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May 4, 1850.] ®fte &*&fr*t+ *«
GARDEN ENGINES, SYRINGES, &c &c. CAUTION.—The well-known reputation of READ'S inesMachinesand 3 has led to the nefarious
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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Tuesday, April 30. Partnerships Dissolve...
mmis 3 iou merchants — Bury . Robertshaw , and Priestley , rharch Lancashire , ironfounders-Kirkman and Spetch , Manchester , ' engravers to calico printers—T . B . Wheatley and R . H . Jackson Greenwich , corn merchants — Simpson and Day , Lonj S . Hunt and Sou , Liverpool , ironmongers — Bowen and Bromwich , Bridgnorth , Shropshire , mercers — J . Thornewell and Son * , Dudley , Worcestershire , agricultural implement manufacturers ; as Tar as regards G . Thornewell — H . Hitchen ™ d A > Whalley , Chorley , Lancashire , joiners—R . Wood and S . F Knowles , Leeds , common brewers—Goodair and Hunt , Webhpr-row Southwark , victuallers—The Banking Company , Aberdeen * as far as regards G . H ., W . D ., and M . Lynch—J . Miller and s ' ons , Leith , and W . Miller and Co ., St . Petersburgh , merchants ; as far as regards A . Miller — Royal Mail Steam-Packet Company , Moorgate-street ; as far as regards D . C . Cameron . Declarations OP Dividends . —E . Snowdon , South Shields , grocer : first div . of Is . on Saturday , May 4 , or any subsequent
Sat urday , at Mr . Baker ' s , Newcastle-upon-Tyne . Bankrupts . —W . G . Ceely , Cotton-street , Poplar , licensed carman , to surrender May 7 , June 13 ; solicitors , Messrs . M'Leod and Stenning , London-street , Fenchurch-street ; official assignee , Mr . Whitmore , Basinghall-atreet— J . Brighton , Derby-street , Gray ' s-inn-road , licensed victualler . 7 , June 8 ; solicitors , Messrs . Dimraock and Burbey , Suffolk-lane , Cannon-street ; official assignee , Mr . Graham—T . Collingwood , Nuneham Courtney , Oxfordshire , innkeeper , May 11 , June 22 ; solicitors , Messrs . Ford and Lloyd , Bloomsbury-square ; official assignee , Mr Pennell , <» uildhall-chambere , Basinghall-street — A . E . Corvan , Hampstead-load and Lisson-grove . baker , May 11 , June ~ 2 ; solicitor , Mr . Hubbard , Bucklerabury ; official aasw , Mr . Pennell , Guildhall-chambers , Basinghall-street—* 17
j Gdest , Birmingham , commission-agent , May 13 , June ; solicitors Messrs . Rawlins and Rowley , Birmingham ; official assignee , Mr . Christie , Birmingham—J . Brown , Bristol , builder , May " 14 , June 11 ; solicitor , Mr . Harley , Bristol ; official assignee , Mr . Miller , Bristol—J . Villar , Leckhampton and Cheltenham , Gloucestershire , maltster . May 13 , June 10 ; solicitors , Messrs . Winterbotham and Bell , Cheltenham ; official as ^ i ^ nee , Mr . Hutton , Bristol—C . Pearson , Sheffield , licensed victualler , May 11 , June 22 ; solicitor , Mr . Chambers , Sheffield ; official assignee , Mr . Freeman , Sheffield—C . Grkenhow , jun ., NeWcastle-upon-Tyne , timber-merchant , May 7 , July lO ; solicitor 3 , Mr . Uoyle , Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; and Messrs . Crosley and Compton , Church-court , Old Jewry ; official assignee , Mr . \ Vak ; ey , N ewcastle-upon-Tyne . cabinetmaker
Dividends . —May 23 , J . Price , Birmingham , — May 2 a , U . W . Godwin , Lincoln , shipbuilder—May 29 , W . SuUdaby , Kingston-upon-Hull , millwright—June 5 , T . D . Hammond , Kingston-upon-Hull , druggist—May 22 , J . Saner , Kingston-upon-Hull , tailor—June 5 , h . Howitt . Lincoln , miller . Certificates . —To be granted , unless cause be shown to the contrary on the day of meeting . —May 22 , T . Williams , Epsom , draper—May 22 , J . Tidmarsh , Regent-street , and Cheltenham , draper—May 2 d , G . Palmer , Longmere , Norfolk , cattle-dealer-May 21 , E . Lichfield , Ipswich , upholsterer—May SI , T . Rowan , Cambridge , draper . Scotch Sequestrations . — Parker and Co ., ureenock , millers , May 4 and * 5—G . Webster , Edinburgh , writer to the signet , May 6 and 27—P . B . Parker , Glasgow , warehouseman , May 6 and June 3—G . Dodds , Bullion , near Dundee , auctioneer , May 3 and 24—J . Murdoch , Glasgow , writer , May 3 and 24 .
May 4, 1850.] ®Fte &*&Fr*T+ *«
May 4 , 1850 . ] ® fte &*& fr * t + *«
Births, Marriages, And Deaths. Births. O...
BIRTHS , MARRIAGES , AND DEATHS . BIRTHS . On the 27 th ult ., in Camberwell-grove , the wife of the Reverend William Whitehtad , M . A ., curate of the parish church , of a d o . \ i ^ h 11 ? r On the 28 th ult ., at Oxford-terrace , Hyde-park , the wife of Henry Hamilton Cafe , Esq ., of a son . On the 27 th ult ., at the residence of her father , Burton Persse , Esq ., Moyode Castle , the Lady Claremorris , of a daughter . On the 2 ") th ult ., at Weyborne-house , Farnham , ttie wife of John Knight , Esq ., of a son . On the 27 th ult ., at Sevenoaks , the lady of Lieutenant-Colonel W . M . N . Sturt , of the Bengal establishment , of a daughter . On the 3 ith ult ., at Gloucester-terrace , Hyde-park , the wife of Gillery Pigott , Esq ., barrister , of son . On the 28 ih ult ., at Albemarle-street , Mrs . John Dalrymple , of twin daughters .
... __ . ... ........ On the ^ 9 th ult ., at South wick-place , Hyde-park , the wife of Charles Manley Smith , of the Middle Temple , Esq ., of a son . At K < tinan Droog , Bellacey District , E . 1 ., on the 5 th March , Eliza , wife of the Honourable David Arbuthnott , of a daughter . On the 25 th ult ., at Manor-house , Gunnersbury , the wife of W . G . Molt , Eaq , of a son . . On the 26 th ult , at the Vicarage , Tonbndge , Kent , the lady of the Reverend Thomas Ratcliffe , of a son . On the 26 th ult ., at Oxford-terrace , Hyde-park , the wife of Thorn is Abraham Kawlinson , Esq ., barrister-at-law , of a d the ' 28 th ult ., the lady of Robert Hunter Seraple , Esq . M . D ., of Torrington-square , of a son . On the 2 nd inst ., the Lady Norreys , of a son .
MARRIAGES . On the 25 th ult ., at St . George's , Southwark , by the Reverend Ba « -nall Baker , Nathaniel Caston , of Bridge-house-place , London , to Margaret , s * cond daughter of John Nelson , Esq ., of Abbey-house , Enniscorthy , Ireland . On Monday , the 29 ih ult ., at Essex-street Chapel , by the lleverend William Smith , of Lewes , Francis Waverley Holland , Esq .. of Manchester , to Mary Taitt Woollam , widow of the late William Woollam , Esq ., or Stockport . On the 30 th ult ., at Shrivenham , by the Honourable and Beverer . d Robert Lid ell , the harl of Strathmore , to Charlotte Maria Barrington , eldest daughter of Lord and Lady
Barrinsrton . ^ . , On the 25 th ult ., by banns , at Uttoxeter , by the Reverend John Sneyd , M . A ., and the Reverend B . F . Leighton , B . A .. the Reverend William Fraser , B . C . L ., curate of Uttoxeter , eldest son of W . Fraser , Esq ., of Clifton , to Mary Jane , daughter of the late Clement J . Sneyd Kynnersley , Esq ., of Highflelds , and granddaughter of the late Thomas Sneyd Kynnersley , Esq ., of Loxley-park . Staffordshire . . „ . , . „ . .. On the 25 th ult ., at St . James ' s Church , Notting-hill , by the Bevereml W . H . Ibotson , rect r , Henry Parker Laurence , Esq ., of the Bombay Army , to Margaret , youngest daughter of Lapt . Black , late ol the Gth lnnisk . llen Dragoons . On the 27 th ult ., at St . Paul ' s Church , Alnwick . by the Reverend P . G . Dennis , M . A ., Fellow of Emmanuel College , Cambridge , assisted by the Reverend Charles Charlton , M . A ., incumbent , the Reverend Roger Buston , B . D ., vicar of Iwyford , Hants , late Fellow and Tutor of Emmanuel College , Cambridge , to Anne Mary , second daughter of Philip Dennis , Esq ., of Alnwick , and granddaughter of the late Thomau Buston , Esq ., of Buston . Northumberland .
. . __ . .. _ . ... On the 27 th ult ., at St . Martin ' s-in-the-Fields , by the Reverend R . Nevill , M . A ., Frederick William Strickland , Esq ., of Kensington , to Mnrvaret , only daughter of the late John Jones , of lynewydel , Cardiaanshire . Esq . . . . . _ On the auth nil .., at Leamimrton , the Cavaliere Luigi del Frescobaldi , of the Tuscan Legation in Paris , to Frances Amelia , eldest daughter of William Huy , Esq ., of Hopes , N . B . On the 23 rd ult ., at Gillingham Church , Kent , by the vicar , the Reverend J . Page , D . D ., Adolphua Charles Troughton , Esq ., second son of Richard Zouch Troughton , Esq ., of her Majesty a
Customs , to Augusta Caroline da Costa , eldest daughter of the late Commandeur Hippolyte Joseph da Costa , Brazilian Minister at the Court of London , and both of them grandchildren of the late Richard Trough ton , Esq ., of Lady-place , Hurley , in the county of Berks . On the 25 th ult ., at St . George ' s , Hanover-square , by the Very lleverend the Dean of St . Paul ' s , Frederick Drummond , Esq ., to Agnes Caroline , second daughter of the late W . P . Brigstocke , Esq ., of Birdcombe-court , Somersetshire , and M . P . for the Eastern Division of that county .
On the 25 th ult ., at St . leter ' s Hammersmith , Godfrey , fourth son of Mr . Charles Hindley , Inver-villa , to Martha Louisa , only daughter of Mr . Stephen Salter , Elvar-cottage , both of the above place . On the 27 th ult . at Hornsey Church , by the Reverend Richard Harvey , Andrew Baden , Esq ., of Stoke Newington , to Mary , third daughter of the late Samuel Springsguth , Esq ., of the City-road . On the 27 th ult ., atMarylebone Church , by the Reverend John H . Ward , A . M ., of Kew , Charles Turner , only son of the late Rev . Henry White , A . M ., rector of Claughton , Lancashire , to Elizabeth , youngest daughter of William Alexander Arnold . Esq . On Sunday morning , the 28 th ult ., by the Reverend J . Gurney , at St . Mary ' s , Bryanstpne-square , Robert , youngest son of the late Reverend G . D . Kent , Prebendary of Lincoln , to Emma Rebecca , second daughter of Nicholas Barnable , Esq ., of Reeent-street .
DEATHS . On the 17 th ult , at Stockholm , in the 56 th year of his age , Sir Thomas Cartwright , G . C . H ., her Majesty ' s Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at the Court of Sweden . On the 26 th ult ., at Weaverham Vicarage , Cheshire , in the 6 th year of her age , Mary Wilhelmina , the eldest daughter of the Reverend Charles Spencer Stanhope . On the 29 th ult ., at Beel-house , near Amersham , in the 78 th year of his age , Samuel Higham , Esq ., Secretary and Controller-General of the National Debt-office . On the 24 th ult ., at the convent of St Catherine of Sienna , Clifton , Lucy Spencer Ruscombe , third daughter of the late Joseph Ruscombe Poole , Esq ., of Bridgewater . On the 27 th ult ., at the residence of his mother , the Honourable Russell Byn ? , lieutenant of H . M . S . Ocean , fourth brother of Viscount Torrington , in the 27 th year of his age .
On the 27 th ult ., at Shopwyke , near ( hichester , Harriet Elizabeth , relict of the late Reverend Charles Pilkington , Canon Residentiary of Chichester Cathedral , aged 70 . On the 27 th ult ., after a few days' illness , Emily Madelina , youngest daughter of William Bramston , Esq ., of Royal-crescent , Norland , Kensington , aged 5 years and 2 months . On the 24 th ult ., at Tilney-street , the Lady Sarah Finch , second daughter of the Earl of Ayiesford , aged 26 . On the 16 ih ult ., at Gibraltar , Captain Thomas Phipps Onslow , of her Majesty ' s 67 th Regiment , youngest son of the late Archdeacon Onslow . On the 23 d ult ., at Gowran-hill , aged eight years and a half , James , second son of John O'Connell , Esq ., M . P . On the 27 th ult ., at his residence in Lower Glentworth-street , Limerick , William Roche , Esq ., late M . P . for the city of Limerick .
On the 26 th ult ., at the Vicarage , Silkstone , the Reverend George Millett . aged 56 , vicar of Silkstone , and Chaplain to the Lord Bishop of Ripon . On the 27 th ult ., at Devonshire-place-house , aged 39 , Jaqueline Elizabeth , wife of Alexander Trotter , Esq ., and daughter of the late Williim Otter , D . D ., Bishop of Chichester . On the 26 th ult ., at his seat , Woodstock , in the county of Wicklow , Lord Robert Ponsonby Tottenham , Lord Bishop of Clogher , aged 76 .
Garden Engines, Syringes, &C &C. Caution.—The Well-Known Reputation Of Read's Inesmachinesand 3 Has Led To The Nefarious
GARDEN ENGINES , SYRINGES , & c & c . CAUTION . —The well-known reputation of READ'S
tice of placing Cards in Shop-windows with the words , " Read ' s Patent " upon Syringes of the very commonest description . R . Read begs to caution the Public against being deceived by such false representations , as many of these Instruments , upon trial , will be found defective and useless Read ' s Instruments may be known by the Royal Arms and the words " Read ' s Patent . " ggf » Manufactured only at 35 , Regent-circus , Piccadilly .
FRENCH LANGUAG E . —M . de BEAUVOISIN'S Class-rooms ( opened 1838 ) , 17 , King William-street , City . Oral and practical method . Classes : Morning for Ladies , Evening for Gentlemen . Private Lessons . For terms and other particulars , see the Prospectus , which may be had at the Class-rooms , as above . N . B . —M . de B . ' s works , namely , " How to Read and Translate French , " " Anecdotes and Stories , " " Telemaque , " arranged on M . de B * s original system , with the interlinear translation on transparent leaves , & c , are published by C . H . Law , 131 , Fleetstreet . " The arrangement in TC-lfimaque » is admirable . '—Douglat Jerrold's . . "Of M . de Beauvoisin ' s admirable system of rendering the French language , in the strictest meaning of the word , easy of comprehension to the English learner , we have already had occasion to speak . It appears to us as pretty near perfection as teaching by book can ever be brought . "—Blackburn Standard . " We consider these works as a decided acquisition . "—Patriot . " Every learner should unhesitatingly adopt this system . "Court Oaaette . Translations in all language * .
COMPLAIN NO MORE OF INDIGESTION . SUFFER NO LONGER from LIVER COMPLAINTS . —WALTER TRAVIS , M . D ., F R . S , Medical-hall , Manchester , having discovered a safe and really effectual remedy for indigestion , Bilious and Liver Complaints , the reeult of a singularly successful experiment , recently made , and by which he had cured a considerable number of patients , whose cases he had previously considered hopeless , or very doubtful ; amongst whom are several individuals of distinction , who were languishing under the withering effects of indigestion and affections ol the Liver . He has determined to offer it to the public at the lowest possible charge , and will supply the remedy to persons applying at the Medical-hall for 2 s . 6 d . ; or to parties residing at a distance , it will be forwarded , postage free , with the most complete directions , to any part of the united kingdom , on sending thirty-six postage stamps to Dr . Walter Tra \ is , HO , Travis-street , Manchester . The following are selected from a great number of testimonials : — Dr . Guy says , "I have adopted your remedy in several cases of ConQtipation ( Indigestion ) which have lately come under my treatment ; ant' also in one veiy bad case of Liver Complaint , and I am happi to add with the most satisfactorj results . The Rev . B . Aouthwell , Bradford , writes , having "myself suffered most accutely during the last four years from an affection of the Liver , and an exceedingly bad digestion ; I had really thought that even in the prevent advanced state of medical science there was no radical cure for these complaints ; however , lrom the benefit I have experienced within the past fortnight , I have not the slightest doubt of the entire success of your remedy . "
SOILED LTNENS . — Manufacturers' Sam pel PieceB Soiled by showing to the Trade . — £ 8000 worth of SOILED LINENS , from Dublin , have been bought in one lot by BROOKS and CO ., in the Borough . These linens , from which extensive orders have been taken , are the best , bein ? the specimen-cloths of such well-known makers as Bennet , Knox , Beverage , & o . j and are now to be sold at half the prices of the same goods when dean . # Irish linens , 26 yards for 12 s . 6 d . ; superior Insh linen , 26 yard * for 21 s . ; finest Coleraines , 26 yards for 25 s ., positively worth Is . 9 d . per yard when clean ; damask table eloths , two yards square , from 2 s . 6 d . to 4 s . 9 d ., those at 4 s . 9 d . being double damask three yards long ; rich damask , 6 s . 6 d . each ; three yards long double damask , 14 s . each ; nve yards lone damask , 12 s . ; five yards splendid damask ( n't for the table of the nobility ) , 2 ls . each ; table napkins , from 8 s . 6 d . the dozen ; those at 10 s . 6 d . the dozen being nearly a yard square . There are also about 2000 single pairs of fine linen sheets , from two to three yards wide , from 4 s . 6 d . to 15 s . the pair , those at 158 . being three yards wide and seven yards long ; also dusters , diapers , towelling , & c , all subject to the same reductiou . The above linens are only slightly soiled , and uninjured for wear , this being the third year that Brooks and Co . have purchased these samples . Early application should be made , as numerous inquiries have been made by former purchasers as to the next sale of these goods . THOMAS BROOKS and Co ., 105 and 106 , High-street . Borough , one door from King-street , and three minutes' walk from the London-bridge Railway Terminus . N . B . Samples sent to any part of the town , or in the country , if written for .
THE MOTHER'S REAL COMFORT ! THE INFANT'S BEST FRIEND ! piASPARD'S SOOTHING SYRUP . —THE VJT TKETHING OF INFANTS . —It is a question , —Which endures the most intense agony—the infant lrom excruciating pain during dentition , or the mother from anxiety in witnessing the affliction of her child , without the power of mitigating its torture ? Fortunately for the quiet and repose of both mother and infant , an infallible remedy for their sufferings will be found in GASPARD'S SOOTHING SYRUP ; an invaluable medicine , which has been extensively used , for a long series of years , with the most unfailing success . Children , while cutting their teeth , derive instant relief from pain by the application to their gums of this simple and innocent , yet sure and unerring remedy . By the timely application of GASPARD'S SOOTHING SYRUP the pain will speedily subside , convulsions will be wholly prevented , the quiet and repose of the little sufferer almost momentarily effected , and the feelings of the anxious mother ( alarmed and excited at beholding the anguish of her child ) calmed and subdued . The entire system becomes soothed and tranquillized , and all irrita ' iou caused at once to cease . —8 old by Thos . Prout , 229 , Strand , London ; Sanger , 150 , Oxford-street ; Hallett , 83 , High Holborn ; Johnston , 68 , Cornhill ; and by most respectable Medicine Venders throughout the United Kingdom . Price Is . lad . per bottle ; and sent free , by post , safely packed in a wooden case , for Eighteen 8 tamps . ~ A WORD IN 8 KASON TO MOTHERS AND NURSE 8 , ON THE TEETHING OF INFANTS , 16 pages 32 mo ., will be forwarded free , to all parts of the Kingdom , upon the receipt of a single postage stamp , by T . Prout , 229 , Strand .
T ^ RAMPTON'S PILL of HEALTH . Price J- Is . 14 d . per box . This excellent Family Pill is a Medicine of long-tried efficacy for correcting all disorders of the Stomach and Bowels , the common symptoms of which are Costiveness Flatulency , Spasms , Loss of Appetite , Sick Headache , Giddiness , Sense of Fulness after meals , Dizziness of the Eyes , Drowsiness , and Pains in the Stomach and Bowels : Indigestion , producing a forpid State of the Liver , and a consequent inactivity of the Bowels , causing' a disorganisation of every function ot the frame , will , in this most excellent preparation , by a little perseverance , be effectually removed . Two or three doses will convince the afflicted of its salutary effects . The stomach will speedily regain its strength ; a healthy action of the liver , bowels , and kidneys will rapidly take place ; and instead of listiessness , heat , pain , and jaundiced appearance , strength , activity , and renewed health will be the quick result of taking this medicine , according to the directions accompanying each box . As a pleasant , safe , easy Aperient , they unite the recommendation of a mild operation witb the most successful effect , and require no restraint of dietor confinement during their use ; and for Elderly People they will be found to be the most comfortable medicine hitherto prepared . 8 old by T . PROUT , 229 , Strand , London . Price Is . ljd . and 28 . 9 d . per box ; and by the venders of medicine generally throughout the kingdom . Ask for FRAMPTON'S PILL of HEALTH , and observe the name and address of " Thomas Prout , 229 , Strand , London , on the Government Stamp .
UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF ROYALTY , AND THE AUTHORITY OF THE FACULTY . KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES—A Certain Remedy for disorders of the Pulmonary Organs—in Difficulty of Breathing—in Redundancy of Phlegm—in Incipient Consumption ( of which Cough is the most positive indication ) they are of unerring efficacy . In Asthma , and in Winter Cough , they have never been known to fail . KEATING'S Cough Lozenges are free from every deleterious ingredient ; they may , therefore , be taken at all times by the most delicate female arid by the youngest child ; while the Public Speaker and the Professional Singer will find them invaluable in allaying the hoarseness and irritation incidental to vocal exertion , and consequently a powerful auxiliary in the production of Melodious Enunciation . Prepared and sold in Boxes , Is . lid ., and Tins , 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . Cd ., and 10 s . 6 d . each , by THOMAS KEATING , Chemist , & c , No . 79 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard , London . Sold Retail by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Venders in the Kingdom . N . B : —To prevent spurious imitations , please to observe that the words " Keatino ' s Cough Lozbnobs" ore engraved on the Government Stamp of each box .
IMPORTANT TESTIMONIAL . Cure of Asthma of several years' standing . " CatracroBB , near Stroud , Gloucestershire , March 80 , 1 H 50 . " Sin , —Having been troubled with Asthma for Beveral years , T could find no relief from any medicine whatever until 1 was induced about two years ago to try a box . of your valuable Lozenges , and found such relief from them that I am determined for the future never to be without a box . of them in the house , and will do all in my power to recommend them to n > y friends . " If you consider the above Testimonial of any advantage , you are quiie at liberty to make what use of it you please . " 1 am , Sir , your most obliged seivant , " Thos . Keating , Esq . •? W . J . Tuxoo . " 79 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard .
Leader (1850-1860), May 4, 1850, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_04051850/page/23/