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[ ^——142 ©!) * &**&*?* Saturday,
Cntrantrriat %Mm.
_^_—— ^—w^—————AVERAGE PRICE OF 8UGAR. T...
FOREIGN FUNDS. (Last Official Quotation ...
SHARES. Last Official Quotation for the ...
GRAIN, Mark-lane, April 26. Wheat, R. Ne...
FLOUR. Town-made per sack 37s. to 40s. S...
BUTCHERS' MEAT. Newgate and Lkadbnhall.*...
PROVISIONS. Butter—Best Fresh, 8s. to 12...
HOPS. POTATOES. Kent Pockets 115s. to 13...
HAY AND STRAW. (Per load of 36 Trusses.)...
BULLION. Per oz. Foreign Gold in Bars, S...
METALS. Per ton. Copper, British Cakes £...
Tuesday, April 30. Partnerships Dissolve...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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[ ^——142 ©!) * &**&*?* Saturday,
142 ©!) * &**&*?* [ Saturday ,
Cntrantrriat %Mm.
Cntranmtat % Mm .
? Money Market And City Intelligence. Fr...
? MONEY MARKET AND CITY INTELLIGENCE . Friday . There has been but little variation in the English Funds this week . If anything , there has been a gradual declension ; and , as compared with last week , the prices quoted may be said to average about a quarter per cent , less The market has been quiet as well as steady . On Monday , for a while , it had rather a firmer tone , and some few transactions in Consols took place at an improvement of about one-eighth per cent , on Saturday s prices But on Tuesday there was an evident depression all day , and the quotations suffered very sensibly , owing m n i « to the fall of French Rentes , occasioned by the
result of the Paris election , the strong ultra-democratic demonstration of that event having had an alarming effect upon the Bourse . Wednesday , being the 1 st of May , was a holiday at the Stock Exchange , and , consequently , there was nothing doing in a regular way but the French news continuing to create excitement , there was an anxious feeling among the usual frequenters of 'Change , and business was transacted in Consols at several of the coffeehouses in the neighbourhood at a reduction of about onequarter per cent , upon the prices of the previous day . Yesterday , however , there was , from the first opening of extentthe tone
the market , a reaction to a trifling — was firmer , and there was a slight tendency to advance , in consequence , as was believed , of a sudden improvement in the French funds . It was evident , indeed , that the " Bear" speculators had failed to make good the deficiencies occasioned by the depressing influences they had set in operation as the effect of the Paris election . Consols were done at 95 | for money , and 96 for account ; Reduced Three per Cents ., 945 2 ; Three-and-a-Quarter per Cents ., 96 f to 97 £ ; Long Annuities , 8 * to 316 ; Bank Stock , 2064 to 207 ; India Bonds , 92 to 95 prem . ; Exchequer Bills were done at 68 to 70 prem . at the bfpinning of the week ; but yesterday they declined to 67 69 prem .
In Foreign Stocks there has been nothing of much consequence doing . Yesterday , in the early part of the day , there was scarcely so much firmness as during the two fir >* t days of the week , though as the day advanced a slight improvement was manifest . There has been little or no actual change in the quotations of the principal securi . ies . Peruvian Bonds have been done at 70 ; and Deferred at 30 ; Mexican , 28 J ; Portuguese Five per Cents ., 85 k ; Ditto Four per Cents ., 37 |; Spanish Five per Cent-., 17 * ; Ditto Three per Cents , 37 ; Russian Four-and-a-Haif per Cents ., 954 ; Belgian Four-and-a-Half per Cents ., 964 ex div . ; Dutch Two-and-a-Haif per Cents ., 55 i } .
The subject of Spanish Stocks is now creating an anxious interest among its holders on several of the continental Bourses . Public meetings have been ca led in Paris and Amsterdam , going beyond the example of what has recently taken place in London , where no direct appeal has yet ( to the suspicion of many ) been made to the landholders at lar « e . The influence of these movements , however , i « expected to be felt in our own capital , where nothing further has yet transpired on the subject . The price of gold in Paris has remamfd the same as in London , the premium being 16 per mille , and the exchange at short , 25 55 . On . Hamburg it is 0 11 per cent , dearer than in London .
There is a difference of opinion prevailing as to the general rate of money interest during the past month . It has been stated on a sort of semi-official authority , the bankers have been able to make lodgments on call at about IJ per cent . ; but it is well known that large amounts could not , without great difficulty , be placed out at the rate of 14 per cent . There has been almost less fluctuation than usual in Railway Shares . On Tuesday they were scarcely so firm as on the nrecedino : day , the following being the most
prominent quotations : London and North Western , 100 $ to 1014 ; Midland , 31 to 2 ; York , Newcastle , and Berwick , 114 to 12 ; Great Western , 50 to 1 ; London and South Western , 57 * to 84 ; Great Northern , 164 to 16 dig . ; South Eastern and Dover , 13 to 4 ; Eastern Counties , 6 J to 74 ; Reading , Guilford , and Reigate , 14 | to 15 fr ; Caledonian , 7 J . Yesterday the market was quite steady . It appears that calls to the amount of five millions sterling have yet to be made this year , which has a depressing effect .
The Foreign Produce Market has not presented any change , on the whole . There has been a slightly improved demand for Borne descriptions of Colonial produce , but prices have undergone little or no improvement . The Corn-trade has been rather better . On Monday , in Mark-lane , prices were looking up , and some superior descriptions of wheat realized an advance of a shilling a quarter . This improvement has been maintained in most of the principal markets during the week .
In the manufacturing districts of Lancashire , a slight Advance has taken place in most of the fabrics into which cotton enters , occasioned by the growing apprehensions of a scarcity of the raw material , the supplies from America continuing to fall off . But this has caused no improvement in wages , the demand has been tolerably good , with little or no disposition to limit purchases on account of this advance , the opinion being general that goods will be still higher . The Yorkshire markets have not been similarly affected . The trade in wool is heavy and declining , but woollen fabrics and yarns have main tained their price , though , upon the whole , but a limited extent of business has been done .
_^_—— ^—W^—————Average Price Of 8ugar. T...
_^_—— ^—w ^—————AVERAGE PRICE OF 8 UGAR . The average price of Brown or Muscovado Sugar , computed from the returns made in the week ending the Both day of April , 1850 , i « 21 b . 6 d . per cwt .
British Funds For The Past Week. (Closin...
BRITISH FUNDS FOR THE PAST WEEK . ( Closing Prices . ) Satur . Mond . Tues . Wedn . Thurs . Frid . Bank Stock .... 206 2064 — 207 3 per Ct . Red .. 94 ? 95 94 | 94 J 3 p . C . Con . Ans . 95 f 95 95 | 96 * 3 p . C . An . 1726 . —— —— " 771 3 p . Ct . Con ., Ac . 96 96 96 J 95 | 34 p . Cent . An . 97 j 97 * 97 97 j New 5 per Cts . —— —¦ 12 ° . Long Ans ., 1860 . 8 3-16 8 J 8 J 8 * Ind . St . 10 Jp . ct . 266 —— — 26 o Ditto Bonds .. 92 94 93 80 Ex . Bills , 1000 / . 68 p 70 p 70 p 69 p Ditto , 500 * .. 70 p 70 p 69 p Ditto , Small 70 p 70 p 69 p
Foreign Funds. (Last Official Quotation ...
FOREIGN FUNDS . ( Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Thursday Evening . ) Austrian 5 per Cents . 92 5-16 Mexican 5 per Ct . Ace . 28 J Belgian Bds ., 4 * p . Ct . 86 $ exd — Small .. .. — Brazilian 5 per Cents . 86 J Neapolitan 5 per Cents . — Buenos Ayres 6 p . Cts . — Peruvian 4 per Cents . 70 Chilian 6 per Cents ... — Portuguese 5 per Cent . 854 Equador Bonds .. — 4 per Cts . 33 * Danish 3 per Cents . .. 70 | : - —Annuities — Dutch 2 A . per Cents ... 554 Russian , 1822 , 5 p . Cts . — 4 per Cents . .. 854 Span . Actives , 5 p . Cts . 17 $ French 5 p . CAn . atParis 87 . 50 Passive .. — 3 p . Cts ., May 1 54 . 30 Deferred .. 36 £
Shares. Last Official Quotation For The ...
SHARES . Last Official Quotation for the Week ending Thursday Evening * Railways . Banks . Caledonian .. .. 71 Australasian .. .. — Edinburgh and Glasgow 26 § British North American — Eastern Counties .. 7 Colonial — Great Northern .. .. 6 Commercial of London .. — Great North of England 218 London and Westminster — GreatS . & W . ( Ireland ) 294 London Joint Stock .. 17 Great Western .. .. 5 l § National of Ireland .. — Hull and Selby .. .. 95 National Provincial .. — Lancashire and Yorkshire 34 Provincial of Ireland .. 41 Lancaster and Carlisle 5 i Union of Australia .. — Lond ., Brighton . & S . Coast 784 Union of London .. — London and Black wall .. 3 * Mines . London and N .-Western 101 Bolanos — Midland 3- » 4 Brazilian Imperial .. — Noith British .. .. ~ i Ditto , St . < ohn del Rey — South-Eastern and Dover 131 Cobre Copper .. .. — South-Western .. 584 MISCELLANEOUS . York . Newcas ., & Berwick llg Australian Agricultural 15 York and North Midland 14 g Canada .. .. .. 30 Docks . General Steam .. .. 27 East and West India .. 142 Peniiis . Se Oriental Steam 80 London 119 Royal Mail Steam .. 54 $ St . Katharine .. .. 81 South Australian .. 19
Grain, Mark-Lane, April 26. Wheat, R. Ne...
GRAIN , Mark-lane , April 26 . Wheat , R . New 36 s . to 38 s . Maple 25 a . to 26 s . Fine 38 —39 White 22 —24 Old 40 —41 Boilers 24 —25 White 37 —39 Reans , Ticks . .. 22 — 23 Fine 40 —41 Old 2 . > —26 Superior New 4 ft — 48 Indian Corn .... 24 —27 Rye 22 —23 Oats , Feed .... 14 — 15 Bailey 16 —17 Fine .... 15 —16 Malting 22 —24 Poland 16 —17 Malt , Ord 45 —47 Fine .... 17 —18 Fine 47 —50 Potato 15 — 16 Peas , Hog 22 —23 Fine .... 18 —19
General Average Price Of Grain. Week End...
GENERAL AVERAGE PRICE OF GRAIN . Week Ending April 25 Imperial General Weekly Average . Wheat 37 s . Id . I Rye 21 s . 8 d . Barley 28 1 Beans 23 8 Oats 15 0 I Peas 25 1 Aggregate Average of the Six Weeks . Wheat 38 s . Od . Rye 2 ls . lid . Barley 23 2 Beans 23 10 Oats .. 15 1 Peas 25 2
Flour. Town-Made Per Sack 37s. To 40s. S...
FLOUR . Town-made per sack 37 s . to 40 s . Seconds •»* —37 Essex and Suffolk , on board ship JO — 3 * Norfolk and Stockton 28 — 30 American per barrel 23 — 24 Canad ian • 20 — 2 2 Wheateu Bread , 6 d . to 7 d . the 41 b . loaf . Households 4 d to 54 d .
Butchers' Meat. Newgate And Lkadbnhall.*...
BUTCHERS' MEAT . Newgate and Lkadbnhall . * Smithfibld . * e . d . s . d . s . d . e . d . Beef 1 10 to 3 0 2 4 to 3 6 ST ! .:::::::::::: S $ -1 S :::::::::::: S l- \ \ Ea .::::::::::-:::: J "S = 8 8 ::::::::: v .: 8 S = Si To sink the offal , per 81 b . Head or Cattle at Smitiifibld . Friday . Monday . Bea 8 t 1243 3 , 658 Calves M 126 Pigs S 40 230
Provisions. Butter—Best Fresh, 8s. To 12...
PROVISIONS . Butter—Best Fresh , 8 s . to 12 s . per doz . Carlow , £ 3 10 s . to £ 3 16 s . per cwt . Bacon , Irish per cwt . 40 a . to 46 s . Cheese , Cheshire 46 — W * Derby , Plain J 6 —54 Hams , York 60 —70 Emr « . French , per 120 , 5 d . 3 d . to 6 s . Od .
Hops. Potatoes. Kent Pockets 115s. To 13...
HOPS . POTATOES . Kent Pockets 115 s . to 132 s . I York Regents per ton 1108 . to 120 Choice ditto .. 147 — 23 i Wisbech Uegents ... 100 — HO Sussex ditto .. 112 —126 8 eoteh lteds 0 — 0 Farnhatndo .. 150 — 300 J French Whites 45 — 65
Hay And Straw. (Per Load Of 36 Trusses.)...
HAY AND STRAW . ( Per load of 36 Trusses . ) Cumberland . Smithfibld . Whitechapel Hay , Good .... 68 s . to 72 s 48 s . to 70 s 60 s . to Sfip Inferior .. 50—63 .... 0 — 0 .... 0 H 0 New 0—0 .... 0—0 .... 0—n Clover 75 — 87 .... 60 —90 .... 65 —77 Wheat Straw .. 24—28 .... 21 —28 .... 20 —23
Bullion. Per Oz. Foreign Gold In Bars, S...
BULLION . Per oz . Foreign Gold in Bars , Standard £ 3 17 n Foreign Gold in Coin , Portugal Pieces 0 0 0 New Dollars 0 4 10 J Silver in Bars , Standard 0 4 111 8
Metals. Per Ton. Copper, British Cakes £...
METALS . Per ton . Copper , British Cakes £ 88 30 0 .. 0 0 0 Iron , British Bars 5 15 0 .. 6 0 0 Lead , 3 ritish Pig 18 5 0 .. 18 10 0 Steel , Swedish Keff 14 15 0 .. 0 0 0
From The London Gazette. Friday, April 2...
FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE . Friday , April 26 . Partnerships Dissolved . —R . Ord and Son , Stockton-upon-Tees , curriers—Hutton , Langley , and Sax ton , Sheffield , engineers ; as far as regards J . Saxton—T . Hine and Son , Bury St . Edmund's , cutlers — T . and R . Hull , Kirkdale , Lancashire , millers—J . Finch and 13 . D . Wood , Dudley , fender-makers—Amlibairt and Chouvin , Gracechurch-street , restaurateurs—Bottomley and Farrar , Huddersfield , manufacturers of woollen cloth — Chadwick and Diggles , Bury , Lancashire , cottonspinners—C . and J . Waudby , York , sculptors—Wild and Hepworth , Thornhill , Yorkshire , scribbling millers—M . Jacobs and A . S . Oppenheim , Leman-street , Goodman ' s-fields , and the
Piazza , Covent-garden , cigar manufacturers—Maurice and Co ., Howford-buildings , Fenchurch-street , printers—J . Millar and M . J . Reilly , Great Tower-street , wine-brokers — King and Jones , Heywood , Lancashire , grocers — Clarke and Wolstenholme , Tottington Lower-End , Lancashire , grocers—Cox and Co ., Liverpool , gasfitters—Brown and Rhodes , Pemberton , Lancashire , miners—Anderson , Ingram , and Co ., Liverpool—Lloyd and Ringer , Bath , surgeons—The General Wood Cutting Company , Belvedere-road , Lambeth ; as far as regards D . Nisbett and J . Macdonald—Offley , Webber , Forrester , and Co ., London , Liverpool , Manchester , Cheltenham , Birmingham , and Bristol , or elsewhere in England ; and Offleys , Webber , Forrester , and Cramp , Oporto , Hull , York , and Newcastle-upon-Tyne , winemerchants .
Declarations op Dividends . —Hannen , Little Britain , tallowmelter ; first div . of 5 Jd . on Thursday , May 2 , and two subsequent Thursdays ; Stansfeld Basinghall—treet— Walley and Hardwick , Oxford-street , linendrapers ; second div . of 2 s . on Thursday , May 2 , and two subsequent Thursdays ; Stansfeld , Basinghall-street—West , Fleet-street , medicine-vender ; second and final div . of 7 d . on Saturday next , and three subsequent Saturdays ; Groom , Abcburch-lane—Hey ward , Torquay , grocer first div . ot 9 $ d . on any Tuesday alter the 23 rd inst . ; Hirtzel , Exeter—Hodge . Colyton , Devonshire , currier ; first div . of 4 s . any Tuesday or Friday after the 30 th inst . ; Hernaman , Exeier—Daniell . formerly ol Trelissick , Cornwall , copper-smelter ;
further div . of 2 s . 8 d . on any Tuesday or Friday after April « JU ; Hernaman , Exeter—Mucklest-m , jun ., Shrewsbury , grocer ; first div . of 23 . 4 d . any Thursday ; Whitinore . Birmingham-Burton and Bulpin , Dublin , drapers ; first d > r . of 4 s . 9 d . ion new proofs ) , on Saturday , April 27 , and three subsequent Saturdays ; Edwards , Sambrook-court , Basinghall-street—Wright , Pentlleton , LancHshire , dyer ; first div . of 2 s . 5 | d . on Tuesday , April 30 , or any subsequent Tuesday ; Pott , Manchester—Hesketh , Manchester , straw-bonnet-deater ; second div . of Id . ( and 2 s . 7 d . on new proofs ) , on Tuesday , May 7 , or any subsequent Tuesday ; Fra * er , Manchester—Hague and Shatwell , Manchester , commission-agents ; first div of Is . 3 d . ( on new proofs ) , on Tuesday , May 7 , or any subsequent Tuesday ; Fraser , Manchester .
Bankruptcy Annulled . —P . Mann , Leeds , corn factor . Bankrupts . —W . CHiTTENDEN . Tarlington-place . ' and Churchstreet , Paddington , draper , to surrender May 7 , June 7 ; solicitor , Mr . Cooke , King-street , Cheapside ; official assignee , Mr . Whitmore , Basinghall-street—C . Veneer , ronbridge-wells , builder , May 7 , June 4 ; solicitors , Messrs . Smith , Stenning , and Crolt , Basinghall-street ; and Messrs . Stenning and Carnell , Tonbridge ; official assignee , Mr . Edwards , Sambrook-court , Basinghall-street—J . Pattinson , Liverpool , grocer , May 10 and 31 ; solicitor , Mr . Tyrer , Liverpool ; official assignee , Mr . Bird , Liverpool—J . Stanford and H . Bannister , Halseowen , Worcestershire , brickmakers , May 13 , June 3 ; solicitors , Messrs . Smith and Jones , Birmingham ; official assignee , Mr . Valpy , Birmingham—A . S . Corrick , Bristol , timber-dealer . May 8 , June 5 ; solicitor , Mr . Brittan , Bristol ; official assignee , Mr . Acraman , Bristol—J . Powell , Clirow , Radnorshire , cattledealer , May 8 , June 5 ; solicitors , Mr . Pugh , Brecon ; and Messrs . M . Britton and 80 ns , Bristol ; official assignee , Mr . Miller , Bristol .
Dividends . —May 17 , J . Weeks , Ryde , Isle of Wight , grocer —May 17 , J . H . Theobald and J . Church , Colchester and Deptford , coke manufacturers—May 17 , J . Reed , late of Bermondseystreet , Southwark , hop merchant—May 27 , B . Lord , Blackbourn , coal dealer—May 27 , T . Procter , Preston , spindle maker—May 27 , H . Rotherham , Chesterfield , plumber—May 20 , J . Y . Ashton , Liverpool , builder—May 17 , G . Evans , Talyllyn , Merionethshire , cattle dealer—May 23 , W . Miles , Worcester , stock broker—May 17 , J . H . Gandell , East Challow and Harringdon , brewer . Certificates . —To be granted , unless cause be shown to the contrary on the day of meeting . —May 17 , H . J . Siacey , Crosby-row , Wai worth-road , grocer—May 18 , J . Slater , Friday-street , Cheapaide , warehouseman—May 21 , H . C . Cawston , Upper
Dorsetplace , Clapham-road , grocer—May 2 l , W . Woodbridge , Mincingfane , colonial broker—May 21 , T . Ellen , Great Russell-street , Bloomsbury , coal merchant—May 17 , W . Wallace and G . Dormand , Sunderland , butchers—May 20 , L . B . Choffin , Bristol and Bath , bookseller—May 27 , T . 8 . Sleightholm , Scarborough , painter—May 17 , J . Gouldesbrough , Manchester , manufacturer —May 18 , R . Savory , Hereford , plumber—May 29 , L . Perrers , Holsworthy , Devonshire , innkeeper . Scotch Sequestrations . —R . Ritchie , Woodlands , by Perth , farmer , May 1 , 30—A . Meldrum , Dundee , clerk , May a , 27— J . Notman , Edinburgh , grocer , May 3 , 23—A . Christie , Cluny , Aberdeenshire , farmer , May 4 , 24 — J . Spence , Edinburgh , tavern-keeper , April 30 , May 21—J . » Angus , late of Cunningstown , merchant , May 2 , 30—S . and J . Ilathbone , Portobello , potters , May 3 , 30 .
Tuesday, April 30. Partnerships Dissolve...
Tuesday , April 30 . Partnerships Dissolved . —Bennett and Co ., Kingswinfora , Staffordshire , saddlers —Wardrop , Garrett , and Co ., Brabantcourt , Philpot-lane , wine merchants — Dobson and Alli * on , Liverpool , engineers—J . Dugdale and Brothers , Manchester , nnd Burnley , Lancashire , manufacturers — J . Wellman and Son , Maddox-street , Regent-street , tailors — J . Bell and E . Ivett , Duke . ftreet , Manchester-square—Harper and Todd , Manchester , tailors — S . Hortou and C . Guimell , Clephane-road , Canonbury , builders—Hendereou and Co ., Maranhara , South America
Leader (1850-1860), May 4, 1850, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_04051850/page/22/