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1148 THE LEAD ER, [Saturday, I
result is, that this m uch-suffering tra...
»^ Faij. -js-tbb, Price of Brbad.—The ba...
, , i - i l ; > t i b 3 s a j , i ; 1 - ...
\ Madlle Sophie Cruvelli's return to the...
»^ r J - - ¦ ¦ --Cumtnmial Iffam =
; FOREIGN FUNDS. > ( 1a8x Official Quota...
I ; ; - - , , , Caledonians, 59, 80; Eas...
RO YAL OLYMPIC THEATRE. l^osseo and Manager, Mr. A. WIGAN. week tho performances will com-
C O R N M A B K lfl T. Mark Lano, IMday ...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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1148 The Lead Er, [Saturday, I
1148 THE LEAD [ Saturday , I
Xyceum—A Comical Countess. The Game Of S...
XYCEUM—A COMICAL COUNTESS . The Game of Speculation is becoming as customary at ^ opening of a LtrH & sss . rj % r « = s = SSSr ! Sr ^ Sfi 5 p ? SSHfi baron It then appears that the blow was given to the Countess , and not to the fiwthe RegSt ; and the Countess ( disguised in her turn ) under pretence of Srting her own cause , fights a duel with the Maquis to prove his courage which bidI teen assailed . His courage is subsequently exemplified on the Baron SfcflKrjyho is wounded-the position of the wound , ^ . ^ . Jf ™ " * " * ihTreceiver , being equally Buckstonian . ^ next discovery is that the Cou t ^ S an old flame of the Marquis , who has , by marriage , raised herself from the office of cook in the service of the Marquis's aunt . Happiness-for two of the See characters , at least-is the result . The piece is taken , n < Jt ^ oforcibly , from the Trench , and is altogether so amusing that we are nof ™™ nef j £ * angry with little iaconsistencies which we never observed m the " houses ot the great . " B .
Result Is, That This M Uch-Suffering Tra...
result is , that this m uch-suffering tragic write * has appealed from ^ e caprice , of the tragedienne and of the Minister to the reading P « -ffPP s o m S !" rJ tmblic to exist We should be disposed to consider the public who read tra ¦ SuE » s ? Sfw on the somewhat ancient subject of Medea , rather a limited an .
. | „„„ ™ wir althoueh Thebphile Ga-utier declares Trance to be an " intel * 1 rectSrChma'MnSfXiranceof tragedies . A review of Medee has appeared in theSS , pointing out with ingenious felicity the beauties of which the in uiBi / e « u » , f , , " denrived . One scene between Jason and Medea , in j wS ^ L ^ Oe-. is written to the very measure * Ei ™ i * rilPRachel- we can see and hear her as we read . But the situation is W noTeantoSg ina ana we began to think of Pollio and Grisi in the second lit of Sa Indeed , we are half inclined to recommend some musical % t L ^ ZTm Lesouve ' s MeU e to Bellini ' s music . It would be more effective than N ^ a . M L ? gouvJ has attempted a contrast of the passion of the hallsavagfwo ^ an and the fickleness of the gay and civilised Greek-a contrast whfchTi notAntique , is an adroit concession to the manners of our ceutury . ¥ Se last scenJis dexterously contrived to elude the canon of Horace ' s Ars Poetwa— u Ne coram populo iJfe < fea trucidet . " r * n + i , Q -cno-iich sfao-p the murder of the children would have been a calculated wror ^ n tt £ reject pShapir M . Legouve and Horace are right . Altogether £ fTegouv ^ yeineU rved ^ better fate , and a more amiable mau than the author does not exist , we believe , in France .
»^ Faij. -Js-Tbb, Price Of Brbad.—The Ba...
Faij . -js-tbb , Price of Brbad . —The bakers gene- rally , throughout the metropolis , liave reduced the price of bread a halfpeimy in the 41 b . loaf ; the price now is 8 ^ d . and Sd . for seconds , and from 9 d . to lid . for best bread . / n . Qejstral AssoctATiou . —Widows and Orphans . — TteobnosiousRtae 14 , respecting unrecognised-wivea _ of soldiers has been Expunged . Major Powys' occupation 13 I > eath of Mubad I . —In a rebellion of tbe Servians , Murad found the termination of bis glory and of his life The Turks gained in 1839 a decisive victory on the Amselfeld hi Servia ; but after tbe end of tbe battle , Murad fell by the hand of a Servian noble , byname Milosh Kbbilowitch , under circumstances which hear a most romantic tinge . The Sultan was going over the field of battle , accompauied by his Vizier , in order to gaze on the multitude of victims who had fallen before Ms prowess . He remarked after a while , " It would be strange , were my dream of last night to come true . saw myself murdered by an hostile band . But , he added , " dreams are the creation of the fancy ; it cannot be possible . " This was heard by a Servian , who lay among the dead , but had not yet expired , and he con cluded tlat the Sultan stood before him . Collecting his last desparing energies , he rose suddenly and stabbed the Sultan . The Servian waa of course cut to pieces , but the Sultan also expired within two hours . Before he died , however , he ordered the execution of Lazarus , the captoed King of Servia . — Turkey . By Sir Ge < yrge Jjirptnt . ¦ ¦
, , I - I L ; > T I B 3 S A J , I ; 1 - ...
j , i 1 - \ S _ I J ° MONEY MARKET AND CITY INTELLIGENCE . PridayBvening , December 1 , 1854 .. ^ OnTiantB on tbe whole during the week , have ruled flatter S- considerations make the Funds very flat , and : nottuiM ^ but » the coming dividend would k « ep them up at aU . ^ " ^ . W and other shares have- been dealt m . s ^ ar mgly . Turkisti Rmn has been drooping . The settling day , yesceraay : SShtf ^ . saMwwrt sisrsffi - SSinS' ^» Si" «» 1 »»« S « a Sr ^ JSSSS Wm ^^ WPMMSl t Prince , had not been bought by the Government , but it is e nlain that the Sorew Company has not only sold the saitt : ^ js ^ JBs ^ JSKia ^ 6 ation , have formed part of the reasons for the depression of = ^ Co ^ soS opened this morning at 811 , 02 , have . sinco been done at 914 , and cloao at four o ' clook at 01 « , i teuxomnbjn for next time . Turkish Bcrlp 6 per cent . Russian lives , 05 , 97 .
« M S. ' ; From The London Gazette. J Tu...
FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE . Tueadav , December 1 . BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED-Thomas Houghton , M BANK ® PTS . ^ ° R i onAUi > Waibtbi . 1 ,, NaWc-strect , fe & M ^^ £ « c «» S Sobqb VAX . ** , l un ,, Willonhall StalTordslurc , ron- ^ ongor-JosBPK Partridge . T . ipton , corn faotor-HMNRY SAMpBIiPA-BKBii , BirminRhfttn . licenaod ^ i ° uftl \ T r - ^ ° ^ S rEENY . Blrkonliead . 1 ontlnghpuso-kcopor ¦ - A . j ^ XAN » a ! B Hir-LYAKK , Liverpool , alo merohant-JOHN ^ o ^^ N ' M ^^" pooir Vocor-WKicmT Bbntj-by , Oldham , Jronloundor-* ffi $ 8 gffift ^^ O ^ -0-U . H « u . « W . Ardri shakArCTleahiro , civil onKineor-T . BiaaAn , PaiHlov . marm f ^ tur ^ -TS , ¦ Wjiith , GTaagow , pTOvisloni mwohant—Q Kat St " trHne . woolaplnnor ^ - W . Maokav . Aberdeen nSlno Scor-W BuiUon and D . Shombo » . QJwwow xnovohants . mdaVt DooeWUr \ . nATsnrnTTPTOY ANNULLED . —William Taylor Wak-B ^^ mSSw WAuiuON . HUd 0 UAKM .. 8 DBMIiOOU * . Cardiff , builders . HAnKRUPTS . — "Wijcmam ^ Vatxs , Cowos , Ibo of Wighli , wsm
X £ E j p Jackson , Lombard-street , City , sni P ° ™^ Jf £ f *™ * ££ r James Bach , Ludlow , auctioneer-James Gajd-keogek , btrus Gadkeogee , and William Si . atee , Se 131 ^! . ^^ S Yorkshire , cotton . Spinn « rs-Wiir , iA ^ XiXT ^ JOHN Dowie , Manchester , taUor-CHABXES Pabkee and . Ed"WIK PAEKEBrNorthampton , boot and shoe inanufacturers—James Baxdin » King ' s Arms-place , Old Kent-road , liatmanufactur ? r-JoHi fAViOE-and James Buwras , Stoeknort . nower-loom cloth manufacturers- , .
\ Madlle Sophie Cruvelli's Return To The...
\ Madlle Sophie Cruvelli ' s return to the stage was a severe trial for the singer , a „ Ltont triT thP fashionable world in Paris . When she was seen coming ^" tfc ^ ki ^ SrSSi act of the Huguenots the silence of the theatre was ominous . The first words of the Queen , addressing Valen tine , " Dis-moi ¦ _ Quel est le resultat de ton hardi Toyage ? vr ^ rP rpceived with a roar of laughter , and from that moment Madlle . Cruvelli was secSe si U , when between " the second and third acts there to a longer 1 ™ 4 ethanusual and at length the curtain was raised and the regisseur alone ' Kared with his three traditional curtseys arid all the icy decorum of a ' thScalapologiser , a . shudder of sarcastic indignation ran through the boxes andSestaUsasif a tremendous " sell" were coming . Ah ! iZ ne manquait que \ ^ T ^^^ epartief hv ^^ fvom ^ -cymnib ^ b ^ *** *** WJ OrX 3 Bhouldtay . But it was no such thing . It was only an apology for M . Obm 8 ^ cold ; an Announcement that shook the house again with laughter . And so , alj though Valentine said— n 5 . . « j ) e Severs a promos de refuser ma main , - it is now pretty certain that M . le Baron V- — has promised to accept the i hand of Madlle . Sophie Cruvelli at the end jof the season 55 .
»^ R J - - ¦ ¦ --Cumtnmial Iffam =
»^ r J - - ¦ ¦ --Cumtnmial Iffam =
British Funds Tor The Past Week. (Closin...
BRITISH FUNDS TOR THE PAST WEEK . ( Closing Pbices . ) Sat . \ Mon . ¦ Tues . Wed . \ Thur . Frid . BankStoch ... 209 | 209 J 209 210 2094 209 S per Cent . Bed 905 90 * 89 « 901 90 * 89 S A per Gent . Con . An . S 2 i 92 j 9 U 91 | 91 | 9 U Consols tor Account 92 S 92 * | 91 l 91 J » 1 ? 9 1 * Si per Cent . An . New 21 per Cents ¦ —••• . - ;•„ sv i ' Long Ans . 1860 4 B-16 41 4 5-16 4 6-16 ^ .,... India StocTc 230 233 i 23 « 232 233 , Ditto Bonds , £ 1000 7 10 ...... 10 , , Ditto , under £ 1000 7 10 7 ...... 11 i - Ex . Bills , rflOOO 3 p 3 p 3 0 6 6 i Ditto , iC 50 <) 6 p 6 p ...... 8 6 b l Ditto , Small 6 p 6 p 6 « 6 6 | i
; Foreign Funds. > ( 1a8x Official Quota...
; FOREIGN FUNDS . > ( 1 a 8 x Official Quotation dup . ino the Week ending t V itatTBSDAY EVENIKG . ) i Brazilian Bonds 97 Russian Bonds , 5 per b Buenos AyreseporCnts . ... « <^ n £ 88 ............... » 6 J 3 OWlianSper Cents 73 Russian 44 ser Cents ..,. 87 Danish 5 » er Cents Spanish 3 p-Ot . NowWer . I 8 g Bcuadorlonds ........ 3 i Spanish Conrarittoo Cert . s Mexican 3 per Cents . ... 21 of Coup , notfu n ....... 5 * a M ss &^ . K . ? i .. ^ m s ^ rr Pi ? sr . : - , :
I ; ; - - , , , Caledonians, 59, 80; Eas...
I - , , , Caledonians , 59 , 80 ; Eastern Counties , U , ll * i Groat Northern , 87 , 8 S-, A stock , 7 S , 74 ; B stock , 123 . 125 ; Great Western , CO *; 091-, LancwMro and Yorkshire 70 J . 71 J ; ; London and lirighton . Ml , i « B ; London and ^ SoutU-Wcatorn 975 , S 8 J ; Midlands , 68 i , 074 ; Borwlcks , 72 , 74 ; York and North . 50 , 51 ; Oxford , WOlvorhampton , and Worcostcr , 29 , 31 ; Boi th-rioastorn , 671 , 585 ; Antwerp and Rotterdam , « , « 4 Baatorn of tfranco , 30 t , 301 ; Luxorabourg , 3 i , 4 , Paris ' and Lyons , 175 , 181 pro . ; Paris and Orl «* nfc * Mffl j Paris and Rouen , 30 , 88 ; Ntunur and Ltego . fl } , 7 ; Wostorn , of Franco , 4 . 5 pm . ; Groat Western of Canada , 1 « 4 . 17 * i AKua J ? rias , % 14 ; JJrazil Imperial , 2 J , 3 ; St . John del Roy , I USTwiLtSwoa ^* 8 J , O 4 ; Pont ' gibcaud , 154 , 10 * ; South Km . . tralian . 3 1-16 , 51-10 pm . ; Peninsulas , 4 pm . ; Wallers , f . ft ; Australiosian Bank , 77 , 80 ; Ohartored Bank of AuHtralia , . 22 , 22 * x . all ; Oriental Bank , 30 . 38 s Union Bank of Australia , 07 , 09 ; Australian Agricultural , » 5 , 37 ; OpatiO . , Palaco , 21 , 25 ; General Sorow Steam , 13 , 14 j North Britten i , AuBtraliislan , 4 dis . ; Scottish AuHtralian Invoatmont . lJ , 18 ; , South Australian Land 33 , ilB .
Ro Yal Olympic Theatre. L^Osseo And Manager, Mr. A. Wigan. Week Tho Performances Will Com-
YAL OLYMPIC THEATRE . Lessee and Manager , Mr . A . WIGAN . tho week tlio porformancos will com-
Monday and during tho week tlio porformancos will commence with tho burlotta called THE BEULAH SPA . Principal Characters by Messrs . A . WiKari ' - Bmcry ^ P . Robson . IL Cooper ; Misa Marston . Mrs . A . Wigan . M . rs . lixzallan . and Miss Julia St . Goorgo . After which tho comio drama of THE PIRST NIGHT . o 2 S ^ Mcs ^!» a « l 85 fflC- " To conclude with tho mow farce called A BLIGHTED BBINQ . In which Mr , 1 ? . Robson . will appoar .
. yit ^ ux / A 1 * ' ' »• - ¦ ¦ ii . Mw atupi ? T SMITH has the honour to R . ALBMtl ftiJAX" » ' ° ^ ] JLA ^ wlu
to * s . . ^ ux 1 * ' ' ii . ~ H 1 ? WHITT IKGTON CLUB , Established fT \ Hil < VV Uu J- ^ Yn advantiiKos of a LHorary Institui 18 « . affords alI tlio f X lTbrary and News Itooma , tlon and Club Houho . i ^ " ^ " ^^ VucUiy ' solrooa ( froo to the . LooturoH . OlMHCH . and ™ ^ % Z \ i \ nl and ChOHB Rooms . MomborH ) . " »»» " «• ,,, noa 1 ) a Year . Ono Quinon . Half BubBoriptlon . 'lw ° "JV , " ^ tt Quarter . No Entrance Poo . X f- rmZ & hlp "XkS ^ hol sfc of l ) oc « mb « r , aro ! Sw nS . AS iWootua and a Hat , of Looturos may bo '" f . «\\ lrrtlmr » day . I ) oo . 7 , 0 . Ohnrloa . iaSa .. on Burlesque To ooSnco » i oWk Momb «™ nm . ^^^ a 7 , A rundol-Btroot , Strand .
C O R N M A B K Lfl T. Mark Lano, Imday ...
C O R N M A B K lfl T . Mark Lano , IMday Evening , Deo . 1 . Tlvo supply of English wheat , has boon moderate , yot prioos continue to droop , without , howovor , giving way to any quotable extent . Afo-vr Baltic cai-goos hnvo arrived , and for the besfc klnda of old "Wheat there Una boon hohio llttlo demand . Tho quantity now in graumry i" London la vory trifling : so that with some demand from Ireland and tho Wont Coaati of England , for old Black Sou Wheat , tho value . of thin description If fully mnlntiiiuod . For Odoasa Ghirki * ' Wheat , which was Hold l » Ht wook at 74 s . n . a much as 70 s . ban boon paid , and othor parculo aro now held at . 77 » . and 7 Bh . ; Stottin Wheatflllbs . on patitago io oil ' orcdat 12 s . RoatooK
at 75 s ., cost and freight to London orEastC « ast Barley of all descriptions has continued to ^ echne ^ lightly m value . Oats support Mondays prices with tolerable firmness ^ but thlreis aslow sale , atid for cargoes coming on JtaflMrraga GdTless must toe taken . Beans are firm . Peas are . drooping . Tbe Trench markets continue to rise .
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 2, 1854, page 20, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_02121854/page/20/