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rpiIE TRIUMPH; or, the Coming Age of JL ...
J nut published, in pout Hvo., price (is...
N K W P A U I- I A M K N T. Now ready, S...
rii 11 K WE R'K LY ST A N 1 >A III >.—Th...
THE VILLAGE PEARL: S3 Uonusttc ^oem. WIT...
RICHARD BENTLEY, (Publisher in Ordinary ...
This day, Third Edition, Two Volumes, Oc...
Now Ready, price Sixpence, CHRISTIANITY,...
^VTEW AND CHOICE ROOKS.-A1J tl ;« L\ bes...
LONDON: TrtiiK'd Iiy Or.oniir, Hooiiii. ...
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Athenaeum Life Assurance Society. The Fi...
_ATHENAEUM LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY . The FIRST ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of SHAREHOLDERS , held at the Office , 30 , SackviUe Street , London , on Tuesday , 31 st August , 1852 . The Report was made , in which it was stated that Branch Boards , consisting of Directors , influential in their various localities , had been formed at Manchester , Birmingham , Sheffield , Hull , and Isle of Man ; and others were in course of formation . Agencies of great respectability had also been formed in towns and places of importance ; and efficient measures are being taken to extend this system to all parts of the Kingdom . That an arrangement has also been made with an 'Institution of a kindred nature , entitled the _Athenseum Institutewhich
, has already secured to itself very high patronage and influential support . By this junction of interests , that large and powerful class , the members of the Literary and Newspaper Press , will have a direct interest in supporting and promoting the _Athenseum Life Assurance Society , and it is only owing to the unavoidable delay occasioned by the arrangement of technical details , that several policies thus flowing into the Society do not appear in the _imaneialstatemeut of the present year . That the features peculiar to the Athenaeum , such as policies being made payable to holder , and other arrangements , had been found to be popular ; and every means had been taken by the Directors , ana the Officers , to place them _ejffectually before
Assurers . It appeared by the balance sheet that the capital and deposits amounted to _£ 18 , 515 3 s . 2 d ., and the preliminary expenses to £ 2535 ; and that during this first year ( or rather nine months only of active operation ) 322 policies had been issued , yielding £ 4419 5 s . 2 d . in premiums , and the total number of proposals 413 . £ 5020 had been invested on unexceptionable securities , yielding excellent interest . The following resolutions were then unanimously adopted : — Resolution 1 . — Proposed by Alexander Richmond , Esq ., seconded by John King , Esq . —That the report now read be received and adopted .
Resolution 2 . —Proposed by James Andrew Durham , Esq ., seconded by Alexander F . Ashton , Esq . —That the Directors , the Rev . J . Bartlett , M . A ., John Baldwin Buckston ' e , Esq ., and Henry Harriss , Esq ., retiring by rotation , be re-elected . Resolution 3 . —Proposed by Henry Harriss , Esq ., seconded by William L . Howard , Esq . —That a dividend at the rate of five pound per cent , per annum ( clear of income tax ) on the paid-up capital be declared , and that the directors be empowered to pay the same half-yearly between the intervals of the annual meetings . Resolution 4 . —Proposed by William Cribb , Esq ., seconded by Edward Brooks , Esq . — That James Andrew Durham , Esq ., and Charles Mitchell , Esq ., be re-elected auditors for the shareholders for the ensuing year . Resolution 5 . —Proposed by Alex . Richmond , Esq ., seconded by Charles Mitchell , Esq . —That the cordial thanks of this meeting bo given to the medical officers .
Resolution 6 . —Proposed by F . G . Tomlins , Esq ., seconded by Michael Sola , Esq . —That the cordial thanks of this meeting be given to Henry Sutton , Esq ., for his efficient and successful services . Thanks were afterwards tendered to the Chairman , Directors , and Auditors . J . _BaVRTLETT , Chairman . HENRY SUTTON , Manager .
Works By John Minter Morgan.
Rpiie Triumph; Or, The Coming Age Of Jl ...
rpiIE TRIUMPH ; or , the Coming Age of JL Christianity . Price 3 s . 6 d . THE REVOLT OF THE BEES . Revised . Price 2 s . Cd . " This is an exceedingly able product ion . "—Literary Chronicle . " There is a mild and benevolent vein of sentiment running through this book that well supports and powerfully advocates those liberal and virtuous notions on which the happiness of man ' s universal brotherhood depends . _"—Athcnreum . " No ono will lay down this volume without owning they havo felt both interest and sympathy during the perusal . " Morning Post . " ' The Revolt of the Bees' displays a chaste and expanded imagination . "—Monthly ltcrieir . " Bo the author who ho may , the production to which he has given birth is one of the most delightful that has ever passed through our hands . "—Morninti Advertiser . TIIE CHRISTIAN COMMONWEALTH . Dedicated , by permission , to tho Earl of Shaftesbury . In Hvo , 2 s . ( Id . Imperial 4 to , with Plates , 12 s . ( id . LETTERS TO A CLERGYMAN on Insti-TUTIONN VOIR . A MRI , IOU ATI Nil Till . CONDITION OF Til IS PliOVI . B , chiefly from Paris in the Autumn of 18-15 , with an account oi Melt ray and Petit Bourg . Price 2 s . ( id . . LETTERS TO A CLERGYMAN ditkino A Tour through Swit _/ . khland and Italv . Price 2 h . ( id . COLLOQUIES ON RELIGION AND RELIGIOUS _EDUCATION . Originally published as a Supplement to " Hampden in the Nineteenth Century . " Price 2 s . Ud . TRACTS . Trice 2 s . ( M . Loudon : Longman , Brown , Croon , and Longmans .
J Nut Published, In Pout Hvo., Price (Is...
J nut published , in pout Hvo ., price ( is . cloth , T > OMANISM AN APOSTATE CHURCH . J . \ j By NoN-Ci . iuticuN . London : Longman , Drown , ( Jreen , and Longmnns .
N K W P A U I- I A M K N T. Now Ready, S...
N K W P A U I- I A M K N T . Now ready , Second Kdilioii , MR . DOD'S PARLIAMENTARY COMPANION , containing a _Diographical Dictionary of tho . NEW _PARLIAMENT . Itoynl 32 mo , morocco gilt . Whiltakcr and Co ., Ave-Maria Lane .
Rii 11 K We R'K Ly St A N 1 >A Iii >.—Th...
rii 11 K WE R'K LY ST A N 1 > A III > . —Tho Pro-J prielor of tho " (! vriioi , i ( i Stand Aim" begs leave to announce that- for reasons that , hIiiiII bo fully explained in tho columns ot that journal -it is Win intention to change its Name , and that on ami after the 2 nd of October next , it . will be called the "Wickki . v Standard . " Tho Principles uf the Paper will undergo no oiianuk wiiatkvi _. r . The " _WiutKi . _v Standard" ( price ( id . ) will be published as usual at tho _Oillee , 3 , _Hrydges Street , Strand , London and may be also had of all Newsmen . There is a Country Edition published every Friday , in timo for transmission by that , night h mail Tho Town _ICdition is published on Saturday afternoon N . B . The "Wiikklv ( Catholic ) Standard ' is the only Newspaper devoted to tho maintenance of Catholic principles now published iu England .
This Day Is Published, Histoire Des Crim...
THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED , HISTOIRE DES CRIMES DU DEUX DECEMBRE Par VICTOR SCHOELCHER , Representant du Peuple . Post 8 vo , cloth , 7 s . 6 d .
Ii. Second Edition Of A Discourse Of Mat...
II . SECOND EDITION OF A DISCOURSE OF MATTERS PERTAINING TO RELIGION . BY THEODORE PARKER . Post 8 vo , cloth , 4 s . CONTENTS . Book 1 . —Of Religion in General ; or a Discourse of the Sentiment and its Manifestations . Book 2 . —The Relation of the Religious Sentiment to God ; or , a Discourse of Inspiration . Book 3 . —The Relation of the Religious Sentiment to Jesus of Nazareth ; or , a Discourse of Christianity . Book 4 . — The Relation of the Religious Sentiment to the Greatest of Books ; or , a Discourse of the Bible . Book 5 . — The Relation of the Relig ious Sentiment to the Greatest of Human Institutions ; or , a Discourse of the Church .
Iii. No. Iv. Of Chapman's Library For Th...
III . No . IV . of CHAPMAN'S LIBRARY FOR THE PEOPLE . The Third Edition of THE SOUL : ITS SORROWS AND ITS ASPIRATIONS . An Essay towards the Natural History of the Soul as the True Basis of Theology . BY FRANCIS WILLIAM NEWMAN , Formerly Fellow of Balliol College , Oxford . 2 s . Postage 6 d . Tin a few days .
The Village Pearl: S3 Uonusttc ^Oem. Wit...
THE VILLAGE PEARL : S 3 _Uonusttc _^ oem . WITH MISCELLANEOUS PIECES BY JOHN CRAWFORD WILSON . Fcap . 8 vo _, cloth , 3 s . 6 d .
The Westminster Review. &Tto Scries. Pri...
THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW . _& tto Scries . PRICE SIX SHILLINGS PER NUMBER . Annual Subscription , when paid to the Publisher in advance , £ 1 , or if tho work be delivered by post , £ 1 4 s . Contents of No . III . —Juit , 1852 . I . Secular Education . VIII . _TheRestorationofBelief . II . England's Forgotten IX . Sir Robert Peel and his Worthies . Policy . III . The Future of Geology . X . Contemporary Litera-IV . Lord Jeffrey and the ture of England . Edinburgh Review . XI . Contemporary Litera-V . The Tendencies of Eng- ture of America . land . XII . Contemporary Litera-VI . The Lady Novelists . ture of Germany . VII . The Political Life and XIII . Contemporary Litera-Sentiments of Niebuhr . ture of France . * ' The ) Vestminster Review , which lias failed under so many managements , under its new management promises to be no failure at all . Good healthy blood stirs in it , and we have iittlo doubt that it will not only win its way to as high a point in public estimation as it held in its best days , but that more practical results will follow , and it will bo found to sell . With equal ability , wo observe a larger and more catholic spirit . In the present number thero are several good subjects soundly and admirably treated , and thero is a delightful article on 'England ' s Forgotten Worthies , ' especially to be named with pleasure . The notion of treating quarterly in four final articles the general contemporary literature of England , America , Germany , and Franco , is very good ; tho articles are well done , and they place the reader of ( ho Review in possession of a kind of information which he wants about the literature of tho day . Let us hope , then , that our old friend the Westminster , brought as it now is into complete harmony with the spirit of tho time , and having its pages furnished by thinking men as well as able writers , will take gradually a sure hold of tho public , and will bo bought by thoso who heretofore have been satisfied to read it as it came to them borrowed from the circulating library . We wish its new conductors all success . Thoj' aro in the right way to obtain it . " —Examiner , July 21 th . " Tho new Westminster Review in a , brilliant and thoughtful one . " — Leader , July 10 th . " In general , the Review is characterized by great novelty and great , vigour . "—Economist , July Kith . " This number , like its predecessors , is characterized b y enlarged thought , loftiness ol purpose , and a style of great lrcshnoss , brilliance , and vigour . ' —Sheffield Free Press . "The rentier who looks to the successive issues of the Westminster for a well-stored field of matter whence he may derive intellectual improvement , and gratification , will find his expectations fully answered in the current number , which is quite equal to its predecessors ol" the new series . " - —llritish Mercury . " This organ of free inquiry and liberal polities proceeds vigorously in the hands of Mr . Chapman . Tho entire contents of the number are rich and xnr ' ioil . " - _—Jtraifoi'tl Observer . " This new number is as attractive for the variety of its uoticlcs , and the force and brilliancy whieh generally characterize tbein , as for ( lie value of the solid thoughts and pregnant suggestions which they contain . Fine writing too often ol itself sustains Hie reputation of our quarterlies ; fine and deep _think-, ing is less cured for ; but in the union of these two seldom united qualities tho _IVentniinstcr may bo fairly said to be at . present pre-eminent . " ¦ -Coventry Herald . " We have no hesitation in saying that the "Westminster " Review , in point , of talent , is not . surpassed by any of its numerous i-o n t emporar ies . " --Cam bridge Independent . " The _lircscnt , number well maintains that high and independent position which the first did and promised to continue . I'll / month Journal . "The contributions aro of a very high order . " - -Western fit-I lines . " The present , number contains no fewer than thirteen articles _, all written with consummate ability , and all treating of popular und interesting subjects . "—Nottintiham Mercury .
London: John Chapman, 142, Strand
8, New Burlington Street Mr. Beimtley's ...
Narrative Of A Visit To Tv Indian Archip...
NARRATIVE of a VISIT to tv INDIAN ARCHIPELAGO in H . M . S . _MiEANlTPP PORTIONS of the JOURNALS of SIR JAMES BRon _^ K . C . B . By CAPTAIN the HON . HENEY _XT _& _pI _?' RN ., author of "A Narrative ot an Expedition _£ > n EL in H . M . S Dido . " Imperial 8 vo , with Serous _> _. ? _tions , by Oswald W . Bbieeibt , Esq . UJaeroua Rlus tra . It . NEW N 0 VE 1 BY THE AUTHOE OF " MODEEN _ACCOMPLISHMENTS . " BEATRICE . By CATHERINE SINCLAIR Author of "Modern Accomplishments , " "Lord _unri t A Hareourt , " & q , 3 vols . a and Lad y III . THS PRIMEVAL LANGUAGE Pabt II —The MONUMENTS of EGYPT and TH > 7 _d VESTIGES of PATRIARCHAL TRADITION BvA Rev . CHARLES FORSTER , Rector of Stiated % _, t 8 vo . 21 s . ' _Jja ! ' _- IT . ILLUSTRATED JOURNAL OF A LANDSCAPE PAINTER in CALABRIA . By EDWARD LEAR , Author of "Illustrated Journal of a _Landscape Paiuter in Albania . " Imperial 8 vo , with numerous Illustra tions . 21 s . V . LETTERS FROM EGYPT . ETHIOPIA , and the PENINSULA of SINAI . Bv Dr RICHARD LEPSIUS , from the German . 8 vo .
Richard Bentley, (Publisher In Ordinary ...
RICHARD BENTLEY , ( Publisher in Ordinary to Her Majesty . )
This Day, Third Edition, Two Volumes, Oc...
This day , Third Edition , Two Volumes , Octavo , 30 s ., of PRINCIPLES of POLITICAL ECONOMY . By JOHN STUART MILL . The present edition has been revised throughout , and several chapters either materially added to or entirely re-cast . Among these may be mentioned that on the f * Means of abolishing Cottier Tenantry , " the suggestions contained in whieh had reference exclusively to Ireland , and to Ireland in a condition which has been much modified by subsequent events . An addition has been made to the theory of International Values laid down in the eighteenth chapter of the Third Book . The chapter on Property has been almost entirely re-written . * * * ' The chapter on the " Futurity of the Labouring Classes" has been enriched with the results of the experience afforded since this work was first published , by the co-operative associations in France . * * * Extract from Preface of TlUrd Edition . By the same Author , SYSTEM OF LOGIC . _^ Cheaper Edition . Two Volumes , Octavo , 25 s . ¦ ¦ - ... . - ESSAYS on UNSETTLED QUESTIONS of POLITICAL ECONOMY . 6 s . 6 d . London : John W . Parker and Son , West Strand .
Now Ready, Price Sixpence, Christianity,...
Now Ready , price Sixpence , CHRISTIANITY , a LIFE ; Tho CHURCH , a GROWTH . TWO SERMONS delivered at tho Opening of the Free Christian Church , Clement Court , Norwich , August lGth , 1852 . By tho Rev . J . _Chomptox , M . A . London : Robert Theobald , Paternoster Row . Norwich ¦ . C . Muakett .
Readable Theological Books. What Is Cons...
READABLE THEOLOGICAL BOOKS . WHAT IS CONSCIENCE ? By tho Her . W . MASON . Fcap . cloth flush , price Is . WHAT IS THE HUMAN SOUL ? By the same Author . Fonp . cloth flush , Is . " Tho author has treated in a singularly lucid and _thontfiiu" * manner this important but most difficult question . "— Critic . THE PASSION of tho CROSS , and tl _j " BLOOD of CHRIST . By tho same Author , _l'cnp . ««" flush , Is . " This work is cleverly written . " — Literary Times . T IFE IN ITS ORIGIN , GRADATIONS . IJ _FORMS , and ISSUES . By the Rev . _G . 1 U . HH . Crown Hu » , Second ICdition , 3 d . sewed . T > ELIGTON : its INFLUENCE on ll « J L \ j STATE of SOC 11 CTY . Translated fro m the l _' rent AI . LE BOYS DKS GUAYS . Price 4 d . BAPTISM : its True Nature ,-Obicd ; , _Nw-JiJsify , and Uses . By the Rev . _WOODVlLIJ ' . W ( K " MAN , of Kersley . Itoynl 12 mo , cloth lettered , price _M-. 1 . H . Hodson , ' 22 , Portugal Street , Lincoln h Inn , ! '"" and , by order , of any Bookseller . _^^ ___ -
^Vtew And Choice Rooks.-A1j Tl ;« L\ Bes...
_^ _VTEW AND CHOICE ROOKS .-A 1 _J tl ;« L \ best New Worts may ho obtained 111 . "'" ""' "" I" j () _,., _* MUDTK'N HK 1 . K 0 T UBUAltY hy every Bubscrib x M Guinea nor nniuini _, and by all First Class Oofintry »»» of Two Guineas and upwards . _, .. _ruy No * For Prospectuses apply to Charles Edward Mwiio , Oxford Htr _.-cl ; ..- —rr .
London: Trtiik'd Iiy Or.Oniir, Hooiiii. ...
LONDON : TrtiiK'd Iiy _Or . _oniir , Hooiiii . ( of No . 3 , 1 _<>* 0 („( . „ of KfimiiiKtmi- lu the County of M 1 < 1 < I 1 ph « _'X-. hi " _, |( , i > nri _«>> M . _mhi _. h . Havii . i . nnd Hi _. waiu _. n . No . * , _Ckandos *"'* ' ' ' [ _... _Mldliciil hy of Ht . _I'uul , Covent Carden , iu lho _eimio County i - * . "" ., « .,-Bi » i _»»»»•> " . * Tiiohnton l . iuiu Hunt , ( of llroadwny _llouw , »"" V } V hT jiHM _. Till . ] I . KADKU OKl'It'K _, No . 10 , _^ "f' _^^ _SoUoU" _*/' - ' HTHAN 1 ) , In the _l'rcclnct of the Buvoy . both 1 » _l » u " " _HvrdiiinY . H « i-trinbor 4 , 1 H 5 _U .
Leader (1850-1860), Sept. 4, 1852, page 24, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_04091852/page/24/