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Oct. 4, 1851.] «C»* Q.t**tt. 941
MURDERS AND SUICIDES. One of the mo9t fe...
MISCELLANEOUS. Mr. Alderman Hunter is th...
The Exposition is now attended by a mixe...
Phillips's patent lire uuoihilator, whic...
The Ottoman Porte has distinctly prohibi...
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T Ii K I. A T K U A I. I: H. A Heavy And...
coasters appear to have been blown over and to have ronedown with every soul on board , without the slightfst chance presenting itself of saving the nnhappy creatures The loss of vessels and lives has been very great , and upwards of an hundred vessels have been stranded . The vicinity of K ilrush was nigh being the scene of a most shocking shipwreck . The Owen Glendower , a . hne yacht of nearly 130 tons burden , the property of Mr . William Moore , of Waterford , and which had on board , in addition to its ownerMrs . Moore , Mrs . Massey , Miss
, Llewellyn , and a crew of eleven men , was caught in the gale in making for the Galway bay ; and when almost a perfect wreck , as reported , was observed off Arran Island by a Russian bark , which had left Galway a day or so previously with emigrants for New York . The master , Mr . Hein , after going as near the wreck as possible , had the boats' lowered , and after much difficulty and peril succeeded in preserving all who were on board . The yacht had been in the most dangerous position for upwards of thirty hours , and the sufferings of those on
board may probably be imagined . Mr . Moore made a most magnificent donation to the captain of the bark for the promptitude and humanity he had displayed in rescuing them from the wreck .
Oct. 4, 1851.] «C»* Q.T**Tt. 941
Oct . 4 , 1851 . ] « C »* Q . t ** tt . 941
Murders And Suicides. One Of The Mo9t Fe...
MURDERS AND SUICIDES . One of the mo 9 t fearful murders that has been committed for some years was discovered in the Wyndhamroad , Catnberwell , on Tuesday morning , a respectable tradesman in that vicinity having cut the throats of his three young children and destroyed himself . The name of the father was Anthony Fawcett , aged forty-three , and on Monday he took possession of a grocer ' s shop at the corner of Queen ' s-place , Wyndham-road , lately occupied by Mr , Stockham . He brought with him his wife and three children ; Emily Fawcett , six years and a half old ; Frederick , one year and seven months ; and Mary Ann , who is badly wounded . He seemed to have been greatly disappointed with his bargain , and grumbled very much to his wife on Monday , but nothing in his appearance indicated he would attempt such a horrible deed . On Tuesday , a little after seven o ' clock , the family got up , and his wife dresed the two elder chidren and took them
down stairs to breakfast , leaving the baby in bed up stairs . While the children and father were at breakfast in the back parlour at eight o ' clodk , the wife ran out to convey two letters to the post-office , which is only two or three hundred yards off the street . On her return she found her two elder children with their throats cut , and on proceeding backwards she perceived her husband cutting his throat in the back kitchen . She immediately ran out and alarmed the neighbours , when police-constable Edward Shanvill , who was on duty near the spot , entered the house , and instantly proceeded to the back kitchen , where he found the murderer lying under the sink , quite insensible , with blood gushing from his neck . He took him up , and found a large table-knife in his grasp , which lie had cut his throat with , and at the time he was not dead . A doctor was directly sent for , and Mr . King , surgeon , of Camberwell , attended , but death took place a few minutes after his arrival . On the constable
entering the back parlour he discovered Emily , aged six years and a half , lying dead , with her throat dreadfully cut , under the window ; and Mary Ann , sitting nearly opposite , with hers al ? o cut , but not effectually . Dr . King , as well a 3 other surgeons , who had been called in , attended to the latter , and there it every likelihood that the poor little girl will recover . On proceeding up stairs the constable perceived the younger child with its head hanging out of bed , quite dead , its throat cut , and the bed deluged with blood . There can be no doubt that the father committed the murders with three knives , as a large bacon knife , covered with blood , was found in the bedroom , a table knife in the back parlour , and another
in the man ' s hand . They all appeared to have been recently sharpened . Superintendent Lund , of the P division , was shortly on the spot , when directions were forwarded to the Coroner of the horrible circumstance . As soon as the news got spread about , thousands of people assembled about the house , and it required a number of police to keep order . The Coroner ' s jury sat on Thursday , but proceeded no further than the identification of the bodies , and the proof of the causes of the death" The details are very harrowing , and an intense excitement prevails in the neighbourhood . The inquest is adjourned until Mrs . Fawcett and the surviving child are able to give evidence .
A painful sensation was created on Tuesday forenoon in the Stock Exchange , by the nhoekin # deiith of Mr . Ingle Kudgc , a Htockbroker , who committed suicide at the counting-house of Mr . Itouih , also a member of the Stock Kxhange , in Throgmorton-Htrcet . Late on the Nairn ; evening Mr . \ V . I ' uyiic , the City Coroner , held an inquest on the body of the unfortunate gentleman , at Mr . Routh ' H office , before n jury of nineteen inhabitants of the ward , when the following facts vw « ro adduced : Mr . Jtudge wan a young member of tlio Exchange-, having only been connected with it . aome four or five years . Ho was very highly respected in the City for lii . s upright and busim-HM-likr conduct . Mr . iiouth , in con-Hrquonct : of being intimately acquainted with thedecensed ,
had ullowcd him ptuiuisHion to transact his business at his i-. ounting-house , No . « ' } 2 , Throgmortoii-ntreet , he not having an office of his own . On Mr . lUmth ranching hia countiug-housc on Tuesday morning at t'levcn o ' clock , ho heard from liin clerk that Rudge ivii . h in the private room , where ; ht : had boon ubout a quarter of an hour . Mr . Routh at . once proceeded to the apartment , and found the bod y lying on t h < - floor of the water-closet attached to the loom . He immediately culled in assistance , and M-ntfor Mr . Chunco , a Mirgcmi in the neighbourhood , who pro"ouneed the unfortunate man to bo dead . A wineglass wa « louncl on t . tn > table containing the . rrinaitiH of pi uhmc acid . A » n > f examination of the body by the un : dicnl gcntlc"uuiHuilituid to show that the decouned hud perished from i" ilU-v . iu of that poison . On his nemon wua found a 11 < IfMl J > lsto 1 ««» d a knife . Some lettora also were di «
covered . They were examined by the Coroner , and one ran nearly to the following effect ; dated September 29 , 1851 , addressed to Mr . Forster : — " Dear Sir , —When you have received this I shall have ceased to live . I have never done any good to myself or any one else about me . I knew this must come , a long while . I hope some will take pity on my poor wife and children ; do what you can for those helpless creatures ; I dare not think of their unhappy condition . I have had the means of death in my possession now more than two weeks . " The letter then entered into some business transactions , showing the state of his affairs , and which it may be unnecessary to give . It concluded by imploring his friends not to forget his little ones , and wishing them good bye . It was signed " Ingle Rudge . " Mr . Sewell , surgeon , of Fenchurch-street , and other gentlemen who were
acquainted with Rudge , spoke of his disordered state of mind , from which it would seem that he laboured under the impression that he would never be able to do any good for himself and family , and that he would always be unfortunate . Tuesday being settling day at the Stock Exchange , he found himself not in a position to meet certain demands , his account at his banker ' s being considerably short of the sum required ; but which could have been readily averted by application to the committee , who would doubtless have extricated him from his difficulties . He was seen on 'Change about ten o ' clock , and it is presumed that the dread of meeting his difficulties induced him to commit the melancholy act . After some remarks , the jury returned a verdict of " Temporary Insanity . He has left a widow and two children .
The body of a woiri 4 n has been found in the Regent ' scanal . On Wednesday , a woman threw herself off from Blackfriars-bridge into the river . A cabman has stabbed a man to death with a pitchfork . In addition to these metropolitan catastrophes , the body of a woman who had been first violated and afterwards murdered , has been found near Frome , Somerset . A verdict of " Wilful Murder" against some person or persons unknown has been returned .
Miscellaneous. Mr. Alderman Hunter Is Th...
MISCELLANEOUS . Mr . Alderman Hunter is the Lord Mayor elect of the Corporation of London . The new Sheriffs of Middlesex were installed with all due ceremonial and observances , on Wednesday . Their names are Mr . Richard Swift and Mr . Thomas Cotterell . The revising barrister , Mr . Macqueen , has admitted the claim of the Brothers of the Charter-house to vote for the borough of Finsbury .
The Exposition Is Now Attended By A Mixe...
The Exposition is now attended by a mixed and various crowd , in numbers nearly equalling the amount at any period . There are even new objects of interest added to some of the departments ; notable , a piece of Californian gold , said to weigh three hundred pounds , and to be worth £ 3500 ; and a beautiful agate cup in the French department of Fromeut Meurice . Large numbers of rustics are among the visitors . The ceremony of formally opening the now college which has recently been erected by the Independent denomination of Dissenters in the Finchley-road , M . John ' s-wood , took place on . Wednesday . The new college is the result of a union of three existing similar institutions at present belonging to the Independentsnamely , Coward , Homerton , and Chcshunt Colleges . The Catholic Defence Association have issued their
address to the public . It is of great length ; but the gist of it is the . same as the resolutions of the aggregate meeting at the Rotunda . It in to be observed that it . is signed " Paul Cullen , Archbishop of Armagh , and Piirnatc of all Ireland . " The National Parliamentary Reform Association held a soiree on Monday evening at the King ' s Head , in the Poultry . Mr . Rupert Kettle presided , lie also occupied the chair at the London Tavern on Tuesday night , when Mr . George Thompson was entertained by a body of his constituents , supported by the leading members of the Association . The resolutions agreed to expressed the confidence of the meeting in Mr . Ueorge Thompson and Parliamentary Reform .
An effort is being made on the part of the Early Closing Association to prevail on employees to close their shops during the winter months at seven o ' clock . It was agreed at a recent meeting , held at Exeter-hall , that a deputation should immediately wail on the shopkeepeid of the metropolis lor that purpose . It was mentioned at the meeting that Messrs . Shoolbred and Co ., of Tottcnhain-court-road , consented to the change , and intend to close at seven o ' clock even on Saturday nights . Eleven sermons were preached on Sunday , at different churches of the ; metropolis , in aid of the society ' s object .
Phillips's Patent Lire Uuoihilator, Whic...
Phillips ' s patent lire uuoihilator , which lias of late at traded so much notice , was tested , at the north dock works , on Tuesday last . A timber Ikhim 1 , specially erected , was first , . set in flumes , and in almost a moment , by means of the machines , I ho lire was extinguished . Tht : same . success attended the effort to put . out a largo reservoir of tiir which had been ignited . A vessel in the . Snndon Itasin wus afterwards iin d , and the Humes quenched in the . Maine effective way .-- l . ivt ¦ rpnol Alburn .. 'l'li « Submarine Telegraph has hern completed , and carried to the Calais station of the ( ireat . Northern
Railway of France . Marly on Monday morning , congratulatory messages to the ; l ' i ivsideul . of the French . Republic \ v « io sent , direct from Kngland to Paris , also to the King of Pmnsi ; ,., , , d the Kmp . ior of Austiia , at Herliu and Vienna , and messages were also transmuted to London from the principal cities in Kurope which were included in the Continental system of telegraphic communication . Dmingtho whole of Monday , the town of Calais presented tin : appearance of a Me , and numbers , of this inhabitants crowded on the ; rampart * , watching with intercut and wonder the vaiious
experiments which were tried with the submarine wires . &^* A e vMi ^ a £ ente J tain «* ent was given at the Hotel de Villeto those English gentlemen , promoters of the undertaking who were on . the spot , and had assisted in its completion .
The Ottoman Porte Has Distinctly Prohibi...
The Ottoman Porte has distinctly prohibited the construction of the Egyptian railway , for which a contract has been signed between Abas Pasha the Viceroy of Egypt » and Mr- Stephenson the engineer , without the authorisation of the Porte being first had and obtained . The Porte demands proof that " the annual revenues of Egypt present a surplus sufficient to meet the expenses necessary for the construction of the said railway . Moreover , " continues the note , " your Highness ought to give the most formal assurance that new taxes shall not be created for this object , —that the actual taxation shall not be augmented—that the inhabitants shall not be forced to work gratuitously , and , lastly , that no recourse will be had either to a loan or to foreign companies . " It is said that Abas Pasha intends to persevere , and also that the Porte intend to enforce its prohibition .
On Monday evening ( week ) , there was , we understand , a gentle " run in" at Osmondthorpe ; result , several coal waggons heels up . On Tuesday morning , there was a less gentle run in at Garforth ; result , two engines disabled , one tender broken to atoms , several carriages heels up , and one throwing somersets over the engine . Is it too much to expect , week after next , to have to announce the least gentle smash at Milford Junction ?—Leeds Intelligencer .
Births, Marriages, And Deaths. Births. O...
BIRTHS , MARRIAGES , AND DEATHS . BIRTHS . On the 24 th . of September , at the Rectory , Hertingfordbury , Herts , the wife of the Honourable and Reverend Godolphin Hastings , of a daughter . On the 25 th , at Wood-end , the Lady Greenock of a daughter . On the 25 th , the wife of Dr . Sheridan Muspratt , F . R . S . E ., Liverpool , of a daughter . On the 27 th , at Longford Castle , the Viscountess Folkestone , of a daughter . On the 28 th , at Major-General Vernon's , Hilton-park , Wolvcrhampton , the wife of Lieutenant-Colonel Vernon , Coldstream Guards , of a son . On the 28 th , at Icktvorth-park , Bury St . Edmunds , the Lady Alfred Hervey , of a 3 on . On the iJOth , in Berkeley-square , the wife of Edward Rigby , Esq ., M . D ., of a daughter . MARRIAGES . On the 14 th of March , at Otago , New Zealand , by the Keverend Charles Creed , Alfred Chetham Strode , Esq ., Resident Magistrate and Sheriff of Otago , third son of Admiral Sir E . Chetham Strode , K . C . B ., K . O . H ., of South-hill-house , near Shepton Mallet , Somerset , to Emily , second daughter of the late William Bortow , Esq ., of Cottenham-house , near Banbury , Oxfordshire . On the 5 tli of September , at Florence , Major the Chevalier de Knebel , in the Emperor of Austria ' s Service , to Henrietta J . Paulett de Conrcy , youngest daughter of the late Honourable Lieutenant-Colonel de Courey , and granddaughter of John , twenty-sixth Lord Kinsale . The bride was given away by the Prince Frederick de Liehteiiftein . On the 22 ml , at St . George ' s Church , Ramsgate , Alfred Lowe , Esq ., Consul for the United States at Civitu . Vecchia , Roman States , to Mary Ann , eldest daughter of i ' aul Jialine , Esq ., of Mile-end , Middle-ex , and Roinford , Essex . On the 22 ml , at the parish church of St . Mary , Cheltenham , Arthur W . Jones , Esq ., lioinbay Civil Service , son of the lato Lieutenaiil ,- ( Jcneral Sir Richard Jones , K . C . Li ., to Marianne Russell , third daughter of the late Major Francis Russell Eagar , her Majesty's Thirty-first Regiment . On the " 3 rd , at Alderley , Chest ire , by the Reverend Arthur P . Stanley , Canon of Canterbury , tin : Earl of Airlio , to Henrietta Blanche , second daughter of Lord Stanlev , of Alderley . On the 2 . "> tli , at tit . Michael's , Toxtcth-park , Liverpool , ( he Reverend J . . S . llowson , M . A ., Principal of the Collegiate Institution , Liverpool , to Mary , eldest daughter of John Cropper , Esq ., IJiugh bank . On the ~ T ) tli , at Charltou Kings , Gloucestershire , Hugh Darby , only won ot ' Hie Reverend Edward Pryse Owen , M . A ., of Bcttiitihall , Montgomeryshire , and Roderic-house , Cheltenham , to Harriet l . li / . ii , only daughter of the late Samel Smith , Lsq ., Hon . E . i . C . S ., Madras , and granddaughter of the late Sir Janus Annesley . On the 2 ( Jtli , at St . Anne ' s Church , Isle of Man , by the Right Honourable and Uighl Reverend I , old Auckland , Bishop of Suitor and Man , th <' , Reverend Henry Macdoug . dl , M . A ., chaplain to her MajesU > 'a Foices at . Nassau , Bahainau , to Frances Hale , second daughter of Major liacou , of Scalleld , in that island . On the ' 2 (> Lh , ut the . Catholic Chanel , Sheptou Mallet , by the . Rcveiend Robert , 11 avers , ami afterwards at St . John's Church , East Horringlon , Well . i , Somersetshire , by the Reverend II . \ V . liaruard , M . A .. canon of Wells , and vicar of St . Culhhcrt ' ri , Wells , the Lord Huntinglowei , of Grosve nor-square , to Kathei ilie Elizabeth Cuniillu , youngest daughter of Sir Joseph Burke , Mart ., of Glim-k Castle , county of Galw . ty . DKA'l'llS . On the l ' . Hh of September , George Pitt , the ; eldest Him of tlio Right . Honourable Sir George Henry Komi . On thn ~ l ! rd , Mrs . Jane Chorlcy , Chestcr-. squarc , Pinilie . o , agvd sevont . Y-two . " On the lilth , at Worthing , William Henry ligott , L ., i | ., youu !; frit hoii of the late Ailiim . il James Pigott . On the 2-11 h , at Cote d'l ngoiivillo , Seine I nfei iciiic , France , in bin twelfth year , Francis William , fourth Him of Le Patitcur Fi '« 'dcric Monod , of 1 ' aiin . On ( he 2 lLh , aged sixty-four , at , bin residence , Gro \ e-hou . 'le , Penuoek Tigur , K :- <| ., Mayor of licvcrley . On the ~\ ) t . h , at , Gloucct-ter , Joseph Ma // . ini , infant , sou of I \ lr . J . Merrin . On the 2 !) lh , at , High I lain , Somerset ., at . the residence of tier koii , the Itcvcrcml J . iiik ¦ : ¦> Koe , Catherine Sarah , ividow of tin : Rexerend Tlu > man Roe , rector of K irby-oii-Iiiiin . Hol . hy , Liiicolui'liiri ; , ami daughter ot Captain John Klphiii . sf . onc , it . N ., adnuiiil inthi' novice of Itunsia under ( lie KinpirnH Catherine . On the i ! Hth , ai . St . ralhinore , Canada West , Arnold Itohinsoli lliirrowen , I' ! mi [ ., of itenaith . North Wales , late Cuptiin in Hill < : oldiilreaiii ( iirudu , and Aule-de-C- 'aiup to Vi . ic . mnl . Itercbliu ( I during I , hit I ' eiiiin . ular War . On the "JKt . li , at , Ifoiiln ^ ne-Mir-. 'Mer , Major Alexander Gordon . Fa' I . India Company ' .. Hcrtiee , Mndr . i-i PreHldency , a , » c « l Hixty-une . On the i'Dtli , at ItliicMieath . l . ady Nclthorpi ) , widow of flulate Sir Henry ' Nollliorpe , "'"'¦ . ol' Seawby , Lincolnshire , a ^ i < l mveiil v-olie . . ,. , On I " he . ' ( Dili , Loui .-iaGcorgina , second daughter ot Sir I ' rauciii At . L ) oiih , in til" Mixty-lll ' tli y « mr of hm age , Goorge , Lord Callhoipe .
Leader (1850-1860), Oct. 4, 1851, page 9, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_04101851/page/9/