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cyr^S^v vlV v v ?
¦ ^^^^^^B^^^S^B S^S—^^^^S^ of our spirit...
NEWS OF THE WEEK- Our Sanitary Condition...
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NOTWITHSTANDING the comparative novelty ...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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Cyr^S^V Vlv V V ?
cyr ^ S ^ v vlV v v ?
¦ ^^^^^^B^^^S^B S^S—^^^^S^ Of Our Spirit...
¦ ^^^^^^ B ^^^ S ^ B S ^ S—^^^^ S ^ of our spiritual nature . " — H-umboldVs Cosmos .
Contents .
News Of The Week- Our Sanitary Condition...
NEWS OF THE WEEK- Our Sanitary Condition 1161 Where is the Russian Route to In- Miss JJarttoeau ' s Translation oi NEWS OF THE WEEK J > -g ^ ^^ ZrZ 3 S Th ^ rning "< -= £ *& Xli ! - ^ sSfcta ' iZ & T ^ ZZZ WA The Wreck of the Meridian 1154 Criminal Keeord . 1163 Lord Henry Lennox ... 1167 THE ARTSLetters from Paris , 1 J * Miscellaneous 1163 The-. Times on the National Cause m Much Ado about Nothing 1173 Continental Notes ....... .... 1157 Ita ] y 1168 Wednesday Evening Concerts 1173 ¦ 8 ?^ £ E ^ iS ^ . ..::: iS pl i BUO AFF /' s ~ fth Abso . o PEN council- ^^ A im British Subjects Abroad . —The Pro- Progress andj ) ifficulty of the Abso- Scotch Orthodoxy 1168 ' ¦ — - - testant Alliance 1160 Jutist Conspiracy 1164 LITERATURE— Births , Marriages , and Deaths 11 / 3 Theatre of War in Asia 1160 The Reform Question 1165 LITERATURE COMMERCIAL AFFAIRSThe Oxford Tutor ' s Eeport ..... 1161 Russia * Genfrals 1165 %£ ^ ™ T ^ ZZ \ ZZ \ ZZ \\ llS City Intelligence , Markets , Adverffi'SSSSXta- ofIndia 3 £ : ; Pfro ' rce ^ LuTy for - &&& ' 1166 Arnold's Poems ....:............ 1169 tisements ^ c ^^ : i :::: n 73 1176
Yol. Iv. No. 193.] Saturday, Decembek 3,...
YOL . IV . No . 193 . ] SATURDAY , DECEMBEK 3 , 1853 . [ Price Sixpence . =
Jto Af Tire Wnt
Jto af tire Wnt
Notwithstanding The Comparative Novelty ...
NOTWITHSTANDING the comparative novelty and tlie practical importance o £ tho new contest on tlie Upper Eliine for spiritual ascendancy ; the dispute between Turkey and Russia , with the imminent consequences , is still the absorbing question of the day . On the ground o . f armed contest , the fortune of war is not materially changed ; the niost recent advices , while we write , ascribe the success of the moment to the Russians . After many oscillations of fortune at the island near Giuvgevo , the Russians
appear to have remained masters of that limited ground ; but the constant wavering of fortune shows how nearly the forces were matched ; and , upon the whole , the balance of loss in killed and wounded appears still to side with the Russians , who repeatedly find themselves in detached parties confronting a superior force of Turks . Tho Turks also still remain in possession of
Uppor Wallaehia ; but both sides appear to bo rather retracting from the lino of conflict and falling back for tho winter . There is some anticipation that after the rains , when the frost shall have set in , formal hostilities will be renewed ; but wo must anticipate rather a succession of nkirmiaheH—a species of armed recreations—than pitched battles , or any contest which can decide
possession of the territory . While tho Russians and tho Turks aro at their old game of fighting , new propositions are said to agitato the councils of tho Grout Powers . From St . Petersburg in announced as forthcoming another circular to tho Kuropean Courts , and another manifesto . It is one of the most entcrpriHing of the groat publishing fmnH ; dealing , like some of our own London publishers , principally in fiction . Ifrom Austria , in said to emanate A now proportion for negotiations to be carried on in London "
—an old idea , at which Austria might very likely uateh m -a , means of prolonging the fruitleHH palavers with which nbo has hitherto subHervod M" purposes of Russia . l < Vom Austria , nlno , ( ' <>»> e . H , it in Hiiid , another proportion—Mini tho 1 W Powers should back out of every intervention , and leave Russia , and Turkey to content the Gutter alone ; but thin wo suspect to bo no more tl » mi the repetition of mi old titovy . Whenever it may have happened , it in understood to bavo heen Bcoutod by Franco : and if our Government
wavered f or a moment , - ultimately it agreed with our ally . From France is understood to have come a proposal for a treaty between the two Western Powers , laying down the basis on which they would unite to enforce a conclusion of the contest upon that Power which has provoked it ; but we do not learn that our Government has signified its assent to this proposal , which has , however , so far as it has been promulgated in England , obtained a ' very general approbation . These few facts appear to embrace the salient points in the present position of affairs .
That Austria and Russia have conceived newhopes of sxibvcrting France , and so defeating the Western alliance , appears to be established by the countenance which tho Emperor of Austria gives to the union between the Count de Chaiuhord and the Duke de Nemours . The most ostentatious publicity is given to the most trivial forms in tho interview between those two
potentates out of work . Punch has ridiculed this ceremonious puffing of " Henry the Fifth" and his cousin , by announcements of the compliments which they exchanged , tho history of their reciprocal brandy-and-water , and the joint stirring of tho sugar therein . But in fact tho jokes of Punch scarcely transcend the elaborate solemnity with which some wandering court newsman tells how the Duke called the Count " My King ;" and the Count called the Duke " My Cousin ;" how the Puke would have kneeled , but tho Count took him by both hands ; and how tho Count walked fifteen paces in order to receivethe Duke exactly within tho door . The court newsman , however , in but tho tool ; the Duke rnii . sfc be tho prime mover of Bonding round theso announcements , in order to impart to his enterprise and to tho gracious favours vouchsafed by Henry V . as much as possible the appearance of a legitimate reality and of an important event . Tho eireumatancen of the reconciliation have been communicated to tlioso French Generalb , Cliangarnier , Ijaniorioiero , and Hedeau , whom Louis Napoleon exiled ; and they aro understood to have expressed their satisfaction at the ro-union . Thin would imply that a military connexion in to be formed in France ; Chan garni or being the model of aristocratic diHeiplinariaiiH ; . Laaiorieiere , a popular General , friend of " sas vnfans , " tho Holdiora ; and . Hodoau , the huh fere type of Duty . Tho Emperor of Auntria Hupplietf tho locale for this reception , invites the JL ' rinoon to dinner , and is evidently giving them assistance
in a new conspiracy to subvert the French Government . Some anxiety has been created respecting the position of Servia . The province has long professed a neutrality totally inconsistent with fealty to the Porte . She has not only refused to permit the passage of Bosniac troops in support
of Omer Pacha , but has claimed the right to receive a Russian consul without the exequatur of the Porte . And people are already anticipating a declaration of independence placing Servia in the position of Greece . The province has no claim to such a position , and could scarcely sustain it , but may be the instrument for the enemies of Turkey .
In Vienna , where the greatest efforts aro made to prevent extremities , the hope of averting a wide and lengthened contest in rapidly dying away . People now say , in that optimist capital , that affairs must take their course ; and although Austria has the deepest stake in the preservation of tranquillity , she is making up her mind to let the Czar and fate have their fling . Our own Government appears to drift towards tho same conclusion , with
sorriest reluctance ; and we do not wonder . Although public opinion hero is rapidly becoming reconciled to the prospect of being ; obliged to maintain the position and fume of England , and the honour of her ilsig , habit is strong with your Englishman , and 'ho habit of peace sticks to him like a tourniquet Occasionally a little incident helps thin . The meeting in commemoration of tho Polish revolution in 18 . 10 , although it is an event of no political importance .
limited , in its bearing , to the exiles avIio have , m it were , n personal interest in that unhappy laud , and to those who aro connected Avith them by individual friendship , yet it ban served as a , bugbear for some , who are terrified even at tho board of a revolutionist ,. or who are misled by indifferent reports of speeches in " foreign language . One phrase in an address , which was really admirable ,
has been grosaly misapprehended , and it has boon supposed that tho guillotine was recommended by tho or / itor , as the legitiniatoinNtniinent of revolution . The meaning of the phrase was almost tho reverse ; but tho rise of tho word was unfortunate , and the exulting uproar which it created among the histrionic disciples of Robespierre , gave countenance to the misapprehension . Nor can we attach much more hnport / aneo to tho mooting of tho Protestant Alliance , at the
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 3, 1853, page 1, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_03121853/page/1/