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1048 THE LEADER. [N p^ £45 y Ootobbb _ 2...
LONDON.* Printed and published by Vred«r...
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1048 The Leader. [N P^ £45 Y Ootobbb _ 2...
1048 THE LEADER . [ N p ^ £ 45 y Ootobbb _ 2 , 1858 .
DIVISION OF PROFITS . THE SIXTH DIVISION of the Company ' s Profits ia appointed to be made at loth November , 1860 , and all Policies effected before 15 th November , 1858 , will participate in that Division . THE FUND TO BE DIVIDED Trill be the Profits which have arisen since 15 th November , 1855 . A POLICY EFFECTED BEFORE 15 th NOVEMBER , 1858 , will rank , at the Division in 1860 , as of Three Years' standing , and secure One Year's Additional Bonus , at all future Divisions , over Policies of a later date . RESULTS OF THE BUSINESS OF THE YEAR ENDED 15 TH NOVEMBER , 1857 . . ¦ : . . •¦ ' ' jE s . d . Sums proposed for Assurance during the year . . . . . . . . . 664 , 513 7 5 Sums Assured , exclusive of Annuity transactions . ... . . . 574 , 839 75 Corresponding Annual Premiums on New Policies . . „ . . . . . . 17 , 916 ^ 3 6 Claims by Death paid during the year , exclusive of Bonus Additions . . . . . 8 / , 925 13 3 Annual Revenue for 1857 : — 9 . 9 ftl 8 ir in From Premiums . * • • 202 , 818 16 10 From Interest on the Company ' s Invested Funds . 62 , 551 11 4 265 , 370 8 2 Accumulated Fund , invested in Government Securities , in Land , Mortgages , & c . . . 1 , 451 , 822 9 3 GENERAL STATEMENT OF THE PROGRESS OF THE COMPANY ' S BUSINESS FROM 1848 TO 1857 .
r SMITH , ELDER , AND CO . HAVE JUST PUBLISHED : i . LIFE OF CHABLOTTE BRONTE . By Mrs . GASKELL . New and Cheaper Edition , 1 vol . post 8 vo , with Portraits , and View of Haworth Parsonage * price 7 s . 6 d . cloth . II . Third Edition of EDWABDS'S PERSONAL ADVENTURES DURING THE INDIAN REBELLION . Post 8 vo , price 6 s . cloth . HI . New and Cheaper Edition of PAUL FEBBOIX : a Tale . By the Authot of "IX . Poems by V . " Post 8 vo , price 2 s . cloth . rv . MY LADY ? a Tale of Modern Life . 2 vols , London ; Byirar , Expbb , and Co ., 65 . Coruhil ) .
In the press , one volume , demySvo , THE FOOD GRAINS OF INDIA , with INTRODUCTORY REMARKS ON THE DEVELOPMENT Ol ? TBB RESOURCES OF INDIA . By J . FORBES WATSON" , A . M ., M . D ., F ; O . S ., Ac , Bombay Army . Also , shortly , by the same Author * FOOD AND ITS INFLUENCE ON MAN . Embracing the result of many thousand observations , and an investigation , instituted by the Indian Government , into the nutritive value of all the chief articles employed for food , London ; Smith , Eu > bb , and Co ., 65 , Cornhlll .
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THE RIGHT HON . B . DISRAELI . M , P . . In Monthly Volumes , post 8 vo , 3 s . 6 d . each , cloth extra , A COMPLETE LIBRARY EDITION OF HIS WORKS . — NEW VOLUME . TANCRED ; OR , THE NEW CRUSADE . The Volumos already issued are , viz .: — VENETIA , HENRIETTA TEMPLE , and LORD GEORGE BENTINOK—A BIOGRAPHY . London : Gbobge Rouixedqe and Co ., Parrlngdon-stroot .
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TALES FROM " BLACK WOOD . " No . VII . Price Sixpence , containing A Reading Party in tub Long Vacation . Fathek Tom and the Pope . Tho previous Numbers may bo had separately , price Sispence each ; or in Two Volumes , bound in cloth , prico One Shilling and Sixpence each . William Blaokwood and Sons , Edinburgh and London .
BLACK WOOD'S MAGAZINE , for OCTOBER , 1853 . No . DXVI . Prico 2 s . Gd . contents : What will nrc do with it ? B v Pisistratus Caxtox . —Part XVII . Aniriaiw Heat . A Plea for Shams . The Light on the Hearth . — . Part II . The Atlantic Wedding-Hino . Thb Ballad Poetry of Scotland and of Ireland . Lord Clyde's Campaign in India . Whwam Bjcaokwood and Sons , Edinburgh and London .
Just published , prico Is . 0 d ., DIVES AND LAZARUS ; or , the Adventures of an Obscure Medical Man in a Low No > S » l > ourliooa . " Tho illustrative stories ho has wovoil togof Iiw Jiavo an unmistakable air of general truthfulness , and » vi" » ° > 0 IWI with unflagging intorost , " r— 77 t «? Press . "A humane littlo book . "—Morning Star- , London : Ju » P and'Glass , 38 , Now Bridgo-utrcot , nnu Gray ' u Inn-road $ and all Booksellors . ________
Ii » foap . 8 vo , price 0 s . oU > th » GOD MANIFEST ; a Treatise on the Goodness , Wisdom , and Power of flod . an MnnlfQ **™ . ™ His Works . Word , and Personal AMiparintc i ¦ b ? . } ' 5 iJiS ? : how tho Permission of Moral and ' physical M vll , ( 8 , Vni ? s . cllablo with tho Dlvlno Attributed . By tho llov . O . l'RO' 9-OOTT HILLER . London s Hodson and Sox , 22 , Fortiiffal-Btreot , W . 0 .
^ PHE QUAllTEELl' REVIEW . No . COVIITX . AdvortlBoinQiitH for < - !>« fopHioomlnff Numlwpmy" ho forwarUod to Uho PubllnHpr ' s by the ditJi , uud iJllla lor liisor tion by tho ( 1 th of Octouor . 00 , Albotnarlo-stroo ^ London , Sopt . 18 , 18 Dfl . -
London.* Printed And Published By Vred«R...
LONDON . * Printed and published by Vred « rji « k Gu « . » l Tomllnn at •• Tho Leftdor" omoo , No * 302 Strand , in tho County or MiddlMOX . —October 8 , 1858 .
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 2, 1858, page 32, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_02101858/page/32/