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December 3, 1853] _ THH ^ pfeB, 1169
Critics-are nottbe legislators, but the ...
We alluded, last week, to the mischief o...
iho very remarkable " Professor of Crock...
¦I. hero seoins to be an awakening of th...
HARVEST-HOME. By Feedeuicic Tenntsok Up ...
BO OK S ON OTJlt TABLE. Handbook of Gree...
AKNOiiD'H I'OKMM. J'oems. l\ y Miil,l,lu...
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December 3, 1853] _ Thh ^ Pfeb, 1169
December 3 , 1853 ] _ THH ^ pfeB , 1169
Critics-Are Nottbe Legislators, But The ...
Critics-are nottbe legislators , but the judges and police of literature . They do not make laws-they interpret and try to enforce fhem—Edmburcjh Beview . "
We Alluded, Last Week, To The Mischief O...
We alluded , last week , to the mischief of what , by a ludicrous mis-use of terms , is called the science of . Teleology , in . other words , the Final Causes energeticall y named by Bacon , "barren - virgins . " When Goethe , ridiculing these Final Causes , said that they proved cork trees to have been created for the purpose of stopping ginger-beer bottles , he said laughingly no more than many say gravely . The various parasites which we observe growing on plants and animals , frequently making their nest a cause of destruction to the plant or animal , seem rather puzzling , teleologicaUy . You doubtless know that there is not one plant only , but a whole flora , growing in the living tissues of animals ; ( Chaeles Robin ,
the French anatomist , has written a thick volume , detailing and classifying them . ) You also know that there are large classes of animals—a small fauna—living- in living animals , making themselves most familiarly at home , and often requiting hospitality with poison . In the last volume of the Annettes des Sciences Naturelles , among other curiosities which from time to time we shall communicate , there is a paper on . the . acari which deposit their eggs hi sparrows and snails—two peculiar genera , which have their historians . It appears that the acarus spins a white silky web on the base of the sparrow ' s thigh , or on the forepart of its body . On delicatel y raising this web you perceive little
eggsyouno-, acari , the skins they have shed , and one or more females , who , in con structing the nest , have taken care to provide an issue . TeleologicaUy this plan is admirable . It is true the young acari are abundantly destroyed , by the bird ' s beak ; hut one must ran some risk , you know . ' If , however , we turn from the acarian point of view to that of the bird , who is forced to peck , because he itches , the "design" seems less benevolent ; true , one may endvire a little itching , if the existence of another depend on it , only one could wash the existence had a less unpleasant dependance ; but when one ' s own existence is to be the sacrifice , the question assumes another and a graver aspect .
Ingenious as the " design" of the acarus is , with reference to his sparrow ' s nest , we see a more ingenious effort still , when he has to tackle the snail , the surface of whose body presents two conditions unfavourable for nidification : 1 st , it is constantly moist ; 2 nd , it is constantly rubbing against the shell , and the surfaces of the objects over which the snail crawls . What is the acarus to do ? There and there only can its little ones be developed , ( for the sparroAv ' s enemy is another species , ) there and there only will it build its nest . The snail has a pulmonic orifice , which he dilates , to allow the air to penetrate his respiratory cavity . The
acarus " bides her time , " and , when her eggs are ready , she slips through that orifice , lays them in the folds of the mucous membrane , where they are cozily housed and gradually developed . When their growth is perfect they , slip out of the orifice , as it dilates , and then proeoed to select sonic portion of the snail ' s body , in Avhich to live comfortabl y . A ideologist avouId point out how admirably adapted this mucous membrane whs , for tho purpose of developing tho young acari ; but nothing is gained by such explanations , and , meanwhile , scienco is obstructed hv them . J
Iho Very Remarkable " Professor Of Crock...
iho very remarkable " Professor of Crock now possessed by tlio University of Edinburgh , John Stuaht . Elackik , lms just published his Introductory . Lecture on Iho Living Language of the Greeks and its Utility to the . Classical Scholar , "wherein . be makes suggestions destined , we believe , to effect tlio greatest change made in the study since tlio revival oC learning . Our own re item ted complaints ) against the precious tune and labour wasted by tlio majority of "educated" men in acquiring 'in ignorance of Greek , are obviated , to a great extent , by Professor -BraeiviK ' H . suggestions , while the advantages of possessing a practical « equainta . nco with . C « Yeok are . secured . The tiling ilS not worth its purchase money , and in rarely given oven when the money j H paid . To spend the best years of your education , in not acquiring Greek , is
i j ( > 11 / > i r 11 11 / l fiif , iii . i ,.,,, 1 i \ . tn , i .. f , i ! iJ ; , * 11 ,. K .. 1 ! .. I * i I . _ j 1 * n ™> negmlo tutoi's and parents into the belief that you have received a '' ¦ liberal education ; " but , after all , that beguiloment is not of eminent unportanue . . l'rofessor . . UiiAOK . uo points to an issue ;¦ lie proven that Mreek in u living not a dead language , and consequently should be Ntiidicd as living languages arc Htudiod . „ Clot his pamphlet and read it .
¦I. Hero Seoins To Be An Awakening Of Th...
¦ I . hero seoins to be an awakening of the poetic impulse , consequently a liicrcaHed demand for poetry just now . . Not to mention / amiliar inwiieH , here is a name new in the regions of poetry , John It us kin , h yalded to the world , by Mind truly oxcollent paper , Tho JMinlmryh i if'Ctrd / an . ; hero , also , is a . volume of poems by ' . l ? . u . iii ); i : ujoic IVnnyhojv , '" umuneed lor speedy publication ; and from iho m ' nglo poem published '' « hiH month ' s Eraser , wo predict ji volume not unworthy of tho name ° a TiojMKVHoK . Ilore it is . shorn of half-a-ckwon utauaay : —¦
Harvest-Home. By Feedeuicic Tenntsok Up ...
HARVEST-HOME . By Feedeuicic Tenntsok Up from the champaign and the town . l ^ Sg ^^^ l y . ¦ Lovely lights , emooth shadows sweet , I see the sire with bronzed chest-Swiftly o ' er croft and valley fleet , Mad babes amid the blithe S ^ st And flood the Jiamlet at our feet ; Seem leaping from the mother ' s Its groves , its hall , its grange that stood breast ; When Bess was Queen , its steeple The mi ghty youth , and sup ple child Its ^ L vaMcrsintkeioood ; TtS ^^^ tiS wuf ^' " ^ e ^^^ S ^^ , OMl ^ ^ dBu ^ ^^ ^ ' ¦ Or silvery o ' er its eresses puds . . DroW iT" ^ T * ° V dlsap l Jears ' J . r * - > i own d amid the waving ears The harvest days are come again , T ? niv = frtr .+ „ i i i ¦ , rrii v -i . ? au -tsaietoot Tirclnns run , and hide 1 he vales are surging with the gram : t ,. i , ii ,, . ' . Jlll-it , m , fc > & & J in JloiiOAVS tWIXt the CO 7-n nr rrlido The merry work goes on amain : T ,, , „ , l , ooin > or S ^ ¦ fo ' i-oward the tall sheaf s sunny side Pale streaks of cloud scarce veil the blue , T ' Against the golden harvest hue ™ fy P lea-sures , hob-nail'd fun , The Autumn trees look fresh and new ; hr ™ S . into the noonday sun , . ¦ Tiir- ti ' j , , .,., , And "" d the merry reapers run . Wrinkled brows relax with glee , . And aged eyes they laugh to see Draw the clear October out ; The sickles follow o ' the lea ; Another , and another bout , I see the little kerchief'd maid Then back to labour with a shout ! With dimpling cheek , and boddice F 7 ce banded sheaves stand orderly ¦ staid , Against the puriile Autumn sky , 'Mid the stout striplings half afraid ; Like armies of Prosperity . That is a very fanciful image j the close is still more like the accents of the elder brother : — Yet , when the shadows eastward seen Pies away , and leaves me lone O ' er the smooth-shorn fallows lean , With dim ghosts of years agdne , And Silence site wh ™ tW 1 , » , Summers parted , glories flown ;
been , Till day beneath the West is roll'd , Till grey ' sjHre'and tufted wold ..,,., ' -r . „ \ Purple in the evening gold ; Amid the gleaners I will stay , , _ . , . . ,, 1 X 7-1 -7 j-i , i j . i it Memories , when old age is come , Wlme - the shout and roundelay Aw eh- ' , « o ™ + T , + 2 t + i ¦ i . J i \ . re stray ears tnat neck tlje gloom , JTaint off , and daylight dies awuy ; And echoes of the Harvest-home . While on the subject of poetry , let us not forget that Hobert Bell ' s edition of the English Pods , in half-crou n volumes , is to commence in January with the works of Dizypen ; and that the author of The Human is soon to appear with a new poem . And although the day is gone by when the poetry of a working man can excite more astonishment than that of any other man , yet G-ebald Massey ' s forthcoming volume Avill no doubt challenge attention . Returning to this number of JFraser , we find a pictorial , suggestive , and instructive paper on tho Crystal Palace at S- ydcnham , its rise , progress , and prospects ; an amusingly instructive paper on Poultry ; more erudite gossip on Fish ; a good review of Donaldson ' s Varrunianus and New Cval . ylun ; and other papers . Other Magazines we must defer till next week .
Bo Ok S On Otjlt Table. Handbook Of Gree...
BO OK S ON OTJlt TABLE . Handbook of Greek Clironolai / y . By John Turner . It . ( irillm and Co-Handbook of'Scripture tun / Jin Hi / Oriental Chronology . l > y John Turner . K . ( iiii ) in and Co . Jftnidfjook of Kit man Vhronolotjy . \\ y John Turner . " it . ( Jnilin mid Co . * The Future of the Jfinnan . Have . Hy Robert Owen . ' K . Wilson " A Treatise on the Science of Mimic , liy 1 ) . M . ( i . S . Reeves . , [ . A iN ' ovvllo " The Yon mi Voyaiicurs ; or , the Jloy Hunters in the North . Hy Captain Muyno Uoid 1 ) Ho"iu > ' Miss darner s Scriptural History Simplijint . Keviurd l > y J . Kif . lo , D . I ) ., Aii :. T . Dean and Won ' The Gold Ji ' oc / r . i of Great Britain and Ireland . JUy John (! : ilvt * rt . Chimni . m and Hill " JJfe of UobeH Soiithey , LL . l ) ., L'oet-LtwrtMte , . Jv . liy ( J . T . JBrowne . Chapman and Hall ' The Hermit . A Novel , tty 10 . Cnrk ' . n . -t vol . s . T < : jv ( >\ vl > y " The National Miscellany . Vol . 1 . () iy , ( . (» K xVior-. slnrl The . Jlixtorsj «/ Jitnjlundfrom the Ear ! imt , Times to the Final ' lixfutilixliniritt of the Itejormutinn . liy tho Jli tf hf , Hon . Sir JaineH MiidunfokIi . Now Edition . Itevbied ) > y " ( lie Aul ' lun-V Son " 11 . . ) . MuduntoHh . 3 v < i 1 h . I-oiciii . iii and Co ' Tho Attic 1 'hifonojiher in l ' tirix . From the French of Emilc Houvesl . re . ( The Traret / n- ' x l . ihntn / . ) ,, .. y . lioiufiiinn and < , ' o . A liundle of ( . rowqiullx , dropped by Alfred Crowquill . ( J . Itoul l (> il . tri > iind Co . fFcn / . ern hulUi . Report * addressed to the Chambcrx of Commerce of ' Manchester , I , irerpoof , J {/ ae / ,- / iitrir , and Citttmjow , by their Cominixaioiier , the tutc ¦ ilnxtinder ' Mach-ai / , list / . Kililed \ , y . 1 . Kohm-tNon . ' Nadu ,,, j ( , j Cm , kc . The , ( Joi ) ta ,, t : ufthe , JlriUxh Empire . % 11 . N . HumphniyH . Nalliiiniel ( ! ooko I he Jllitstrntfd Family Friend Alma inick for lHfi-1 . ' W . S . Orr and Co . Enmt y * on At / rienUttre . lty Tlioniiis OiHlmriKi . John Murray . " The Anlobioijriiphy of a . Five-found Notts , lly Miu J . II . Wolib . < 'larl : e , l . ' eefou , and Co . " Jtimsia in tin : Jtit / hl ; or , the Other Side of the Turkish Question . Hy J . IMoscly , If . C . L . t ) i < fittt « , Jerri >!< t . 1 'lays . ' I ' mich Ollicc . The National . Miscellany . ' Oilier , KMili-r-. slrerL Table . Tiirnini / . A Leeiuro liy Die Itev . K . AV . Dilidin , ftl . A . Ayloll , ; uu | Co . " . ' History if the Constituent . Amenilili / . lly Al | ih < nin <> ( le K . 'iiiiiirliiu ) . Vol I . Vizclelly anil Co . A . Narrative if Travels on the Amazon and . Rio Nci / m . lly A . If . Wiilliu'C Keev ' o and Co . The Dublin Universit y Magazine . ' J . Rli : ( iliixluin . Fraser ' s MatjtKiine . ' ¦ . 1 . W . Parker and Son . 11 / acAicood ' s Altit / azintt . ' ¦ ' W . liliickwood anil Son . The lUiisiratctl ' Lomlon Mttt / aziiit ' . I'ijicr » i » d
Aknoiid'h I'Okmm. J'Oems. L\ Y Miil,L,Lu...
AKNOiiD'H I'OKMM . J ' oems . l \ y Miil , l , lu' \ v Arnold . A Now JCilil . ion . iVico /> . s - . Oil . . Ijon / rirwiii uikI (?<> . | hiooomji a K . i'i <¦ i , (•; . j . HaviNa in a provioutuirtielo discitHMt ^ l . the 'propo . sitionH of Mr . Arnold ' ^ profa . ( Hi , niul tried to cihiw to an 'understanding on tho Hiibject of his critical precepts , we have now to consider his practice , and . to read his poojiiH in tlio light of hia precepts .
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 3, 1853, page 17, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_03121853/page/17/