for sale or liire . Agents : —Messrs . Smith , Taylor , and Co ., Bombay , Batavia , Singapore , and Samarang ; Messrs . F . W Browne and Co ., Calcutta . Sole patentee and manufacturer , J . WARD . 5 and 6 , Leicester-square , W C . Established 99 years .
RUPTURES . —BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE'S MOC-MADST LEVER TRUSS is allowed by upwards of 200 Medical Gentlemen to be the most effective invention in the curative treatment of Hernia . The use of a steel spring ( so hurtful in its effects ) is here avoided , a soft Bondage being worn round the body , while the requisite ' resisting ' power is supplied by the Moc-Main Pad and Patent Lever , fit ting with so much ease and closeness that it cannot bo detected , and may bo worn during sleep . A descriptive circular may be had , and the Truss ( which cannot fail to fit ) forwarded by post , on the circumference of the body , two inches below the hip , being sent to the Manufacturer , JOHN WHITE , 228 , Piccadilly , London . Price of a single truss , 16 s ., 21 s ., 26 s . 6 d ., and 31 s . 6 d . — Postage Is . Double Truss , 3 ls . 6 d ., 42 s ., and 52 s . 6 d . —Postage Is . 8 d . Umbilical Truss , 42 s . and 62 s . 6 d , —Postage Is . lOd . Post-office orders to be made payable to JOHN WHITE , Post-office , Piccadilly . ELA STIC STOCKINGS , KNEE-CAPS , & c , for VARICOSE VEINS , and all cases of WEAKNESS and SWELLING of tho LEGS , SPRAINS . & o . They are porous , light in texture , and inoxponsivo , and arc drawn on like an ordinary stocking . Price from 7 s , 6 d . to 16 s . each .: —Postage Cd . JOHN WHITE Manufacturer , 228 , Piccadilly , London .
BLAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS . Price Is . lid . and 2 s . 9 d . per box . HPHIS preparation is one of the benefits which JL the science of modern chemistry has conferred upon mankind ; for during the first twenty yoara of tho present century to speak of a cure for the Gout was considered a romance ; but nowfttho efficacy and safety of this medicine is so fully demonstrated by unsolicited testimonials from persons in every rank of life , that public opinion proclaims this aa one of the moat important discoveries of tho present ago . These Pills require no restraint of diet or confinement during their use , and are certain to prevent tho disoaso attacking any vital part . Bold by all Medicine Vendors . Soo tho name of " Titomas Pbout , 229 , Strand , London , " on tho Government Stamp .
DR . DJ 2 JONG ! ITS LIGHTVBBOWN OOD UVER OIL , Prescribed by tho most eminent Medical Men throughout tho world aa tho safest , speediest , and most effectual remedy for CONSUMPTION , BRONCHITIS , ASTHMA , CJOUT , RHEUMATISM , NEURALGIA , DISEASES OV THIS SKIN , INPANTILB WASTING , RICKETS , GJBNKRAL DEBILITY , AND ALL SCROFULOUS AFFIBOTIONS . Db . db Jokoui ' s Oil is tho moat ofllcaolous , tho most palatable , and , from its rapid curative ofToots , unquestionably tho moat economical of all kinds . Its vast thorapoutio superiority ovor tho Pale Oil Is established by Innumerable testimonials from Physicians and Surgeons of European reputation . Bold only in Imperial Half-pints , 2 s . Od . j Pints , 4 s . Od . s Qwarta , § £ ?< capsuled and labollocl with Dr / DE j 6 ngH'S itamp ' and aigfiaturo , without wttjoir Npjym oa . n possioj ^ x BH genuine , by most respootablo Ohomluta . Solo British Consignees , ANSAR . HARTORD , and CO ., 77 , Strand , London , W . O . *«* Purchasers arc earnestly cautioned agntiiBt proposed substitutions .
THE BEST REMEDY FOR INDIGESTION . NORTON'S CAMOMILE PILLS are confidently recommended as a simple but certain remedy for Indigestion , which is the cause of nearly all thn diseases to which wo are subject , being a medicine so unf fornily grateful and beneficial , that it is with iusti ™ called the J lce " Natural Strengthened of tiie Human Stomach !" NORTON'S PILLS act as a powerful tonic and *» ontla aperient : arc mild in their operation ; safe under ahv circumstances ; and thousands of persons can now bear testi " mony to the benefits lo be derived from their use . Sold in Bottles at Is . ljd ., 2 s . 9 d ., and 11 s . each , in everv town in the kingdom . . •* CAUTION!—Be sure to ask for "Norton's Pills , " and do not be persuaded to purchase the various imitations .
•\ rALUABLE INFORMATION ! GRATIS V A neatly printed book , 100 pagos , TEX THOUS \ XT > COPIES of which are being issued GRATUITOUSLY bv tho " Anatomical and Pathological Socii-tv of Great Britain . " Tho Society presents this important work to the public gratuitously , for the boncfit of those who are suffering from imy secret disease , debility , nrrvousnoss , loss of memory , dimness of sipht , drowsiness , indigestion , irritability , and general prostration of the system , incapacity for study , business , or society , and especially ijecoji . MEHDS II TO YOUSO llEK . " Most valuable to . those who feel an interest in the subjects treated of , showing sufferers the most certain meaus of recovering , perfect health . " —Medical Journal . Enclose two stamps to prepay postage , and address Dr . W . B . Marston , Anatomical Museum , 47 , BernOrs-street , Oxford-street , London .
FEMALE COMPLAINTS . —KEARSLEY'S ORIGINAL WIDOW WELCH'S FEMALE 1 'ILLS are strongly recommended , as a safe and valuable Medicine in effectually removing obstructions , and relieving all other inconveniences to which the female fr & mc is liable , especiall y those which arise from want of ' exercise and general debility of the system . They create an appetite , correct indigestion , remove giddiness and nervous headache , pains in the stomach , ' shortness of breath , and palpitation of the heart . Sold by J . S ANGER , 150 , Ox ford- street , London , price 2 s . 9 d ., or by post for Thirty-six Postage-stamps . For Exportation—The above can bo obtained through British merchants , shippers , and Colonial agents .
I ^ O THE . NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED . X —CHARLES WATSON , M , D ., Fellow and Honorary Vice-Presidont of the Imperial African Institute of France , Corrcs . Member of the Medical Societies of Rourii and Pern , the National Academy of Sciences , & c , and late Resident Physician- to the Bedford Dispensary , 27 , Alfredplace , Bedford-square , London , continues to issuo , on receipt of six stamps , ^ 'THE GUIDE TO SELF CURE . ' "Those about entpring tho Mavriaee State should peruse Dr . Watson ' s invaluable little work , as the advice be gives on health and disease reflects much credit upon him as a sound medical philosopher . "—Critic . " The true Guide to those who desiro a speedy and private cure . "—University Magazine . For Qualifications vide "Diplomas" and the " London Medical Directory . "
XPENDERS , STOVES , and FIRE-IRONS .-X ? Buyers of the above aro requested , before finally deciding , to visit WILLIAM S . BURTON'S SHOW-ROOMS . They contain such an assortment of TENDERS , STOVES , RANGES . FIRE-IRONS and GENERAL IRO . VMOV G 13 RY as cannot bo approached elsewhere , cither for variety , novelty , beauty of design , or exquisiteness of workmanship . Bright stoves , with bronzed ornaments and two sets of bars , M . lls . to 137 . 13 s , ; ditto , with ormolu ornnr oents and two acts of bars , M . Cs . to m ins . ; bronzed fenders , with standards , 7 s . to 5 Z . 12 s . ; steel fenders , 21 . 1 M . tollJ . ; ditto , with rich ormolu ornaments , from 2 c . us . to 18 ? . ; flro-irons , from Is . 0 d . tho set to -tf . 4 s . The BURTON and all other PATENT STOVES , with radiating hoarth-platcs . BEDSTEADS , BATHS , AND LAMPS . WILLIAM S . BURTON has SIX J . MW K SI ° | V ROOMS devoted , exclusively to tho SKIWIIATK W ? £ •" , of Lamps , Baths , and Metallic- Bedsteads . Tho » ' <«>« ol each is at oncctho largest , nowost , and most viinuii o \ ui submitted to tho public , and markod at prices !» w ° rtloiiato with those that lmvo toudod to inako hi * obtabllshmont tho moat distinguished in this country . Bodsteads , from 12 s . od . to ££ *> o » . ^{'' Shower Baths , from hs . Oil . t <> ? ' »*• ^ , "' Lamps ( Modoratour ) from < is . od . to 7 i * . encu . ( All othor fcinds at tho same rate . ) Pure Colza Oil > la . 3 d . per gallon . CUTLERY , WARRANTED . —Tho most yap V ^ rlcd assortment of TABLE OUTL 1 S 11 Y I'V ' . T . ^ Ig ' all warranted , is on SALE at W 1 LLIA . M h . 1 << 'MOft ft at prices that aro remunerative only becanw oi " < ' « ft ) ness of tho sales . Sfl-lnch Svory-lmndlod l »«>! ' ¦ ' 'V ' u' Jos ., hl « h shouldora , 12 s . Od . per dozou I dimaorl-s U \ " '"^ 'J . ,,, (; , if to balance , Cd . por dozon o ^ tra ; carver * . •) ; , ** " ' ! ,. ' lino larger sizea , from 20 s . to 27 s . ( Id . por « l «> w > n l , 'X | , ono ivory , 83 s . i if with silver ferrules , 40 a . i ° ' | - > v o a . nor table knlvos , 0 s . por dozon ; dossorts , fls . ; c » nun . - . ts pair ; black horn table knives , 7 h . ' ^ -J tv \ , [ ' A , ' oh * nnd Cs . , carvers , 2 s . fld . s black wood-hnndlod la 11 « I , UH > s > forks , 08 . por dozon j table stools , from la . «« " ! ' ! . ' ^ irt etook In oxlstonoo of plated doasort knlvj-H n « 1 o « m coses and othorwlao , and of tho now plated lUU tai «« WILLIAM S . BQETON'S CjNmj FURNISHING IRONMONGl lO , OAlA oo » may bo had Rrabla , and fl-oo by poat . }'' t ' , 'I'loctro and of ioo IlliMtrfttlon ' a of Iiis illlmitod Stock ol ^ w < T Ui Shoinold Plato . Nickel Silver rind JBrliam J' » MoU j ' uSdw » . Dish Oovora and Jlot-wator ^ W " - , ^ ° '„ Own-Marblo Mantolpiooofl . KHohon itwiBOH , . l , in » J >» , Cl , t . ilora , Tea Urus and Itottloe , 'lV ) a Tmya , U ocil h , 'J » ] 1 o ^ . lory , BathH and Toilet Ware . Turnory , In >» " {' l , ' ,, ¦ itIcoh , atottda , Bedding , Bod HaiiKfiiB . * o . & o ., wUlil , lH « » ^^ and Plans of tfio SUtoon large Show Jto iuh . ^ ' MXd Btroot , W . i J , 1 A . fl , and » , jCWJK ' Im ! Ml ) ia 2 U 0 , Porry ' w i » laco , JUondon . —JJtfTA BHWUli ^ «* u-
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 2, 1858, page 30, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_02101858/page/30/