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— Wn fi0-2. Nov.& 1859. the; leadeb; 121...
GENERAL. HOME NEWS. The Court.—Her Majes...
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Law, Police, And Casualties. On Monday A...
__ bov instead of discharging him instantly , . the resumption of the examination on Wednesday ia prosecutor appeared , and the address which he had given Vas proved to he false . The hoy was . ? i 7 n discharged , Sir Peter treating the matter of his detention as quite unimportant . Alderman Cbpeland , however , who also was on the bench ( stimulated perhaps by the remarks yv the newspapers ) , took a very different view of ^ the matter , and said that he was not disposed to let Mr . tlichard Child escape with impunity for hu mischievous accusation . One of the most extraordinary cases of brutality we have ever heard of , is ' recorded m a provincial ioumal . A drunken quarrel terminated by a man pouring boiling water into his opponent ' s ears , and then scorching the poor fellow at the fire ! The
perfcy * however , is enormous . The axle of one of the wagons of a coal train broke and threw it ' off the Tails , the effect of which was that it ripped up the cross beams of the bridge , and the wagons were precipitated into the swollen stream beneath . No less than twenty-five wagons , each laden with eight tons of coal , are at the bottom of the river Derwent , and the loss of the company will be many thousands of pounds ; besides , the rebuilding of the bridge will take about a month to execute . Mr . Joshua McEvoy , of the county Meath , who was rescued from the wreck of the Royal Charter , writes to make it appear that to blame can possibly fall upon the captain of that unfortunate ship . He says a more skilful and worthy captain could not be found . The inquest into the cause of the calamity was commenced at Llanallgo Church on Wednesday afternoon .
miscreant is in custody . The Madras papers mention a sad accident which resulted in the death of Dr . Windus , the surgeon of Chicacole , on the 10 th August . He had gone out shooting with Lieut , Cunliffe and Captain Harrington . They placed themselves in a line faemg a belt of jungle , on the edge of which they had picketted some goats as a bait for the cheetahs they were in search of . When it was dusk Dr . Windus left his position and passed in front of the others . Captain Harrington was several times on the point of firing at him under the impression that he was game , but could not aim at him , when Lieut . Cunliffe fired as he came out of the jungle and shot him through the body . He lived but a few hours . Cunliffe was his intimate friend , and is of course overwhelmed with grief .
Intelligence has been received in . Liverpool of the total loss of the ship Virginia , on the 16 th May last , while oh an expedition in search of guano . Captain Withers , the master of the wrecked vessel , with nine men ,, comprising the remainder of the crew , after being nineteen , days at sea , in an open boat , and enduring innumerable privations , all arrived safe at the Feejee Islands ; whence they wfcre conveyed to Sydney ,-N . S . W . On arriving at Sydney , Captain Withers , after seeing that the crew were provided with clothes , came on to Melbourne , and took a passage home in the Royal Charter . He is of the
the Captain Withers mentioned by one persons saved from the wreck of the Royal Charter , who behaved with such noble fortitude and unflinching bravery when all seemed lost , and when it was a mockery to hope against such a fearful tempest . But he was doomed to die a . sailor ' s death , and the last seen of him was when he called out to Mr . Stephens and Captain Taylor , " God bless you , Stephens ; God bless you , Taylor ; keep firm . " The ship broke up immediately after . The Virginia was owned by James Beazley , Esq ., of Liverpool .
A nother galo , if not a hurricane , has swept over the metropolis , and many of the coasts and other parts of the country . There will be , we fear , fresh accounts of wrecks and collisions . As all the accounts connected with the former gale have come to hand , it seems pretty plain that nothing like it in severity has been experienced for many years . The disasters to shipping have been upon a terrible scale . It is painful to read the records of the wreck of the Royal Charter which continue to come to hand . The waters are discharging relics of all kinds , and the distracted relatives of those who perished are wandering about the shore , unwilling to abandon all
hope . All the recompense they receive , however , is accumulated evidence that their friends are no more . Export and experienced divers are at work whose main purpose it is to , discover what part of the lost treasure can be restored . Their labours will have to be very prolonged . It is gratifying to see that the' village people of the neighbourhood are acting very well , and are ready to restore whatever valuables they may find . Arrangements have been fully made for the most careful inquisition into the calamity . There is little doubt that for the sake of economy the ship had been constructed of materials of very insufficient strength . A well-known and very able contributor to the Times says : — " If we
pay £ 25 or £ H 0 a ton for the plates of which a locomotive boiler is made , why should we give only £ 6 10 s . or £ 9 per ton for those of which a ship is builtP If eafety can only bo bought at the high price in the one . case , are we not courting disaster with the low price in the other ? With good wellworked plates , where the fibre of the iron is ductible an d tenacious , and whore these plates are well and ' judiciously fastened together , no vessel , even if wrecked in such a gale as that of last Tuesday , would break to pieces so suddenly and so utterly as the Royal Charter seems to have done . On Saturday evening a frightful accident occurred on the north , branch of thp . Midland Railway , at Belpor , eight miles from Derby , but happily unattended with loss of lift" . The cto / struction of pro-
— Wn Fi0-2. Nov.& 1859. The; Leadeb; 121...
— Wn fi 0-2 . Nov . & 1859 . the ; leadeb ; 1219
General. Home News. The Court.—Her Majes...
GENERAL . HOME NEWS . The Court . —Her Majesty takes daily rides and walks at Windsor in the neighbourhood of the Castle ; the Prince Consort is ill , but not seriously so . The principal visitors this week have been the Duke of Cambridge , the French Ambassador and Mdme . de Persigny , the Right Hon . Sydney Herbert , the ex-queen of the French , and the Prince de Joinville , and the Grand Duchess Marie and the Duke of Leuchtenberg . The Prince and Princess Frederick William of Prussia , according to the present arrangements , will arrive at Windsor Castle on a visit to heir Majesty and the Prince Consort this day . The infant Prince Frederick William Victor Albert will not accompany his illustrious parents , it being the law that the heir presumptive shall not leave Prussia without permission of Parliament .
The Prince of Wales . —His Royal Highness , has joined the University boating and cricket clubs , and was t o Tuesday evening elected honorary member of the Oxford Union Society . The Hon . Colonel Bruce and Major Teesdale were at the same time elected honorary members . Tuesday being Christ Church Gaudy , the Prince , for the first time during his residence at Oxford as an undergraduate met the noblemen and gentlemen of the society at dinner in the College Hall .
Public Health . —The . , low temperature during the past week caused a rise in the mortality of the metropolis . The total number of deaths was 1 , 048 , being an increase of 126 over the number in the previous week , but jet less by 77 than the average rate . The number of births was 1 , 645 . The Registrar-General ' s quarterly return presents a favourable view of the state of the country ; it shows that marriages are more frequent , the rate of mortality diminishing , and that the population is increasing at an unusual rate .
City Matters . — The City Commissioners of Sewers sat on Tuesday at Guildhall , when Mr . Redman , C . E ., laid before the Court a model of an iron wheel-way , to be used where the street traffic was heavy . Mr . Redman entered at length into the various advantages that would accrue from the adoption of his plan . After he had answered a number of questions , the matter was referred to the General Purposes Committee . The Strike . — " The men are still obstinate , " says the Building News . " The contract of the Northern High Level ( Main Drainage ) sewer is again sush withdrawn
pended , the skilled hands aving m a body . Several other contracts connected with the Main Drainage Works have been postponed in consequence of the strike . The Executive Committee of the Central Association of Masters held a private meeting on Tuesday , when , as wo arc informed , it was reported to them that the number of men who had resumed work under the declaration up tq Saturday was 12 , 638 , and under the document as a shop rule 2 , 700 . We have heard that negotiations are still pending between the masters and the masons , and that the latter have offerod to withdraw the " strike at Messrs . Trollope ' s establishment on condition that the document be abandoned . "
Church Rates . —At a meeting of archdeacons of both provinces , held on the 18 th instant , a declaration was unanimously adopted in favour of maintaining the law of church rates . Tho document boars the signatures of sixty-one archdeacons . A petition was also adopted at the same mooting for a similar objeot , in tho ovont of « bill being brought into either House of Parliament for the abolition of church rates . Tixra Treasure in the Royal Chartmr , — Further advlcos received at Lloyd ' s to-day from Moelfra , dated yesterday , stute that , according to appearances , tho bullion room of tho Royal Charter has boon destroyed . The idea , is entertained of lifting the aftor part of tho vessel with " lumps , " and then , all doubts will bo eolred . An agent of a London Assurance Company , however , in a letter of tho some dato , declares his belief that tho treasure
is perfectly safe , and that its recovery is only a . question of cost and time . He points to the fact of ingots of copper having-been found in the vessel as . evidence that the gold has not been washed away . . Some pieces of wood , supposed to be portions of the bullion boxes , were exhibited at Lloyd ' s to-day * The Mobtaba Case . —A conversazione was held at the Mansion -house ? on Tuesday , to meet the Council of the "Evangelical Alliance , " and others interested in the union of English and continental Christians . Among those present were : —Sir John Lawrence and Lady Lawrence , Sir Henry Havelock , Professor Lorimer , Revs . T . Binney , E . Auriol , G . Molineaux , G . Hall , and Wm . Goode , Professor Hoppus , & c . The chief subject of discussion appears to have been the Irish revivals ; In the course of the evening the following letter was read : —
" Killeen Castle , Tara , October 29 , 1859 . —Sir , —I nave the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter ofthe 21 st-inst ., relative to a protest in course of signature , regarding the case of the Mortara child . In that letter , which j > -ou propose to read at a public meetlngon the 1 st Nov ., you ask me to send you an answer , which it is your intention to make public at the same time Although I am the senior Irish peer professing the Catholic religion , I have lio authority to speak the sentiments of the Catholic laity , nor shall I under take to become the exponent of Catholic opinion , on the question referred to , or any other . Acting simply for myself , I decline to affix my signature to the protest contained in the Times of the 19 th October , oi which you have sent me a copy . —I have the honour to be your obedient humble : servant , —( Signed)—FiNGALL .--Sir Culling 13 . Eardley , Bart . "
The Loss of the Express . '— The Board of Trade have issued the official report on the loss of the Jersey steamer Express , which took place on the coast of Jersey , in the month of September Iastr _ Mr . Mabb , who was in charge of the vessel , ia ; acquitted of wilfully taking the passage which ledt to the disaster ; the conduct of the crew and engineers is highly commended ; but the circumstances attending the drowning of two of the passengers were purposely not taken into-consideration One of the magistrates dissented from the report ; and , in consequence , the Board of Trade < lo not intend to take any steps in the matter . For the same reason the certificate of Mr . Mabb was returned to him .
The Garibaldi Fund . — This demonstration continues to receive very substantial" marks of sympathy in England . Sir Francis Goldsmid this week has sent £ 100 , Sir Henry Hoare £ 50 , ami many others smaller sums . The " Central Italian . Fund" has an account open with Messrs . Hoare * of Fleet-street , and Messrs . Ransom of Pall MalL Da . Livingstone . —We are informed that Drv Livingstone finds it impossible to proceed up the Zambesi river much further than Tete , owing to the small power and fragile build of his steamer , whichc to contend with the
he finds altogether unable rapid . current of the river . We understand that he has ? written to his friends in England , urging them ta send out a more powerful boat , to enable him to ascend the stream and ultimately to reach the Victoria Falls—a distance of nearly a thousand miles from the mouth of the / river . The vessel which is to be sent out will probably cost three thousand pounds ; and we hope that . tlip friends of this enterprising traveller , or tlxo Government , or both united , will not allow the cost of this necessary expense to fall on the private resources . of Dr .
Livingstone himself . The Gas Companies . —The complaints against the different gas companies in the motropohs , on ; account of the bad supply and indifferent quality-, have on many rocent occasions been loudly , urged , and with ample reason , as it is well known to all who arc cognisant of the miserable management which is productive of such complaints , and who aro unfortunately doponJcnt on tho companies for a fulfilment of their Contract with regard to thin essential commodity . Not only arc the streets , shops , and warehouses bndly lighted , but tho sphere of neglect now extends oven to tho theatres . Ihis was especially apparent at tho Olympic on Friday ovciuaglast , when tho somi-dnrknoss which prevailed led to rouionstrance from tho audience
an imlignant burst of , From the statement made by tho acting manager ,. Mr W . Wigan , it appears that tho London Oa » Company aro responsible for this disgraceful deficiency , since they possess an ontiro monopoly of tho district in which the tlicatro is situated , anfl are , thoreforo , justly amenable to denunciation ana censure . It is high timo , therefore , that more stringent measures snould bo adopted , and that the public , who are so deeply- interested in * tho lio > n , cafc performance of tho engagements of the Yoxlooff companies , should ascertain whether they aro tp W & dofraudod with impunity , and made to pay for wwfc they do not actually receive . Tho ovil has reachcwL a point which is becoming Intolerable .
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 5, 1859, page 7, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_05111859/page/7/