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1172 T H E L E A D E R. [Saturday, Decem...
LONDON: I'rlniccl l>y Uiu.i.m-. ll.-oiri...
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1172 T H E L E A D E R. [Saturday, Decem...
1172 T H E L E A D E R . [ Saturday , December 4 , 1852 .
NEW WOEK on AUSTRALIA and the GOLD DIGGINGS . Just Published , in 2 vols ., 21 s . bound . AU STRALIA AS IT IS ; ITS SETTLEMENTS , FARMS , AND GOLDFIELDS . By F . LANCELOTT , Esq ., Mineralogical Surveyor in the Australian Colonies . . " To tho intending emigrant Mr . lancelott ia an invaluable ' instructor . He gives an unadorned account of the actual condition of , the Australian colonies , and offers a perfect manual of the new craft of gold digging to the adventrous settler . As a guide to the auriferous regions , as well as the pastoral solitudes of Australia , the work is unsurpassed . "—Globe . Also , Just Published , in 2 vols ., 21 s . REVELATIONS OF SIBEEIA . By A BANISHED LADY . " This interesting : worlc gives a inost valuable insight into the terra incognita of Russian despotism . " . —Daily News . Colburnand Co ., 13 , Great Marlborongh Street .
This day is published , price 3 s . 6 d . THE SECOND "VOLUME OF A CHILD'S HISTOBY OF ENGLAND . By CHARLES DICKENS . Collected and revised from " Household Words , " with a Table of Dates . To be completed in Three Volumes , of the same size and price . The First Volume may be had of all Booksellers . Bradbury and Evans , 11 , Bouverie Street .
WOEKS BY GEORGE COMBE . A SYSTEM OF PHRENOLOGY . Fifth Edition . 4 Plates , and above 70 Woodcuts . 2 vols . 8 vo . Pp . 1037 . £ 1 Is . boards . This work has been translated into the French and German Languages . ELEMENTS of PHRENOLOGY . Seventh Edition , improved , -with numerous Illustrations . 12 mo . Pp . 225 . 3 s . 6 d . boards . A New Chapter has been added to this Edition , " On the Relations between the Structure and the Functions of the Brain . " This work has been , translated into French . OUTLINES of PHRENOLOGY . Eighth Edition . 8 vo . Is . sewed . The CONSTITUTION of MAN . Eighth Edition , enlarged . Post 8 vo . Pp . 507 . Ss . cloth lettered . " The People ' s Edition . " Royal 8 vo . Is . 6 d . sewed . Also , an Abridged Edition , for Schools and Families . Fcp . Is . 6 d . cloth . This work has been translated into French , German , and Swedish ; and 77 , 500 copies have been sold in the United Kingdom . MORAL PHILOSOPHY ; or , the Duties of Man : Individual , Domestic , and Social . Second Edition . 12 rao . Pp . 440 . 7 s . 6 d . boards . " The People's Edition . " Royal 8 vo . Pp . 116 . 2 s . sewed . LECTURES on POPULAR EDUCATION . Third Edition , enlarged . Pp . 82 . 8 vo . Is . 8 d . sewed . London : Simpkin , Marshall , and Co . ; and Longman and Co . Edinburgh : Maclachlan , Stewart , and Co .
COMPLETION OF SPONGE'S SPORTING TOUR . In a few days will be published , complete in one handsome vol ., MR . SPONGE'S SPORTING TOUR .. B y the Author of " Handley Crosa , " " Jorrocks ' s Jaunts , & c , illustrated with Coloured Engravings and numerous Woodcuts , by John Lekcii . Bradbury and Evans , 11 , Bouverie Street . ^
TTiNCYCLOPiEDIA METROPOLITANA . I A A few copies remain unsold of this Great National Work , written by the first scholars of the age . They have all the improvements of the Rb-Ihsuk , p uih / i . siiki ) in 1849 . Thirty large , volumes < U . o , including 600 Engravings , half-bound in Buaaia , Price TWENTY-FIVE GUINEAS . Ab tho Stereotyped Plates have , been melted , and no more Gopics can be completed , an early application is recommended . J . J . Griffin and Co ., 68 , Baker-street , London .
BOARD OF SUPPLY ANT ) DEMAND . CONSUMERS' PROTECTION AGENCY . Provisional Ollico : FuNonuiicn Cjiamurkm , 151 ) , Fjinchuhoji-Stkkiit , City . Now open only for riiil ' u . sing information respecting the plan . Due notice will be given when the collection and execution of ortltTH are to commence , and tho numon of the Supervisors will then he announced . Objects oj" the New JJii . siiirtx concern : — To undertake the . execution , on behalf of the public , of any » r < lers for any articles of trade ; To Necure tiie purity , quality , right price , prompt and mifi ; delivery of urtieleH ordered ; To ( iHt . abli . sh mid niuiiitiun , upon an extensive Heale , wnrcikoiisc . H for receiving ami tmtim / tliei artieleH for roiiHumption ; To recommend l <> the cliciitn of the Hoard tliii I radcHincn , ciont . riKrtoi'H , working men , and vai'iouH ] iei * HoiiH wbon < i HervictiH luuy be recpiired ; To Huttle iu : e < nintn mid make payments on behalf of the cuhtoinei-H or eli {> n ( H , Ac . Sic . & . < :. Adotnitnge » xcciircd to ciiHtomers deulinjf with the Hoard : — An easy , Hiife , iii ( ixp ( iiiMiv < i inode / f t . raiiHinil . ling their orders ; j \ ll and every Hecurity , Hint the eimting Htate < if civilization , find tbo C () iiceiitrul < ' < l power of capita ! , labour , machinery , i > kill and experience can tillord , as to the purity , quality , rig ht , prieo , prompt , and Hiife . delivery of the iir ( ii'lcn ordered ; An elli < 'ient , r « H ]> oiiMibilil y in cuho of dainuge and defect . ; Hini ]> li ( l ( -at ion of lioiiMchold iiccounlm ; All Mi'tidex chiirffeo" aecordiug to n li . st of fixed priceH , Mettled between the inerebantH and the Board : all hiicIi IIhIh piililiidied and forward < id , I ' roni time to time . Reduction of prices , mid great Having by l . lio HiippresHJon of nil the coHlly expiiriineiitH taut . coiiHUinerH buvo to bear from llicir not liciii ^ r ii ( U | uainted with j > roper jtlaceH of mipply , and with well-controlled incicliantu ; Fueility lor crcdiln npnlicialilc to the whole of their consumption , iui < f )> eai'iii {( upon ( lie whole of their income , whatever may 1 >« ( lie ternm of receiving tho Haul iiioomo , monthly , quarterly , hull-yearly , or yearly . . Further puiiioulai'H to be had b y applying to ( lie ulicivo addreHii , or liy forwarding four poHtn ^ e Htiiiiiim . The proHjx-etiiM of the CONRUMKUH' TKOTKCTION SOCIETY may )>(¦ > bud also at tliii ubove addroHH , by p ei-Honal annliontion , or hy forwardini / ono poutngti-iitiuiip ; tho liOA HI ) OF HUl'l'LY" AND DEMAND l > ein entablwlioil prmitioully to further tho viown of tUa Oouaumuiu' l ' rotaction Bociotv .
* NEW SPORTING NEWSPAPER . On the 1 st of January will be published , price Sixpence , to be continued Weekly THE PIEST NUMBER OF THE FIELD ; With Occasional Illustrations : DEVOTED ESPECIALLY TO HUNTING , SHOOTING , YACHTING , FISHING , RACING , COURSING , CRICKETING , ARCHERY . Agricultural and Health-giving pursuits generally . With a Comprehensive Summary of the Week's News ; Law and Police Reports , Lists of Markets , Theatricals , Fashionable Intelligence , Reviews of Books Veterinary Information , & c . & c . Temporary Office for Advertisements and Communications to the Editor , No . 5 , Red Lion Passage , Red IAon Court , Fleet Street .
NOTICE . THE SECOND EDITION OF "ESMOND , " BY W . M . THACKERAY , ESQ ., AUTHOR OP " VANITY 1 TAIB , " " PENDENNIS , " ETC . Is Now Eeady , in Three Volumes , Crown Octavo , price £ 1 11 s . 6 d . LONDON : SMITH , ELDER , AND CO ., 65 , C 0 ENHILL .
In One Volume , price 3 s . 6 d ., uniform with "The Pickwick Papers , " & c . Mr . Dickens' Christmas Books ; Complete in One Volume , containing—A Christmas Carol—The Chimes—The Cricket on the Hearth—The Battle of Life—and The Haunted Man . With a Frontispiece by Leech . Price One Shilling ,, Magic and Witchcraft . Being No . 2 of " READING FOR TRAVELLERS , " a new Library of Railway Literature . No . 1 contains " Old Roads and New Roads , " price Is . [ On Wednesday . London : Chapman and Hall , 193 , Piccadilly .
npHE DOBD FAMILY ; ABROAD . By , | , CHARLES LEVJiIR . Tho Fourth Monthly Number is published this day , Price Ono Shilling . With Two Illustrations , by II . K . BnowNK . London : Chapman and Hall , 193 , Piccadilly .
Tho CRYSTAL PALACE and the SABBATH FALLACY . In 8 vo , priee 9 s . THE SABBATH ; or , an Examination of the Six Texts commonly adduced from the New Testament in proof of a Christian Sabbath . By A LAYMAN . Also , liy the same Author , THE MOSAIC SABBATH ; or , an Inquiry into the Supposed Present Obligation of the Sabbath of the Fourth Commandment . Hvo , price Is . Tho Author , in theso two works , hIicwm that tho religious observance of tho Hunday , or Lord ' s Day is an institution totally distinct from that of the Jewish Sabbath , and that it in of human ami not of Divino origin . Consequently , to prevent the induHtrious classes from employing parts of the ( lay in innocent recreation is on any religious grounds wholly indefensible . London : Chapman and Hall , 193 , Piccadilly .
of Eleventh lOdition , now ready . BOOTH'S BATTLE OV WATERLOO ; with Life of Wellington , Napoleon , THucher , ftc , IIIuhtrated with 'M l { t < : hingH l » y ( leorgo Joihih , Km \ ., R . A ., lurge HiMt . orienl Map of the Theatre of ( lie War , engraved by Sidney Hall , Knlarged I'lan of the Kiphl , a View of the Hattle Field in lHfiO , and Two Panoramic ViewH taken iininediately alter the Itatlle . A complete List of every OHicer engaged in tho Campaign , with an Account of Killed and Wounded . One thick Bvo vol ., containing nearly 7 < M ) pageH of letterpreHH , 10 h . 1 ' arlH 4 , 5 , and (! , < 'oniple . t . ing the Work in 1 ' art . H , may he had Heparately . \ j . Booth , Duke Htreel , Tortland I'lace .
"l ^ TCK Ifll tiNfrS A 1 VD I NE EDITION tho E . I'OKTH . I ' rice Tih . each volume , in cloth boardH , or I Oh . ( id . bound in morocco by Mayday . Kach author may bo hud Heparately ; or coinphttci Het . H , fiU voluiium , priee ttSVA i >» . in boardH . n Akt'imide . Dryden , 5 voIh . I ' rior , 2 voIh . Itcaltic . . Kalconor . HhakeHpenre . 1 JturiiH , . ' ) voIh . ( JoldHinilli . Hponaer , r > voln . Hutler , ' I voIh . Oray . Surrey an « l Wyiitt , Chaucer , ( I voIh . II . Kirke White . 2 voIh . Ohurcliill , : » voIh . Milton , . 'i voIh . Hwift , : » voIh . ColliiiH . l ' arjiell . TIioiiihoii , 2 volt ) . Cowpor , " , \ vols . l '<» pe , ! J voIh . Young , 2 volt ) . " A eoinplcto eolleotioii of our I'oetrt , with well-writton memoii'H , and ^ ood ntadiible type in a deNideratum ; und iVoin the workti Hcnt . forth we tool anHured that tho Aldine Mdition will biijii > ly tho want . "—At / teuamm . William rickoriiur . 177 . ricoadilly .
Just published , 8 vo , price 3 d ., by post 5 d ., T 71 LEGY supposed to be WRITTEN in the J 2 l CATHEDEAj : on the OCCASION of the FUNERAL of WELLINGTON . By a GEADUATE of the UNIVERSITY of OXFORD . William Pickering , 177 , Piccadilly .
NEW WOEKS BY MISS ANNA H . DEUBY . In a few days , fcap . 8 vo , cloth , $ l | l eaTes , 2 s . TH E . INN by the MA ^ rW ^ t an Allegory . By ANNA HARELET XHtURY , Authoress of "Eastbury , " & c . - Also , in 1 vol ., 'feasp . 8 Vo , LIGHT and SHADE ; or , the Young Artist . A Tale . { A * Chrtitmnt . # In a thick vol ., fcap . 8 vo , 8 s . 6 d ., EA ^ TJbtUKY : a Tale . William Rckering , 177 , Piccadilly .
T > ECENT PUBLICATIONS XV OF WILLIAM PICKERING . The WORKS of JOHN MILTON , in Verso and Prose . Pmntml from the original edition , mid preaorvinu tho author ' s orthography ; with a lilb of the . Author . » y «" Rev . JOHN MITFO'IU ) . In H vols . Hvo , uniform witli tno Library Editions oi" Herbert and Taylor , inico AM la . The POETICAL WORKS of JOHN MTLTON : with a lifo of tho Author . Hy th « «<»'• J ' ' ^ MI . TFOKD . Uniformly printed with ( he Library K < Ut >;; » C 3 e . orge Herbert ' H Works , a voIh ., demy Hvo ., XI " uo l" ' inuy hi ) hud in varioux Htyles of binding . A RESIDENCE in ALGERIA . By MYlme . PRIKS . Translated from tho original inaiiutuu-ipt . Hvo , - • ' itiH tlioroughly well worth reading . "—Ji ' xanuiier . - TALES of t , ho MOUNTAINS ; or , Sojourns in lCiiHtoiu lielgiiim . a vols ., fep . Hvo ., 12 « . . . ll ( M ( all into "Tho convcu-mit ioiiH , tho . IcHciiptionH , H > " " ><; . " /• "' ¦ , j , ) , „ that mixture of tho enmiy and the . novel whirh iIihm « M " tales of Washington Irving . "—Spectator . v . VISITING MY ILLATIONS , »» ( . | , ( . ^ itKHULTM : a Heries of Hiniill Kp ituKlc'N in tbe Lii" <» ' ll J < Yp . Hvn ., ( m . Hei-ond Kdition . . . -. i ,, , ut ( 'i ' " Wo have not lately read a volume <) C thin '"» " wm h , ^ ()( relish . Calm sense , quiet humour , niwl l """ l" lrt ; . ,,. | ii « . ehurmlor , < liHtinguish it in no common measure . VI I REMINISCENCES " of TirOITfiJIJ ,. «»» _ FMNIillNf ; . Jiy the author of " Visiting my l ^ " } " ' " - Hvo ., <> H . vir . . - | >) 1 () . onr new paimsir , iiH ^ "vji ;^ ;;»;; , „„ „ . gress . lly II A KIM KT 1 « . KOI ) KDU 1 N 1 KU , ^¦"' <) " IlintH for Happy lloui-H . " I'Vp . Hvo ., < ln . William I'icUeriug , 177 , I'ieoa . liHy- .
London: I'Rlniccl L>Y Uiu.I.M-. Ll.-Oiri...
LONDON : I ' rlniccl l > y Uiu . i . m-. ll .-oirii ( of N « . : l ' '"' , „ . Olll <« ' "' Mi « hh . Hav . i ... IU .. I K ,. wai . i . h , No . i . lh " '" ; ,, „ 1 IMihll'l' '' 7 , , ( f hi . ruin . <• •»««/ ««« fcm . ' ¦ ' <> ' <• «»¦'"'< ' h ^' i' ... """"" . , . •'¦ . Tii .. » HT « N I . M . < n Hunt , ( or ll . ou . lw . iy 11 ¦ ¦« - ' T () N HI «¦«• ''^ TIIK I . KADHH Ol'KICl ! , No . 10 . VV 1-. 1 . J «<\ „ follli O HTi ( ANI ) , In < h" I ' n . clnol of tl . o Havuy , both 1 » l" Hatujioai , J ) fcciul ) ei' 4 , 100 H .
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 4, 1852, page 24, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_04121852/page/24/