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December 4, 1852.] THE LEADEE. ||?l
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December 4, 1852.] The Leadee. ||?L
December 4 , 1852 . ] THE LEADEE . ||? l
WATCmjS ! WATCHES ! WATCHES ! Save 50 per Cent , by purchasing your Watches direct from the Manufacturer , at the Wholesale Trade Price . Warranted Gold Watches , extra jewelled , with all the recent improvements £ 3 15 0 Tlie same Movements in Silver Cases 2 0 0 Handsome Morocco Cases for same ., „ I .. . ' . ' . 0 2 0 Every other description of Watch in the same proportion . Sent Free to any part of the Kingdom wpon receipt of One Shilling Extra . Duplex and other Watches practically Repaired and put in order , at the Trade prices , at DANIEL ELLIOTT HEDGEE'S WHOLESALE WATCH MANUFACTORY , 27 f CITT 3 ECOAX > near Finsbury Square , London . * * Merchants , Captains , and the Trade supplied in any quantities on very favourable terms .
THE SIX-DAYS CAB & CONVEYANCE COMPANY . Offices— -15 , Duke Street Chambers , Adelphi . Provisionally Registered pursuant to Act of Parliament , for supplying the Public with CABS at FOURPENCE per MILE , and Brougham , Clarence , and all other Carriages , at a much reduced rate . Principal Stables , Adelphi . In 15 , 000 Shares of £ 1 each , with power to increase the Capital to £ 50 , 000 . Deposit , 5 s . per Share . DIRECTORS . Trevetham Thomas Spicer , Esq ., LL . D ., 4 , Gray ' s Inn Square . Frederick J . Sewell , Esq ., Ecclestone Street South , Eaton Square . William Barrett , Esq ., Doctor ' s Commons , and The Lawn , South Lambeth . Thomas B . Loader , Esq ., Civil Engineer , 14 , New Church Street , Edgewnre Road , and Princes Street , Stamford Street . Charles Henry Price , Esq ., Crescent , Avenue Road , Old Kent Road . Captain Montague , Wandsworth Road , Surrey . SOLICITOR . Grantham Robert Dodd , Esq ., F . L . S ., 26 , New Broad St ., City . Mr . Henry Spicer . ( Manager . ) Mr . S . WatkmB Evans . ( Secretary . ) Notwithstanding the existence of several Cab Companies , it is admitted , on all hands , that there is ample room for another . The Directors on that account have determined upon starting the Six Days Cab Company , to run at reduced fares and to abolish all Sunday traffic . The degree of success that has attended similar Associations proves that there is very little speculation in the objects of this Company . The following are among the advantages which this Company presents : — 1 st . —To have first-rate Horses and Carriages , the latter to be provided with improved Indicators , by which it will be at once seen the distance travelled . 2 nd . —To abolish the Insult and Extortion now too prevalent , by employing meil of known respectability of character , who will be provided with Livery Coats and Hats , and paid a regular weekly salary . 3 rd . —To afford their Servants the opportunity of moral and religious instruction , by entirely abolishing all Sunday Work , thereby constituting this , ' what the Title imports—viz ., a Six-Day Conveyance Company . 4 th . —To bring the luxury of Cabriolet riding within the reach of all classes by reducing the Fares to ( one half of the present legal charge ) 4 ( 1 . per mile , which , by the calculations subjoined , are clearly shown to be both possible and profitable . The following statement is submitted to the Public for consideration . It is calculated that each £ 1000 will purchase 10 Cabs , 20 Horses , and Harness complete . BBCT . IPT 8 . Weokly Income derived ( from . each . filOOOeapital ) eachhorHO travelling 25 miles per diem , for ( i days , at 4 d . per mile , 8 H . 4 d . 20 hornes at JE 8 6 s . 8 d . per diem or per week ....... JCGO 0 0 Deduct Expenditure ) . . . 33 10 0 G ross Weekly Profit ,. . . . C 10 10 0 or £ 858 per annum . l'AYMIWTH . Keep for 20 llorsoa StV . i 0 0 Ton DriveiH 10 10 0 Duty on 10 Calm f > 0 0 Wear and tear 5 0 0 i ! 33 10 0 After allowing a ( Induction of 25 per cent , from tho above for expenses of Management , together with all miHcollanooiiM and •¦ oii tingent outgoings , tbore will be loft a profit of Hixtypcr Cent . l > ei- Annum . Applications for Shares , Ac , in the iiHiial form , to bo made to Mr . EvaiiH , at tho oIHcoh of tho Company , 15 , Duke Street , Adol |> hi .
j ^( X ) N () MTC FRUKTIOLI ) LAN D ASSOI J OlATION . ( Kjirollcd an tlio Noononiie lloneflt liuildiiig Hoeml y . ) C ,.,, |; ml Office—23 , John Htroot , Tottenham Court Koad . 'Vail /™/ -Wll . IJAM flONINflKAM , KH ( J . inixtees -Henry Travis , lOsq ., M . D ., ' 5 , High Htroot , Camm ' low " ! Mr - Thomas Whitalcer , , Month Row , New Koad ; Mi " , . lolm Ivory , Ken ., Victoria Villa , Kentish Town . —Treasurer f r - Thomas Whitaker , 1 H , ISouth Row , New Koad .-- Directors I " 1 ""' , diaries Abbey , 12 , KoHomau Htreol ., ClerUeiiwell ; Mr . 1 "onuiH Hirchinorei , 7 , Itartliolomow Place , Kentish Town ; Mr . I fillu , is Hiriil . li , fid , Charlotte Htreet , Portland 1 'liico ; Mr . Chiis . ' ' ""> . Hon ., 30 , ( Jrent Maiylebone Htroet ; Mr . Henry Hlaughtor , ' / . iMiHt ,,,,, I'lue . i , Huston " Hqunre ; Mr . W .. I . Young , 33 , Park "'¦ ' ei't , Ooi-Hel , Nquuro Hankers- 'Vh ^ London and VVontniinntor " jink , Mnrylebono Hramiii . —Secretary—Mr . Iloiiry A . Ivory , "" - ( ' <> Uogo IMaoo , Canulen Town . 1 oH pentuHo . i and further partieulnrH may bo obtained on npr »< 'ation t ,, t , h , s Hoorotary , at tho Central OiUoc , « v « ry Haturduy ¦ 'V . miiifr , between the hours of Kigbt and Ten . A PnilLVC MMUTINU will bo hold in the Lithiiarv Inhti-, '' ' . John Htkicict , Fitzhoy Nqimku , oh Monday , Doc ' •! , M | ^ . to explain tho objects of the Annotation . W . Coiihik ' uhii . r "' 1 , will take the oha ' ir . Mr . h . Joiioh , Mr . U . Jlirrf . and other I'mitlomon , will attend and address tho Mooting . —Tho Chair to »« talten at Half-p »» t Eight o ' olook .
WORKING TAILQES' ASSOCIATION , 34 , ' Castle-Street , East , Oxford-Stebet . WamSe Coopek , Manager . As working-men organized for the management and execution of our own business , we appeal with great confidence to our fellow working-men for their hearty support . We ask that support in the plain words of plain men , without the usual shopkeeping tricks and falsehoods . We do so because we know that we offer an opportunity for the exercise of a sound economy , but we make our appeal more particularly because we believe that every honest artisan in supporting us will feel that he is performing a duty to th « men of his class , which to overlook or neglect , would be a treason and a disgrace . We ask for the support of working-men in full assurance that no better value can he given for money than tha ^ whieb . we offer , —and we desire success through that support , not solely that we may rescue ourselves from the wretchedness and slavery of the slop-system , —but more particularly that our fellowworkers of all trades , encouraged by our example , may , through the profitable results of self-management , place themselves and their children beyond the reach of poverty or crime . Relying on the good faith of the people , we await patiently the result of this appeal . The annexed List of Prices will show that in seeking the welfare of the Associates they make no monopoly profits . Notice . —All work done on the premises . No Sunday labour is allowed . The books of account are open to every customer . Customers are invited to inspect the healthy and commodious workshops any week-day between the hours of Ten and Four . LIST OP PRICES FOR CASH O 1 T BEI-IVERT : Good West of England Cloth Frock Coats from £ 2 5 0 Best superfine ditto , with silk-skirt linings . . . 3 18 0 Best superfine Dress Coat 3 12 0 Super ditto from 2 0 0 Best superfine Dress Trousers 1 12 0 Super ditto from 110 Superfine Dress " Vest 0 16 0 Super ditto from 0 12 0 Llama and Beaver Paletots from 2 0 0 Suit of Livery from 3 15 0 Clerical and Professional Hobes , Military and Naval Uniforms Ladies' Riding Habits , Youths' and Boys * Suits made to order on the most reasonable terms . Gentlemen ' s own materials made up . \* Country Orders most punctually attended to .
CLERICAL , MEDICAL , AND GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY . The Assured may reside in most parts of the world , without extra charge , and in all parts by payment of a small extra premium . The small share of Profit divisible in future among the Shareholders being now provided for , without intrenching on the amount made by the regular business , the Assured will hereafter derive all the benefits obtainable from a Mutual Ofiiee , with , at the same time , complete freedom from liability , secured by moans of an ample Proprietary Capital—thus combining , in the same office , all the advantages of both systems . Five Bonuses have been declared ; at the last in January , 1852 , the sum of £ 131 , 125 was added to the Policies , producing a Bonus varying with the different agos , from 24 ^ to 55 percen t , on tho Premiums paid during the five years , or from £ 5 to JE 12 10 « - por cent , on tho sum assured . The next and future Homines miiy 1 ) 0 either received in Cash , or applied at tho option of tho assured in any other way . On Policies for the whole of Life , ono half of tho Annual Premiums for tho first five years may remain on credit , and may cither continue as a debt on tho Policy , or may bo paid olT at Ci . aimh paid thirty days after proof of death , and all Policies aro Indisputable except ' in oases of fraud . Invalid Lives may bo assured at rates proportioned to tho increased rink . Tho AsNuraneo Fund already invested amountH to £ 850 , 000 , ami tho Income exceeds £ 136 , 000 J ?»' unniiin . Tho Accounts and Ualaneo Hliootn am at all times open to tho inspection of tho AHSurod , or of any person who may desire to A copy of tho last Report , with a Prospectus and forum of Proposal , cun bo obtained of any of tho Hooioty ' H agents , or will bo forwarded frco by addressing a lino to OHO . IF . PINCKARD , Itesident Secretary . W ) , Groat liuHsell Htroot , Hlooinsbury , London , All Policies Indisputable , and payable to Holder within fourteen days after Death , and free of Policy Stamp to tho Ammred , Aii entirely now and most economical Scale of Premiums . HO U S KII C ) . IYl ) ifl US' A NI ) G K WE It A L LIFU AHHUKANCK COMPANY . 15 and 1 ( 5 , Adam Hthhkt , Adiu . i-hi , London . JHHHOTOKM . William AhIUoii , l ? nq . Richard ( JrillithH Welford , Wm \ . Tlio Rev . ThouiaHC ' ator . Kdwurd BaHcomo , Ksq ., M .. 1 ) . Charles llulse , Kh ( j . Peter PutoiHon , Ksq . |<\ Davenport 11 . Webster , ICtiq . Peter 1 ' ntoinon , Km } ., jim . nlSTINOTIVU AND 1 'ICCIJI . I A It I'lS ATII It KM . 1 . J ' Jorri / Volley is absolutely indisputable , tho Htato of liealth ,, age ) and interest " , being lulmiitod on tlio Poli (! . y . a . A Lower Seal * of 1 ' miniums than tiny other Office . : \ . 1 ' oliuion transferable by indorsement . t . J ' oliiHtm J ' aid within nmrt . ee n Days after 1 ' rotf of Death . r >! No charge for Policy Stamp . U . 1 ' enumn rrcmfli / assured in other Offices may obtain inttiit - putable Politrfet from this Company at murti moderate rutes oj ' premium * . . „ ¦ , , „ , ^ 7 Mediuul HoibrooB in all eases pnul by tho Company . lllCllAliD JbtUDBOlS , Beoretwy .
PEOF ^ SSIQNAL LIFE ASSUBANG ^ COMPANY . Admitting , on equal terms , persons of every class and degree to all its benefits and advantages . Capital—Two Hdndkhd and Fifty Thousand Pounds . Chairman—Major Henet Stones , LL . B . Deputy-Chairmari ^ -3 Lwks ' AfrDBBw Durham , Esq . .. With upwards of Fourteen Hundred Shareholders . There , are two important clauses in the Deed of Settlement , by which the Directors have power to appropriate ONE-TENTH of the entire profits of the Company : — 1 st . —For the relief of aged and distressed parties assured for life , who have paid five years' premiums , their widows and orphans . 2 nd . —For the relief of ag ^ ed and distressed original proprietors , assured or not , their widows and orphans , together with 6 per cent , per annum on tho capital originalry invested by them . : All Policies indisputable and free of stamp duty . Rates of Premium extremely moderate . No extra charge for going to or residing at ( in time of peace ) Australasia—Bermuda—Madeira—Cape of Good Hope—Mauritius—a , nd the British North American Colonies . Medical men in all cases remunerated for their report . Assurances granted against' paralysis , blindness , accidents , insanity , and every other affliction , bodily and mental , at moderate rates . A liberal commission allowed to agents . Annual premium for assuring £ 100 , namely : — Age—20 ... £ 1 10 9 I Age—40 ... £ 2 13 6 30 ... £ 1 19 6 I 50 ... £ 3 18 6 Prospectuses , with tables and fullest information , may be had at the Offices of the Company , or of any of their agents . Applications for agencies requested . EDWARD BAYLIS , Resident Manager and Actuary . Offices , 76 , Cheapside , London .
BANKS OF DEPOSIT AND SAVINGS BANKS . INVESTMENT OP CAPITAL AND SAVINGS . IVTATIONAL ASSURANCE and INVEST-_ Ll MENT ASSOCIATION , 7 , St . Martin ' s Place , Teafalgae Sqitaee , London , and 56 , Pall Mall , Manchestek . Established in 1844 . TRUSTEES . Lieut .-Col . the Right Honourable Lord George Paget , M . P . Eev . Joseph Prendergast , D . D ., ( Cantab . ) Lewisham . George Stone , Esq ., Banker , Lombard Street . ' Matthew Hutton Chaytor , Esq ., Eeigate . The Investment of Money with this Association secures equal advantages to the Savings of the Provident , and the Capital of the Affluent , and affords to both the means of realising the highest rate of Interest yielded by first-class securities , in which alone the Funds are employed . The constant demand for advances upon securities of that peculiar class , which are offered almost exclusively to Life Assurance Companies , such as Reversions , Life Interests , & c , enables the Board of Management to employ Capital on more advantageous terms and at higher rates of Interest than could otherwise , with equal safety , be obtained . The present rate of Interest is Jive per cent , per annum , and this rate will continue to be paid bo long aa the Assurance department finds tho same safe and profitable employment for money . Interest payable hay-yearly in January and July . Money intended for Investment is received daily between tlio hours of 10 and 4 o ' clock , at the Offices of the Association . Immediate Annuities granted , and the business ~ Life As « urance in all its branches , transacted , on highly advantageous terms . Kates , Prospectuses , and Forms of Proposal , with every requisite information , may be obtained on application at the offices of tho Association , or to tho respective AgonW throughout tho United Kingdom . : PETEE MORRISON , Managing Director . Applications for Agencies may be made to the Jifanaging Director .
Established 1837 . Incorporated by special Act of Parliament . Intending Life Assurers and Policy Holders in other Companies are invited to examine the rates , principles , and position of the SCOTTISH PROVIDENT INSTITUTION for MUTUAL L 1 F 1 S ASHUltANCK by MOD t ilt AT I £ PREMIUMS . Tun Scottish Piioviwmnt Institution claims superiority over other mutual oflicos in tho following particulars : — 1 . —Premiums at curly and middle ago about a fourth lower . 2 . —A more accurate adjustment of tho rates of premium to tho Hovernl agoa . 3 . —A uriuciplo in the division of tho surplus moro safe , equitable , and favourable to good lives . 4 . —Exemption from entry money . All policies indisputable , unless obtained by fraud . SlMSOlMICNH Olf PUKMIUMH . Annual Vremiuvisfor £ 100 , with whole profits . Ago 20 | - zT > j mT ~ \ : » r > | id j ir > | &<> | u , it \ IT , H ; 1 IN 0 I - i 1 <( I 2 ti 10 I 2 H » I : « 5 « I 4 1 7 I G 1 11 Annual premiums , payable for 21 years only , for £ 100 , talth ii hole profits . Ak « 20 | -tf > | ao \ ~~ liii j 40 | tf > j M ) £ 2 7 10 | 2 10 H | 2 1-1 « | 2 l ' i > H | ; j ( 14 | a 14 l > j 4 7 2 A comparison of those premiums with ( liOHeof any other olllco will at once show the immediate iulvanta (^ o Hecured in th « Hoottihii Pkovidknt . Tbo premiums payable for 21 yearn only are nearly I he Hamo an many oillees require during tho vvliolo of life . PiKXlltKHN . HinenitH iuHfitution in 1 H . ' ( 7 , this Honiety lias iimued upwards of 5760 polieioH , the iiHHiiriumeH oxneoilinf ^ Two Milliolia and u Half , a result the more mU . M ' iMlt > ry , nutho DircotorH have flrnily tulhnrml to i . lioir rulo of allowiyiK JSo CoiniiiiHuion t «> any otherf than their own reeo ^ niNed oHIoiai a ^ enlH . IIh whole ailaii-H are in ilw moHt |> roHperoiiH eomlilion , an nliown liy ( be Aiiniiiil ItejiortH , which with prospoetilfi , tablea of annuity and iwmiramio preniiuin , and emiry inl ' ormntion may bo obtuinod , f ' rue , ou ap | ilio » tit > M to tlio liorulon JJratieh , 1 U , Moor-Utta Htrec't , City . ¦ ¦ ¦< ' ¦ :.. '¦< ,. OEOUaJi QIi 4 N ^ , Kendent Seoretary .
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 4, 1852, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_04121852/page/23/