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1166 THE LEADE R. ^^ [Saturday ,
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in token of his desire to yield his soul into the hands of his maker . High above , over the kneeling throng and the gorgeous vestments , the flowers , the curling incense , and the glittering altar , the same idea shone forth in that splendid canvas whereon Titian had pictured Charles kneeling on the threshold of the heavenly mansions prepared for the blessed . " Many years before self-interment had been practised by a bishop of Liegecardinal Erard de la Marck , Charles ' s ambassador to the diet during his election to the imperial throne ; an example which may perhaps have led to the ceremonies at Yuste . . For several years before his death , in 1528 , did this prelate annually rehearse his obsequies and follow his coffin to the stately tomb which he had reared in his cathedral at Liege .
" The funeral-rites ended , the emperor dined in his western alcove . He ate little , but he remained for a great part of the afternoon sitting in the open air , and basking in the sun , which , as it descended to the horizon , beat strongly upon the white walls . Feeling a violent pain in his head , he returned to his chamber and lay down . Mathisio , whom he had sent in the morning to Xarandilla to attend the count of Oropesa in his illness , found him , when he returned , still suffering considerably , and attributed the pain to his having remained too long in the hot sunshine . Next morning he was somewhat better , and was able to get up and go to mass , but still felt oppressed , and complained much of thirst . He told his confessor , however , that the funeral service of the day before had done him good . The sunshine again tempted him into his open gallery . As he sat there , he sent for a portrait of the empress , and hung for some time , lost in thought , over the gentle face , which , with its blue eyes , auburn hair , and pensive beauty , somewhat resembled the noble countenance of that other Isabella , the great queen ofCastille .
He next called for a picture of Our Lord praying in the garden , and then for a sketch of the Last Judgment , by Titian . Having looked his last upon the image of the wife of his youth , it seemed as if he were now bidding farewell , in the contemplation of these other favourite pictures , to the noble art which he had loved with a love which cares , and years , and sickness could not quench , and that will ever be remembered with his better fame . Thus occupied , he remained so long abstracted and motionless , that Mathisio , who was on the watch , thought it right to awake him from his reverie . On being spoken to , he turned round and complained that he was ill . The doctor felt his pulse , and pronounced him in a fever . Again the afternoon sun was shining over the great walnut-tree , full into the gallery . From this pleasant spot , filled with the fragrance of the garden and the murmur of the fountain , and bright with glimpses of the golden Vera , they carried him to the gloomy chamber of his sleepless nights , and laid him on the bed from which he was to rise no more . "
1166 The Leade R. ^^ [Saturday ,
1166 THE LEADE R . ^^ [ Saturday ,
Correspondence On Butler. "We Have Now T...
CORRESPONDENCE ON BUTLER . "We have now to lay before our readers the letters received from correspondents in answer to our remarks on Sutler s Analogy . Our own comments we shall make as brief as possible . Sir , —A notice of Bishop Butler ' s Works , which appeared in the Leader of the 30 th ult ., contains strictures as well on the general method of the Analogy , as on some of the special doctrines which it undertakes to defend . Into the latter questions it is not my purpose to enter ; but I cannot refrain frem offering some remarks on tho more general one , in the hope that your reviewer , who expresses strong confidence in the cause of truth , may be induced to read the work in a new light .
1 . The reviewer complains at the outset that Butler undertakes to confirm , not to prove , the truth of Christianity . Surely there can be no good ground of complaint against a writer , who undertakes no more than he performs , and performs no more than he undertakes . Butler ' s tactics are , in the main , defensive . For direct positive arguments the inquirer must look elsewhere . 2 . The reviewer accuses Butler of assuming throughout the point at issue . As he has not cited instances of petitio principii from the body of the work , I presume that he refers to the following specified points , which , as they are fundamental , may be « aid to be assumed throughout . The reviewer cites from the Introduction to tho Analogy Butler ' s comment on , and deductions from the dictum of Origon— " He who believes the Scripture to have proceeded from Him who is the Author of Nature , may well expect to find the same sort of difficulties in it as
are found in the constitution of Nature . " On this it is observed : ( 1 . ) That " He who believes the Scripture , " & c , wants no confirmation of his belief . Nobody said ho did . For tho gist of the argument lies in tho convcr . se : " And in a like way of reflections it may he added , that he who denies the Scripture to be from God on account of these difficulties—may , for tho very same reason , deny tho world to have been formed by Him . " Let us put a parallel case . As " he who believes the Choephora : to have proceeded from him who is tho author of tho Agamemnon , may well expect to find tho same sort of difficulties in it , as are found in the Agamemnon ; " ho , conversely , " he who denies tho Choephorce to have been from vEsohylus upon account of these difliculties may , for the very same reason , deny the Agamemnon to have boon written by him . " What unfair assumption or petitio principii is tlioi'O hero ? But ,
2 . It is objected , that the dinicultios of Nature and the Bible are not parallelan allegation which , if admissible , destroys tho force of my lsist argument . " The difficulties wo find in Nature , " says the reviewer , " arise from our not being ablo to trace tho chain of causation throughout all its stupes . " Such , I nuppoHc , nro the unanswered questions of science . Hut it is not of these that Butler speaks . He is obviously speaking , for the whole ; context shows it , of those facts in tho ordinary course of Nature which appear irreconcilable with either tho goodn . cHH , wisdom , or power of the creator . Surely there nro "internal" or " external" to Nature in exactly tho sumo degree in which tho analogous difficulties are "internal" or " external" to the Bible .
( . ' 5 . ) Lastly , tho reviewer places among the "details" of Ihitler ' s work a point which , in fact , a / loots tin ; general argument . " If . there bo un analogy between Natural and Revealed Kdigiou , this is n presumption that they lmve both tho name author . " Here it is complained that the terms " Kcvcnled Religion , " oh before , involvo a . petitio principii . Tho words , be it observed , mo not , Itutlcr'u , but tho reviewer ' s . However , by " I { . evolution , " tho expression actually used , I presume that Hutler lneiiiiH that which claims , and is popularly believed to bo revealed . Substitute " tho Bible , " and the argument millers nothing . Indeed , the reviewer admits its force , and adopts it . " If there is an analogy between Natural mid [ that which professes to bo ] Revealed Religion , this is u presumption that they have both tho same author . " Now , " Natural Religion is the interpretation of tho various phenomena of Nuturo which hart grown up in tho mind
of men , " and is , therefore , of man ; therefore , Revealed Religion [ so called ! ' probably so . - * s I answer , first , that God , who has made all natural objects , and with them o faculties for observing and interpreting them , speaks to us through Nature and is so far the Author of Natural Religion . ' Secondly , that so far as Natural Religion is human—i . e ., an inference of human , reason from phenomena—there is no analogy between it and the Bible , which . " not proved to be such an inference . The analogy to which the reviewer appeals if it proves anything , proves , not the Bible to be human , but the Creed *
Thirdly , that the reviewer s arguments are wholly wide of the mark , for the simple reason , that he has misquoted his author . Butler speaks , not of " an analogy between Natural and Revealed Religion , " but between " the known course of Nature—which all confess to be from God—and " that system of things and dispensation of Providence which Revelation [ i . e ., the Bible ] informs us of" and which Christians believe to be equally from God . I am , Sir , obediently yours , Ceonippits . We did not quarrel with Butler for performing no more than he intended ; we simply pointed out the faet that his argument was powerless against the New Theology , because it never once touched the vital point .
The " parallel case" put by our correspondent does not strike us as conclusive . It is quite true that he who believes the Choephorce to have been written by the author of the Agamemnon may expect in both to find the same sort of difficulties ; but to him who does not believe iEschylus wrote the Choephorce , the " difficulties" are no proof . Because there are difficulties in the Koran and the Vedas , no less than in USTature , Cronippus himself would ^ repudiate any argument drawn from those difficulties to prove that God wrote the Koran or the Vedas . Did ^ Eschylus write the Choephorce and Agamemnon , and did God write the Bible P are the questions which require preliminary settlement ; and , as we have seen , Butler throughout assumes that God did write the Bible .
" We deem it unnecessary to enter further into our correspondents ' letter . The reader has it before him , for consideration . One point , however , we must notice ; for ( by a slip of the pen , we would fain hope ) we are accused of having misquoted Butler , in using the terms " Natural and Revealed Religion . " The title-page of Butler is sufficient answer , had we not taken the sentence said to be misquoted from the very first page of the edition before us—viz ., the Analytic Introduction . What is Butler ' s book entitled ? " The Analogy of Religion , Natural and Hevealed , to the constitution and course of Nature . " Our second correspondent , Discipulus , argues an important point , and suggests a view both subtle and to us novel : —
Sie , —Before observing the allusion to Diderot in a recent number of the Leader , and even being unaware of his having proposed the celebrated question , — " If the Almighty has spoken , why is the universe not convinced ? " I must confess that , in the course of my own cogitations , a similar idea has occurred to my mind , —namely , that any communication from the Divinity must be expected to be accompanied with evidence irresistible , and so as to compel the unanimous conviction of all beings to whom it is made . I cannot , however , think the question to be absolute and final , in the sense in which you seem to adopt it , because ,
on the ground of Theism , it is simply inapplicable ; because , the questioner being supposed to acknowledge the existence of a Supreme Being , he must know that many have denied such existence , and that very many more live and act as if they were under the influence of tho same disbelief , and that , consequently , while ho wonders at the incredulity which resists the evidence for the Divine Being and operations , he has good reason to doubt whether he himself does not labour under the same insensibility as to a communication of the Divine will . With him the question , If God lives , why is the universe not convinced , would be a reductio ad
absurdum . Moreover , with believers in revealed religion , the question does not hold at all , inasmuch as they consider that the same depravity , alienation from the Supremo Good , or call it what you will , which necessitated a Divine revelation , is of itself sufficient to account for the withstanding of the evidence for it after it has been made . The mind of a free and rational being , such as man , is not to be coerced , even by Omnipotence . Abundant illustration of this truth may be gathered from the truelho
Gospel history , which for tho present may bo assumed as hypothetic-ally , works of tho Founder of Christianity afforded evidence of a Divine commission , to the extent of demonstration , and yet how few the number of those who adhered to Him , compared with those who did quite otherwise ; how astonishing to us seems the malignant ingenuity which prompted the retort , " Ho custoth out devils by Beelzebub the Prince- of the Devils ;' " * n d how profound and touching tho wisdom of Ilia own saying on another occasion : " If they believe not Moses and tho prophetsneither would they bo persuadedthough one rose from Hie dead . "
, , It would thus appear that no amount of evidence , of whatever kind , will produce conviction in the mind which chooses to resist it , and that thun , after all , tho question of Diderot , is found to be inadmissible . I remain , Sir , very respectfully , Glasgow , 22 iid November , 1 HB 2 . lhtiClVlTlAWThe argument in not , however , conehiRive to our minds ; for if it had to from l
been Clod ^ express desire save mankind eternal perdition > y » certain process of convention , Reason says that ho would have taken euro the process should bo effheti-oe . When men write books to convince mankind , they uho their utmost endeavours to bo intelligible and eonvineintf . There in no " coercion of a free and rational being" in Kuchd , yet no one disputes bis theorems . If men , " fallen Iron , their high estate , hud nalureH no " -depraved" Mint the pure light of ( ruth could not he recognise u by thorn , ( Jod , who knew their depravity , knew also what they < " > ui < recognise , what would convince them , and should Lave addressed ther as we address scientific truths to children , with a , proper allowance lor i . noi
imperfect apprehension . Tho third . ' lettor m interesting as an ilhiHtration of how men accommodate Scripture to their own views : — r . .. Snt , —There uro many ( M . ristiaiiN in tho old sense , and not ' Christian 1 w ^ who believe hh little as you do that Uod is a capricious tyrant , in good *» in evil ; and who ( ran find no mich representation * of ( Joel's character in 1 J ^ ' thouirli they do in tho commentator . If your object is merely to attacK c
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 4, 1852, page 18, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_04121852/page/18/