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^^^^^^^^^mBB^m^^^^^ of our spiritual nat...
. i ,." svt-*>utf u/ccis The City Commis...
T0L. IT. No. 189.1 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5,...
Mtm nf tk Wttk,
THE latest accounts from Turkey are comp...
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^^^^^^^^^Mbb^M^^^^^ Of Our Spiritual Nat...
^^^^^^^^^ mBB ^ m ^^^^^ of our spiritual nature , "— J & amboldfs Cotmos . ¦ . - . - _______ :
Content * .
. I ,." Svt-*>Utf U/Ccis The City Commis...
. i ,. " svt- *> utf u / ccis The City Commission .. ..... 1062 The Home Office and the " Saints" 1068 PORTFOLIONEWS OF THE WEEK- ^ tM ^ WdSI ^ Uenie ^ iCvesa : City . Proposal for Obsequies to _ Th « Haythorne Papert .-No . VII t , ait ,-+ » a ^ ^ tr > + tio well 1002 Prince Albert 1068 The Use of Anthropomorphism ... 1076 P Ma ? ors * £ ^ 9 . ^ ^ 1058 . iSYn ^' OM ^ ZZZZZ ^ Z iiS- . Russian Serfdom ..:.... 1069 3 ) SC & frrtS 3 Bdd"r . rr .. 1058 The " Dllhousie" Wreck .. - 1088 Iterance 1070 T ^ enm | of the Lyceum 1077 Close of the Dnblin Exhibition 1059 BoderE ^ on 1063 COUNCIL- Variorum . * . MW £ tSSSS ^ :: S ££ Si .:::::: 3 ::::::: S - warMM * ¦" 8 R — Letters from Paris ........ 1060 PUBLIC AFFAIRS- HoMChaS .. ' : T . "' :: 1071 Health of London during the Week 1077 SifSLtSwon - theT ^ kish Church Anarchy : Dismissal of Pro- Mr . Gough ^ dHumanity " ,. 1071 Births , Marriages , and Deaths 1077 Army 1081 lessor Maurice I 2 ™ LITERATURE— COMMERCIAL AFFAIRS—^^ E == zB ^ S ^^ EEEZ ia ^^ a :::::::::::: S tiSfc !!? -
T0l. It. No. 189.1 Saturday, November 5,...
T 0 L . IT . No . 189 . 1 SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 5 , 1853 . [ Price Sixpence .
Mtm Nf Tk Wttk,
Mtm nf tk Wttk ,
The Latest Accounts From Turkey Are Comp...
THE latest accounts from Turkey are complicated and unsatisfactory . War has broken out on the Danube , just as ren ' ewed negotiationswere attempted through Constantinople . It is a double story . It is now reported that in the last Note from St . Petersburg !) ., it was proposed that the dispute should be settled by direct negotiations between Prince Grortschakoffandthe G-overnment
of the Sultan ;—a proposal which appears to us , in its very nature , to convey an insult to the mediating Powers . That was , of course , declined ; but it led to the suggestion of a new Note by Prance and England ; which document received the sanction of Austria and Prussia , the acquiescence of Russia , and the adoption of the Porte . The Sultan had resolved upon an
extension of the annistice to the 1 st of November , in order to allow time for completing these new and hopeful negotiations . In the meanwhile , obeying his early instructions , and not having yot received a countermand , Omer Pacha , after the expiration of the armistice , crossed the Danube on the 27 th of October , with a force variously
stated between 20 , 000 and 30 , 000 men , a movement naturally leading to actual hostilities . Nor m that the only scene of conflict . A battle in Asia is reported , and it is clear that Ilussia has tough work cut out for her in the Caucasus . The Czar mi ght ovidontly bo reduced to reason , if the Western Powers were not clogged by Austria and Prussia , or by their own over-nice timidity .
No conflict which ifl proceeding between the ltuBBians and tho Turks , however momentous ] its ultimate consequences , can be half so important to the progress of civilization and tho welfare of mankind , aa that which is now ftwug on in our own country between education nnd anti-education , botwocn gonuinc enlightened tt'li tfion and dark anti - religious scctariauism . Whether we look to tho advances of education
a »« l Bcionco into the light of religion , or to tho " [• niggles of sectarian presumption to remain undiHturbod in bigotry , wo equally boo causes for RjitiNfiiction and hope . Tho Palmorston lottor on wo truo piety in poatiloneo-provonMon , has not ° » ly marked a distinct jura in tho progress of rcco KniBod opinion , but lias called forth an oxprcs-H 1 <> n of concurronco which could scarcely have won foreseen ; while tho attacks which it has provoked , have tho felicity of confirming tho
philosophy of the letter by the futility of their assault . The expulsion of Professor Maurice from King ' s College , for attempting to impart a more generous construction to the standards of the Church of England , is an acfc of aggression on the part of a certain " orthodox" sect within the Church , which will also do excellent service in promoting freedom of opinion . It is no
disparagement to the admirable discourse delivered by Dr . Lyon Playfair to the promoters of the People ' s College , at Sheffiel 3 , if we say , that that noble spectacle , of working men . assembled to meet a great practical instructor , in the endeavour to improve and promote the education of the people by immediate exertions of their own , is transcended in importance by these great struggles between sectarianism and religion .
If it had occurred alone , that meeting at Sheffield would have been sufficient to mark our day as one singularly blessed by the union of science and labour . It is not because the working promoters of the People ' s College arc content with a comparatively humble and practical view of education that tho union between science and labour is less expedited by them—but the reverse .
Mr . Cobdcn remarked , at Burnley , that the working classes of the United States , being better educated than our own , threaten us with a competition that would bo fatal to English trade . For our own part , wo fcol no rivalry with tho people of tho United States ; but while they possess such magnificent domains to conquer , offering such boundless fields for that industry which is
nobler than manufactures as they have hitherto been pursued—agriculture—we have no desire to boo an American factory-system extinguish tho industry and wealth of this country . It in not only tho prospect of competition with America that ought to incite our working-classes ; they are threatened with another rivalry , which , on the one Hand , they can have no hope of resisting , but which , on the other hand , they might
convert to their own use , in rendering their condition infinitely bettor than it is . A very rapid transition ifl going on from rude manual ' labour to machine labour intellectually directed . When railways suporaodod the common roads , many old stago-couchproprietors nnd carriers , many olditfnkooperfl , who stood upon the old wuyn , Haw their trallio depart from them , and they were ruined . Others of the mime cIjihb converted themselves into proprietors of railways , into camera upon railways or into koonc-rs of irina at railway
stations ; and those men have realized an amount of wealth unknown in their old occupations . Exactly the same alternative is now before the working-man— -either to become identified , like thehandloom weavers , with an expiring trade , or to become , like many a working engineer , capable of carrying on handiwork with a scientific insight and an intelligence to direct the machinery . But a clown cannot at once understand the language or conceive the ideas of science ; he must be
educated in the speech of reason , trained in the faculties of conception ; and it is that primary education which the People ' s College at Sheffield is enabling itself to introduce amongst the working classes . The necessity for doing so , tho method of doing it , the true spirit of disinterested and elevated love of knowledge for its own sake , were eloquently and practically explained by Dr . Playfair . With his assistance it is to bo hoped that tho People ' s Colloge at Sheffield will become a model for imitation in other great towns ; perhaps , also , after tho suggestion oi Farmer Martin , at Tarporley , in tho agricultural
counties . Some few of our readers , though certainly not all , may at first fail to apprehend why we regard as conducive to freedom of opinion the expulsion of Professor Maurice from King ' s College . He has been detected in publishing a book , written to show Unitarians that , however erroneous on particular points , they may still regard themselves as essentially belonging to tho Church of England . To us it appears that Professor Maurice was endeavouring to give the Church of England a character leas . exclusive- aa a sect , and more proper to a church claiming an apostolical Christianity and professing to be the Church of a nation . Wo believe indeed that Mr . Maurico is too far imbued with sectarian prejudices to concur in imparting a truly national character to his church—such a character as would render it tho open Church of the People of England ; bufc wo cannot , although we are- deeply conscious of
the sectarian timidities of the man , deny lijn intellect ^ abilities , or the generosity of tho attempt . It would seem , however , that tho Church of England , by its constituted authorities and its orthodox representatives , will not permit itself to be mado the Church of tho Pooplo of England . Tho highly orthodox Principal or King ' s College , with tho concurronco of his Council , has arrentod tho lectures of tho Profeasor , and 1 mb caused him to bo dismissed from lug chair
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 5, 1853, page 1, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_05111853/page/1/