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tfo. 419, April 3, 1858.] THE LEABER, 33...
_ — _ w PENCIL. NOTES. A larger'and bett...
The Forthcoming Easteb Entkktainjiknts.—...
==z /fp rttiftinVt«i*rii MUTT It IT VlLUUUUUUUl ^UUU UU
London, Thursday EvoniiiR, April 1. Ther...
CORN MARKET. Mark-lano, Thursday, April ...
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The National Institution. From Nine Till...
r" trv it by no higher standard than that of cleverness , and it will bear com-^ son with anything we have seen since last year ' s French exhibition . The f a of a sleeping girl is painfully true to a common class of ugliness , and the r ^ iallv hidden face which rests on that girl ' s shoulder is excellently drawn ^ finished . Altogether , this is a work to be looked at long and attentively ., Mr Henry Moore is a pupil , . might almost be inclined to assert on the Jrfence afforded by his works , of Mr . Hook , whose pictures of fisherman life «* Tre nraised by Mr . Ruskin last year . The Young Mariners' ( 440 ) is not tv ^ Moore ' s best picture , but it is greatest in intention . We have named this fainter next to Mr . Smallfibld , whose careful and almost microscopic finish 1 , 7 nearlv rivals ; and we may place in juxtaposition with both these names the mnie of Mr . J . Gt . Naish , whose picture , ' The Receded Tide , Port , du Moulin , Inland of Sark' ( 156 ) , appears to have been painted with , close observation . He Explains that the peculiar colour of the beach ( almost pure cobalt apparently ) ITcaused by the great quantity of blue syenite or soap-stone there deposited . But we must ask him how he accounts for the peculiar texture of the brown rocks which surely cannot be natural to them ? In Mr . Parrott's Scene from the Quai du Louvre , Paris' ( 30 ) , there is much to praise , particularly in the architectural portions . His weak point is the foliage on the left hand of the foreground ; and it is also to be objected that the variety of colours in the costume of the groups is , unfortunately , not a truthful characteristic of a Parisian scene . Mr W . Underbill ' s * Waiting for Fish * ( 2 ) , and Mr . Charles Duke s * Welsh Bridge' ( 4 ) , manifest no improvement in the respective hands . Both the Messrs . Underhill , in this exhibition , prove that they have settled into the coarse , dirty style from which their deliverance appeared once to be near at hand . Of Mr . Duke the same may be said , with this addition , that his poverty of idea makes the monotony of his manner all the more irksome . Mr . Tasmore , usually a favourite with us , does not exhibit anything worthy his ^ The landscapes of Sidney Percy and the Williamses are all good of their Jdnd- but they are more hurried this year than ever , and , on inspection , will appear to be mere scene-painting . The \ Welsh Valley' ( 90 ) , by Mr . A . Wilxiams , and ' Our River' ( 45 ) , are the two best of these family productions . There is a landscape that stands apart , less on account of its skill than a quiet homely truth and sentiment—we mean Mr . H . B . Gray ' s ' English Landscape' ( 35 ) . It is really what its name implies . Further to describe its characteristics , we may briefly say that it is a golden harvest scene , enamelled with field flowers , human as well as botanical .
Tfo. 419, April 3, 1858.] The Leaber, 33...
tfo . 419 , April 3 , 1858 . ] THE LEABER , 331
_ — _ W Pencil. Notes. A Larger'and Bett...
_ — _ w PENCIL . NOTES . A larger ' and better exhibition of photographs than any that IiOndon has yet seen is at the South Kensington Museum . It is the fifth exhibition of the Photographic Society , removed hither , this season , from Pall-mall . Among the views , Fenton ' s and F . Frith's are conspicuous ; Thukston Thompson ' s and Howlett ' s following in order of merit . Mr . Fenton exhibits a great many , iiis finest being « Glen Lledr' ( 517 ) , a magnificent massing of rock , forest , and river scenery . The views in Palestine and Egypt , by young Mr . Frith , are marvels of sun-painting ; and it need scarcely be added that they are equal in interest to any series of photographs in their company . A ' Lane bcene ( 41 *;> by Mr . Thurston Thompson , is very beautiful . This gentleman exhibits several fine studies of trees . Mr . Howlett has photographed the Leviathan , in every possible aspect , and in every stage of its iron growth . Perhaps the best specimen ever taken from a waxed-paper negative is Mr . Melhuish s ¦* Valley of the Lyn' ( 143 ) . As a picture of bold forest scenery , it is also deserving notice . Messrs . T . and R : Mudd ' s photographs of natural scenes , also taken by the waxed-paper process , are nearly as good . Copies of paintings constitute a rather large department of tlio exhibition . Mr . Howi-btt s are very numerous , and are all more or less praiseworthy ; but the most successful photograph in this branch is Caldesi and Montecchi ' s copy of Stanfield s veil-known picture ' The Abandoned' ( 22 ) . The photographic equality of colours in the original painting of course goes a long way to account tor the pre-eminence of this work . The portraits include a good likeness of Iennyson , toy Mr . Downes ( 36 ) . The most delicate and pleasing of the untouched portraits are those bv Mr . Williabis . Of a bolder and occasionally a more
picturesque kind are Mr . Lake Price ' s portraits of eminent painters . They are of a large size , like the portraits which Mr . Herbert Watkins has made bo popular , and are equal to that gentleman ' s productions in vigour and fidelity . We believe that nine in ten persons who visit this collection will be most struck by the subject pictures which Mr . Price exhibits . His ' Don Quixote' ( 420 ) and his * Robinson Crusoe' ( 550 , 554 , 561 , and 564 ) are wonderful specimens of pictorial arrangement , but we can hardly praise the system of perpetuating by means of photography a parcel of clever tableaux vivans . Against coloured photographs , in the vast majority of instances , we set our decided protest ; but such pictures as those by Mr . Lock are proof against oar objections . "We can only quote a remark of Mr . Ai-bekt Smith , and say that in the large frame exhibited by Messrs . Lock and Whitfield will be found " a perfect gallery of English beauties . " Since the opening of the exhibition , a fine collection of French photographs has been added . Of these we particularly observed some most wonderful microscopic objects by Bertsch , showing how valuable photography must be to the student of natural history . The portraits , in this supplementary exhibition , are great in merit and in personal interest . Mr . Leggatt , the print publisher of Cornhill , opened a new gallery some two or three months ago , and it is now filled with French pictures , chiefly gathered from the Pall-mall exhibition of last year . Meissoknier ' s laborious triviality , the ' Chess-players , ' will be found in a central and prominent situation . There are also some of M . Ecoitard FitEBE ' s charming bits of nature , and of M . Schjcessinger ' s clever tricks of art . The gem of the exhibition , however , is Madlle . Kosa Bonheur ' s latest work , a group of Highland cattle . The picture hangs opposite her celebrated ' Horse Fair , ' and will show the least artistic eye that Madlle . Bonhbur ' s genius is progressive . There is a large picture , by Mr . Barker , on view at the Auction Mart , in Lothbury . Its subject is the Corso , at Borne , in Carnival time . A false start has been made , and all the horses thrown into confusion , by one of their number dashing against the rope , and bringing himself and his groom to the ground . We cannot praise Mr . Barker for any quality of his that appears in his new work . All the figures , whether of horse or man , are exaggerated in position , and , being on the balance , do not give any idea of movement . The colour is crude and harsh , while the drawing is , in parts at least , questionable . The ' Moore Raphael , ' an engraving of which was published in the Leader eight years ago , is now in Paris . An article in the Journal des Debats of March 13 , strikingly confirms our judgment , given in 1850 . The writer says : — This picture , of about the dimensions of the ' Vision of Ezekiel , ' suggests , by its style and handling , the period when the great Italian artist painted the ' Marriage of the Virgin' ( Lo Sposalizio ) , which , is at Milan : yet the remarkable vigour of the modelling and of the colouring in the picture of ' Apollo and Marsyas , ' would justify the belief that it was executed at a period somewhat posterior . But whatever may be the precise year in which it was painted , it is of that time when Raphael , quitting the manner of Perugino , his master , passed to a new style , and threw himself into that brilliant career which he subsequently pursued . " We were led * certain indications in the picture , to fix the date about the year 1504 , while Raphael had still some of his early crudities clinging to him , but after he had visited Florence , and had gained by intimacy with the broad daylight style of colouring practised by the masters of that city . A remarkable collection of paintings in enamel is exliibited at the Munich Gallery , No . 2 , Frith-street , Soho-square . It requires some courage to set about a work of any considerable size in enamel painting ; for the difference of half a degree in the heat necessary to burn in the colours will upset the labour of weeks . Hence , the exquisite productions of Bone and Essex are , like those of their predecessor , Jean Petitot , simply miniatures . Whether more certainty has been ensured or not by recent experience and improvements , we cannot tell ; but the artists of the pictures exhibited at the Munich Gallery have manifested a boldness which we can only suppose to be warranted by superior knowledge of their agents . Among specimens of skill in a branch of art so merely mechanical and imitative , we do not wonder to find good and bad originals copied with equal fidelity . Three pictures of still life , after Wbbninx , are the most consummate in their finish and microscopic truth of detail . A copy of a portrait by Leonardo da Vinci is almost ridiculously successful in its photographic reproduction of peculiarities . Another copy , from a meretricious German 4 master , ' is just as curiously exact . A Murillo displays , perhaps , the greatest amount of intelligence in the transfer of expression from canvas to porcelain . We recommend these pictures to all who may have leisure to pay them a visit .
The Forthcoming Easteb Entkktainjiknts.—...
The Forthcoming Easteb Entkktainjiknts . —Mr . Buckstone has provided for his Easter patrons a classical extravaganza , by the author of Atalanta , called Pluto -mid Proserpine , with scenery from the bright and elegant brush of Mr . William Callcott . At the Adelphi there is to bo a new operatic spectacle , with the title of The Caliph of Bagdad ; tho music by Boveldiere , and tho characters by Mr . Rolfe , Mr . Paul Bedford , Mr . Bland , Miss Roden , Misb Mary Keoley , Miss Arden , - & c . Mr . Kean , at the Princess ' s , produces a new farce , ¦ and re-produces Famt and Marguerite . Miss Swanborougli , on Monday , inaugurates her lesseoship of the Strand by a new comedy , written by Mr . Stirling Coyne , entitled , NotJiing Venture , Nothing Have ; a burlesque on tho subject of Fra Diavoto , and a farce . Some of the best actors and actresses from tbe Drury Lone company will lend their aid to the fair lcasco ; and Mr . Albert Smith has written an opening address . The Surrey will produce a now drama called The Coii / ession , embracing the strength of tho company . At Astley ' s , the bombardment of Canton is to bo converted into a blazing , [ roaring , stimulant to the patriotism of the ¦ audience ; and , at the Standard , Miss Glyn , Mr . Phelps , Mr . Honry Maiston , and others , are to act tragedy , followed by ' a grand talc of enchantment' — name unstated . Mr . Robson , at tho Olympic , pro"fltt ' c 6 rfro'thlng * wow ^ - ~ and"'the' -byceumr it--w (> uld , ttppear ,. ia not at present to ho reopened . ___
Births, D1arriagks, And Deaths. Clonant,...
BIRTHS , D 1 ARRIAGKS , AND DEATHS . ClONANT , —On tlio JJOth Mnroli , ' at Taplow , tho wife of Edward N . Conant , I 2 sn . s adnuffhtor . DAL 1 . AS . -Ou tho 20 th March , at Tunurldfio AVolla , tho Who of Itobort Dallas . Esq .: a son . MARRIAGES . BBOWNB—GUILDING .-On tlio ! £ 8 rd Doc . at Kooringn ,
South Australia . John Henry Browne , Esq ., of Bucklandpark . near Adofalde , to Margaret Anne Francos , second daughter of tlio late Rev . lausdowno Guilding , rector and aarrison chaplain of St . Vincent , W . I- . GEREAUD-APPLISTOX .-On tho 31 st March , at Christ Church , Harpurhcy , Manchester , John Gorrnrd Esq . Adlington , to Elizabeth Anno , daughter of tho lato John Applcton , Esq ., of Colloyhursfc , DEATHS . „ , _ . tA .. HERRICK . — At Calcutta , on tlio 12 th Fob ., Liout . Arthur HerrlokTH . M . ' s Mill test ., oldest son of Captain Edward MOBTON ' .-OH ' tl ? o nioVuiiie of tho 31 st March , at 47 , lirook-streot , tho Earl of Morton , aged OS .
==Z /Fp Rttiftinvt«I*Rii Mutt It It Vlluuuuuuul ^Uuu Uu
Canraimtnl affairs .
London, Thursday Evoniiir, April 1. Ther...
London , Thursday EvoniiiR , April 1 . There has boon no improvement in tho markets since tho aeMluTg andtlio announcement of the Indian loan ofllvo milllona has had ho ctfoot ou tho markot . The rise in Paris of Kos and railway shares ia not followed by tho usual marked improvomont of our prices hero . Thoro ia an unpnsy , distrustfu feolinK . There is oxpootcd to bo a financial dlf-Houlty for Mr . Disraeli to solve , and with tnis and tho India GoVornmont Bill in prosnoot can tho praawt Ministry onduro throuBh a session t is a quostton that pooplo con" in'l & roiBn stocks tho purchases in Peruvians arc now completed ? and it is doubtful if wo shall « oo that stock . much JMirfiar " & PKSPG » fc 1 Ju «» 08 Ayrca , , n , \ , Brazilian Bcem a fSvonWo Y » tra ^ nn « st- 'iiow . —Turki « h-Six-per Oonts . and Four per Oonta aro ilattor this wook . In colonial railway aharos Jiast Indian guarantee aharoa aro slightly armor ? Canada Trunks and Great Western of Canada aro depressed . Most of tho colonial government bonds aro in demand . Nova Scotia , Canada , and tho various Australian colonial Kovornmont bonds aro in request . In our railway markets thoro is but little rally , tho doorcase of tnilucti show how muoh the trade of tho country has fallen olf . Eastern Counties and South Waloa alono aro steady . Calodouians have fallen to 80 .
Three o ' clock—Tho bank board has broken up and mado no alteration in the rate of discount . It is understood that tho Indian loan haa been taken at about an avorago of 98-Blackburn , 9 . 10 ; Caledonian , 8 < ii , 87 ; Chester and Holyfioad , 30 , 38 : Eastern Counties , 58 , 69 ; Groat Northern , 1024 , 103 i ; Great Southern nnd Western ( Ireland ) , 08 , 100 ; ( jircut Western , 574 , 58 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire , 8 7 * . 68 ; London and Ulnekwnll , 0 , Ok ; London , Brighton , and South Coast , 105 , 107 ; London and North-Western , 03 $ , 'Mi ; London and South-Western , 914 , 924 ; Midland , 031 , 01 ; North - Eastern ( Berwick ) , 00 i , 914 ; Sotith-Eastorn , ( Dover ) , CO , 701 Antwerp and Rotterdam , 55 , tfi ; Dutch Rhenish , 31 , 3 J , dis . j Eastern of Franco ( Paris and Strasbourg ) , 274 , tf 7 ! h Groat Central of Franco , , Groat Luxembourg , 71 . 8 , \; Northern of Franco , 37 $ , 38 ; Paris and Lyons , a 2 J , 33 ; Royal Danish , 10 , 18 ; Royal Swedish 1 , i ; Sainbro and iUouso , 7 & , 84 .
Corn Market. Mark-Lano, Thursday, April ...
CORN MARKET . Mark-lano , Thursday , April 1 . There has boon but a short supply of KiiRliali wheat during tho week , and oats have sold slowly at provious rates . Harloy has boon rather olionpor ; UnglUili bonus Is . nor nuartor Uoaror i jioas dull . On iho whole , business ) haa boon Hat , and prices do not show any upward tendency .
, British Funds For Th S 13 Past Avebk. ...
, BRITISH FUNDS FOR TH S PAST AVEBK . ( Closing Pkioes . ) 1 Sat . I Mon . Ihtos . Wed . Thur . Frid . Bank fitock 3 per Oout . Hod tgsfts »« srf . ft - * ~* -3- -ua- -a- — Now 8 per Cent . An . m New it j ) or Omits i 5 ; Loiik Ann . ISOO ( g liulta Stock 220 ..... I & Ditto . Bonds , JU 1000 21 p Sip lap 12 p T » . Ditto , undor X 1000 20 p ...... JBx . Jillls , JlilOOO 38 p J 1 I 5 p 38 p !) 8 p 34 . p Ditto , Jiaoo a « n asp Ditto , Small UUp 38 n 3 d l
Leader (1850-1860), April 3, 1858, page 19, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_03041858/page/19/