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CHINA. At Canton matters remain much the...
Voancs^y being the '^"^ourth •nmv-.r.ary...
pT-^ssss ^rssj^ss™; S-asf e-^s^asssg VVi...
[Satueiday, ^ -—— ¦ " ' -—•-~
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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Poundikuthewar. Au O€ Us Here- Present, ...
sss ^ gggs ssrusssra ^^^ -sas sas ^^ Sir ^ asyis tWJ ^^^ i ^ sasrfta ^ t & P nt ^ r ^ x ^ is ^^ r ^ W anything ^ df *^ ? SL required in the struggle brave men , when all their spu n * * nted that they sue ? i . ott liaVR to stand . Utuswwiiu ' S' ., ¦ . i .... i ...., ^ » ,, m . ^^^
^ sa r - ^ -s ^^ M Sevastopol . Well , and after ? OBJECTS OP THE WAR . I ^ Si Nwarino from mere J ealous ^^ in lf iP p 0 Sin " youhave broader views , as have you nvust , ^" 'W Tiie Crimea wsmam
SLSSTlf '*? £ . iS " nd l- « d the Polish **» , 5
F ? rSir ^ rs »™ p Mh
Ss * . - ^ . BgK SSrKs i gp i i i i is
p l ^ i i iss ^ g ^ ssss j
s . ™/ s ?& » •^^ iftsa ^ jss j ? "it i man aovorVfinty ua eerily >§« £ Ji Si there b *« crcd THB ORIBIS—ADVICB . .
,.,.= „ , . ¦ " what h we you to do In tlio bituntion But tlio question » , wUa '\ l ; for nil n nawora , tlmt rein you arc placed ? You arc toW ^^ wmta will do . I orcementn shall fc »»» t i » , "J , o , " HluUlund-t « r Swtlaml . went the length of >» B " {'"^ hSl oopulntion , I wondoroi »« A «^ 8 «» f « 7 ^ fflrB ™ n « wrwualy engaged in ^ Sr ^^& ou ^ ujon , J 5 JUJJJ . araa ixss ^^^ *~** ¦*
a radical cure ? O « i tainiy now of aU must penet ^ te to . the rog of U « ev J ^ f Jj this , Eith yoar diffictabies is Axistna . i- veiy she England fears Amtg t « . mig ' , « £ - ^ . throw | ought . 1 here is the evih u fieferring to what ' overboard , and you are « i ^ . ; barrerness of a success I was saying about the « W ™ to come al a later \ wmmmmi
iS ^ E { S HS ^ pendence to tlie »^™^ X ^™ x-e-mmd ^ here the we « k emigration—not to lulK ^ '"" iU there And -wherever a e ^^ ias ^ nwat Tive justice , slow but sure in its decrees .
HOPE FOR HtTNGAKIT . ^^ iS Hutujr ^ -- ¦
u ... g- o- . y b e not many menaSBKffl " Fs ii tes - — .- — before eleven o ' clock .
China. At Canton Matters Remain Much The...
CHINA . At Canton matters remain much the same as ttcviouslv reported . The Mandarin forces still held lie city but act only on the defensive . The rebe !« are apparently getting tired of starving the city into Jcapttion , ? ortlie ° reis dbwrga ^ atum aj ^ W their bands . Trade is beginning to be re-established .
Ireland. Down With-Tub Bishops ! ^ Thvrf...
IRELAND . DOWN WITH-TUB BISHOPS ! ^ Thvrf is only one movement in Iceland at present : lauSghly Koman Catholic country is putting down wssmmm mm & mk I to « Sofar tie Beformatiou ill ^ tmted ths SdeUty af
; King of England lad as many parMam among the ^^^^^^ p j ^ SSS ess ^ fps " ^ -l ESK inS ^^& t ^ S , & a ? -L-s ^ f r »» Sr ™ — correspondence ^ th the hirelings of P ^ t
TOF ^^ I « to that measure . ' .. , aViiftinpf for-, •¦ An o d f ^ ro r ^ rn ^ LSoi nf ° i . '' JL-SpgSSsSSSaa to
reduced oruer uy « .- " *•""" " 1 , turned But if it bes r . sS - ^ iS ^ rn ^ fi ^ SSS ^ SS ^ j ^ sS "" - * ssftffitiisass trious exceptions pwt andFent > J bo SSSSSsm ^ "
Symptoms of Comi ng ^^ SJjTtSSaSwSi ilira ^ allud i f S . hS ° tllS Sjll ?^ ttoS £ i to one &^& 1 o ^ to ft pOrti ° " ^ regard * the lots ''^ . ^ S So affluent competitor * sale , bid by bid , w . »^ } Jj " oS An old man , venerable and eventually came ( h ; " ° ' ^ lbourho (>( l , purchased la y « nh and WJ ^ J f , 2 h ho had hitherto held f" ^ f ^^ 1 ^ Ho iua « ur « ted hiS intenUor , of lethan 00 a » u »«» - - - ut in tlw homely
S 8 ^ iKWominga proprloK r I > y i ^ ° * floW— » Will you and ^^^ X ^ SoStt eSolot ? " Ho aftcrtako from an old tan » nt doubUng hl 8 offer . Another -f ^ sr srxrxrr
Voancs^Y Being The '^"^Ourth •Nmv-.R.Ary...
Voancs ^ y being the ' ^ " ^ ourth nmv-. r . ary - J ^^ iSISSS ^ 'tS ^ S ^ r ^? ' HBBSBi Dudley Stuart .
Pt-^Ssss ^Rssj^Ss™; S-Asf E-^S^Asssg Vvi...
pT- ^ ssss ^ rssj ^ ss ™; S-asf e- ^ s ^ asssg VVierdnaki occupied the chair , and . the following roBolutiom 9 were agreed to ;— „ The first resolution was moved by Mr . JN . x . Zahatry , seconded by Major Gielgud" That the Poloa , faithful to the duty *^ h fw « br-tojr i ffiiMA Mtt ^ SS
he r nfof a " ' lopmulout . We , tho only ^^ "jijCJ : » Ttfi ^ - ro ^ ? sS Sonsof EiwtornbttrbBrtom i nnd of fl 8 t » UwhuiB « Uuo * nU lusting pence ot Europo . " . 1 Tho second roBolution was moved by Mr . Qloinlch , Bccoivded by Major JancewicK- — I . _ , i ... .. ! .. , 1 !„ .. nvi < -, i » H to toatilv thoir crtttitutio
„ have fuund not mwoly « n iwylum , but a homo « ro »' »» [ , aLppcAntodthatiio ' rolwli L « Rion , to not « < h >« U un « t «» will thu allied I ' owortt , lma yalboon ft ) rin « d *»**» ' « J ' * * ^ cr mied that U « d aucli » iw »»«» l > oe »^ Jjgj d thou » n < of their follow-countrymcn , now I gnominious !} iw °
serve in the Russian army , and to combat against the forces of the allied Powers , would , as Boon as the Polish national Standard had been unfurled , have passed over to the raito of Enaland and France , spared their blood now so heroically and prodigiously 8 h « l , and in all probabiKty have already decided the fate of Sebastopol and tbe issue ot the preaout Wa third resolutioa was moved by lieutenant C . Szulczewski , seconded by Colonel Szyrma" That the Poles do hereby express their most po . gnant grief a the irreparable loss they l . ave sustained mtue deatb S the much-lamented Lord Dudley Stuart , " & c After a tribute of respect and gratitude paid to their chief Prince Adam Czartoryski , and to the I iuerary Association of the friends of Poland , the meeting separated .
[Satueiday, ^ -—— ¦ " ' -—•-~
[ Satueiday , ^ - —— ¦ " ' - —• - ~
1136 . ^^
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 2, 1854, page 8, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_02121854/page/8/