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May, 3, 1856.] T H E L E A D EK 417 - ¦ ...
AMERICA. There appears at present to be ...
THE ORIENT. IXOIA. The last arrivals fro...
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Continental Notes. Fitanclc. The Ministe...
of it . I therefore consider it my duty to remind you of the simple and precise rules which , conformably to law and jurisprudence , constitute our public law on this point . According to Article 10 of the law of July 16 , 1850 , ' Daring the twenty days which precede the election , the circulars and political programmes signed by the candidates may , after having been deposited in the office of the Procureur Imperial , be posted up and distributed without any authorization being required . ' The voting bulletin , bearing the name of the candidate , is a natural annex to his circular , and may be freely distributed with it . Any candidateship , avowed by him who is the object of it , is thus at perfect liberty to make itself known , and to distribute to the electors the material means of
making their choice known . But this exception to the general law on the distribution of written or printed papers is only admitted in favour of candidateships , the reality of which is guaranteed , and the responsibility pr j licly accepted by the signed circular of the candidate . It does not apply to anonymous distributions of voting bulletins , and does not blindly permit the hawking about of names which , frequently published without the consent , or even at times in spite of the legal incapacity of those who bear them , may become the occasion of a disturbance or a public outrage . For such distributions the common law resumes its application , and an
authorization most be demanded . But , as the President of the Council of State declared in the name of the Government at a late sitting of the Legislative Body , you must , in deciding on such demands , give the greatest latitude to every citizen . You will not forget that the prohibition must be rare and exceptional , and founded on the danger of public outrage and disturbance , and must never be an indirect favour for the benefit of a candidateship which may be preferred . These rules , Monsieur le PreTet , are simple , and secure the fullest liberty to universal suffrage . The will of the Emperor is that it shall be practised in good faith . Accept , & c , 'BUJLJL . UL . T . "
M . Baudin i 3 the commissioner named for the Danubian Principalities by the French Government . Mr . Alison , dragoman to the British Embassy at Constantinople , is the English commissioner ; and M . Kleist , who was attached to the mission of Count Buol in Paris , is named in the same capacity for Austria . The Mbniteur contains the first of a series of imperial decrees , by which the French army will be gradually reduced to a peace footing . The 4 th Kegiment of Chasseurs d ' Afrique is disbanded . The 101 st and 102 nd Regiments of the line are disbanded . The fourth battalions of the hundred regiments of the line are suppressed . Like the 101 st and 102 nd Regiments , these fourth battalions were a creation of recent date . Lastly , the 1 st and 2 nd Foreign Legions are disbanded .
A well-known newsagent in Paris has been arrested by the police and lodged in prison , under a charge of participating in the abstraction of the State papers which have recently appeared in the Brussels journal , Le Nord , and the London Daily News . " By order of the Emperor , " saj's the Moniteur , " the Prince Imperial has been put on the muster-roll of the 1 st Regiment of the Grenadiers of the Imperial Guard as enfant de troupe : " Possibly he will be made Archbishop of Paris next . His Imperial father has already decided that the same military honours shall be paid to the infant as to himself or the Empress . In passing before any body of troops , the drums and bugles are to beat and play the usual salute , and the soldiers are to present arms . The Minister of War has issued orders that this decision shall be carried out .
At a banquet lately given to the Govcrnor-Generul of Algeria , the prefect of Algiers proposed the following toast : — " To the arrival of the Emperor , whose presence amongst us will mark a new era in the history of this country . " The first edition of Victor Hugo's " Contemplations was exhausted at Paris one day after the issue . The Constitutionnel rather indignantly denies that it has recommended intervention in the aiftiirs of Spain . M . Belmontet , a Napoleonist , but democratic deputy , has openly expressed liia regret at the famous sentence
passed by the Cour do Cassation respecting the electoral bulletins . To the observations of M . de Montalembert , ho adds that one was still wanting , the most logical und conclusive of nil , and this is it : — "If , at tho period of the elections in 1818 , tho sentence now passed l > y the Conrt of Cassation had boon in force , the eandidateship of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte , tho present Emperor , would most assuredly have been rejected and interdicted by tho prefects at that date , then invested with the arbitrary power of u preliminary censorship over tho bulletins . "
Count OrlofF ( says the Daily News Paris Correnpondent ) went on Tuesday afternoon to the Tuiloru-s in Htato , to announce , in liis character of Ruiisinn Anibasnador Extraordinary , tho accession to tho throne of the Emperor Alexander IT ., which , it must bi > borne in mind , tins Emporor Napoleon III . has boon all throughout , the war supposed not to know of . I ui > derntand that the Emperor Napoleon in on tcrin . i of extraordinary friondninp and intimacy with Count Orloll " , and that ho is frequently scon walking about Avith him nnn-in-arin . ITALY . Monaignor Bnrnnho , the Cunlinitl Pro foe t of tho Propaganda , died at . Koine on tho 12 ( Hh of April . . Tho Vienna Onsttirroiti / iitic / ic . Corrc . iixindiiii . z is
authorized to state that certain reports which have found their way into several organs of the press , respecting the reinforcement and change of position ( Dislocirung ) of the Imperial royal troops in the duchy of Parma , are totally unfounded . " As the foregoing is a semi-official communication , " says the Times Vienna Correspondent , " I report it ; but information , which has been acquired at no bad source , induces me to believe that at this very moment the town of Pontremoli is garrisoned by Austrian troops . In a former letter it was observed that this Government feared there might be disturbances or hostile demonstrations on the return of the Sardinian army , and a glance at the map will show you that Pontremoli is the place which an able tactician would choose if he wished to keep Genoa ( the port at which the Sardinian troops are to land ) in check . "
The Grand Duke of Tuscany , who is now at Naples , purposes visiting the Pope , to consult with his Holiness on the present prospects of Italian rulers . There is a rumour at Rome that in the month of June next the Emperor and Empress of Austria will visit the Holy City , to take part in a grand fete in honour of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception . The Court of Rome is sedulously endeavouring to obtain from the Government of Tuscany a Concordat similar to that lately granted by Austria . The ISIilan Gazette , in a letter from Turin , states that the Piedmontese Government is preparing a law Avhich will impose a caution-money on journals , and give the Government the right of suppressing a journal that has been condemned five times . According to the same journal , Archbishop Franzoni , of Turin , will probably be named cardinal , and return to his episcopal see .
AUSTRIA . The Vienna tribunal has condemned to death by default three political refugees , Doctors Antonio Fuster , Joseph Goldmark , and Ernest de Violand . These leaders of the Vienna revolution are declared guilty of high treason , and of having been implicated in the murder of M . de Latour . Religious intolerance is getting more and more rampant in Austria . The Roman Catholic priests now refuse to bury Protestants in consecrated ground , but actually compel the mourners to seek a grave for them in fields and forests . The clergy are also petitioning the Government to refuse to Protestants the right to occupy land .
PRUSSIA . Some young men of good family have been arrested in Berlin on a charge of conspiring in favour of the reestablishment of Poland . HUSSIA . General Prince GortschakofF has published a decree maintaining the prohibition against the exportation from Poland of rye , barley , oats , Avheaten flour , and cattle . The reason assigned for this measure is the existing dearness and scarcity of those articles . Le Nord says that the alleged speech of the Emperor Alexander to the nobility and commercial corporation of Moscow , lately published in the French papers , and from them quoted into the English journals , is a fiction . The Emperor Alexander has addressed a letter to Count OrlofF , congratulating him on the peaceful termination of the Paris Conferences , and thanking him for his loyal and devoted services . He concludes :
" Under the auspices of the peace now re-established , my first caro will be devoted to developing and securing the prosperity of the empire which God has confided to my solicitude . I am firmly convinced that I shall always find in you a zealous co-operator and a Aviso councillor amid the toils of power that await me while striving to attain this sacred object . In testimony of the high confidence which I reposo in you , I have just raised } 'ou to the dignity of President of the Council of the Empire , as likewise of the Committee of Ministers , also of those of the Caucasus and Siberia . At the same time I reiterate to yon tho assurance of my unchangeable good Avifihe .-i . "
In an address , thanking the Imperial Militia , called out by the late Czar ' a manifesto of January 29 th , 185 /) , and now disbanded , tho Emperor Alexander says : — " Like the army , you have given an example of patience , of indomitable resolution , and an entire obedience—prepared to sacrifice all for us and for Russia , which is so dear to us all . Many have Healed their devotion with their blood , anl have found a glorious death amongst tho ranks of the bravo defender * of Sevastopol . You have displayed to the world tho strong will Avilh which tho Russian people arc animated . To-day tho war hni closed . " THE C 1 UMICA .
Littlo bits of gossip , relating to tho last acts of the Allied armies , and to the interchange of courtesies between them and tho Russians , continue to drop in from tho Crimea . A visit puid by Marshal PelLssior to General Llldors was returned by the Russian General on tho 1-lth of April , when tho marshal entertained him at a dijr . ihmr , whore tho greatest , cordiality prevailed . Tho Comnuuider-in-Chief of tho Russian army was present at tho races and at the theatrical performance . Commerce ) has resumed its activity , to a certain extent , at Knmicsch and Halaklavn . A regulation of tho intercourse between tho Russians and tho Allies hart been established , an well an a Hy . itcm of paswes . Tho permission for three daya loavo of nlwcnco w « a reserved ao u recompense for the troopa .
Marshal Pelissier , and Generals Codrington and La Marmora , attended , on the 13 th ult ., a review of a body of Russian troops , on the Mackenzie plateau . They afterwards attended a d £ je & ner given by General Luders . GREECE . , Accounts from Athens are rather alarming . It is saic that squadrons of English cavalry are to reinforce the garrison of the city . A change in the order of succession to the throne of Greece is also talked of . These rumours , however , require confirmation . SPAIN . The Madrid journals again assert that Russia will shortly recognise Queen Isabella , and that this recognition will be followed by the submission of a great numher of Carlist ehipfs .
May, 3, 1856.] T H E L E A D Ek 417 - ¦ ...
May , 3 , 1856 . ] T H E L E A D EK 417 - ¦ j . . '
America. There Appears At Present To Be ...
AMERICA . There appears at present to be a dearth of news from the other side of the Atlantic . The indisposition of Mr . Clay has prevented the continuance of the discussion in the Senate of the Kansas question ; but a petition , presented by General Lane , relative to the memorial of the members of the Free State Legislature of Kansas to be admitted into the Union , Avhich the Senate had refused , has , after a lively discussion , been laid on the table . The Know-nothings and " Nigger-worshippers" have carried both branches of the Connecticut Legislature . It is reported from "Washington that Mr . Stoecke , the Russian Minister , has got himself into difficulties by engaging the services of some eminent surgeons for the Russian army , and , now that peace is established , informing them that their services are not wanted .
Philadelphia has been visited by a terrific hurricane . Two churches , three factories , and about one hundred and fifty other buildings , were partially demolished . The large boiler-house of the Franklin Ironworks , one hundred and sixty feet long , was totally destroyed . The Trenton Railroad depot at Kensington was considerably injured ; innumerable awnings , signs , and glass windows , were torn into fragments . Two sloops were blown from their moorings , and driven high and dry upon the shore at Red Bank . So far as known , the disaster was unattended by loss of life , and but few casualties were reported . The gale prostrated the Western telegraph
wires . A treaty of friendship , commerce , and extradition , has been concluded between the republic of San Domingo and the United States . The war between " Walker and Costa Rica goes on , and the troops of the former apper . r to have been greatly discomfited . Walker is said to have retired to Rivas , Avhere he has fortified himself to the best of his ability , and where he awaits the approach of the Central American troops . Large numbers arc hastening to his assistance from various parts of tho United States , without opposition from the Washington Government . From Mexico we learn that Puebla has surrendered , and that the reactionists are completely crushed . They complain of being treated Avith great severity . Money continues abundant , with an active demand . Cotton is buovant , but trade , generally , dull .
The Orient. Ixoia. The Last Arrivals Fro...
THE ORIENT . IXOIA . The last arrivals from India show a growing tranquillity in the far Kast , and a consequent dearth of news . Tho Santuls are perfectly subdued . Oude is tranquil , and the King has left Lucknow on his Avay to England . Promo has been destroyed by fire . Persia is quiet , and the Pera Journal states that tho movements of the Shah ' a troops towards Herat were not directed against the English , but against Dost Mahomed , Avho was plundering the neighbouring provinces , and menacing Khorasun . Trade in India has improved . An alarming accident has befallen Lady Cunning , from Avhich , however , she escaped Avithout serious injury . In returning from tho Bcthiino school , which her Ladyship had inspected , her carriage came in contact Avith a hackery , and Ava . s completely overturned . A native gentleman oHored his carriage , in which Lady Canningreturned to Government House . CHINA . Intelligence from China Hpoaks of aoveral small disasters . An extensive lire has occurred at llong-K . ong , and tho linn of Nyo Brothers and Co . has failed . The Chinese at Shanghai refuse Mexican dollars . Tho Imperialists liavo sustained a defeat , and tho rebellion is active in Kiang-RC . UOTfl'T . Owing to an English missionary nt Nnblouvs ( the Rov . Mr . Lvdu ) having unintentionally Killed an Arab dorvish . by tho acciduntul discharge of a musket , tho Mahometans havo attacked tlio houses of tho Christiana , and liavo murdered tho Prussian consul . —Tho subucription of < lo , 000 , 000 francs , for cutting through tho Isthmus of Suez , Ava : » completed in thno days . Tho Viceroy ia proceeding with his public works . After making a portion of tho embankment for tho lino of railway between Alexandria and lUareoti « , ho fleeina to havo abandoned tho idea of completing this enterprise ; but tho work a connected with tho deepening of tho Mahmoudieh Cunnl woro commenced on tho Hth ult ., with about 100 , 000 labourers , and it waa expected that they would bo com-
Leader (1850-1860), May 3, 1856, page 9, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_03051856/page/9/