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No 419, April 3, 1858.] THE LEADER, 3BB ...
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No 419, April 3, 1858.] The Leader, 3bb ...
No 419 , April 3 , 1858 . ] THE LEADER , 3 BB IB ^
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Just published , prioo One Shiiiing , poaTfroo for 14 stamps * , THE SCIENCE OF LIFE ; or , How to Secure Moral and Physical Happiness . With practical observations on Debility , Norvousnoss , and Depression , resulting from Oloso Study . Sodontary Habits , Intomporauoo , High Living , or Dissipation . By a PHYSICIAN . London : SitnnwooD and Co ., Patornostor-row } Masts . 30 , Oornhill ; Hannay and Co ., 08 , Oxford « atroQt 5 and all Booksollora .
Leader (1850-1860), April 3, 1858, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_03041858/page/23/