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1150 THE LEADER. [Saturday,
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1150 The Leader. [Saturday,
1150 THE LEADER . [ Saturday ,
fM FERIAL LIFE INSURANCE COMX . PANY , 1 , Old Broad-street , London . Instituted 1820 . SAMUEL HIBBBRT , Esq ., Chairman . "WILLIAM R . ROBINSON , Esq ., Deputy-Chairman . The Scale of Premiums adopted by this Office will be found of a very moderate character , but at the same time quite adequate to the risk incurred . Four-fifths , or 80 per cent , of the Profits , are assigned to Policies every fifth year , and may be applied to increase the sum insured , to an immediate payment in cash , or to the reduction aud ultimate extinction of future Premiums . One-third of the Premium on Insurances of 600 J . and upwards , for the whole term of life , may remain as a debt upon theiPolicy , to lie paid off at convenience ; or the Directors "will lend sums of 50 / . and upwards , on the security of Policies effected with this Company for the whole term of life , when they have acquired an adequate value . Security . —Those who effect Insurances with this Company are protected by its Subscribed Capital of 750 , 000 ? ., of "which nearly 140 , 0002 . is invested , from the risk incurred by ixnembers of Mutual Societies . 3 ? he satisfactory financial condition of the Company , exclusive of the Subscribed and Invested Capital , will be seen . from the following statement : — . On the 31 st October , 1853 , the sums Assured , including Sonus added , amounted to ....... iE 2 , 6 OO , O 0 O The Premium l ? und to more than 800 , 000 And the Annual Income f rom the same source , to 109 , 000 'Insurances , without participation in . Profits , may be effected at reduced rates . . SAMUEL INGALL , Actuary .
INDISPUTABLE LIFE POLICY COM PANT , ' 72 , liombard-street , ani 24 , Connaught'terrace . ¦ . - ¦ . ¦' . ¦ .. "¦ Trustees ^ •• ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦' . Richard "Malms , Esq ., Q ^ C ., f Richard Spooler , Esq ., M . P . M . P . | John Campbell Reuton , Esq . ^ James Toiler "Madox , Esq . | William Wilberforce , Esq . A . reduction of 25 per cent , has been made on the pre miums of all policies of five years ' standing . ALEX . ROBERTSON , Manager .
BANK OF DEPOSIT , ! 2 iATI 0 KAI « ASSOTBAHOE ASTD iNVESTaiENr ASSOCIATION , No . 3 . Pali Mail East , London-Established A . D . 1844 . Empowered by Special Act of Parliament , X > ARTIES desirous of INVESTING MOKEY JC are requested to examine the Plan of this Institution , toy which a high rate of Interest may be obtained with perfect Security * The Interest is payable in January and Jxri . Tr , at the Head Office in London ; aad may also be received at . the various Branches , or through Country Bankers , without 'delay or expense . PETER MORRISON , Managing Director . Prospectuses and Forms for opening Accounts sent free on avvlicdtion .
|^ EOT 2 RAX INDEMNITY INSURANCE \ JT COMPANY , Cannon-street West . —Capital , BOO . OOOZ . ill Shares of 51 . each ; call , 10 s . per Share . Every description of insurance business transacted , at this olnce . Policies absolutely indisputable . Guarantees afforded against losses arising from robberies , forgeries , frauds , debts , insolvency , and non-payment of rent . Fire and life insurance effected on improved and safe principles . Plate-glass insured . Prospectuses , terms of agency , proposals , & c , can be had on application . J . G . HUGHES , Secretary .
SOUT H AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY . Incorporated by Royal Charter , 1847 . The Court of Directors grant LETTERS of CREDIT and BILLS upon the Company ' s Bank at Adelaide at Par . Approved drafts negotiated and sent for collection . Business with tho Australian colonies generally , conducted through tho Bank ' s Agents . Apply at th « Company's Ofllces , 54 , Old Broad-stTeet , London . WILLIAM PURDY , Manager . London , December , 1854 .
BENTLEY'S MISCELLANY . THE DECEMBER NUMBER ( Price Half-a-Crown ) contains : — The Events of the Year . Charles Kemble . The Attitude of Austria in the East . Aspen Court , and Who Losr and Who Won it . A Tale of our own Time . By Shirley Brooks . Lord Mayor ' s Show-The Fate of Sir John Franklin . Paris Viveur , Bohemian , and Idustrial . Robert Southey and Charl . es Lamb . An Adventure in Switzerland . London : Richard Bentley , New Burlington-street .
ITAUAN AND FRENCH LANGUAGES . MR . ARRIVABENE , D . L . L ., from , the University of Padua , who lias been established in London for three years , gives private lessons in Italian and Trench , at his own house , or at tho house of his pupils . Ho also attends Schools both in town and country . Mr . AI & RIVABENE teaches on a plan thoroughly practloa > l ,, and the most mediocre mind cannot fail to thoroughly comprehend his lessons . Apply by letterto Mr . ABJaiVABHNU , No . 4 , St . Michael ' splace , IJrompton .
THE DUBLIN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE for DECEMBEE , price 2 s . 6 d ., contains : — 1 . The Crimea and Sebastopol . 2 . A Pilgrimage to the Land of LEtx and Ossory . Conclusion . 3 . The Waits : A Christmas Stout . 4 . Biographical Sketches and Anecdotes . 5 . Mosses tjpon Gravestones . Conclusion . 6 . Rose Condon : A Balxad of Fear-Mutghe-Feine . By Feakdana . 7 . The Voices of the Belis . 8 . Leaves from the Portuguese Olive . No . V . 9 . Recent Tourists in America : A Merry One and a Wise One . 10 . A Chant for December . . * . . 11 . Memoik of Field-Marsecal Godnt Brown . 12 . Professor Edward Forbes ; Dublin : James M'Glashan , 50 , Upper Sackville-street . And all Booksellers .
HPESTIMONIALS by PRESENTATION JL having become so much tho custom , and in combo-/ quonco of Messrs . T ? UTVOYE . haying been frequently applied to for suitable articles , they bog to atato to all those who would yay such , graceful tributes to publio morlt or private worth , that in all cases when it is clearly shown goods aro required for such a purpose , and tho amount exceeds 50 ? ., they shall , allow 10 por oent . from their xogular marked prices . 184 , Rogonfc-stroot . August 28 , 18 B 4 . ,.
Tn \ EAFNESS AND SINGING NOISES . — JLJ Instant relief by Dr . HOQHTON'S now and painless mode of euro . Any oxtromoly deaf Bufforor , by ono visit , is ipermanently enabled to hoar with oaoo tho usual tone of conivoraation , without operation , pain , or tho use of instruments . Thirty-four patients cured last wools i many totally deaf instantaneously restored to perfect hearing . Testimonials from , tho highest medical authority in London can bo soon , and / persona roforrod to . 0 , 'ho above discovery ia known and practised only by Dr . iHcghtoi ) , Member of tho London Royal Oollogo of Surgeons , iMayia , l 8 * 0 j L . A . C , April 80 , lfiM . Institution for tho Cure of Doafnoaa , 0 , Suffolk-place , Pall-mall . Juat published , Solf-Curo of Doafnoss , for country jpatl « nta- « n atop to empiricism , qunokory , and exorbitant fees ' ^• sonticttiecolpti of govern stamps , ! free .
T ^ RASE R'S MAGAZINE for DECEMBER , JD price 2 s . 6 d ., or by post 8 s ., contains : Charles Eemble . " Gilt and Gingerbread j" or , Tom Fool ' s Dat ibt the City . English Letter-writers of the Eighteenth Century . a cobtmon-place english tour . A Legend of Despair . By Pkedekick Tenntsow . Researches in Dutch Literature . Fifth asd Concluding Part . General Bounce . By the : Author ov " Digby Grand . " Conclusion . A Midsummer-Night ' s Debabl The Poultry Pentaloguk . Kaye ' s Life of Lord Metcalfh . Siam , and its Distinguished Princes . A Retrospect of the War in the East . London : John W . PAKKERand Sou , West Strand .
T HE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE AND HISTORICAL REVIEW for DECEMBER contains : — 1 . The Queens before the Conquest . 2 .-Alexander the False Projphet . 3 . Delia , Casa on Etiquette . 4 . The Sequel of the History of Sir Piers Crosbie and the Earl of Strafford . 5 . Horse-raoing temp . James I . 0 . Original Documents relating to Katharine of Arragon . 7 . On Windows in Stained Glass , and particularly tho now West Window of Norwich Cathedral . 8 . Roman Antiquities lately discovered in France ( with Engravings ) . With Correspondence of Sylvanus Urban , Notes of the Month , Historical and Miscellaneous Reviews , Antiquarian Researches , Historical Chronicle , and Obituaky , including Memoirs of the Earls of Abingdon and Eldon ; Lord Dtmalley ; Rt , Hon . JSir George Arthur : Admiral Sir T . B . Martin i General Sir Gordon Drumraond ; Ralph Bernal . Esq . ; John "WilJcs , Esq . ; "William Dent , Esq . ; Rev . William Cooko ; Montague < Jossot , Esq . ; Samuel Phillips , Esq ., & o , & c . Price 2 s . 6 d . Nichols and Sons , 25 , Parlaament-streot .
Price Ono Shilling . THE NATIONAL MISCELLANY for DECEMBER contains : —l . Tho HusBian Church , and its Effect upon tho Present War . —2 . Birds and their Associations . —8 . Proc-Ruskinism . — % . Pinto Uiboiro ; or tho Revolution in Portugal ( continued ) . —5 . John Lilburno , and . the Levellers of the Commonwealth . —c . Extracts from tho Journal of an Officer in tho Expeditionary Force ( continuod ) .-. ? . Notices : —Tito English Humourists of tho Eighteenth Century . —Walter tho Schoolmaster . — The Dream of 'Pythagoras , and other Pooma . —Tho Twofold -Slavery of tho United States , with , a . Project of flolf-Emanclpation . —8 . 'Poetry . At tho OWtoo / TTo . 1 , 'Exotor-strcet , Strand , London .
Just . published ,, price 3 s ., poafc free , 2 s . Od , TO'BRVOII . S AFFECTIONS : an Essay tin JSV Spermatorrhoea ; its Naturo and Treatment , with an Exposition of tho Ifrauds that aro practised by persons who advortiBo . the speedy , safe , and effectual euro of Norvous J ) o-% W »? iv < l ; r , ?* A ? ' c , ^ 3 M ; ™ Ol !' rjPHE BOYAI * COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS . London . London : Avlotv and Co .. 8 . Patorncmter-row .
Now in course of publication , Moathly , T ^ E ROTAL GALLERY OF ART , consisting of a limited number of proofs ferclusivelv * on India paper of LINE ENGRAVINGS from the choicest pictures m the PRIVATE COLLECTIONS of HDR -MAJESTY THE QUEEN and HIS ROYAL HIGHNESSPRINCE ALBERT , to whom the work is by special nermission dedicated , and who head the list of subscribers to whom only in this form is the work issued . ' Por prospectuses , & c , application may be made to tho publishers , Messrs . P . and D . Colnaghi and Co .. Pall-mall Bast ; or to theEditor , S . G . HALi , Esq ., F . S Ju , 4 , Lancasterplace , Strand , London .
D | EAFNESS . —IMPORTANT DISi iSOT ^ " - " * ' MANFRED , M . K . O . S ., lias this day published , free by post , for eight poata « o stamps , a Physician ^ Guide for Country Patients , for tho Perfect and Permanent Itoatoratlon of HoarinK , by hia invaluablo Now iroatmont . lJoing a stop to quacltory , cruel impositions or » tho sufloring punlio , and exorbitant chargef * , this book will aavo thousands from tho impositions of tho solf-Btylcxi dootorfl , inasmuah as tho hearing can bo rostorod for life . JJoftfnoHB of the most Inveterate naturo rolloved in half an hour , cured In a fow hours , almost Instant oosnatlon of nolaoH in the earn and head , by painless treatment . liunarods ol letters may bo soon , and persons roforrod to , who hay p hoard tho uttual tone of conversation in a fow hours . PaMonta rpoolvoA daily afc . Dr . Manfred ' s residence . 72 , llo-Konfc-stroot , London { tlmt door In Air-street ) , where all letters muat bo addroHHfid . "
4 fc ] MT - S - C ' 4 LL tad the honour of subi- -l- mitting to his Royal Highness Prince Albert several fine engravings from pictures at Windsor Castle , Buckingham Palace , and Osborne , about to be published in 'The Boyal Gallery of Art . '"—Court Circular , Ncv . 24 . This -work consists principally of engravings from the private collection at Osborno , such pictures being the purchases of her Majesty and tlie Prince from living artists of the several existing schools . The work is dedicated , by especial permission , to her Majesty and Ms Royal Highness Prince Albert , and is issued under thoir " immecliate sanction and patronage . " Publishers : Messrs . Colnaghi and Co ., Printsellersto her Majesty , & c . Communications may be addressed totho Editor , S . C- Haxl , Esq ., F . S . A ., 4 , Lancaster-place , Strand .
Just ready , imperial 4 to , one guinea , PARABLES of OUR LORD . Illustrated by FRANKLIN , engraved in tlie finest style of line engraving . *« * To meet the extended demand for this superb-work , aii Edition is prepared at One Guinea , neatly bound and gilt . A few remaining copies of theTirst Edition , handsomely hound , 2 . 1 . 2 s . ; an Edition in Fronch , bound , XI- lls . 6 d . John Mixcbell , Bookseller to her Majesty , 33 , Old Boiidstreet .
CHEAP BOORS . SEOOND-H & ND COPIES of each of the following WORKS are NOW ON SALE at MTJDIE'S SELECT LIBRARY . Oliphant ' s Black Sea , 4 s . 6 d . —Life of Thomas Moore , G yols . 24 s . ; The Roses , 5 s . Hill's Travels iri Siberia , 10 s . 6 d . ; Parkyns ' s Abyssinia , 16 s . ; Purple Tints of Paris , 6 s . CurzOn ' s Armenia , 3 s . 6 d . ; Lloyd's Scandinavian Adventures , 21 s . ; Villette , 6 s . Haydon ' s Autobiograpliy , 12 s . ; Frontier Lands of the Chxistian and Turk , 10 s . 6 d . Atherton , by Miss ititford , 10 s . 6 d . ; Hooker ' s Himalayan Journals , 18 s . . Landor ' s Last Fruit off an Old Tree , Bs . 6 d . ; Napoleon " at Sfc- Helena . IBs .-Iiayard ' s Second Visit to Nineveh , 10 s . 6 d ;; Brenner ' s Impressions of America , 10 s . 6 d . De Saulcy ' s Visit to the Dead Sea , 12 s . ; Egerton ' s Tour in India , 6 s . ; Ruth , 7 s . 6 d . Harry Mwir , 5 s . ; Lady-Bird , 9 s . ; Lady Marian , 5 s . ; Magdalen Hepburn , 10 s . 6 d . Aubrey , by Mrs . Marsh , 10 s . Cd . ; A Clover Woman , by Mrs . Trollope , 149 . Progress and Prejudice , by Mrs . Gore , 6 s . ; Lifo in the Mission and Camp , 7 s . 6 d . Chesney ' sl Russo-Turkish Campaigns , 6 s . ; Moltko ' a'liussians in Bulgaria . Va . 6 d . Smyth's Tear with'tho Turks , 3 s . ; Reginald Lyle , by Miss Pardoe , 9 s . My Novel , 4 vols . 10 s . 6 d . ; Blade ' s Travels in Turkey , Gs . - The Twin Sisters , 5 s . Strickland's Twenty-Sovon Years in Canada , 5 s . ; Lifo in tlie Clearings , 5 s . ; Avillion , 5 s . My Homo in Tasmania . 7 s . ; "Westminster Abboy , 7 s . 6 d . ; The Great Highway , 3 vols . 5 s . And many other recent Works , a List of which may be obtained on application . Cham , e 8 Edwakd Mudif ., 610 , Now Oxford-street , London ; and 76 , Cross-street , Manchester .
EDUCATION at BRIXTON , SURREY . — There aro two Vacancies for Pupils in an Establishment for Youiib Ladios where only a limited number of hoarders aro received . Tho treatment is kind , and liberal . Terms moderate . —For further particulars apply to Mrs . F . Loveh , Sycamore House , Brixtou-hlll .
ripHE PERMANENT HABPY EXISTENCE X OP THE HUMAN RAGE , on THE COMMENCEMENT OP THE MILLENNIUM IN 1865 . ALL GOVERNMENTS , RELIGIONS . 01 ASSES . SECTS , AND P ARTIES , IN ALL COUNTRIES aro invited to appoint and aoiid delegates to a Mooting to bo hold in the Metropolis of the British Empire , on Monday , 14 th May noxt , in St . Martin ' s Hall , to hear oxplaineii " Glad Tidings of Groat Joy to all Mankind , " which will include the principles and the plain and easy practico by which all Governments may make , with tho'aid of tnoir respective ) religions , every ono from birth , good , intelligent , w 1 ae , united to all , and permanently prosperous and happy . And as a preliminary measure , the Uitixed Trapes ov Tins Metropolis aro invited to elect and Rond dolcgatoa to a Mootixig to bo hold in St . Martin ' s Hall , January 1 st , 1850 , at 7 p . m ., to lmvo explained to thorn that they may explain to thoir constituents ) In London , and to thoir fellow-workmen over Great Britain and Ireland , tho courso which will bo recommended thom to adopt at tho Groat Meeting of Universal Donates , to bo hold as Htated , 14 th May , on which day will bo declared a ( joining ohango in tho condition of tho human race , without revolution or violence , to bp > effected in poaco , with order , wise foresight , and without injury to any ouo of any class in nny country , but with high lasting beiioIII , to all who ahall from birth do placed within thoso nay / conditlonn . Lot all who shall attend those two inootlnps , come in tho spirit of pure charity for all men , and a right good-will to aid and bonullt thom , regardless of thoir oluus , oreod , country , or colour . »• 'JJhoro will bo no docoptlon or seorooy In those prococdii » BB . but the whole will bo conducted wlfcli " Truth without , mywtory , mixture of error , or fear of man , " And tho glory of thtti uluvallon of mankind to a now phase in their condition will bo alone to tho God of the Unlvorao who evidently workofch all things , in regular proBroaa for iho ultlmaliu good itud happlnoBH of man . Lomlon , Wbh November , 1854 , ROBERT OWHN .
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 2, 1854, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_02121854/page/22/