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FOREIGN FUNDS. (Last Official Quotation ...
OLYMPIC THEATRE.— \ _/ Lessee and Manager, Mi. Alfred Wigan.
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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1078 The Leader. Tsatur^Ay,
Foreign Funds. (Last Official Quotation ...
FOREIGN FUNDS . ( Last Official Quotation during the " Week ending . Thuesdav Evening . ) Cuba Bonds 101 Russian 5 per Cents ., 1822 113 Equador Bonds ...:..... 5 g Sardinian Bonds , 5 per Ct . 93 J Grenada referred ............ 8 Spanish 3 per Cents 44 £ Mexican 3 per Ct . for Ace . Spanish 3 p . Ct .- New Del" . 21 £ November 28 :.... 26 g- Spanish Committee Cert . Peruvian Bonds , 4 } p . Ct . 72 * of Coup , not fun 5 Peruvian 3 per Cents ....... 5 o £ Venezuela 3 £ per Cents .... 33 Portuguese 4 per Cents .... 42 Austrian 5 per Cents . 9 ^ Portuguese 4 per Cents ., Belgian 4 £ per Cents . . 9-i . £ ex all over due coupons 3 SJ Dutch 4 per Cent . Certif . 05
Olympic Theatre.— \ _/ Lessee And Manager, Mi. Alfred Wigan.
OLYMPIC THEATRE . — \ _/ Lessee and Manager , Mi . Alfred Wigan .
On Monday , November 7 , and during the week , the new Extravaganza , called THE CAMP AT THE OLYMPIC , in which will appear Messrs . A . Wigan , Emery , F . Robson , Cooper , and Galli ; Mesdames A . Wigan , Stirling , P . Horton , Chattorly , E . Turner , and Wyndham . After which , an Original Drama , in Three Acts , called PLOT AND PASSION . Principal characters , Messrs . F . Robson , Emery , Leslie , Cooper , White , and A . Wigan ; Miss E . Turner and Mrs . Stirling . Box-oiSce open from Eleven to Four . Doors open at Seven , and commence at Half-past Seven . Stalls , 5 s . ; Boxes , 4 s . ; Pit , 2 s .: Gallery , Is .
HUNGARIAN PEOMENADE CONCERTS at the ROYAL MARIONETTE THEATRE , Adelaide-street , West Strand , Everv Evening , at Eight , introducing the performance of the renowned HUNGARIAN BAND , conducted by Ivalozdy . First appearance of Miss Julia Warmann ; Re-engagement of Herr Toyhmatfrre , who will perform nightly on the Hungarian national instrument , the Zitner Hongrois ; the Brothers l ) istin , the unrivalled performers on the Sax Horn . Vocalists—Miss J . Brougham arid Miss E . Brougham , Miss Josephine Braun , and Mrs . Theodore DLstin ; Mr . AVilliam Distin , Mr . Theodore Distin , and Mr . Henry Distin . Dress Stalls , 2 s . CJ . ; Lower Stalls , Is . 6 d . ; Balconies , Is . ; Private Boxes , ' £ 1 Is . Private Boxes and Stalls may be secured at Mitchell's , Andrews' , and Sams ' s Libraries . Afternoon Performance on Wednesday and Saturday , at Three o'clock .
X ITEKAItY and SCIENTIFIC INSTITUI J TION , John Street , Fitzroy Square . It is respectfully announced that an engagement has been m » de witli , those distinguished vocalists THE I 217 SSELL FAMILY , Nieces op Mr . IIenky Russell , the celebrated- Composer . The Misses Annette Russell , Maria Russell , and Charlotte Russell , assisted by Signer Onorati , Mr . George Pcrren , and "Mr . F . O . Williams , who will give their grand Musical Entertainment , consisting 1 of English , Scotch , , ami Italian . Song-s , Ducts , Trios , Glees , Ac ., on Monday Evening , Nov . 11 th , on which . occasion Miss Maria Russell will , for the first tin e , sing a New Songeomp wed expressly for her by IVIr . Hknky Russell , entitled " The JJillud Sinper . " Conductor , Mr . F . Osborne Williams . Kirkmon aud Son ' s Grand Fonda Pimioforte will be used on this occasion . Tickets : Hall , Is . ; Gallery , Is . Cd . ; Reserved Seats , 2 s . Gd . Members Half-price . All applications for Tickets or Places to be made to Mr . Goddard , -3 , John Street .
WEDNESDAYS and FllIDAYS , from Two till Five o'Cloolc , a part of Dr . KAIIN'S ANATOMICAL MUSEUM is open for Ladies only , when LECTURES will Ik"d .-live . v . l by Mra , 1 , KACH . On those days < : ) cntlenion will still In' admitted fiMin " Eleven till Two , and from Seven till Ton , while on other tlnys the Museum will be open for (/ jntlomt'ii only from K ! ovi ; ii till Five , and from Seven till Ten . Lectures by I ) .-. LKAOII . Admission , One S ' ailliiu ; . Portland Gallery , Ilegcnt-Street , oimosiku th j Polytechnic .
IflENDEUS , STOVJCS , and FmE-IROWS . lluverK of the : i 1 > ove arc HMjiK' ^ tcd , before ( liinlly deciding , to visit WILLIAM S . IHIRTON'S SHOW-ROOMS , Uil , Oxford-street , ( corner of Nownian-siivit , ) Nos . 1 and 2 , Newman-street , and Perry'H-iiliU'e . They suv tho largest in the world , and contain Hiu-h an n . ssi > rtmt ! iit of FENDERS , STOVES , RANGES , KIRKIRONS , and GENERAL HM ) NA 1 ON ( SERY , an cannot be approached elsewhere , cither for variety , novelty , beauty of design , or exquiKitt'iH'SK of vorkinuuHhip . Bright Stoves , with bronzed ornaments and two si- ' ts of lmr « , , C 2 Ms . to . L'fi l () s . ; ditto with ormolu ornaments mid two r , etn of barn , . Cf > 10 h , to , ljl 2 12 s . ; iiron / . ed Kondcn-s conifiUtte , with ulnuriurdH , from 7 * . to . C . 'l ; Steel JFcndcrH from jb 2 IGh . to . £ (!; ditto with rich ornioln ornaincnts , from -fc 2 15 h . to X 7 7 s . -, Five-irons , from Is . !> d . th « tiet to , ii \ Is . SylvcHtcr : u » l rill other I ' atont , Stoves , with radiating hearth plates . All which bo is enabled to well at theso vory reduced charges . First—From tho frequency and extent ; of his purchases ; and Secondly—From tbowo purchason being nuulo exoliwlvely lor cash .
DISTI OOVEliS AND IIOT-WATElt DISHES in every miitcrial , in great , yarioly , and of the newest and most rccbcrclx ' i patterns . Tin Dish Covers , (! h . tho wet of six ; Jllock Tin , 1 ' . Dd . to 27 s . 2 d . tho hc ! , of mx ; clegiint jnodern piittcrns , : i 2 s . . 'id . to f »/ H . ( id . tho m : l ; Hritannla Metal , ¦ witli or without . Hiiv (! r-j ) lat ( id linndlcs , 73 s . to llo . s . ( lil . ( hi ! set ; Hhellicld i datcil , X' 10 to . L'l (» l () . s . the «(•( , ; Block Tin Hot-water Dishes , with wells for gravy , IMs . to IDs . ; HriUmiiu Metal , ^() s . ti > 72 n . ; SlielUfhl plated , full si / . cp £ 9 l () s . WILLIAM S . BUItTON has TENT LARGE SHOW-ROOMS ( all communicating ) , exclusiveo ! " tho Short , dovotoit Kol <> ly to l . be hIiow of ( JKNKRAL KJIRNISIIING IRONMON ( JKRY ( including cutlery , nh-kol silver , plated , mid jaitanucd wuriw , Iron and brass iMxlultiudM ) , so m-raii | i : e < l and classified that purohaHcrs may catiily and at onco inako their selections . Catalogue * , with cngravingH , nont ()) c » r post . ) freo , The money returned for every article not approved of . U !> OXFOHD'STIiHKT ( ciinier of JVewinnn-HfrcH ); JVoh . 1 & 2 , NKWMAN-STUKUT ; and -I . ft . f » , I'KRRY'rt-PLACK .
( 1 A UT TO N . —T () THAI ) 10 S M K N , M E . 11-J CHANTS , HHII'l'KKS . OUTKrj'TKiW , Ac . WhereaH it ; hnw lately coiuii t <» my knowledge t hat hoiihi unprineiiiled pernon or pernoiiH have for lionm time vast , been imposing on Iho Public , by nelling to the I rune and othiirs a spurious arliclo under tho nanio of BOND'S PKKMANIONT JVIAKK 1 N « J INK , tbix is to givo notice , that I am tin ! Original and hoIo 1 ' roprlotor and Manufiicturer of tint « ai < l article , and do not cni ] ilov any traveller , or aiilhori / . c any purnon to ropivKimt tlii'innolvcs us ooming lVoin my CHtablluhmtiiitfor thc piu' )» o !!()() fiicllingth (! nai ( Hnk . ThiH caution in publlHhod by mo to prevent further iinpimition uixni the public , ami uurloiiH injury to inyKolt ; 10 . H . UO . NI ) , Holo ' cxocmtrlx and widow of tl » o latu Jolui Uoiul , 2 H , Long-lane , WchI BinithlloJcl , London .
TNDEPEIfDENT CHUUCH , GEAFTONX STREET , FITZROY-SQUARE . SUNDAY EVENING SERMONS ; or , the Story of Inquirer . By the Rev . THOMAS T . LYNCH . Nov . 6 th . —Inquirer begins Ids inquiries and is thought an infidel . . Nov . 13 th . —Inquirer ' s mistake and his perplexity . . Nov . 20 th . —Inquirer-lost and rescued . Nov . 27 th . —Inquirer resists a new temptation and makes progress . Service commences at Half-past Six .
SALE BY AUCTION OF BOBEETS "HOLY LAND . " SOUTHGrATE and BAEjRETT beg to announce that they have received instructions TO SELL BY AUCTION , at their Rooms , 22 , FLEET-STREET , London , DURING THE MONTH OF DECEMBER , the entire remaining Copies of " ROBERTS' HOLY LAND , EGYPT , NUBIA , SYRIA , IDUMEA , AND ARABIA . " The Work is complete in Forty Parts , and was published by Mr . Alderman MOON ( who has retired from business ) at Fortyone Guineas , under which price it has never yet been sold . The DRAWINGS , were made on the spot by DAVID ROBERTS , E . A ., and have been executed in the first style of Lithography by M . LOUIS HAGUE . They are accompanied by HISTORICAL and DESCRIPTIVE Letterpress , written by the Rev . Dr . CROLY . The ARTIST , ivliose fame has mainly resulted from pictures of this class , entered into the work with a deep and earnest love of his great theme . The subjects embrace every variety . Among the 250 Prints of which the Work is composed , are found Views of JERUSALEM , the HOLY SEPULCHRE , the MOUNT of OLIVES , BETHLEHEM , the SEA of TIBERIAS , LEBANON , TYRE , and other places of interest in the HOLY LAND ; of the RUINS of PETRA , MOUNT SINAI , & c , in IDUMEA ; and in EGYPT and ^ NUBIA , the reader is presented with the most faithful illustrations of their celebrated antiquities . The entire series form a work of rare attraction , not only in point of art , but affording also a rich fund of enjoyment and ins [ ruction to all who regard these snots as hallowed with the scenes and recollections of the past . The Artist has depicted the "EAST" as it is TO-DAY . These countries are becoming anew the centre of EUROPEAN interest and anxiety , from the position of the " Eastern Question , " andflie 'Work about to be . offered for sale comprises undoubtedly the best , and , indeed , the only , complete series of pictorial illustrations relating to tho . su localities which have ever been the subjects of . dispute , and even now threatento be the seat of war . SOUTHGATB and BARRETT beg also to call PARTICULAR ATTENTION to "• the ' circumstance , that the copies which , will be included in the forthcoming Sale will be the Last that can ever bo obtained , as the DivAWINGS from which these impressions have been taken will all be EFFACED FROM THE _ STONES in fhe ltooms , and During the I ' royrem of the Sale , thereby furnishing the onl /' sure guarantee that no inferior impressions can " ever , be issued , and securing to the purchasers at the sale the rarity and enhanced value of the present copies . It in also further announced , that an entire SET of this beautiful work is now ah view at the OFFICES of Messrs . DAY and SON , Lithographers to tha . Qu . ecn , 17 , GATE-STREET , LINCOLN'SINN-FIKLDS , LONDON ; and that a DESCRIPTIVE LIST of the PLATES ( whichwill give free Admission to visitors ) maybe obtained of SOUTHGAT'E and BARRETT , at thrir Temporary Auction-Rooms , 393 , STRAND , LONDON , who will be happy to furnish any further information that may be required . In conclusion , SOUTHGATE and BARRETT fool it , i duty to urge their friends and the . public not to lose tho present and ONLY opportunity of obtaining the above iniportant and interesting work iit a rodacud price . Catalogues of the Sale ( when ready ) will be forwarded by post , on tho receipt , of Six . Postage-stamps .
EC ) R I ) ' 8 E IT B E K A S III It T S . — 15 < 3 ni , Quality , Six for Forty Shillings ; Second Quality , Six for Thirty Shillings . Gentlemen desirous of obtaining Shirts in the very best manner in which they can be made , are solicited to try FORD'S EUllKKAS . " The most unique , and tho only perfect-titt ing shirt made . " — -Obmrnwr . Country residents purchasing- in any provincial town are requested to observe on the interior of the collar-band the Htarnp" Ford ' s Eureku Shirts , UN , Poultry , " ( without which none aro genuine . ) Agents arc now being appointed in all towns . Terms , & c , forwarded ou application . —RICHARD FORD , : ) H , Poultry London . Manufactory , HayVlanc , Tooley-ntrcet .
I 7 UJREKA . — PATTERNS of tho New _ J Coloured Shirtings in every variety of Colour , upwards of 2 ( M ) ilitlcient Ktyles for making FORD'S JKUREKA SIIlItTS , including wprigH , spott ) , stripes , Ac . & c , sent post free on receipt of Hix utainpM , price 27 h . the Half-dozen . —List of Prices and Mode of Self-ineasuromont neat post free . — RICHARD FORD , 3 H , Poultry , London , N . H . —Atrcnt . i ! aro now being appointed in all towns . Terms , & c , forwarded on application .
FIVE CHTIN . EAS . —Mr . WM . 11 . HALSE , iho Medical GalvnniHt , of 22 , Brunswick-square , London , Informs his friends that Ium FIVK GUINEA APPARATUSES : iro now ready .- Send two pontage stamps for his Pamphlet on Medical ( jalvanisin .
rilJOETII . —By Her Majesty ' s Itoyal Tetters JL . Patent .- Newly-invented and Patented application of ehemically-propared VVIIITK INDIA KUItltlOK in the eonsf . nu'tion of AKTIFKMAIi TIOK'i'll , ( Jinns , and Palalvs . Mr . EPIIRA 1 M . MOSIOLV , Surgeon-Dentist , ( 11 , ( JroHvciior-ntreot , ( irotivcnorn <| u : irc , Sole Inventor and Patentee . A new , original , and in-Valualile invention , : ill v-i > i- «>]> ili-o « 1 Whitii Iii < lia-rubbcr , and , i : s it in a non-conductor , fluid ' n of miy temp rnl . ure may with thorough ooimorl , be imbibe ! and retained in . Me mouth , all unpleasantness ol Hindi nmltiiHto being at the same time wholly provided aigaiin . t by the peculiar nature of its preparation . - -To be obtained ( II , LOWKJC ( JROHVRNOR-HTR 10 MT , LONDON . ' £ - > ., Uay-Hlrcot , Hath , Vi , Cirainijci-utroot , Nowcawtlc-on-TyiKj
8 ATINGS BANKS' DEPOSITOES aT , ^ other INVESTORS are informed that the ROYAL TNTnfW MEISTT SOCIETY is allowing Depositors 4 J to 5 percent inter f " on Deposits , which are all invested on real security ' l > v ti ¦ Society . No partnership liability . ; J ' ' llus . . . ' TBUSTEES . ' . ¦' "• ¦ The Right Hon . Lord Thomas T ? elhani CHiitori The Hon R . » . Howard , D . C . L . - * Erasmus Wilson , Esq ., F . R . S . Prospectuses free on application . 23 , Pall Mall . W . BRIDGES , Secretary
BA 1 ST K OF D E P O S I T 7 , St . Martin's-place , Trafalgar-square , London . ' ( Established May , 1844 . Parties desirous of Investing Money are requested to exirninn the Plan of this Institution , by which a high rate of Interest r , n be obtained with perfect Security . y The Interest is payable in Januatiy and Jcit , and for tbo convenience of parties residing at a distance , maybe received- !? the Branch Offices , ' or paid through Country Bankers withnnf expense . ' b PETER MORRISON " , Managing Director Prospectuses free on application .
miE METEOPOLITAJNT AND PROVIT ^ T X CIAL JOINT-STOCK BREWERY COMPANY . Capital , £ 200 , 000 , in 40 , 000 Shares of £ 5 each . ( With power to increase it to £ 1 , 000 , 000 . ) Calls , 10 s . per share , with Three Months' Notice . TRUSTEES . Alfred B . Baghott Watts , Esq . Edward Vansittart Neale , Esq . dieectors . John Francis Bontems , Esq . Edward Vansittart Neale , Es <] Charles Henry Edmands , Esq . William Holloway , Esq . Sydney Stevens , Esq . MAKAGEK . Mr . William Stevens . BAiJKEIiE- ' . Commercial Bank , Henrietta-street , Covent-gcruen . OFFICES . 13 , Upper Wellington-street , Strand , London . NOTICE is hereby given , that in accordance with the Resolution passed at the last General Meeting , a Dividend of Fivk pek ckxt . per annum is now pa \ 'able on the Shares of the Company . The dividerrll warrants inay be obtained on application r . t the Ofiices , between 10 and 4 o ' clock . In conformity with another Resolution passed at the same meeting , the Directors are prepared to issue bonds ibr sums of £ 1 and upwards , payable by instalments , and bearing interest at five per cent , per annum ; to bo repayable at stated periods , and convertible into Shares at the option of the holders . Shares can be obtained by applying at tlie Office as above . The Company's Unadulterated Ales , Porter , and Stout , 'supplied iii casks or bottles of imperial measure , from Die Stores , 13 , Upper Wcllingto ] B-st root , Strand , ' ¦ ¦ where' Lists of Pi ices and any other information respecting the Company can be had by application to the Manager .
TjmtE at the GUTTA PERCHA WOEKS . RESUMPTION OF BUSINESS . The OuttaPercha Company beg to inform their Customers uml the Public , that they have resumed the Manufacture of Tubing , Sheet , Soles , Round and Flat Bands , Chamber Vcs . -cls , Tall ) oty ); e Trays , Galvanic Batteries , Union Jointh , liosscs , Flasks , IUiUUk , Bowls , Curtain and Cornico RingH , & c . &< .: IVumcruus Fuiu'y Articles arc also in }> rogreris . Submarine and Subterranean Telegraph Wire insulated with Guttii Percba . Orders to be addressed , as previously , to the Gctta Vkkciix Companv , Patentjcjis , IH , Wharf-road , City-road , London .
DAVIES'S YELLOW SOAP , 38 s ., 44 s ., 4 Mh ., a ' nd 52 s ., per 112 lbs . ; Mottled , 64 s . ; Brown Windsor , In . and Is . 9 d . per packet ; White Windsor , In . 1 < I . ; Plain Wiml-Hor , » d . ; Honey , Is . 4 d . Sperm Oil , Hh . per g ; illon ; Argand o .-Vegetable , 4 s . ( id . ; l- ' rencli , In . Sperm Candles , 1 « . 7 ( 1 . and in . Hil . per 11 ) . ; Transparent Wax , Is . 10 d .: Jtout Wax , 2 k . 3 d . ; Jtrilinli , 1 h . fid . ; Uotanic , Js . Composite , Hi « l ., Did ., 1 <>< I-, ! 1 I 1 ( 1 ' . !'; Store CandlcH , 7 { A . ; MouldH , Hid . for Cash , at JVI . P . J ) AVlhh and SON'S Old-Kstablinhinl WarchouKC , 03 , St . Martin ' s liUiie , Charing Crons .
TEA I OULLINGHAM : AND COMPAWy . - ; Tho advnntagCH , both in quality "" tl price , to bo do . nvcii from ]) iirchaHing at a tlrst-cla . ss City Iiouhc must bo too api » urua to every one to need comment . We arc now soiling The very JJent Black Tea , at 4 s . 0 d . tho pound . Good Hound Congou ! Ih . 0 < l . „ Finest Pckoo ditto ! Ik . Hd . „ Fine ( Junpowdcr 4 h . Od . ^^ ( 'hoicc Coll ' co Ik . Od . »» Finest Houuropathic ! Cocoa Is . 0 d . „ ThiH iH tho most plenmmt and nutritioiiH preparation ol l- < "oi . For tlui convenience of our numerous eiiHl . onier . H , wo rotiiil u finest Went India and Kelinod Sugai ' H at market prices-. All goods delivered bv our own vaiiH , froo of ehiirffi ; , w " eight niilcH of London . ' Pih-coIh of Tea mid ColYw , <> l "" ' '' .. of Two 1 ' ouikIh Ktorling , aro ncnt , carriage frco , to any P '" - 1 England . CIJLLINGHAM AND COMPANY " , Tea-merehimlH and Dealer . , 27 , HK 1 NN 10 R-STRI 0 KT , SNOW-lMM ^ , <">•
A JUUVAL of tlii-s NMVt SKASON'tf TjJAXV Our FIRHT CONHKJiNiMIOiV'I ' . S of the NH | V M "' ' ' j TKA arc now on HAI . K M . our War « houHCH , H , King wil" »» ' - » ' ;)||' ( lily . \ V <> beg to call attention ' to the Mtronff « ' ' ' - <*> ' >( , and : Jh , -Id . per D ) . Tho prime Mchhmionu Tha , at , - w . « - | jn |() : » H . 8 ( 1 . T'llO ilCHt J ' iAI' . HANO KolI . lllONO TlCA , H ( . -lit . " "' . „ , „ ( JUNi-owDicu Tha , at . < Ih . iiiill 4 h . H « l . Tho iU-HcIouh < illN 1 ' vr , lit . fin . All who purohaNtt at these prtaCH will havk * " >'"" >' urn getting DKAitmt . ... ,,,. || i . Wo lire still Helling pi'hno OOI'U'MOIO at 1 h . and IH . - ' I . Tho liiml ; Mooiia anil tho Ixwt Whhv India ' ) ' " > 7 junl own vmiH imd cart .-i , if within eight mile * ; » 11 ( l \ ' *' . , ' yiilii " Spleen Hi'iil . Carriage lVoo to any |» ail , of N'W ' } " ! ; , ; \ v Tea u " of < 10 s . or upwunlH , by INIllVMI'H i »« jj < ' ^ / £ N | UdW . A ( Colonial M « r « hiuitB , H , KiiiK William Htioet , City , Lun « w . ( jonoi-ul I ' rieu Current uunt mat Ace . ou aji > i » Hc » tioii .
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 5, 1853, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_05111853/page/22/