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November 5,1853,] THE LEADER. 1061
While attention is concentrated upon the...
Prince Napoleon Jerome ia reported to be...
We are glad to find among the appointmen...
SCOTTISH RIGHTS. It seems that Scotland ...
OUR SANITARY STATE. Cholera is making pr...
TILE WAGES QUESTION. Mil. IIumk lias add...
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Tho Excellent Paris Correspondent Of The...
to Constantinople is sufficiently denoted by that of his staff ; he has a suite of officers of various branches and grades of the army . He is just the man to do no more and no less than his instructions warrant ; but he is not the man to conduct the mystifications of a pacific solution . Otherwise , his political leanings would be towards Russia and Austria , as the preserver of " order" in Europe , and he would be disposed to resist the possibilities of a revolutionary or liberating war in Europe . The correspondent of the Morning Chronicle tells auother good story ; the point of which will be best appreciated by those who know the universal gangrene of corruption which pervades Russian society and every branch of the administration of the empire : — -
" General Jomini , aide-de-camp to the Emperor of Russia , ia at present at Paris . The other day some persons were conversing before him , of the amount of stock-jobbing that had taken place within the last twelve months at the Paris Bourse . The general allowed the conversation on the point to arrive naturally at its conclusion , and then said , ' Gentlemen , a nation cannot live by the differences of Bourse transactions , or by speculations in railway shares . To me it appears inevitable either that France will become enervated by such a course , and consequently be lost ; or she will again become the great nation she formerly was , both in politics and in military affairs—in which , case she will be saved . But there is no medium between the two . '" The aide'de ~ canvp of the Emperor of Russia talking like a purist on political morals !
November 5,1853,] The Leader. 1061
November 5 , 1853 , ] THE LEADER . 1061
While Attention Is Concentrated Upon The...
While attention is concentrated upon the East of Europe , Hussiais not slumbering in the U " orth . The Swedish government has been lately fortifying the island of Gotland . The new fortifications appear to have excited the jealousy of the Russian government . Two ships of war paid a sudden visit recently , and left as suddenly as they came without paying their pilots . A glance at the map is enough to demonstrate the importance of Gotland to Russia . A war steamer and a frigate were lying in Copenhagen roads by the last advices , and a Russian fleet cruising east of Bornholm . England has not a cock-boat in the Baltic . Few royal assurances have been more " rich" than the magnificent promise of the Russian Emperor , that he would not molest our ships if we spared his in case of hostilities . The odds are so evidently in our favour ! There are apprehensions of a coup d ? etat in Denmark in the Russian interest . The Danish Parliament has demanded
a conference of the whole House , to consider the Government project for modifying the Constitution : but the Ministry is disposed to settle the question by Royal ordonnance , which would at once bring the Throne into collision with the Parliament : the latter being resolved not to sink into vassalage to Russia . The King of Denmark is , perhaps , the most disreputable of reigning sovereigns—a superiority not easy to achieve by any ordinary amount of depravity . The King of Sardinia has recently made a batch of senators , among whom is Count Casati , Podesta of Milan in March , 1848 , and Count Borromeo , the Lombard exile , whose possessions have been confiscated by Austria . Among the other names is the estimable Massimo d'Azeglio , for whom all parties feel affection and respect .
Prince Napoleon Jerome Ia Reported To Be...
Prince Napoleon Jerome ia reported to be contemplating a viait to Italy . It appears that the grudge of the King of Naples against the Due do Losparre , one of the officers Bent by the French Emperor to the Neapolitan reviews , was , that he had already been complimenting the King' of Piedmont , for whom , as a constitutional sovereign , King Bomba has a legitimate aversion . Prince Napoleon Jerome has returned to Paris from Stuttgarri , where he was welcomed by his uncle , the King of Wurtomburg , with profuse honours and attentions . ¦ The visit of Prince Napoleon Jerome to Stuttgardt is said to have had reference to a proposed marriage with the granddaug hter of the Princess Stephanie of Baden . There ia groat activity in the Frtmch navy . On the 31 st ult . the screw steamer Le Joinville , of ( 560 horso power , "was launched at Brest .
A steam frigate of the largest size , to bo called UImp 6-ratrico JSw / Swie , is ordered to bo placed on the stocks . She is to be 8 ( X ) horse power , and to servo as a model far soveral other ships of the samo class . The Austrian Government ifl said to have contracted a loan subscribed by the Imperial Jiank and other ( treat ¦ financial establishments at St . Ptrtorsbnrg . Talk of Austrian neutrality after this . The loan was impossible in Paris or . London . The Prussian Chambers are convoked for the 28 th innt . The Duko and DucIichr of Brabant are expected to pay «• visit to the courts of Wurtomburg and Bavaria next month .
The ( Jmnd Duke of Tuscany , who is travelling incognito , Hud hin Hon , dined with tlio P ' ope on the 2 Ot !» ult . ; Cardil"iI Wiseman was one of the guests . Before leaving l ^ lorence . th « Grand Duko signed a decree loaving"tho ontirn government of the Duchy to hift Ministers during bin 'ilmetwo . ]| o in said to bo going to Naples to am . for -Neapolitan troonti in ease the A . ustriana are wanted elso"where . threat excitement exists throughout Italy . NumerouH iitohIh have been made in Lombard y . Hy decree of the iJKt . h ult ., ' signed He Burger , Imperial
n-nd Royal Lieutenant of Lombardy , an additional tax of j * i kroutnerH per florin / about on «; -twentieth ) , is to be . levied in lttM upon land , incomes , and trade , to cover the-? Micit of IHfitt . The Qucoh of Spain presided on the evening of the 28 th ¦ 'It . at a , Cabinet Council , at which it whh decided to grunt »• Hpecial burial ground to the Protestants . TJie present Government Iuih already m > i « od ujom-nal , the JJiario Ma-V « nol ,, for a hoHtilo article . General Narviuw : has left Paris on his l'eturn to Spain . -l-ioiUu Nupoloun Jmo availed JiiniHolf of tho pojourn of
the Belgian . Royal Family in England to assure them of his friendly dispositions towards Bel gium and the reigning family . His alliance with England is the guarantee for his pacific intentions towards Belgium and Prussia .
We Are Glad To Find Among The Appointmen...
We are glad to find among the appointments in the Moniteur , the promotion of * M . de Lesseps , the dip lomatist , to the grade of Minister Plenipotentiary of the first class ; if , as we believe , it is the same M . de Lesseps who , in 1849 , entrusted by the then JBrench Government with a perfidious and double-faced mission to the Roman Republic , had the courage to forfeit the favour of his superiors by bis good faith , and to speak of Mazzini as he found him .
Sir Charles Shaw On The Turkish Army. Si...
SIR CHARLES SHAW ON THE TURKISH ARMY . Sib Charles Shaw , the officer who drew attention to the Minie * rifle , has published a letter in the Chronicle , on the Turkish army . He disputes the claim of the Russians to a military reputation , and that of the Czar to the renown of a moderate and magnanimous king , He shows that the Turkish defeats in 1828 and 1829 had been preceded by the destruction of the Turkish fleet at Navarino and the massacre of the Janisaries , leaving only raw soldiers to contend against the Russian troops who had fought Napoleon . At the close of his letter he cites some valuable and recent opinions on the state of the army . To begin with the Circassians , as irregulars on whom much depends : — " The noble Circassians , who have been fighting against Russia independent of Turkey , have been within this short time taken into the Turkish army ; and it may be interesting to give a description , by a Prussian officer , of the Circassian cavalry , who are about to take a prominent part in the coming conflict . He says—' The Circassian wears a pointed steel helmet , with a long horse-tail pendant from it . A net of steel work hangs down from the lower part of the helmet , protects the front and nape of the neck , and is looped together under the chin , underneath a short red vest , cut in the Polish fashion . He is clad in a sf > ecies of cOat of mail , consisting of small bright rings of steel intervened . His arms , from the wrist to the elbow , and his
legs , from the foot of the shin bone to the knee , are guarded by thin plates of steel ; he also wears close pantaloons and laced boots . Two long Turkish pistols , aa well as a poniard , are stuck into his girdle . He has a leather strap with a noose , like a Mexican lasso , hanging at his side , which he throws with great dexterity over the head of his enemy . A Turkish-sabre and a long Turkish musket are slung behind his back , and two cartridge holders across his breast . The skill with which the Circassians use tkeir weapons is really beyond belief . I have seen them repeatedly fire at a piece of card lying on the ground , at full speed , without ever missing . They will pick up a piece of money from
the ground while executing a charge , by bending themselves round below the horse ' s belly , and , after seizing tho piece , suddenly throw themselves back into the saddle . They form the choicest body of cavalry in the Turkish service , and I have watched them when charging , attack their opponents with a sabre in each hand , managing their reins with their mouth ; they will spring out of their saddles , toko aim and fire from behind their horses , then jump into their saddles again , wheel round and reload their gun as they retreat in full career . They are perfect madmen in the attack , and few troops could withstand the utter recklessness of danger they evince . '
Next take the irregular Asiatics : — " Hear what that most intelligent and experienced officer , Captain Nolan , of the 16 th British Hussars , says , in Iub admirable book on cavalry tactics . Speaking of the British cavalry , ho says— ' By taking a lesson from the Asiatics , England might so arm and instruct her dragoons as to make them equal to any of the people of the Kant in single combat . ' Of tho Russian cavalry , Captain Nolan says : ' Heavy Russian cuirassiers , when opposed to tho Turks , wore obliged to form in close columns , or in squares , requiring artillery and infantry to protect them from tho sharp scimitars of the Moslem . These Turks had no discipline , no lances ; had nothing but their own good swords and steeds to trust to . '" Here is still later information : —
"All accountslatclyveeeivod are unanimous on tho Bupenor equipment and efficiency of the Turkish artillery , and the opinion of Sir Charles O Donnell , of tho Turkish army , now in the field , is worthy ( if every attention . Sir Charles has seen much service , and he has lately been visiting the greater part of tho European armies . Ho says : — ' The Turku aro physically a fine race of men , capable of enduring fatigue , eobor , patient , intelligent , and altogether well conducted . All is completely European , and the spectator may here fancy himself amongst tho Prussian or French soldiers in their encampments . They are animated by a laudable fervour for their religion and their country , and aware of the ooiiBcquencoH to them of tho coming crisis . Their fatalism has exalted their courage , and they say they will conquer or die with their arms in their bands , 'fiie Turks have adopted for their cavalry and infantry tho French system , and for their artillery the Prussian system of organisation
and mumeuvre . The whole army is well armed , equipped , arid organised , and , upon tho whole , in good order , instructed by Eun > i > ottn » in tlio various branoheH of the military art , the Turks have totally given up their forme ; - system of warfare , and have made rapid strides towards oflioiency in European tanticn . Tho artillery is the arm in which they most excel ; it in iiumorouH , woU-inanageil , mxl understood . The equipment of the mountain jruns carried on muled is well arranged . ' In IHlo the Duke of Wellington reviewed the 'Russian army of 1 ( K ) , ()()() men . lie osp ' reNHotI admiration of them hh a body , but was struck with tho slowness of their movements , and said to the Marquis of Londonderry , ' Charles , my little army could move round them in any diruction whilst they were olfeoting a single change . ' The navy of Russia is powerful in num . aud guns , but , having only one or two months itt juunoouvriiitf dining tho whole yoiir . Admiral
Napier need not have much fear of that much dreaded 27 ships of the line in the Baltic , of which ho speaks so much ; as one might say to him , ' Charley , with £ ve ships you would sad round and through them whenever you choose . ' But the Russian fleet in the Black Sea is powerful and veil manned , and , for the sake of Turkey , ft behoves us iiot to talk and diplomatise , and nothing more , but to follow the hint givenby-Lord- Pahnerstonin his letter of 19 th October , to the Edinburgh Presbytery—' Don't talk , but keep your powder dry , gentlemen / " If this be true—and the witnesses are all credible persons—the passage of the Danube may not be such a precipitate thing as the Russian organs would fain have us believe .
Scottish Rights. It Seems That Scotland ...
SCOTTISH RIGHTS . It seems that Scotland is a wronged nation , and a " National Association for the " Vindication of Scottish Rights" has been solemnly formed . They held a grand meeting in Edinburgh on Wednesday , with the Earl of Eglinton , the paladin of the association , in the chair . His oration , full of bitter complaint against England , embodies the pith , of the grievances . Centralization , he says , is carried out to a greater extent than the treaty of Union requires . The palaces and parks of Scotland , '' poor old Holyrood" and Mary ' s birthplace ,
are shamefully neglected , and are fast falling to decay . All the money is spent in London , whose streets are scarcely passable , while the grass grows greenly in Edinburgh . The Scotch are not represented in sufficient numbers ; they have not a single harbour of refuge from Wick to Berwick ; the Scottish , lion is degraded from his position in the regal shield ; and Scotland is handed over to the anomalous and irresponsible government of the Lord Advocate , instead of being placed in the hands of a Secretary of State for Scotland .
These sentiments were heartily cheered by the audience , and speeches were made in a similar spirit by the Lord Provost of Edinburgh , Sir Archibald Alison , the notorious Mr . Baillie Cochrane , and Professor Aytoun . It was stated that the defence of Scotland is entrusted to 1800 men ! and Sir Archibald Alison , withthat accuracy of judgment which is his characteristic , dilated on the probability of the Russians overrunning the country , landing at Glasgow (!) , and sacking and plundering all around . Resolutions in the spirit of the speeches were carried , and the sturdy Scots of Auld Reekie departed well pleased .
Our Sanitary State. Cholera Is Making Pr...
OUR SANITARY STATE . Cholera is making progress in London ; and the great fall of rain , and continuance of mild weather , seems to increase the ravages of the epidemic . No fewer than 96 perished last week in London—a small number compared to the vast population , but the total who have died since August is nearly double that of the corresponding period in 1848 . This shows that the present attack on the country is more fatal than its predecessor . The South side of the Thames still maintains its fatal supremacy in deaths ; and all the news we receive tends to show the absolute necessity of tho utmoat preparation for the coming spring .
In the country the deaths are fewer , but extend over a larger surface—stretching from Tenterden , on the south coast , to Berwick , on the Scotch borders . Cholera has also appeared in Bedfordshire , Essex , and Bucks . It still lingers at Newcastle and the adjacent parts , and has crossed the border , selecting Dundee , apparently , as its next victim . There diarrhoea is prevalent , and several persons , not of the poorer classes , have died of cholera . Measures have been taken to
meet tho probable extension of the epidemic , and not before they are needed ; for Dundee is reported to bo filthier than any town yet visited by tho iiiHpoctors of tho Board of Health ; the inhabitants lacking tho means for jwrforming in decency the common necessities of existence , except in horrible places of public resor t . Edinburgh in also liable to an attack from tho same causes ; and Arbroath in already tho acerio of death .
Tile Wages Question. Mil. Iiumk Lias Add...
TILE WAGES QUESTION . Mil . IIumk lias addressed a letter to tho Chairman of tho Operatives' Association , in Preston , in which bo given a decided opinion , that " all strikes , whether of workman or of masters , are injurious to both , and detrimental to the public interests . " After glancing at the ropoal of the Combination Laws , in 18124 , Jio thim refers to the JPronton dispute : ¦ --" You declare ihid workmen have always been for arbitration , and that the masters have refused that fair course . I am not . in u condition to know whether you lire correct or not ; but whichever party have refuseif to refer their
differonroH to arbitration , have nuirh to answer for , both to tlio public , and to the parties who have become the sufferers thereby . ' ¦ consider the benefits of I'Yoo-tnulo to ho great ; , and to bo increasing . The freeing of labour , in 1 H 24 , ( Vom tho shackles that then interfered with and bound the work - ing cluHHOH , wan the commencement of that great movement ; ami 1 do yet hope that the good sense of both masters and men will enable them to see the advantage of doing wlmt was the object in view by tho repeal of tho combination laws- of referring all disputes to arbitration . " There in little hope , however , of any Hpeedy reconciliation . There in no lack of placards , issued by tho workmen , ( joorgo Cowell still oxoroitutH an onorinoun inlluonuo oyor tlio operatives—speaking iu tho liroad
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 5, 1853, page 5, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_05111853/page/5/