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No. 419, Apbii. 3, 1858.] THE LEADER. 33...
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No. 419, Apbii. 3, 1858.] The Leader. 33...
No . 419 , Apbii . 3 , 1858 . ] THE LEADER . 333
S — END for a PRICE LIST . —Household and if « mily Linen . —National Linen Company ' s warehouses , ISO K-street , London—In ^ ving pubT ^ ty to the pnces It which the Company are now selling TABLE LINEN , « Ln sheeting , Irish linen , towellings , and every description KMeholdind family linens , the Directors of the National Tinen Company invite the public to send for patterns for MA ^ soiFvbith will be forwarded post free , payment Jt Sfiinir reauired for goods ordered from patterns until S vediKpproved of—National Linen Company . 105 . T ? Street . foot of Ludgate-hill , London . Catalogues , containing particulars and prices , post free .
LASTIC STOCKINGS AND KNEE-CAPS for VARICOSE VEINS and WEAKNESS , of a VERY KITPBRIOR QUALITY , yielding an unvarying support without the trouble of bandaging . Instructions for mear . iVftment and prices on application , and the article sent by S £ t fromthe manufacturers—POPE and PLANTE . 4 . Trt ^ terloo-place , London .
rpHE SYDENHAM TOP COAT is made from I _ the best Materials , by Workmen of cultivated taste , stthomoderate sum of Two Guineas ; the appreciation of the fashionable world of genuine and perfect Articles of Tirpss renders the success of the Sydenham Top Coat a certauX . —SAMUEL BROTHERS , 29 , Ludgate-hill . WHAT'S IN A NAME ? — This query can be answered by SAMUEL BROTHERS , 29 . Ludgatehill theInventorsof the SYDENHAM TROUSERS , 17 s . 6 d . for in the fashionable world there is associated with the Sydenham Trousers a perfect idea , synonymous with a graceful , easy , and well-fitting Garment .
THE FORTY-SEVEN SHILLING SUITS are made to order from SCOTCH , HEATHER , and CHEVIOT TWEEDS , all wool and thoroughly shrunk , by B . BENJAMIN , Merchant Tailor * 74 . REGENT-STREET , W . The TWO GUINEA FROCK and DRESS COATS , the GUINEA DRESS TROUSERS , and the HALF GUINEA WAISTCOATS . —N . B . A perfect fit guaranteed .
MR . MILES and the l < 6 s . TROUSERS . — These Trousers ( originated by him ) are patent to the world for the excellence of the material and superior cut . Also , the MORNING SUITS , at 32 . 3 s . —No . 62 , New Bondstreet . No other address .
A GREAT FALL IN THE PRICE OF PERMANENT BLACK FROCK AND DRESS COATS , 42 s . The best fitting trousers in London , 16 s . — Observe , J . SMITH , 38 , Lombard-street .
HEAL . and SON'S NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE contains designs and prices of every description of BEDROOM FURNITURE , as well as of 100 Bedsteads , and prices of every description of Bedding . Sent free by post . —Heal and Son , Bedstead , Bedding , and Bedroom Furniture Manufacturers , 196 , Tottenham-courtroad , W .
OOCOA-NUT FIBRE MATTING . TRELOAR'S IS THE BEST . Prize Medals awarded—London , New York , and Paris . Catalogues , containing Prices and every particular , post free ; Warehouse , 42 , Ludgate-hill , London , E . C .
RUPTURES—BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE'S MOCMAIN LEVER TRUSS is allowed by upwards of 200 Medical Gentlemen to be the most effective invention in the curative treatment of Hernia . The use of a steel spring ( so hurtful in its effects ) is here avoided , a soft Bandage being worn round the body , while the requisite resisting power is supplied by the Moc-Maiu Pad and Patent Lever , fitting with so much case and closeness that it cannot be detected , and may be worn during sleep . A descriptive circular may be had , arid the Truss ( which cannot fail to fit ) forwarded by post , on the circumference of the body , two inches below the- hi n , being sent to the Manufacturer , JOHN WHITE , 228 , Piccadilly , liondon . Price of a single truss , 10 s ., 21 s ., 26 s . Cd ., and 31 s . 6 d . — Postage Is . Double Truss , 31 b . 0 d ., 42 s ., and 52 s . Cd . —Postage Is . 8 d . Umbilical Truss , 42 s . and 52 s . Od . —Postage Is . lOd . Post-office orders to be made payable to JOHN WHITE , Post-offlco , Piccadilly . l ^ LASTIC STOCK INGS , KNEE-CAPS , & c , MJJ for VARICOSE VEINS , and all cases of WEAKNESS and SWELLING of tho LEGS . SPRAINS , Ac . They are porous , light in toxturo , and inexpensive , and aro drawn on liko an ordinary stocking . Price from 7 s . Cd . to 16 s . each . —Post ago Cd . JOHN WHITE Manufacturer , 228 , Piccadilly , London .
A NEW DISCOVERY , whereby Artificial Teeth nnd Gums aro fitted with absolute perfection and success hitherto unattainable . No springs or wires , no extraction of roots , or any painful operation . This important invention perfects tho bountiful art of tlio dentist , n closeness of fit nnd beauty of appoaranco being obtained equal to nature . All imitations should bo carefully avoided , tho genuine being only supplied by Messrs . GABRIEL , tho old-ostnblishod Dentists , from 3 s . Od . per Tooth—Sots , 4 , 1 . 4 st . Observe name nnd number particularly . 33 , Ludgato-hill , London ( live doors woat of the Old Bailey ) t and 131 , Dukestreot , Liverpool . Established 1804 . Prepared white Qulta Porohn lDnamol , tho bust Stopping for decayed Tooth , renders them sound and uauful in mastication , uo matter how far decayed , nnd offeptunlly prevents Toothache—In boxes , with directions , nt Is . Od , ; froo by post , 20 stamps . Sold by moat Chemists in Town and Country . AsU for Gabriel ' s Guttn Porohn JUnamol . —See opinions of the 1 ' rona tliorcon .
FOR GOUT , RHEUMATISM , AND ' RHEUMATIC GOUT . OIMCO'S GOUT and lUIEUMATIC PILLS *> - ) nro n oortnln nnd stnfo remedy . Tlioy restore tranquillity to tlio nerves , glvo tono to the ntoinnch , nnd wtroiiBtU to tho wholo system , ¦ nm ° o linor medicine can bo compared to those excellent * fnu , aa tliny prevent tho Ulnordor from ntLuoliiug tho Dcoinnqh or hond , and hnvo roHtorod thousands from pniu and mlsory to health and comfort . SoW by nil Modiolno Vendors , nt Is . lid . or 2 s . Oil . por box .
BEDSTEADS , BATHS , AND LAMPS . WILLIAM S . BURTON , has SIX LARGE SHOWROOMS devoted exclusively to the SEPARATE DISPLAY of Lamps , Baths , and Metallic Bedsteads . The stock of each is at once the largest , newest , and most varied ever submitted to the public , and marked at prices proportionate with those that have tended to make his establishment the most distinguished in this country . Bedsteads , from , ; , ..... 12 s . 6 d . to £ 20 0 s . each . Shower Baths , from 8 s . Od . to 6 Os . each . Lamps ( Moderateur ) from 6 s . Od . to 7 7 s . each ( All other kinds at the same rate . ) Pure Colza Oil 4 s . 6 d . per gallon . FENDERS , STOVES , and FIRE IRONS . — Buyers of the above are requested , before finally deciding , to visit WILLIAM S . BURTON'S SHOW-ROOMS . They contain such an assortment of FENDERS , STOVES . RANGES . FIRE IRONS , and GENERAL IRONMONGERY , as cannot be approached elsewhere , either for variety , novelty , beauty of design , or exquisiteness ol workmanship . Bright stoves , with bronzed ornaments and two sets of bars , 4 , 1 . 14 s . to 132 . 13 s- ; ditto , with ormolu ornaments and two sets of bars , 52 . 6 s . to 33 J . 10 s . ; Bronzed Fenders , with standards , 7 s . to 5 * . 12 s . ; Steel Fenders , 22 . 15 s . to 112 . ; ditto , with rich ormolu ornaments , 22 . 15 s . to 181 . ; Fire Irons , from Is . 9 d . the set to 42 . 4 s . The BURTON and all other PATENT STOVES , with radiating hearth plates . pt ASELIERS in GLASS or METAL . —The VJT increased and increasing use of gas in private houses has induced WILLIAM S . BURTON to collect from the various manufacturers in metal and Rlass all that is new and choice in Brackets , Pendants , and Chandeliers , adapted to offices , passages , and dwelling-rooms , as well as to have some designed expressly for him : these aro ON SHOW over his SIXTEEN LARGE ROOMS , and present , for novelty , variety , and purity of taste , an unequalled assortment . They are marked in plain figures , at prices proportionate with those which have tended to make his establishment the largest and most remarkable in the kingdom —viz ., from 12 s . 6 d . ( two light ) to 16 / . 16 s . WILLIAM S . BURTON'S GENERAL FURNISHING IRONMONGERY CATALOGUE may be had gratis , and free by post . It contains upwards of 400 Illustrations of his illimited Stock of Electro and Sheffield Plate , Nickel Silver and Britannia Metal goods . Dish Covers and Hot-water Dishes , Stoves , Fenders , Marble Mantelpieces . Kitchen Ranges , Lamps , Gaseliers , Tea Urns and Kettles , Tea Trays , Clocks , Table Cutlery , Baths and Toilet Ware , Turnery , Iron and Brass Bedsteads , Bedding , Bed Hangings , & c . & c ., with Lists of Prices , and Plans of the Sixteen large Show Rooms , at 39 , Oxfordstreet , W . ; 1 , 1 a , 2 , and 3 , Newman-street ; and 4 , 5 , and 6 , Perry ' s place . London . —ESTABLISHED 1820 .
CLARKE'S NEW PATENT PYRAMID V _ J NIGHT LAMPS . Tin at Is . ; Lacquered or Bronzed , Is . 6 d . each . For burning the New Patent Pyramid Night Lights . The most convenient , safe , and economical yet introduced . Sold by all Grocers and Larnpdealers , and wholesale by S . CLARKE , 55 , Albany-street , Regent ' s Park , and by Paimer and Co ., Clerkenwell , London , E . C .
DEANE'S TABLE CUTLERY , celebrated for more than 150 years , maintains aw unrivalled reputation for cheapness and first-rate quality . The stock is most extensive and complete , including tho finest transparent Ivory Handles at 32 s . per dozen , cnoice ditto Balance Handles from 22 s . per dozen , medium ditto Balance Handles ( an exceedingly cheap and serviceable family articlo ) , 16 s . per dozen ; also Bone , Horn . Stag , and every variety of mounting , all warranted . Plated Dessert Knives and Forks , with Silver . Poarl , Ivory , and Plated Handles , in cases of 12 , 18 , or 2-1 pairs , also plated Fish-eating Knives from 42 s . per dozen . Silver and Plated Fish Carvers of tho newest and most elegant designs always in stock . —London agents for Messrs . Joseph Rodgers and Sons' celebrated cutlery . DEANE and Co . ' s General Furnishing Ironmongery Warehouses ( opening to tho Monument ) , London Bridge . Established a . d . 1700 .
MAPPIN'S SHILLING RAZOR , sold everywhere , warranted good , by tlio Makers . MAPP 1 N BROTHERS , Queen ' s Cutlery Works , Sheffield , and 67 and 08 , King William-street , Oity , London , whore tho largo a stock ol Outlory in the world is kept .
THE LONDON ASSURANCE . Incorporated A . D . 1720 . Por LIFE . FIRE , and MARINE ASSURANCES . Head Office . No . 1 , Royal Exchange , Cornhill . West-end OlBce , No . 7 . Pall-mall . SAML . GREGSON . Esq .. M . P ., Governor . JOHN ALVES ARBUTHNOT . Esq .. Sub-Governor . JOHN ALEXR . HANKEY , Esq ., Deputy-Governor . '
GLOBE INSURANCE , CORNHILL AND CHARING-CROSS . LONDON . Established 1803 . Capital ONE MILLION , All paid-up and invested . Fowler NEWSAM , Esq . —Chairman . John Edward JOHNSON , Esq . —Deputy-Chairman . George Carr GLYN , Esq ., M . P . — Treasurer . Henry Alexander , Esq . Nathaniel Montefiore , Esq . William Chapman , Esq . Sheffield Neave , Esq . Boyce Combe , Esq . William Phillimore , Esq . Thomas M . Coombs , Esq . W . H . C . Plowden , Esq . William Dent , Esq . Robert Saunders , Esq . Jas . W . Freshfield , Esq ., F . R . S . Sir Walter Stirling , Bart . John B . Friend , Esq . Wm . Tite , Esq ., M . P .. F . R . S . R . W . Gaussen , Esq . T . M- Weguehn , Esq ., M . P . Robert Hawthorn . Esq . R . Westmacott , Esq ., F . R . S . Richard Lambert Jones , Esq . Josiah Wilson , Esq . Robert Locke , Esq . Benjamin . G . Windus , Esq . FIRE , LIFE , ANNUITY , ENDOWMENT , and REVERB SIONARY business transacted . A BONUS DIVISION will be made at 31 st December , 1858 . of Profits on the Life Policies on the Participating : Scale . WILLIAM NEWMARCH , Secretary . It is the practice of this office to allow 80 days for the payment of Kenewal Life Premiums , whether the life xusured has failed or not .
IMPERIAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY , 1 , OLD BROAD STREET , LONDON . Instituted 1820 . DIEECTOE 8 . MARTIN TUCKER SMITH , Esq ., M . P ., Chairman . GEORGE WILLIAM COTTAM , Esq ., Deputy-Chairman . Thomas George Barclay , Esq . George Hibbert , Esq . James C . C . Bell , Esq . Samuel Hibbert , Esq . James Brand , Esq . Daniel Mildred . Esq . Charles Cave , Esq . James Gordon Murdoch , Esq . George Henry Cutler , Esq . Frederick Pattison , Esq . Henry Davidson , Esq . William R . Robinson , Esq . George Field . Esq . Newman Smith , Esq . SECURITY . —The existing liabilities of the Company do not exceed 3 , 000 , 000 Z . The Investments are nearly 1 , 000 , 000 ? .. in addition to upwards of 600 , 0002 . for which the shareholders aro responsible , and the income is about 120 , 0002 . per annum . PROFITS . —Foub-Fipths , or Eighty per cent , of the Profits , are assigned to Policies every fifth year . The next appropriation will be made in 1861 , and persons who now effect insurances will participate ratably . BONUS . —The additions to Policies have been from 11 . 10 s . to 632 . 16 s . percent , on the original sums insured . CLAIMS . —Upwards of 1 , 260 , 0002 . has been paid to claimants under policies . Proposals for insurances may bo made at tho chief office , as above ; nt the branoh office . , Pall Mall , London ; or to any of tho agents throughout tho kingdom . SAMUEL INGALL , Actuary . .
MAGNET LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY . Incorporated May . 1854 , pursuant to Stafc . , 7 and 8 Vic . Capital , 100 , 0002 . Ciuee Offices—22 , MooRGATE-sxaEET , London . In this Institution every description of Life Assurance , Endowments and Annuities can bo effected . Special aud moderato rates have been compiled for Policy holders proceeding or residing abroad . Agencies have been established in tho following places , whore premiums can bo paid , nud all necessary information obtained : — Jamaica G . W . Gordon , Esq . Dcmorara E . Lynch , Esq . Barbadoos J . Pfnhioro . I & q . Grenada J *> Jni , rowI V 1 l ! is ( 31 ' Antigun W . Thibou , Esq . Trinadad £ £° & , ? ur ? 'h ' Tobago F- S . PHaok . liteq . Dominion G . Bollot , Esq . Cnuada Dundns . . . T . H . Mackeiwio . Esq . Cn ada . lnfflraoll . . . D . Adnir , Esq . tolcA . Nova Scotia BM 3 atliorlno ' n . 0 . P . Cninp . Msq ., town New Brunswick St . John ' s . . Mess . Stovona & . Wet-Port Nntnl . Vorulom - J . L . Hulotfe . B » q . Tnioro l ' aria . . 17 . Kuo Ohoisoul . MM . Fossnrd & Mruc Actlvo Agents nnd Modicnl ltofcroea required for Districts throughout tho United Kingdom , in Gwnmiiy . America , East India , Aiiatrnlln , nnd nil places where tlio rSoeioty . ta-noUolttoioMUya-. opKwwJrtflau g
DEAFNESS , Noises in tho llond . Turkish 'i ' rentinont by ft Retired Surgeon fromtho Or . "ion ( who wiih liiinsolf perfectly cured ) . Just published , a book , SIJLIMJUIU ' . ! , < Veo by pout for nix stamps . Burgoon COLSTON M . R . C . S ., 7 , Leicester-pl « co , Leicester -square , London . At homo from U to 4 ,, to receive Visits from patients .
Leader (1850-1860), April 3, 1858, page 21, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_03041858/page/21/