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¦N o.-432, July a, 1858. j THE LEADER, 6...
CONTINENTAL NOTESThat narrow and unchris...
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America. V» R Ic Have Come To The End Of...
that , within a month , five persons "were hung by the Regulators in and about Tainpa Bay for divers serious offences , ami without the formal trial by jury . " Souorfl , llexico , is in a state of the most complete anarchy . Guayama was unsuccessfully besieged for one w « ek by two thousand Indians . Whole villages have been burnc < l , and the population murdered . Santa Cruz de Mayo , lus been entered by Indians , and every man killed . The women and children were confined in a church , and burnt with the rest of the town . A . battle has been fought on the plain of El Saucoto between Pesquiera and Gandara , in which the latter was defeated and killed . The former had pronounced in favour of Juarez .
The text of the convention negotiated between Costa Rica and Nicaragua and 31 . Belly is published in the New York Herald . M . Belly has made a contract with the Governments of Costa Rica and Nicaragua for tbe construction , by a party of French capitalists , of an interoceanic canal via the River San Juan and Lake Nicaragua ; to have an exclusive privilege for ninety-nine years , the works to be begun iii two years and finished in six if possible ; with a grant of all public lands for the breadth of one league along the canal and river ; ships of the Canal Company to pass free of tolls , but others to pay ten per cent , . on merchandise and twelve dollars per passenger ; the neutrality of the canal to be guaranteed by France , Great Britain , and the Uniteu
Spates , on the basis of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty , but the French Government to have the right to keep two ships of war stationed- on the canal or on Lake ' -. Nicaragua ( or the entire duration of the works . Appended to the contract is a declaration signed by Rivas , Martinez , and Mora , declaring'that ' Central' ' America is threatened b y an invasion of Filibusters , under the official patronage of the United States , and that the American Minister in Nicaragua boasts of peremptorily proposing as an ultimatum the-ratification of the Cass-Yrisarri treaty , or an invasion of Filibusters under the American flag , and placing the independence of Nicaragua and Costa Uica under the guarantee . ' . of--. France , England , and Sardinia . . ¦ .. ¦ ¦'' ¦ " .. ' : . ¦ .. ¦ ¦ . '¦' . ' ¦ .. - . - ' ¦ ¦ ¦; - .
The dealings at the New York Stock Exchange were more varied and spirited on the 18 th ult . than for some days previous . The buyers were rather in the ascendant after the early call of the list , and the Bulls in AVallssreet , though in the minority , were able to make improved prices between the sessions of the board , and the market continued generally firm , through the second board . Tile closing tone was unsettled— some of the brokers report " feverish . "
¦N O.-432, July A, 1858. J The Leader, 6...
¦ N o .-432 , July a , 1858 . j THE LEADER , 631
Continental Notesthat Narrow And Unchris...
CONTINENTAL NOTESThat narrow and unchristian feeling is to be condemned which regards with jealousy the progress of foreign nations , and caves for no portion of the human race but tbab to whicn itseU" belongs . Dr . ' . Arnold .
FKANCE . The decree in the Moniteur nominating Prince Napoloon to the Lieutenancy of Algeria is as follows : "Art . 1 . There is hereby created a Ministry for Algeria and the colonies . Art . 2 . That ministry shall be formed foe the direction of the affairs of Algeria and of those of the colonies , which , shall be separated from the Ministry of War and from the Ministry of Marine . Art 3 . Our well-beloved cousin , Prince Napoleon , is charged with t ! iis Ministry . "—The new Miiistry ( says a letter fio . n Paris ) -will be composed of the direction of Algerian aiFairs , now vested in the Minister of War , and that of Colonies , now in the Ministry of Marine . The former
consists of four bua .-ea . ux , the fir . st comprising the general and municipal administration of Algeria ; the second , colonization , agriculture , ami domains ; the third , mines , forests , and . various taxes ; the fourth , commerce , customs , and statistics . The direction of colonies also comprises four bureaux • the llr . st attends to tlia policy and commerce of the colonies ; the second to legislation aftd administration ; the third to military services and public functionaries ; the fourth to finances and supplies . The French colonies are divided into t .-u tsta-Uliihinents : —1 , Martinique ; 2 , Guadaloupe and its dependencies ; , 3 , the Ilo do la Uduuion ( Bourbon ); 4 , Itfayotta and dependencies ; D , French Guiana ; ( J , St . JLierru and Miquolon , iu the Gulf of St . Lawrence ; 7 , Senegal ; 8 , tho Isle of Goree and its dependencies ; ' J , tbe Freucli establishments in India , the chief placj of which is i ' ondioherry ; 10 , tho French ustablislmiuutiS in Oceania .
lhu annual mootiug of the Society for tho Prevention of Cruelty to Auhnuls was hold on Sunday at the Hotel do Ville , mid was numerously attended , o .-puciallv by ladies . A deputation from the London Society intended « nd was Loaded by Sir John fcjeolt Lillio , who introduced Mv . Uuroy to thu meeting amidst great dhuurin . ' i mes were distributed to variou .-j persons who bud be-Imvcd with ni ^ na ! Uindnosa to animals , and tho meeting -was followed liy a sumptuous banquet , to which the Knyliah dupututiou were iuvited . lUr . Uurev , on u miiIjaeqticut day , exhibited lii » horse-taming pover . s to a Parisian audience . Thu now mode of attaching horses to artillery , invented by tho Emperor , having beou tried with succeds
in several military divisions , has been dcunitiveiv adopted by the Minister of War . A strange story , worthy of the late Eugene Sue or Alexandre Duma . * , is told in the Droit . " There is a furnished hotel in the Quurtier St . Denis , " says that journal , " which i ? principally occupied by junior clerks , and there is a large room in common for them , where those who happen to be without employment pass their time ia playing cards or talking . r i'he day before yesterday , one of them , named E nile D , s : iid to his companions in a jocular way that it was so hot , and he was so out of spirits , that lie had a strong inclination to blow his brains out . One of the young men present said he would make a bet against bis doing such a thing . ' What will you bet ? ' asked Emile , still in the same laughing tone . ' A bottla of beer . ' l Done ! ' said the other ; ' but order the beer at once , for as , to gain the
wager , I must shoot myself , I should like to drink my share of it first . ' The beer was ' ordered and drunk , when Einile rose up to leave the room . ' Where are you going ? ' said the others . ' To shoot myself , ' was the reply , which was received with a burst of laughter from all present . Their merriment was , however , 'immediately put an end to by the report of a pistol in an adjoining room , and on running to the spot they found the youngman lying dead on the floor . As no elue to lus family could be found , the body was conveyed to the Morgue . " The Abeille Medicate relates a ca . se of traumatic tetanus cured by the inhalation of chloroform , administered for seven successive days . A . curious fact occurred in this case : the patient , wlio when in health laboured under a slight degree of deafness , could during his illness hear all that was said in the room , even in a low whisper ; and this sensibility of the ear gradually disappeared-as the cure progressed . '
The Fjidcpendance Bilge has been relieved from its interdict ; but some of the English papers of last Saturday vere seized . A Te J ) eum was performed in the cathedral of Algiei-. s on the 20 th ult ., that day being the twenty-eighth anniversary of the landing of the I ' rench army at Sidi FeroucU . All the Consuls of the foreign Powers were present . During the whole day , the vessels in the port were dressed out in flags , and a salute of twenty-one guns was fired at the moment when the Te Deum commenced . In the evening , a banquet was given by the Marshal Governor-General to the Bishop , the principal functionaries , and the heads of the army and navy .
A Commission has been named by the Minister of Marine for the settlement of-the-practical matters relating to the separation of the colonies from Ms department . The Commission is composed of MM . Lay rule , Dupuy de-1 'Orne , Roulfis , J 31 anehar * , lioujoux ( Director ) , Koussih ( Inspector-General ) , and Autran ( Chef du Cabinet of the Minister ) . M . Pointot , who was concerned in the affair of the Ri-giiui-Casli , has received the decoration ' of tho ' Legion of Honour . The Paris Church Committee , of which Lord Gray of 'Gray is chairman ,-has issued the following circular : — " The object of this committee is to rni . se a fund for tho purchase of the English church . iu the Rue d'Aguesseau , in Paris , under the Act . of Parliament 6 George IV .,
chip . 8 b " , commonly called the Consular Act . In order to render the church fully available to meet the wants of the British poor , this committee consider it of thu utmost importance that it should be a . free church , with out any payment being taken for seats , or at tho doors , or in any way whatever , except for a . small number of seats , not to exceed one hundred and lifty , for the purpose of providing thereby for tho necessary " annual expenses of the church , such as cleaning , lighting , wanning , tho organist , the clerk , and such necessary outgoings . With the subscriptions already received , the committee may fairly anticipate linal success , and desire earnestly to recommend this ooject to the attention or all travellers who inny resort to Paris from time to time , as well as of all persons who have at heart thu interests of thu English Protestant Church in this citv . "
Two men have boon tried before the Tribunal of Correctional Police on a chnrge of obtniiiing a large sum of money from M . ( ialLmd , oil the juvtiinee that they had sulHcicut inlhicncG with great pcisoiingcs to obtain his restoration to tho post of Mayor of a country town , which ho had been obliged to resign on account of ciilumniouri reports having been pprmul respect ing him . They impoHjd on M . Gal land by preposterous stories of their wealth mid high position , and drow into their plot , un confederates , a poor professor of tho Spanish language ! and a woman of bad character . M'hey seem to have nuule the ox-. Mnyor believe anything they told him , even to the i-xto ' iit of regarding a hired carriage as ii noljluinan ' . s I'quiprigc . Tliu tribunal condemned each of tho two men to live years' imprisonment and thruo tlu . Ujiuid l'niucs line .
lhe iMiipcrnr and Empress were present on Sunday at tho inauguration of thu monument mined by tlio Emperor to tho memory nl' IJiii-ou 11 or ten so , hi * niotlior , in thu Church of lUiuil , whicli also contains tliu muii . toluum of iho Kmj . ivMrt Jiiricjiliiiii ' . Thu Mmpei-or luft St . Cloud on Tuesday morning for thu ha His of Ploiiibii'i'u * . " Tho di-creo in thu Moititritr appointing M , do Morny President of tho Lcgialative Body in explained , " suya tho
2 tines Paris correspondent , "by the feet that an arrangement has bean concluded between the Minister o ; Public Works and the railway companies , by which , if is said , the Government guarantees a minimum of interest of 4 f . 65 c . p « r cent , oir the lines to be constructed . The Emperor proposes to convoke the Chambers for a sitting of five or six days , and submit the new arrangement for its approval previous t 4 > his departure for Cherbourg , the population of I 3 ri ttany being very much interested in the speedy- construction of . these lines . "
srAix . The Government has drawn up new regulations respecting foreigners , whicli enact that , when any foreigner arrives in Spain without a passport , lie shall be detained until he can prove who he is and the object of his journey ; that ru ! 'uge ; s shall not change their residences without express permission of the Government , and that refugees who m . iy leave Spnin shall not be allowed to return unless they can i ^ ive serious reasons , of which the Government is the judge . The Istuiitz Cabinet has fallen to pieces , and a new Ministry has been formed . General O'Donnoil is appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs and President of-tbe Council of War ; Scnor Negrete , Minister-of-Grace and Justice ; Sciior Salaverri : ! , Minister- ' of Finance ; Soiior Corbera , Minister of Public Works ; Seiior Pisada da Herrera , Minister of the Interior ; ' Seiior Maceda , Minister of Marine .
PRUSSIA . A fire broke out at Dantzig on the evening of the 19 th ult ., continued to rage the whole of the night , and was not subdued till eight o ' clock the next morning . The Fire Brigade of Kiinigsbcrg , which wa 3 . apprised of the disaster by . toll-graph , arrived too late to rendi-r any assistance . The ctmiirigration has destroyed fiftv-five houses ; five . persons , parisheil in the rliimes " Tlie ( iainage is estimated at 1 , 000 , ( JOO thalers ; but the chief pait of the loss is covered by insurance in the Gotlia and Leipzig companies .
1 lie King of Prussia , accompanied by the Queen , left Berlin on the evening of the 29 th \ nt . for Tegernsee . Tlieir Majesties travel in the strictest incoynito as the Count and Countess of Zollern . Before quitting the capital , the King signed a decree prolonging ; for three months more the powers delegated to the Prince o \ Prussia .
. TURKEY . The British Consul-General ( says a Belgrade letter ) has arrived from Bucharest , commissioned by his Government to investigate the circumstances connected with tlie attack on Mr . Fonblanque . lie liart jilready interrogated the accused- in presence of Turkish officers , and he had received all the documents connected with the affair . He did not visit the Pacha until he had received three visits from him . Although fears were cntortained that further outrages might be committed by the Turks in ' consequence of the state of excitement which existed among them , tranquillity prevailed in Belgrade .
It is rumoured at Constantinople that Aali Pacha , ' the Grand Vizier , is about to retire . We read in a contemporary that , according to report , "he said to a functionary who had come to nay him a visit that he regretted being in power at a . moment when the Turkish empire was menaced with ruin on every side . That imprudent exj resiiiHi was repeated , and produced-a very bad effect in hiyh quarters . The state of the finances is getting every day worse and worse . The rapid rise in the exchanges is silinost unexampled—the pound sterling being nt KM piastres , the Turkish pound 148 , anil the gold Napoleon lUO , or in every casu nearly 50 per cent , b ' cyoml the red vsiluo . It is matter of public n . tionety that tins Treasury contains nothing , and tho Minister of Finance is endeavouring to iiogotiate a loan of , 500 , 000 piastres , t 4 ) pay a month ' s interest on the last L > . n of sixty millions . "
The Government has agreed to make ample reparation for tho late outrage on our consul at Uelgrade . AUSTItlA . Tho deficit in this year's Austrian budget will , it is stiid , he as largo an four millions . sterling . A singular story of vhuuetiveness carried to thu edge of the grave is told in a hitter from Vienna , where wo rend : — " A few days a-o a Baron Silberstuin diuil hiire , mid after his death no nioni .-y was found in thu house , although ho had always passed for n wealthy m : in . Inquiries were made by his liuir , and , on its being disco vorod that a bunker hud i > iiid into his hands the . stun of 170 , 000 florins but u fow days bcCoru hi . s death , hid vulctwiis arrested by the police on 8 UHpici 4 > n of having
made away with the money . Ah tho mini nuid that his master left his bed a couple of tlnys before ho tljod in order to burn some | ia |> cra , tho stovo in thu bodrooin was searched . Nothing but the i- < -miiiu . s of documents were found , anil the servant was lo-pt in custody until it occurred tu soino one that it iniglit bo a ,-t W 4 ill ti » examine tho other stoves . I'hu oxoiniuniion was made , and thu numerous ronuuus of bank-notus of 100011 . each provitil tlio iinio < : t ; nc 4 s of thu vulnl and the di'HtriietivcncsH 4 > f his ni . istir . Tliu Uaroii , who was divorced from his wife , ol ' icn uxprcHsoil d 4 > ubt » ub 4 iut tho logitimnciy of hi- , only m > ii , ami , in ordur that iiu . should pi ' 4 ) ilt n . s little us pos » iljlu by Ills deatli , hu biirueil banknotes of tho value of 102 , 00011 . ( 10 , 200 / . )
Leader (1850-1860), July 3, 1858, page 7, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_03071858/page/7/