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-2Q0 THE LEADER. [^T o. 467, March 5,185...
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-2q0 The Leader. [^T O. 467, March 5,185...
-2 Q 0 THE LEADER . [^ T o . 467 , March 5 , 1859 .
TttSIT THE CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT OF LAWRENCE HYAM , rSPERCHANT CLO'THIERAND MANUFACTUREIt , CITY—36 , Graceclrurch-street , ' . ] LONDON . TVEST—189 and 190 , Tottenham-court-roaa , j In the READY-MADE DEPARTMENT * sucb . an ^ immense assortment of MEN'S , 1 BOYS \ . and YOTSTHS ^ CLOTHING , consisting of ; garments of the most no ^ l , durable , and elegant designs , can rarely . be seen .. The Public will effect a great saving , tlurprices being baseman the most economical principles , cotffiistent witn sterling no ^ W ^ ffiSteMBNO- ^ tbto -can exceed the variety and novelty of design in this < depaitxncnt . For the approaPing spring and summer-season , such an immense assortment is now being manufactured , as -to exceed all L . HYA 3 I'S former efforts , both m variety and in style . The prices , as usual , are framed upon the most economical scale , abd the choice of style and pattern is so extensive , that they bare only to be seen to ensure unlversaJ ^^ hToRDERED DEPARTMENT contains a magnificent assortment of every novelty for the season . The Artistes , -who are celebrated for refined taste and style , are guarantees for a good fit . Economy is the leading ' feature . . ^ LERi CAL and PROFIfSSIONAL MEN are specially 3 nvited , the Black and mixture cloths being of a JjAbl DYE . An ordered Suit of Black for Zl . 3 s . - . Also the celebrated SEVENTEEN SHILLING TROUSERS in great * E far marks every Garment in PLAIN FIGURES , from which no deviation , is made ; and no garment need be kept , when seen at home , if not satisfactory , but ; can be „ Exchanged within any reasonable time , if returned in . good condition . . . . . ; . ' . . ..-. ¦ ¦ : '¦
PUBLIC OPIMION AND PATRONAGE lave proved that the supply of the 45 s . Black Cloth Frock ^ SS ^ I ^ mSSBAED-STBEET .
THE SCOTCH CHEVIOT TWEED AND ANGOLA SUITS , At 47 s ., 503 ., 55 s ., 60 s ., and 63 s ., made to order from materials all Wool , and thoroughly shrunk , by B . BENJAMIN , Merchant and Family Tailor , 74 , Regent-street , " W ., are better value than can be procured at any other house in ¦ the kingdom . The Two Guinea Dress and Frock Coats , the . Juinea jiress Trousers , and the Half-Guinea Waistcoats . N . B .- ^ -A Perfect Fit guaranteed . ' .
' . ' .. " ¦ ¦ ' : " : ¦ ' ¦/¦ ¦ . . AIXA * '¦ ¦¦ ¦'¦ : ; ¦ ¦' ¦ LADIES' JACKETS Of this novel design , in superfine « 10 th , beautifully embroidered , at one guinea ; or in velvet at two and three guineas . . AIXA DRESSES , of glacS silk , of great richness and fceautyi three and a half and four and a half guineas . A I XA DRESSES , for mourning , of Paramatta cloth , trimmed crape , two and a half guineas . AIXA DRESSES , of shepherd check cashmeres at 21 s . ¦ , ¦ -very neat and pretty . ' - . . , ¦ ArXA DRESSES , of granite linseys , 33 s . < 3 d ., yery 'W & tnii ¦ ¦ The skirts are all lined ready for wear , and trimmed with the " Aixa'' ornaments . Illustrations and patterns , with ' Instructions for measurement ,, free by post . THOMAS FORD ( late Doreyj , Mourning Warehouse , 42 , Oxford-street , Lop don .
MAPPIN'S DRESSING CASES AND TRAVELLING BAGS . TSfAPPIN BROTHERS , Manufacturers by Special Appointment to the < Jueen , ai-e tlie only Sheffield Makers Svho supply the consumer in Londoii . Their London Show Rooms , 67 and 68 , KING WILLIAM STREET , London Bridgei contain by far the largest stock of DRESSING CASES , and -Ladies' and Gentlemen ' s TRAVELLING , BA , GS in the "World , each -article'being manufactured under their own . superintendence . MAPPIN'S Guinea . DRESSING CASE , for Gentlemen . MAPPIN'S Two Quinea DRESSING CASE , in solid Leather . Ladles TRAVELLING and DRESSING BAGS , from 2 ? ., 120 . to 1001 . quch . Gontlomon ' s do , do ., from 3 ?; 12 s . to 80 ? . Messrs . MAPPIN invite Inspection of their extensive Stock , which is complete with every variety of style and Price , A costly Book of Engravings , with Prices attached , for-¦ wardud by post on receipt of 12 stamps . 3 IAPPIN BROTHERS , . 07 apd 08 , KTNG WILLIAM STREET , CITY , LONDON . Manufactory—Quoen ' s Cutlery Works , Shofflold . MAPPIN'S "SHILLING" RAZORS . . Warranted Good Ijy tho makors . Shavo wpll for Twelve months without Grinding . , arAlM'IN'S 2 a . RAZORS ahavo woU for Throe Years . MAPPIN'S 3 a . RAZORS ( suitable for Hard or Soft Beards ) nhavo woll for Ton Years . MAl'MN lMiOTFIKRS , Quoon's Cutlory Works , Shofflold ? . and 07 , Kljig William-street , City , London ; where tho . largest Stock pf Cutlory in tho World is kept .
TjlRENCH SPIRAL , ELASTIC STQOKINQS , X' Knoo-papH , Socles , Bolts , «& o ., aa manufactured by SPARK . S and HON . « ru allowed by tho leading mombora of tho siiJ'ffioal proft'Sfllon to bo tlio only artlolos ovor invented fop gtvlnK' onuul and norfect support in all oases to which thoy aro niipliocl , uuu aro oepooially rccommondod to all jpoj'aouH Hiilibring fl'om varicose or oiilarg'od veins , for rhou-« aatlo-anil dropHlcnl allVioMons ; » and also fbrroUovlngwoak-. ness of tho HiuIih , & o , —Printod dlrootlons for moasuromonts with full partlouliu'B 11 nil prloos , sont post froo . —Address , SPAKKS and HON , TrusB and Patona Surgioal Bandago AlakovB , M , CoiHlult-fltri'Ot , llogont-stroot , London .
• CWX HAIB RESTORED to its NATURAL 2 r * OOLoyil , —Noiiral ( irla , NorvouB Hoadaoho , Rhouma"Wsjin , and HtW , laU ) tn curort by F . M . hHrHING'S , PA * WN'K MAQNiflTia BRUSHJflS . lOs . and JOs . ' . ; OOJJIBS , *?« < JM ' to , « i »« . pvoy hair and Baldness i »« hvhntbi > hy ' W-M M . ' s I ' atont I ' rWouMvo Brueli . Prloo , > 4 s . and fis . yffwt } , Hi . ninninffhiiU-stiTOot , London , wlioro may bo had , taram , tho lllHBtratOclpamphlot , "Why Ilalr bocomosGroy , mid its Romody . • Sold by all Qhwujflts awd fovfuraore of . jrojpvite .
• x * f » itioNS- ..- ¦ The past holtaayaihafre affloafed us a further proof of the fact that we a * eto * ta « ge-6 ffExhibitions . More than ever is our attention drawn to collections of art , science , and inventive sKSl , which at once delight / interest , and edify the mind . fflYAM ;& CO- flatter themselves that the Public wittsnofc be disappointed on making Jnspection ^ i their niagittteent Stock of Cltithingv now on Vifl ^ antlSal e at 86 /^ f 6 r 4-street , Westi « ISnd j . 24 New-stieet ^ Birmingham t-and 42 Btfggate , Leeffiu . 7 XTERIOR COATS . HYJSSl & CbiS * novel , fashionable , becoming , aildbvrellmade Overcoatstand Capesaire , in afll essential respects , tne leadingLgawmBirts of the season . Price 20 s ., 30 a ., and 40 s . 'XTEIfSIVE STOCK OF DEMI-COATS . _ All the newest and most approved Designs in Gentlemen . s Undress Jackets are now displayed at HYAM and CO . s Establishments . Price 15 s . 6 d . to 31 a . 6 d . 'XACT FIT IN SUITS COMPLETE , at 38 s ., 48 s ; , and 63 s ., are all that can be desired In material , style , and make . ' . ; 'XTRAQUALITY IN CON JOINT GARMENTS . HYAM & GO . S' true-nttfng ^ TrouBers and Vests , at It ., Guinea Coat and Vest , a nd Whole Suits at 3 Ss ., are highly excellent in material and durable in make . . 'XPENSE SAVED IN ALL ATTIRE . Try AM & CO . S' Clothing , whether ready-znade or made to order , including Dress of everydescription for Gentlemen , Children , Boys , and Youths , Ladies' Habits , and Servants' Liveries , is the most economical ever offered to public notice . , - : . : 'XAMINE THIS . HYAM & CO . are connected only with the following Houses : — - LONDON—86 , OXFORD STREET , WEST END . BIRMINGHAM—23 and 24 , NEW STREET . LEEDS- ^ 42 , BRIGGATE . ' ¦ . .
TRIESEMAR . Protected by Royal Letters Patent of England , and secured by the seals of the Ecole de Pharmacie de Paris , and the imperial Cbllege . of Mediteine , Vienna . Triesemar , No . 1 , is a remedy fpr relakation , spermatorrhoaa , and exhaustion of the system . Triesemar , - No . 2 , effectually , in the short space of three-days , coniple . tely and entirely eradicates : all traces of those disorders which capsules have so long been thought an antidote for , to the ruin of the health of a vast portion of the population . Triesemarj No . 3 i _ is the great Continental remedy for that / class of disorders which unfortunately , the English physician treats with mercury , to thb inevitable destruction of the patient ' s constitution , and which all the sarsaparilla in the world cannot remove . Triesemar , Nos . -1 , 2 , and 3 , are alike devoid of taste or smell , and of all nauseating qualities . They may lie on the toilet table-without their use being suspected . —Sold in tin cases , price 11 s ., free by post Is . 8 d . extra to any part of the Uhitea Kingdom , or four cases in one for 33 s ., by post , 3 s . 2 d . extra , which saves Us . ; and in 51 . cases , whereby , thereis a saving of . 11 . 12 s . ; dividedinto separate doses , as administered by Valpeau , Lallcmand , Rbux , & c . Sold by D . Church , 78 , Gracechurch-street ; Bartlett Hoopqr , 4 S , ICing Wilham ^ street ; G . F . Watts , 17 , Strand ; Prout , 229 , Strand ; Hannay , 63 , Oxford-street ; Sanger , 103 , Oxfordstreet , London ; R . 'H . Inghani , Market-street , Manchester ; and Powell , IS , Westmoreland-street , Dublin ..
KNOW THYSELF . MARIE GOtfPELLE continues her vivid and interesting delineations of character from an examination of the handwritings of individuals , in a style . never before attempted in England . Persons desirous or knowing'their own characteristics , or those of any friend , must enclose , a specimen ol thfeir writing , stating sex and age , with fourteen penny postage stamps , to Miss Coupello , 69 , Castle-street , Ncwmanstreot , London , and they \ vill-receiyo Pcr rctarn a full detail of the gifts , defectsv talents , tastes affectlpns , & c , of tho writer , wltlx many other things calculated to bo usoful through life . —From F . N .. — *« I consider your skill surprising . " p . S . — " YOur desoriptioh of her character is romarkably correct . " H , W .-77 " Your sketch of my cliaraotor is-marvellously correct . " Miss F . — " Mamma says the character you sent mo is a true one . " W . N , — " You have described hiifk very acourqtety , * ' .
ECLECTIC MEDICAL INSTITUTE . And PRIVATE BATH ESTABLISHMENT , 105 , Great Russell-street , Bloomsbury , W . O . —Simplo und Medicated VAPOUR , GALVANIC , and ELECTEO-0 HBMI 0 AL BATHS ; on improved prinoiplcs . For tl » o oxtraotibn of Lead , Mercury , and other Minornla from tho body , and for the euro of Nervous , DJabotio , Paralytic , Cutaneous ; IIoptitlo , Spinotl , Rhoumatio Gout , and other diseases . ' MedloalSuporintpndcnt—JOHN SKEL , TON , Esq ., M . D ., M . R . O . S ., Eng . For terms , & c , sco circular , sent frco upon receipt of address . ¦ ¦
RUPTURES .-BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE'S MOO-MAHST LEVTSE TEUSS is allowed by upwards of 800 Medical Qotitlomcn to , bo tho most effective invontlon in tho curative troatmond of Hernia . Tlio ueo of a fltcol spring ( so Uurti'ujl In its oHoots ) iH . hoi'O avoided , apoft Bandagebclnff - \ yqvi \ round tho body , while tho requisite roslatlng lj ' owor is supplied by tho Moo-Main Tad and Patonfc Lovor , iitting- wlUi po xnnoh enso and plosonofls that it cannot ; bo doteotod , nnd may bo worn during sloop A dosorlptivo circular may bo had ,- and tho Truss ( wjiloh oannot fail to lit ) forwardort by nowft , on tho oiro ' umf . oronoo of tho body , two inohes bolow t-Iio hip , bolng Hont to tho Man « faoturor , JOHN-WHITE , S 28 , 1 'iooadllly , London . . ' IMoo of n slnfflo trues , 10 s ., 21 b ., 20 s . 0 u ,, and 31 o . fld . --l ^ OHtllgO lH . Douhlo Truss , 31 s . 0 d ., 48 fl ., and 62 s . fld . ^ -Pofitac-o Is . 8 d ; Umbilical TrusH , 42 a . and 52 n . ( Jd . —PostnirplH . fod . Post-odlco ordors to bo made payable to JOW 8 WHITE , Post-oflilco , Piooadilly , ELASTIC STOCKINGS , IOTEE-OAPS , & c , % & a y AJi W 9 &}^ V $ T & ' > ld ftU . onwu ' . of WJDAKN 1 QS 8 ami SWMLL 1 NG of tho LlflOS , SPRAINS , & o . 'X'hoy aro porone , liffht in toxturo , and inoxpoaetvo , and uro drawn on lll « o tin ordinary stocking ,
-OIL OF HORSE CHESTNUTS . This recently discovered remedy for GOUT , Rheumatism Lumbago , > 5 Senral | ia , Toothache ; & c , applied externallv aUayB ^ e-p ain an d quickly cures the worst cases . FreK proora daily of its wonderful efficacy , -res In bottles , 2 b . 6 d . and 4 s . 6 d ., by post on receipt of stamna Prdpated Only * v REW and CO , operative efcmfefefi !» Regent-street . City agents , BUTLER and HARDINr ? . Cheapside . ' - "• *
ABERNETHY'S PILL FOR THE NERVES AND MUSCLES . fcS INVALIDS wh 0 suffer fi-om Lowness of Spirits , Want of Sleep ; Loss of Appetite , and Bilious Attacks , will hail thf * medicine as a . great blessing . It acts by plirifyhxr the blood , and by restoring the stomach , liver , and b owels to their healthy state , and thus eradicates melancholy weak ness of limbs , & c . The smallest sized box will be auite sufficient to convince any invalid of the extraordinarv virtues of these pills . Price Is ; l _ d . ; 2 s . 9 d ., and 4 s . 6 d a box . Agents- ^ Barclay , 95 , Famngdon-street , and Hannav 63 ; Oxford-street . Any medicine vendor will procure them '
NERVOUSNESS EPILEPSY . MIND . and HEAD COMPLAINTS , INDIGESTION , DYS PEPSIA , & c ., their Causes and Cure . —AN ESSAY the result of a long and extended practice in . the treatment of nervous maladies , head affections , indigestion , relaxation debility , & c , and intended as a source of easy reference for the non-professional reader ^ By A PHYSICIAN . Few diseases are more prevalent , less understood , and consequently more erroneously treated , than the aidve , to which , thousands of invalids , whose prolonged sufferings have been an enigma to their friends , trace their position ; whilein most cases the immediate cause , of those-complaints remains unknown to them , and any treatment , in the absence of this knowledge , becomes uncertain , often fruitless-Where ordinary resources prove abortive , the use of the m croscope is not un * requenily attended with the happiest results , the long-concealed pause of much misery being thereby brought to light , and a Correct and 1 generally successful mode of treatment at once indicated , The object of this work is to clear up some matters of vital importance that have hitherto remained obscure , and to point out tothe nervous . and hypochondriacal invalid the : means by which he may arrive at a state of health to which , in all probability , he has long been a stranger . The above will be sent post free on receipt of twelve postage stamps , by _ Mr . Kddoe , 4 , Hand-court , Hplborn , London .
SELF-CURE . —AlMERICAN TREATMENT . TO THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED , CHARLES WATSON * Member of the Reformed Medical College , U . S .. ; the Society of Medicine , Rouen ; the National Academy Of Sciences , ' Paris ; and Fellow and Honorary Vice-President of the Imperial African Institute of France ,. 27 . Alfred-place , Bedford ^ square , Londou . -contimK'S to issue , on receipt of six stamps , ' ^ . THE GUIDE TO SELF CURE . " ; ' " . ¦ Those about entering the Marriage State should peruse Dr . Watson ' s invaluable little work , as the . advice he gives on health and disease reflects much credit upon him as a sound medical philosopher . "—Critic . "The true Guide to those who desire a speedy and private cure . " — UniversityMagazine . For Qualifications vide " Diplomas" and me " London Medical Directory . " . ¦¦ '• ¦ '
AN ACT OF DEEP CRATITUDE . 5000 Copies of a Medical Book to be given nway-j !!—A Clergyman of the Church of Knffland , huvinff been cured of nervous debility , loss of memory , indipvstion , and other fearful symptoms , is earnestly desirous of imparting to his suffering fellow men the menus wlu-roby his restoration ww so mai-vellously effected . He will therefore send a book containing-allfhc liecesaary information on receipt of two Sonny stamps to prepay pontage , addressed , to jjthu K < iv . lu i . Traveks , M . A ., > ., Jforth Cumberland-place , Dnyawnter , Middlesex . . _
QALVANISbfi . Mr . WILLIAM II . ItALSK , tho Mpdlcal Gulvanist . of 1 , Addison-terraco , Kensiuftton , London ,. BolioltH Invniuis to send to him for his Pamphlet on " Medical Galvanism . ^ whlQh ho will forward poet freo on receipt ol Xwq 1 ostnffo Stamps . The beneficial effects of GnlynnlBin In ™*™ ™ l » aralysis , Lpss of Muscular Power in unv i > art , AsUini » Jmllgt'Stlon , and NorvouHnesS , arc moat wctrmm nnry when ' applied in a scipntiilo manner , and wllli ji " , l"lqt I " apparatus . Attendance from Ten to Two . o ' clock . Mr .. Halso ' s Galvanic Machines aro Ten GuinonB each .
BLEOTBICAL INPLUBNOE IN HEALTH AND DISEASE . Justpubliflhod , prloo la ., freo by I ? os t for fourtoon PtniTiPS , SECOHP LIFE : or ELECTRICAL ^ l \" VOUS FOROKift MKDICAL W () 1 IK In 1 oi « <»«¦ < J spoclal noruflal of nil who nro Hufl \; rlii «' Imj ^ nf ! " _ forms of NERVOUS and PHYSICALm '\ M ''* ' }> ? "'V ] r djstrossing ulterior consuquoncos to which Ihi'y »' " }' ,: "_ £ ¦ practical observations on ; tho prrcat ouruMvo ow 1 w MLECTRO-GALVANISM in tho qpTOntrnwit <> t » '' » '"^ orders , by infustnff tono and vigour In c-onslH ntloi « «• ' ^} or dobllltatod from various oiK'rvatlnff ( miuhi-hj , { " ' « ' "_ { with oaflos compiled from tho Nofe-book <> 1 n WB lsliIUW Modioal Practltlonor of i ! w'C ^// jycr / r « ' stimdlnu ' . 0 UnliKo many vaunted rosiorativos . 101 oc * rfi'Hy 1 S . ?"_ : which commends itflolC < o tho iikkIIooI iiwii 'w ' {« nocordant with tho pouncU'Bt toaohiiipH of I ' ' ) ' ™ ' •• . ) . ; i ut tho mostobvlouH Indication it iuIiiiiTh oi' jiiHim mIkhsu \ m tlio IQloutrloia and Nervous onorffivs aro li < •»• < '' . ; ' J fhat whon tho latter falls , tho formeroau tnko IIh ' * , " , Ihafc whon , from irremilai-ltloH 1 of nny M » H . J » [' , " , J ( , V eyHtom haa lionomu cftbllllatod , pnp'yHW ' i 0 I ,, , w n < Vini and the pntiont brought to a condllIhu II I u "lin V' ' s prostraHon , thon , by the notion of JOlw-trlPly ' ™ ierliiinty and eHloncy to modlcnl trontm * -nI . I' / '" , ' ,,,. la lnv | fiorat ( Hl , and hf « health pp-o » tnbll » 1 h « i to . ' Jj , »' almost warruntlnir tho aoHlffnntfon ofSM . ^ '''" J Mann , HO , ( JonihlU , and nil lUiokHolU'i'H ,
Wlion you ask iur CLENFBEI . D PATENT STARCH , S 1010 THAT YOU GET IT . As lni'urior kiiuln aro ofuni . » lll ) H "' l ko Sold by all Chamllors , Grooors , &«* , *»<>•
Leader (1850-1860), March 5, 1859, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_05031859/page/2/