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VOL. X. No. 502] SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1...
.^—K'lvln^Jrtp^. * "r^^ wy lvtWr ,J4r",^...
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-p ^ ppippppspp ^ W ^^^^ t t ^ n j € J ^ ^ /***^ y . ; . ?^ \ ' ^ jM ^ : J § it & i t r ? A POLITICAL , LITERARY , COMMERCIAL AND FAMILY WEEKLY NEWSPAPER , RECORD OF-JOINT STOCK COMPANIES ,- BANKS , RAILWAYS , MlfrEg , SHIPPING , & c
Vol. X. No. 502] Saturday, November 5, 1...
VOL . X . No . 502 ] SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 5 , 1859- Price { ggg ^* f . ? .: jggggElipE
Charities To Aged Blind Men And Women,
Distributed by the Painters ' , otherwise Painter Stamers ' Company , in London , the gift of John Stock , Esq ., fomerly Of Bfempstead , deceased , painter ; Mrs . Shank of Peckham , widow , deceased ; and of Mary Grainger , of Cripglegate , widow , deceased , and otliers , for the purpose of paying pensions of £ 10 a year each to Blind Men . and Women , under the regulations hereinafter mentioned , WIDOWS and SINGLE WOMEN only being eligible to be elected to Mrs . Shank ' s Charity : —NOTICE is hereby given , that the Court of Assistants of the said Company will be held at PAINTERS' HALL , 9 , LITTLE TIU ^ ITY-LANE , near Queonhitbe , London , on WEDNESDAY , the 8 th DECEMBER next , at One o'Clock , ' to ELECT proper persona to such . pensions as are become vacant by the death or removal of the pensioners since the last . election ; and to prevent fruitless ' - applications , Notice is also given , that no person , can be elected to the . said Charity who has ever been a -coniinon begyar , or has received alms from any parish or place as- a pauper , who is in possession of ah iucojne . . exceeding ; £ 1 U per annum , or receives any benefaction to that . amount ; Those only can . be admitted to petition who are sixty-onu years of age complete , were born iit England , have boon totally ¦ bund for'three years , have been inhabitants of the parish of their present residence for three yearn , are of sober life and conversation , and unable to provide for themselves . All tliese circumstances must be testified under the hands of the minister luici churchwardens of the parish or place where the person resides , and a certificate of total blindness by a surgeon or o ' uulist of credit annexed to the petition Blank petitions and instructions , can be procured at the Clerk ' s Office , at the Hall , between the hours of 11 and 3 , from the 25 th October until the 30 th November , which must oe returned , properly filled up , on or before the 1 th December , prepaid . It is requested that notice be immediately sent to the office of the death of tiny Pensioner , or of any fraud attempted or committed on the charitios . The names aud addresses of tho successful Candidates will bo advertised in this paper immediately after the election . No attention can bo given to applications by letter unless prepaid . liy Order of the Court , 11 I \ N . TOMLINS , Clerk . Painters' Hall , Oct . 15 , 1 S 5 « . > .
LAW PE 0 PERTY & LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY , 3 0 , ESSEX STHKJ'lT , STRAND , LONDON . Capital , .- £ 250 , 000 . DIBBCTORS . Ralph T . Brockmau , 15 sq ,, lfolkcstouc , Edward Win . Cox , Esq .. 90 , Kussoll-square . George Frederick Fox , Kaq ., Bristol , E . E . P . Kelsey , Eesq ., SnHsbury . J . Mead , Esq ., 2 , Kiug ' B liouch Walk , Tomjilo . XL PaulljEeg-. M . !' .. , Dovoushiro-place , l ' ortland-place . Eighty per Cont . of the Profits divided among * UUe Assured . At the first division of l ' rofltu in May , 185 ( 5 , a bonus was declared , varying from Two to Eleven per Cont . on the amount Assured , and ahvountlnpf in many instivnoos to upwards of Fifty per Cent , on tho Promlum paid . At tho Second Division of l ' routs'in 185 , 3 ; an EQUAL PRO BATA BONUS won declared . . ¦> Tho next Division of Profits iu 1801 . ? * * Every dosoi'lnt ion of Llfu Aesuruncc Imslnocis tnvusaetod . JSDWAKD S . BAUNKS , Soorotnry .
INCOIU'O HATED 1 S 17 . BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , 32 , NEW BRIUGH-STREET , LONDON , E . C . Annual Income , ^( 58 , 388 , Accumulated Fund . £ 151 , 807 12 a , Tho profits declared havo amounted to JB 0 IV 118 , ylulding : a Uonun of 274 l ur cent , on tho premiuma , rotmnjiblo ui Camh to tho xnombora . Siuoo tho oommonccmont of tho Company tho amount paid to tho widowH and otlioi roprcBontuUvott of deceased nwmburs Is ; C 70 , l-12 lia . l ) d . PorsoiiH luaui'ing' tlila your will share In tho Uonuu to bu ( Icolurocl up to Dooombpr , 1803 . JAMES INGLIti , Scorotary .
WINTER HOSIERY Of tho aoftoBt , and vrurmost iloBorJption , including' all the nowosb pnttoraa and colourn . Undor clothing for funnily » ibo , aud for Invalids . Printod ilanuol Mhlrts uixd drouslngfiowna . POl'Ifl and ULAWTW , nwuuflwturoni , 4 , Watorloo-» l « do , Pall-mall . London . \ i . W .
SPECIAL NOTICE . THE STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY . constituted by special acts of parliament . Established 1825 . DIVISION OF PROFITS . The Sixth Division of the Company ' s Profits is appointed to bu made on 15 th November , i 860 , and all Policies effected before 15 th November , 1850 , will participate in that division . The fund to be divided with tlii ? profits which have arisen since 15 th November , 1855 . A Policy effected before loth November , 1 S 59 ; will rank , at the division in 1 S 60 , as of tM o years' standing , and secure one year ' s additional bonus over policies of the later date . P R O G RES S OF THE SOCIETY . Suai 3 proposed for assurance during the year . ¦ ¦ ¦ ISoS £ 506 , 369 2 i Sums assured during the year 1858 , exclusive of Annuity transactions .... .- — 507 , 522 0 0 Corresponding annual Premiums on new Policies . ^ - 10 , 695 11 10 Annual Revenue ( 15 th November , 1858 ) 275 , « JU 0 8 9 Accumulated Fund , invested in Government Securities , in Land , Mortgages , & c . ( 15 th November , 1858 ) . ; . . 1 , 565 . 105 9 0 The Directors invite particular attention to tho liberal terms and conditions of Assurance introduced by this Company into the practice of Life Assurance . SELECT ASSURANCE S . The privileges of this class , are—Permission tQ travel and reside m any part of the world , free of extra premium ; and the cancellation of all conditions under the Company ' s Policies , which thus become unchangeable on any ground whatever except nonpayment of the ordinary premium . Assurances of five years' standing are admissible to this class . REVIVAL OF POLICIES . Policies not renewed within the days of grace do not become absolutely forfeited , but may be revived on certain conditions any time within thirteen months from the date of tho premium falling due . The regulations under this head are very favourable to the assui'ed in other respects also , and arc wonthy of special attention . SURRENDER VALUES . Liberal allowances nnailo for surrender of Assurances under the Profit Scheme / at any time after payment of one annual premium , London — 82 , KING WILLIAM STREET , Chairman or the Boaiu > . The Right Hon . tub EARL OF ABERDEEN . OKDIN . VUY DlKEOTOriB . John Scott , Eaq ., 4 , Hyde Park-street . FranclB L « Breton , Esq ., 3 , Crosby-square . Thos . H . Urooklns , Esq ., 14 , New JJroad-Htreot . John Griflith Frit I ) , Esq ., Austlufriara . Charles Heihory , Esq ., 88 , Throadneedlo-strcot . Llout .-Col . Jamos P . G . Tullooh . Alexander GUlesple , Esq ., 8 , Billiter-court . W 1 LIS , THOS . THOMSON , Manager . H . JON MS WILLIAMS , Ros . See . London : 82 , King WHliam-streot . Edinburgh ; : i , Goorge-street . Dublin : 0 ( 1 , Uppor Saokvllle-stxoot . Glasgow : 83 , si . N'inoent-plnce . Further particulars may bo obtained by addressing- to tho Sqcrotary in London , hi lildinburgh , or in Dublin ; or by application to any of tho agents m Englnnd , Bcotlaml , or Irelund .
Mutual life assurance . SCOTTISH EQUITABLE LI ^ E ASSURANCE SOCIETY . Instituted 1831 . Head Office : 26 , ST . ANDREW-SQUAKE , " EDINBURGH . The profits are divided every Wtree years , and wliolly dolong- to the members of the Society . The last division tooJc place at 1 st March , K > 59 , and from the results of it is taken the following" - . EXAMPLE OF ADDITIONS . A Policy for £ l , 0 uo , dated 1 st Mabcii , iw-V' , is now increased to £ 1 , 054 Us . 5 d . Supposing- tho ageot the Assured at the date of entry to have been -JO , theso Additions may be surrendered to the Society tor ^ a . present payment of ' £ 363 17 s . 8 d ., or such surrender would . not only redeem the entire premium on the Policy , out also entitle the party to a present payment of Ali > ± 4 s ., and , in both eases , the Policy would receive future triennial additions . ' - THE EXISTING ASSURANCES AMOUNT TO £ . V 27 r > , 3 « 7 THE ANNUAL REVENUE £ 187 , 240 THE ACCUMULATED FUND ( arising solely from the Contributions of Members ) £ . 1 , 194 . ( x > 7 ROUT . CHRISTIE , Manager . 1 V 3 I ; yiNLAY , Secretary . LONDON OFFICE , 2 ( 5 , POULTRY ,. JS . O . ARC 1 ID . T . RITCHIE , . Agent-¦
INVENTORS' ASSISTANCE COMPANY , LIMITED . Capital , £ 25 , 000 , in shares of £ 1 each ( with jowcr to increase it to £ 100 , 000 ) . Deposit os . per share . Incorporated under Joint Stock Companies' Actd , 1 S . 5 i ) -57-5 S . Under the direction of a Council mid Managing- Committee ; appointed by the Shareholders . Bankers—Ransom , liouvcrie , and Co ., Pall Mall JCast . Solicitous— Grime , Son , and Fesenmeycr , 23 , Jtedford Row , W . C . Secbetary—Sit well Harris . OFFICES AND MANUFACTORY . Nos . 1 , 2 , and 3 , tiOUOH STREET NORTH . Gray ' s Inn Road , " \ V . ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS . THE leading-feature of this Company is , that it invest ignU ' s the merit of any invention submitted to it , by tins unl oi ' scientific and practical men , selected with special rc ^ urd to their qualillciitions , as Impartial judges . Such invention .- * aa arc approved are patented or registered , and niauuflictuivd by the Company , for sale , on a nealo flufnVient toedtablidh their value , without cost to the inventor , who will tiluuv , undor agreoraent , iu all prollta arising therefrom . As an earnest of these intentions , the Managing Committco have secured a long- lcaflo , on most advmi * iis'ooi : a terms , of extensivo premises , containing a spacious mmui-< factory , provided with suitable plant , whore modi'H c * iu bo made and tried , and patented articles manufactured tor r Valuable patents , already arranged for , nro now bolng so manufactured , at a nett profit of JI 0 U per cent , j vvlillu several very promising inventions , arc under consUk-xiitlon . The advantages thus enumerated justify tho Directors 1 « recommending- the undertaking to tho notice of sino . ll capitalists , na nn investmont wclFworthy their special cou-That the largo mass of inventors are linnblo to enrry out thoir doaiwns , Ja n fact patent to mo » 6 prnclloiil owi-rvt-rt * . It la equally true that a great number of canes only require the Judgment and kindly a ^ iatanco of gulontitle ami pn c - cal men to render them productive of hnnumsu |» ubliu bohoilt . Jt Is Incontrovertible that our nnHonnl in » i > t > xt mu-u and wealth have boon more promoted by inventors th nil by any other elans of men . Arfcwrlg-it , Wfttt , Cort , HU-phonbon , and others aeurcoly Kas eminent , havu i > i ' v > tliu'va mi amount of weiilth alinowt buyond calculation , though tholr inventions wove received « t . first with coo 1 no * a jinil liirreduUty . Jn short , all tho improvomemtts for our couvi'Jilwnei ' and comfort , duting from a state of barbarity to onooi Iil-h civilisation , nro but tho cumulative rcHultu ol Inventi vc in-^ iV ' m ' u ' st not bo overlooked by the Mharoltoldur that n patent bIvcbiui exclusive trade with the cuHtoinorii ol tlui world , And that thin Company will potmens hi no einuniuu dcirreo Buuh iiclvautagoH no will , on tho avornuo , bo Immoiisoly liroduntivu , and ensure n dividend that may aurprlso , imdinuBli HiitlBfynlUnvoHtorH . . ^—AnplloHtloimforHlmrofl . aiidmill ' roapootuBOH K'lvln ^ Jrtp ^ . * "r ^^ ftillofltlnlbraulJon . tobomatlo ppraouanyi o » " wy lvtWr , J 4 r " , ^ r ; A tho Seorotary , « t't > io Offlooa ^ aa above . ffii &! $ \) ' ]^ > . » % ) V : tits « lvlnu ' j > l ) htr * '" r "' "r- - > ^ by ivlUfr , Vt-J- ^ -. N ¦ w w $ * Kw fc
mHE LAST ANNUAL REPORT , CASH I . ACCOUNT , and BALANCE SHEET oi' tho MUTUAL LOT ASSURANCE SOCIETY ( A . D . 1831 ) , maybe had on a written or personal application to the Actuary , or to any of rtio Society's Country AguntH . To thu Koport and Aooounta iu appended a Lint of Jiuituscs paid on thu claims of tho your 1 H 58 . No extra charge for Joining Voluntpor Riflo or Artillery Corps . CHARLES INGA ^ L , Aotuiuy . The Mutual Life Asmiranoo Oflloos , M ) , King ' -Btreot , Chcaptildo , E . C , London
I DEPOSIT AND DI 90 OU 1 TT B ^| jrf | fif ^ FIVJB PER CENT , on sums for fixed f ^| H pB » W feiffl rn 'or lit bovoh diiyu' notloo , or Thruo ' por Cont . at GAUtaiaifc . St ' H- \ v " /\ i ii . H . IiAW , SKwW ^ J ^ ft ' hS'Vr ' iJilM 1 * 0 OfliooB , 0 , Cttiiuon-Htroot Wost , M . O . MBiP $ ^ H < J ^ $ & r l ^ ^ . ' ' ifeiVffimS ^ j 13 ¦ odfitoSwpBSjgf ftflj ; - ¦ i ^ Mg t -mW /*
AUSTRALIAN COUPONS . Tiih Couponh on tho Honda of tho Victoria ami South Australlnn Oovorninonte , duo lit January , 1800 , dlncountod ty tho Hot •'! AuHtrnllan Dunking' Company , 61 , OKI Uroad Hi root , lfU . ' I
.^—K'Lvln^Jrtp^. * "R^^ Wy Lvtwr ,J4r",^...
. ^— K'lvln ^ Jrtp ^ . * "r ^^ wy lvtWr , J 4 r " , ^ r ; A ffii &! $ \) ' ]^ > . » % ) V : B ^| jrf | fif ^ ' fixed f ^| H pB » W feiffl rn GAUtaiaifc . St ' H- \ v " /\ i , SKwW ^ J ^ ft ' hS'Vr ' iJilM 1 * 0 MBiP $ ^ H < J ^ $ & r l ^ ^ . ' ' ifeiVffimS ^ j 13 tits « lvlnu ' j > l ) htr * '" r "' "r- - > ^ by ivlUfr , Vt-J- ^ -. N ¦ w w $ * Kw fc ¦ odfitoSwpBSjgf ftflj ; - ¦ i ^ Mg t -mW /*
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 5, 1859, page 1, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_05111859/page/1/