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328 «ft* %t**tU tSATURDAY,
Cnmmmiui Iffrnm ^
FLOUR. Town-made per sack 40s. to 43s. S...
AVERAGE PEICE OF SUGAR. The average pric...
BUTCHERS' MEAT. Newgate and Leadenhall.*...
Head of Cattle at Smithfield. Friday. Mo...
PROVISIONS. Butter—Best Fresh, 13s. 6d.t...
HAY AND STRAW. ( Per load of 36 Trusses....
FOREIGN FUNDS. (Last Official Quotation ...
i ] < ¦ ] j t ' J ' ' J: * " | ' •' * ' ...
SHARISS. Last Official Quotation for the...
CORN EXCIIAN(iK Makk-UNK, Friday, April ...
<JKAIN. Murk-lftiie, March 2H. K 1 Wheat...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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328 «Ft* %T**Tu Tsaturday,
328 « ft * % t ** tU tSATURDAY ,
Cnmmmiui Iffrnm ^
Cnmmmiui Iffrnm ^
Money Market And City Intelligence. Frid...
MONEY MARKET AND CITY INTELLIGENCE . Friday . The English Stock Market opened rather dull on Monday , but has improved a little since then . The closing price of Consols , that day , was 96 | to 964 . Next day they rose an eighth , the market being rather firmer . On Wednesday little business was done , but prices were maintained . Yesterday another advance of i took place . Consols opened at 96 £ to 96 jj , and left off at 96 | to 96 $ . This morning they opened at the same price . The fluctuations in stocks since last week have been very limited . Consols , 96 | to 961 ; Exchequer Bills , 51 s . to 56 s . premium . In the Foreign Stoek Market considerable speculation has been going on in Spanish Bonds . Yesterday Spanish . , M exican , and Peruvian severally experienced an improvement , particularly the former . Spanish Five per Cents , were done at 21 for money , and 21 , 21 | , and 21 £ for the account . Passive was 6 J and 6 ^ ; and the Three per Cents ., 394- The other quotations in the official list comprised—Danish Three per Cents ., 764 ex div . ; the Five per Cents ., 101 ; Ecuador , 3 J ; Grenada deferred , 4 J ; Mexican , for money , 334 ; for the account , 33 f and J ; Peruvian for account , 844 , 85 , 84 | , and 854 ex div . ; the deferred , 38 | and 39 £ ; Portuguese Four per Cents ., for money , 36 , 36 j , and 35 |; for the account , 35 | and 36 ; the small , 36 |; Russian Four-and-a-Half per Cents ., 984 , 98 * , and f ; Dutch Twoand-a-Half per Cents ., 58 |; and the Four per Cents ., 894 and 90 ex div .
General Average Pbice Of Grain. Weekendi...
GENERAL AVERAGE PBICE OF GRAIN . Weekending March 27 . Imperial General Weekly Average . Wheat 38 s . Od . jRye 28 s . 5 d . Barley . * 23 7 1 Beans 25 ] Oats ... 16 7 | Peas 24 6 Aggregate Average of the Six Weeks . Wheat ! . 37 s . 2 d . I Bye 23 s . 8 d . Barley 28 11 f Beans 25 6 Oats 16 3 [ Peas 26 3
Flour. Town-Made Per Sack 40s. To 43s. S...
FLOUR . Town-made per sack 40 s . to 43 s . Seconds •» ~ *" Essex and Suffolk , on board ship ¦?* — «* Norfolk and Stockton « " ~ % i American per barrel 21 — ji Canadian 2 } , ~ 26 Wheaten Bread , 7 d . the 41 b . loaf . Households , ojd .
Average Peice Of Sugar. The Average Pric...
AVERAGE PEICE OF SUGAR . The average price of Brown or Muscovado Sngar , computed from the returns made in the week ending the 18 th day ol March , 1851 , is 27 s . L } d . per cwt .
Butchers' Meat. Newgate And Leadenhall.*...
BUTCHERS' MEAT . Newgate and Leadenhall . * Smithfibld . * s . d . s . d . s . d . s . d . Beef 2 2 to 3 4 2 4 to 3 6 Mutton ; 2 6-3 10 3 4-4 6 Veal 3 0 — 4 0 3 0 — 4 0 Pork . ¦; ::.... 2 e - 310 3 0 - 310 To sink the effal , per 81 b .
Head Of Cattle At Smithfield. Friday. Mo...
Head of Cattle at Smithfield . Friday . Monday . Sp :::::::::::::::::::::: » S :::::::::::::::: 2 o 18 | Calves 226 •** Pigs 320 346
British Funds For The Past Week. (Closin...
BRITISH FUNDS FOR THE PAST WEEK . ( Closing Prices . ) Satur . Mond . Tues . ifFedn . Thurs . Frid . Bank Stock .... 216 S per Ct . Red .. 3 p . C . Con . Ans . 96 f 961 ^ h 9 S | 96 | 3 p . C . An . 1726 . 3 p . Ct . Con ., Ac . 965 96 ^ 964 ^ 3 : 5 { p . Cent . An . 97 | New 5 per Cts . —— Long Ans ., 1860 . ~ S i Ind . St . 10 ip . ct . Ditto Bonds .. . > 7 p 63 p 61 p 63 p 53 p Ex . Bills , 1 O 0 OZ . 51 p 54 p 53 p 55 p 53 p Ditto , 5 . HU ... 54 p 55 p Ditto , Smal ' - 54 p 54 p j : i _ I l _ P . 57 p
Provisions. Butter—Best Fresh, 13s. 6d.T...
PROVISIONS . Butter—Best Fresh , 13 s . 6 d . to 14 s . per doz . Carlow , £ 1 6 s . to £ 4 10 s . per cwt . Bacon , Irish per cwt . 49 a . to o | s . Cheese , Cheshire \* ~ X , Derby , Plain ** ~ ° \ Hams , York 56 — 6 d Eggs , French , per 120 , 4 s . 9 d . to 5 s . 6 d .
Hay And Straw. ( Per Load Of 36 Trusses....
HAY AND STRAW . ( Per load of 36 Trusses . " ) Cumberland . Smithfield . Whitechapel . Hay . Good .... 75 s . to 84 s 75 s . to 77 s 68 s . to 75 s Inferior .. 58 -66 .... 50 —60 .... 60 —6 b New 0 — 0 .... 0 — 0 ••¦• 0—0 Clover 78-84 .... 78-80 .... 78 .-80 Wheat Straw .. 27 —30 .... 21 —27 .... 21 —27
Foreign Funds. (Last Official Quotation ...
FOREIGN FUNDS . ( Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Thursday livening' . ) Austrian 5 per Cents . — Mexican 5 per Ct . Ace . 33 £ Belgian Bds ., 4 £ p . Ct . — Small .. .. — Brazilian 5 per Cents . — Neapolitan 5 per Cents . — Buenos Ayres 6 p . Cts . — Peruvian 4 ^ per Cents . — i Chilian . ! per Cents . .. — Portuguese 5 per Cent . — Danish 5 perCents . .. 101 4 per Ct » . 35 ;| Dutch 2 A per Cents ... 58 J ? Annuities — ] -4 per Cents . .. DO Russian , 1822 , 4 . J p . Cts . <) 8 § Ecuador Hondo .. HJ Span . Actives , 5 p . Cts . 21 jj < French 5 p . C . An . atParis ita . 'JO ¦ Passive .. CA 3 p . Cts ., Apr . 3 , 57 . 2 > Deferred .. —
I ] < ¦ ] J T ' J ' ' J: * " | ' •' * ' ...
¦ : | | 1 'EOM THE LONDON GAZETTE . Friday , March 28 . Bankrupts . —A . CoLYER . jun ., Dover , jeweller , to surrender April 1 Mayl ; solicitor , Mr . Harris , Moorgate-street ; oihcial ass gnee , Mr . Johnson , Basinghall-street — G . Garnham , Rou-ham , Suffolk , farmer , April 11 , May 9 ; solicitors , Mr . Hensman . Basing-lane , Bow-lane , Ch .-apside ; and Messrs . Wayman anJ Co ., Bury St . Edmund ' s ; official assignee , Mr . Carman , Birchin-lane , Comhill—H . Mkdworth , Wisbech St . Peter , Cambridgeshire , grocer , April 5 , May 9 ; solicitors , Messrs . Abbott , Jenkins , and Abbot , New-inn , Strand ; and Mr . Watson Wisbech ; official assignee , Mr . Cannan , Birchm-lane , CornhnI — W . M'DinvALL , Little Queen-street , Lincoln ' s-inn-delds , printer , April 5 , May 9 ; solicitor , Mr . Kdmunds , South-s ( juare , liniytiiim- ofliciiilassiifnee , Mr . Wliitnioic , Basinffiiall-street-lt . Vima , Brighton , wine ' merchant , April 1 4 , May 10 ; solicitors , Messrs . Bridger uiid Collins , King William-street ; official assignee , Mr . I ' eniifll , ( Juildhall-chambers , Businghull-street — S . T . Jay , Badley , Sullolk , inilh-r , April 'J , May 'J ; solicitors , Messrj . Triuder and lOyrc , John-street , Bedford-row ; and Mr . Archer , towmarktit ; ollicial assignee , Mr . Stansfeld—J . Gl . Asrooi ,, Hegent-street , ladies' bootmaker , April 8 , May t »; solicitors , Messrs . A'Heckctt and Syinpson , Golden-square ; ollicial assignee , Mr . Groom , Abi : hun : h-lane . Lombard-street—II . O . MILLING , Cheapside , KilveiKinitli , April 7 , Muy 12 ; solicitor , Mr . l ' eddell , Cheapside ; dflicial assignee , Mr . Kdwardn , Sambrook-court , Bayingliidl-stri-et — K . Jackson , Selby , Yorkeihire , tanner , April 14 , May 5 ; solicitors , Mr . Wedal .-, Selby ; and Messrs . Bond and Harwich . Leeds ; ollicial aKsignee , Mr . Hope , Leeds—1 ' uwi . i . Hl . AM ) , South Tawton , Devonshire , dealer in Heeds , April If ) , May «; Holicitors , Mr . Kulford , North Tawton , Mr . Tanner Creditor ! , mid Mr . Stogdon , Kxeter ; oihcial assignee , Mr Ilirtzol Kxeter—W . G . Williams . Carnarvon , woollendraper . April 10 , Mayl . >; H . ilicitor , Mr . Williams , Liverpool ; tlicial iissignre , Mr . liird , Liverpool- 8 . AkmhtkoNU . Bolt . on--Moois , l ,: iiic ,: tsliire , f , 'lass deiik-r . April M ami ~! H ; sollcilor , Mr Maryland , 1 !<) lt . > n-le-Moois ; ollic . ial aHaignee , Mr . I ' laser , Manchester—H . Mil . I . nil un < l A . Strkkt , Lanca-ter , buildcru , pril 7 mid ' M ; Holie . it . or , Air . lUackhurnL , I ' rcHton ; ollic . ial asuignee . Ml . Pott , AIancheHt < M-. Tuesday , April 1 . Mankiuii'TCY Annui . i . ki ) . —15 . Anolk , Moorliolds , liceiiHed victualler . Uankiuiits . —( J . T . MiNon , Mount-street , Lambeth , WeHtniiiHter-niad , lincudraper , to hurrtMider April 10 , May lf >; Holicitorn , Mchmm . Huir and Grilible , Lombard-MtriMit ; ofllciul assignee , . Mr . Bell , Coleman-Htieet-builtliiigH 1 . I ' . Coi . ic , llumptou-coiirt , licensed victualler , April 10 , Muy l . >; HolicitoiH , essrs . Wild , HeeH , und lluui |) hry , College-hill ; ollicial UHHlgimo , Mr . Johnson , BaHinghall-st . rcet—K . 11 Aim ATT and J . . ANO , Iliiiitiiigdon und ( Jodniiiuclierfter , buildet-H , April lf > , May ' Zi ; HolicitoiH , Me . HBiH . Hewell , l ' 'ox , und Smvell . Old Broud-Htreet , and Mr . lliiunybiiii , Huntingdon ; ofHcial asHi ^ nee , Mr . JohiiHOu , Haaiiiglmll-Htreet — , Mchhi'h . Noitih , Allen , mid Simpvon , licd /' oidrow , und Mr . Wort-hip . Great Yarmouth ; oflic . ial assignee , Mr . Groom , Abc . hnrch-lune , Loinburd-Htre < : l—T . L . Clayton , l'ottes--ov « , near Woburn , HcdforHhiro , milkman , April It , Miiy !); Holicitor , Mr . < : <> hb , Downhnin-ioad , Lower-Hlroet ; olllciu ) HHHiguee , Mr . ( iiuliiiin . 1 . Bu nv , jun ., Hneinton , Not . tiii ^ h . iinnhiri * , ootton waste dealer , Aj > ril 11 . May it ; solicitor , Mr . Browne , Nottiiigliain ; ollicial UHHi ^ iieo , Mr . Itit < lintoii , Nottingham —11 . Davikh , now or late of Trcde ^ nr , MonmoutliHliiro , diupor , |) iil l . > , Miiy 13 ; Holicitor , Mr . Hit van , Bristol ; official ufttigiice , r . llutton . ilriutol —K . TnoilN'luN , H nd . leihtleld , iroimioiiger , April 11 , Muy UJ ; soliciloiH , Meb « rn . Ki ^ nion and . Ioiich , llud-IciHlleld , and Moshih . Ilond and Marwick , Lends ; oltle . ial f » Mgnee , Mr . Kniemun , Le «; dH—I . und , 1 . K . Duwihiuht , Hkipton , (« k » hire , coltoiiHpiiuniiH , April If ) , A 1 uy f >; uolicitorn , Mr . lirown , > Ski | i (< in , and Mcbhi'H . ISoml uinl Itutwick , Luedn ; ofllciul iguce , Mr . Hope , Leedb .
Shariss. Last Official Quotation For The...
SHARISS . Last Official Quotation for the Week ending- Thursday Evening . ] Railways . Hanks . j Aberdeen .. .. l- > Australian .. .. — "Bristol and Exeter .. Ml 4 British North American — Caledonian .. -- 1 ^ 4 Colonial — t Eastern Counties .. 7 £ Commercial of London .. ~' . > ' Edinburgh and ( Jlasgow ' M \ London and Westminster 127 . j J tireat Northern .. .. 17 !; Lontlon Joint Stock .. 17 . ' , ' Great S . & \ V . ( Ireland ) 4 . 5 National of Iivland .. — ' Great Western .. ¦ B 7 i ! National Provinci . il .. — J I , ancii 8 hire and Yorkf . hir « 5 S ;; Provincial of Ireland .. — * Lancaster and Carlisle 80 Union of Australia .. . " ( 5 " Lond ., Brighton , & S . Coast Of ) , } Union of London .. 12 ^ London and Blackwall .. 8 J Minkb . ' London and N .- \ V « : « tern 1284 Bolanos — •' Midland CI 4 Uraziliau Imperial .. — * North British .. -. 10 Ditto , St . John del Key 15 . } ' 8 outh-Ku « tern and Dover 27 Cobre Copper .. .. — * South-Western .. .. H 7 Mikcki . i . anhimjs . " York , NevvcaH ., He Berwick 21 !; AtiKtraliuii Agricultural — " York and North Midland 2 ti $ Canada — ' Dooks . ( » wii « rul Steam .. .. X ! N A F . attt and Wont India .. — l ' eniim . & Oriental Steam I 1 . { ^ London .. .. .. — Koyal Mail Steam .. 1 H A Ht . Katharine ) .. .. — South Australian .. — a S J o le A
Corn Exciian(Ik Makk-Unk, Friday, April ...
CORN EXCIIAN ( iK Makk-UNK , Friday , April 4 . —Supplies of all grain v . moderate . Whfat firm at Monday ' H ruton . Uarlcy and Oats , Gil . per quarter dearer . Uoann and IVhh without " alteration . At . the ; country markets held during ll »« ' a ' week the | iric ( Hof all grain were linn , with , in Home \ - \ cuhck , an advance of 1 m . on fine Ht . Malting Jjarley . IV ArrivalH from March 31 to April 4 : — "j Finglinh . Irish . Foreign , iv ¦ Wheat .. .- 2 . i-10 7 » . 'K > hi Uarley .. .. tlH ' M ) 1 SWO •» ; Oats .. . 1 .. 1270 201 ) 0 ( S / tfO , <' Flour .. .. 3310 - ¦ - 1 K 70 * , _ - ( j l M lii C
<Jkain. Murk-Lftiie, March 2h. K 1 Wheat...
< JKAIN . Murk-lftiie , March 2 H . K Wheat It . Now iU ' , H . to ' Mh . Mapl « 2 Hn . to : t ()« . „> Fine .. .. : ? H —40 Wl . iUi ' M — 2 (> n <) 1 , | M JIH BoilerH HO — 2 K N White ... ; . K —40 D .-UKH , TickH . .. 23 —24 . 1 ) J . - in ,, . \> _ 41 Old ~< l - ¦ ~ ~ ~ t A Superior Ni-w 4 U — 48 Indian Corn 2 H — ' M ) M Hy ,- -M — -a . " * Oatu , 1 'Ved 17 — IN A Hurley 20 —21 l'ii ><> IH — iy < ' < MuIUiik 2 f > —28 Poland I ' - — i- 'O hi Mult , Oi"d 4 H 50 Kin" SM ~» l V Kiur : >() — It ' -i J ' otut IK — Jl * | i Pouu . Iloif yi —20 line .... l'J —20 law lfi A M ¦ Ji V idw
Her Majesty's Theatre Grand Extra. Night.
XL la rerpcctiuiijr a , » jlu ^ u . ^ uAua Aixvjr xl 1 will take place on THURSDAY NEXT , April 10 , uniting the talents of Mde . FIORENTINI and Mde . CAROLINE DUPREZ Siznori CALZOLARI , LORENZO , F . LABLACHE , and M ' POULTIER . Mile . CARLOTTA GRISI , Mile . PETIT STEPHAN , Miles . TEDERCHI , AUSSANDON , JULIEN , LAMOR 1 SUX , DANTOINE , and Mile . AM ALIA FERRARIS MM . GOSSELIN , EHRICK , and CHARLES . Application for Boxes , Stalls , and Tickets to be made at the
KOYAJ , ITALIAN OFEKA , COVENT-GAEDEN . —THis Evening ( Saturday ) , Aprils , Avill be performed Rossini ' s Grand Opera , SEMIKAMIDE . Semiramide , Mde . Grisi ; Arsace , Mdlle . Angri ; Oroe , Signor Tagliaflco ; Idreno , SignorLuigiMei ; and Assur , Signor Salvatori . Composer , Director of the Music , and Conductor—M . Costa . The doors will be opened at half-past Seven , and the performance will commence at Eight o ' clock precisely . Boxes and stalls may be engaged , and full particulars obtained , at the Boxoffice of the Theatre ; and of the Musicsellers and Librarians .
Leader (1850-1860), April 5, 1851, page 20, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_05041851/page/20/