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1158 ' ffl#* Qtatie t* [Saturday ,
MISCELLANEOUS. The action brought to rec...
The following is the official return of ...
The proceedings of the Executive of the ...
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A Hard Cask. James Ilockloy, Saddler, Li...
allowed an opportunity of seeking for employment at his trade . There was no law in this country that would countenance such proceedings . Mr . Stovild , the master of the workhouse , said the prisoner , during the time he had been in the house , had been allowed two days to seek for work . Mr . Paynter said two days were not sufficient . The man ought to have been allowed an opportunity every day to seek for work . Honest tradesmen were not to be treated as vagrants . He ¦ would not support the parish authorities if they followed such a system . They should obtain a mandamus from the Court of Queen ' s Bench before he would comintolerable
mit in cases of that description . It was quite that a man who was a tradesman should not be allowed an opportunity of seeking employment . He was sorry the prisoner had broken the rules of the house , as he could not say the law justified the act . The law was in a certain extent with the parish officers ; but the law was not to be carried out in cases where there were special circumstances . The present case was a special one . Ine upshot of the case was , that Mr . Paynter requested Hockley to comply with the law , and break stones for one day ; but if the guardians compelled him to break stones for more than one day , Mr . Paynter would apply to the Poor-law Commissioners .
1158 ' Ffl#* Qtatie T* [Saturday ,
1158 ' ffl # * Qtatie t * [ Saturday ,
Miscellaneous. The Action Brought To Rec...
MISCELLANEOUS . The action brought to recover penalties from Mr . Alderman Salomons comes on to-day . The Bishop of Oxford reconsecrated Upton Old Church , on Tuesday . There has been a further and general reduction and rearrangement of omnibus fares . On Wednesday , a meeting was held at the London Tavern , of Postmasters , Mr . Tattersall in the chair , for the purpose of originating a movement to abolis h or reduce the post-horse duty . Intelligence up to October 4 , arrived from the Cape on Wednesday , but no new facts are communicated . The same state of things still continues . Cattle stealing was on the increase near Somerset , and the Tambookies were reported to have been coming out in strong numbers .
The influence of the gold discoveries in Australia has not yet sensibly increased emigration . An agent on the part of the agricultural interest has arrived from Port Philip , forthe purpose of procuring agricultural emigrants . Cardinal Wiseman publicly laid the foundation-stone of a new Roman Catholic church , now in the course of erection in Westmoreland-terrace , Westborne-grove , Bayswater , on Wednesday . Dr . Hendren , the Roman Catholic Bishop of Nottingham , was publicly enthroned with great ceremony on Tuesday . Dr . Hendren is famous for his share in the Talbot case . Two officers , one in the regulars , the other , Mr . Ambrose Phillips , in the uniform of the Leicestershire Yeomanry , assisted in bearing the canopy over the Bishop .
The lloyal Society held its anniversary meeting on Monday . The Earl of Rosse delivered the annual address . Professor Owen received the Copley medal for his discoveries in comparative anatomy and palaeontology , published in the P'kilosopJiical Transactions ; one of the Royal medals was given to the Uarl of Rosse , for his observations on the nebulae , and a second to Mr . G . Newman for his paper on the impregnation of the ovum . Judgment whs delivered in the Court of Exchequer , on Monday , in the long-pending case of the
Attorney-General versus Bradbury and Evans , or rather the Board of Inland Revenue seeking to recover penalties from the printers of a monthly publication called Household Narrative of Current Events . The case is well known to our readers , and turned on the question , what is a newspaper ? Three judges , namely , Baron Platt , Baron Martin , and Chief Baron Pollock , decided that the Household Narrative was not a newspaper , and Baron Parke held that it was . Judgment , therefore , was for the defendants .
Since the Anti-state-church Asssocintion commenced its agitation for the winter , six weeks ago , it has been holding a succession of public meetings in different parts of the kingdom , all of which have been attended by deputations from the executive committee . The north of England has been visited by Mr . Carvell Williams , the secretary , and the Reverend J . G . Miall , of Bradford , who addressed public meetings at Ilartlepool , Stockton , Miildlesborough , JSunderlaml , Newcastle , North and South Shields , and Scarborough . Mr . Kdward Miall and the Reverend J . A . Baynes , of Nottingham , have been
still further north , holding iuectiiigH at Glasgow , Edinburgh , DunferiMlinc , Perth , Aberdeen , Montrose , and Dundee , taking Huddoisfield on their way . At the other end of the kingdom , Mr . Kingsh-y has been lecturing at Erome , Bristol ( twice ) , Bath , Bridgewater , Glastonbury , Plymouth ( twice ) , and Tuviatock ; and is to visit neveral other towns in the diocese of I > it ; hoj > Philpotts . There lutve been also a few similar gatherings in the metropolis . The moetiiif » s have , of course , varied in Humbert ) and character ; but have , in kohio cases , been very large .
In the Hitting of the Second l'russian Chamber , on the 2 !> th , Count I-ohworiti was elected President with ]/> l voIch , in opposition to Count . Ainiin , who had 120 . 'J'he third report of the Manchester and Salford Public Library hats been published . The experiment has hitherto been highly satisfactory . The number of volumes has been increased from MOO to 10 , 000 . The number of readers during twelvemonths has been 27 <) , 000 . Within the year , ending August , ' 2 f > 7 persons became donors to the Museum . The ; conduct of the readers , chiefly of the working clauses , Ihih bf : en very exemplary . Henry Harrington haw been fully committed on the Coroner ' it warrant , for the wilful murder of Mm . (' obl > , at TollcHhury .
The body of George Bush , a milkman , was found in a wood near Bath , on Monday , with his throut cut und Ilia pocketa iiilcd .
The body of a woman was found in a ditch near B attersea fields , on Monday morning . She appears to have fallen in during the fog on Sunday night . There were marks on the bank indicating severe struggles to escape . John Soffe went with his horse and cart , on Thursday week , to Romney . He had a load of corn , which he left at the town mill , and proceeded to a public-house , where he met with two vagabonds and two women , who drank pretty freely with him . By the evening , he was greatly intoxicated , and started on his way home ; the men and women , however , seduced him again into a public-house . He had money in his pocket , and when he left thay followed him . The next morning he was found in the river Test , and all his money gone .
Miss Eliza Maria Amphlett , a " lady " who called herself the Honourable Mrs . Colonel Ripon at Brighton , and thus obtained goods of considerable value , has just been sentenced to twelve months' imprisonment and the hardest labour she can endure . She is said to be rich , to have mixed in "fashionable watering-place society , " and when captured to have been keeping a " first-rate establishment" in Town . The North Shields Theatre was burned down on Tuesday .
The Following Is The Official Return Of ...
The following is the official return of the different regiments and battalions now stationed in the metropolis and its vicinity for the ensuing winter : —Cavalry—FirstRegimentof Life Guards , Albany Barracks , Regent ' s-park ; Second ditto , Knightsbridge Barracks , Hyde-park jandRoyal Horse Guards ( Blue ) , at Windsor , forming the cavalry of the Household Brigade ; Royal Horse Artillery and Fourth Regiment of Light Dragoons , Woolwich ; Eighth ditto , the King ' s Own Royal Irish Hussars , Hounslow ; Seventeenth ditto , Lancers , Canterbury .
Infantry—Grenadier Guards , first battalion , Wellington Barracks , Birdcage-walk , St . James ' s-park ; second ditto , Windsor ; third ditto , St . John ' s-wood Barracks , Regent ' s-park ; Coldstream Guards , first battalion , Chichester ; second ditto , Portman-street Barracks , Portman-square ; Scots Fusilier Guards , first battalion Tower of London ; second ditto , St . George ' Barracks , Trafalgar-square , forming the infantry of the Household Brigade . At Woolwich—Royal Foot Artillery , Royal Engineers , & c , one division of Royal Marines .
The following is the official return of the present military force in Ireland , with the head-quarters and depots of the different regiments : —Cavaly . —First Regiment of Dragoon Guards , Newbridge ; Second ditto , Cahir ; Fifth ditto , Longford ; Sixth ditto , Ballincollig ; and Seventh ditto , Newbridge ; Seventh Hussars , Dublin ; Royal Horse Artillery , ditto . Infantry . —First Regiment of Foot , second battalion , Fermoy ; Third ditto , or Buffs ( depot ) , Boyle ; Sixth ditto ( depot ) , Nenagh ; Ninth ditto , Athlone ; Fourteenih ditto , Dublin ; Seventeenth ditto ( depot ) , Galway ; Twenty-seventh ditto , Dublin ; Thirty-first ditto , JBnniskillen ; Thirty-fourth ditto ( depot ) , Mullingar ; Thirty-fifth ditto , Dublin ; Thirtyninth ditto , Dublin ; Fortieth ditto ( depot ) , Cork ;
Forty-first ditto ( depot ) , Castlebar ; Forthy-third ditto , Buttevant ; Forty-seventh do . ( depot ) , Waterford ; Fortyninth ditto ( depot ) , Birr ; Fifty-second ditto , Limerick ; Fifty-fifth ditto ( depot ) , Tralee ; Fifty-seventh ditto , Dublin ; Fifty-ninth ditto ( depot ) , Fermoy ; Sixtieth ditto ( Rifles ) , second battalion ( depot ) , Kildare ; Sixtysecond ditto , Dublin ; Sixty-third ditto , Limerick ; Sixtysixth ditto ( depot ) , Youghal ; Seventy-first ditto , first battalion , Newry , for Australia ; Seventy-third ditto ( depot ) , Londonderry ; Seventy fourth ditto ( depot ) , Fermoy ; Eighty-first ditto , Tcmplemore ; Eighty-ninth ditto , Clonmel , for Australia ; Ninetieth ditto , Cork ; Ninety-first ditto , Belfast ; and Ninety-second ditto ( depot ) , Dublin . Royal Foot Artillery , Royal Engineers , & c , Dublin .
The Proceedings Of The Executive Of The ...
The proceedings of the Executive of the National Charter Association , on Wednesday last , were important . A letter was read from Mr . Thomas Cooper , agreeing to serve if elected on the next Executive . A resolution , declining to consider the mooted question as to whether the Executive should consist of nine or three , was passed , on the ground that the Committee had no powers . The following have been duly nominated as fit and proper persons to act as the future Executive Committee of the National Charter Association : —Feargus O'Connor , Ernest Jones , G . Julian Harney , G . J .
llolyoake , lhornton Hunt , Robert Le Blond , John Arnott , J . GrasHby , Charles Frederick Nicholls , T . M . Wheeler , Thomas Cooper , John Shaw , J . J . Bezer , II . T . llolyoake , A . J . Wood , George Ilagpis , J . B . Leno , J . C . Ollevenshaw , Gerald Massey , J . B . O'Brien , Robert Oliver , A . E . Delaforce , Robert Cooper , J . M . Bryson , P . M . M'Douall , W . J . Linton , Arthur Trevelyan , James Leach , Edward Swift , and Edmund Stallwood . N . B . The last day for receiving votes will be Tuesday , December ' AQ . Members only holding a card for the present year will be allowed to vote . —Signed on behalf of the Committee , John Arnott , General Secretary .
Ckntkal Co-Ol'krativk Agency. Mr. (J. Da...
CKNTKAL CO-OL'KRATIVK AGENCY . Mr . ( j . Dawson delivered a lecture at St . Martin ' s JIa . l , Long-acre , on Thursday , in furtherance of the principle : ; sought , to be carried out by the Cooperative Associations . The lecturer drew a vivid picture of the many disadvantages arising from the present nyatem of retail trade , and proceeded to argue that the only true remedy was to be , found in a right and timely application of capital , skill , and experience to the est > iblinhmcnt of the principle of cooperatiue agency . The objects of the associations were to counteract the practiced of adulteration and fraud now prevailing in trade ; to net as agents for tins consumers in making their purchascB , and for the produceiH in ( telling their produce ; and to find , employment for the disciplert of the cooperative . BVHtom , by the collection of orderH through a regular channel . Mr . DawBon contended that thia cooperative
agency wasdeserying of public support , because it ~" the most effectual means which ha * evetW ?* , * . *»» for giving the working classes the benefit oftlf " labour . He argued , moreover , that it wM ; mn *?•« that Christianity , ' which was so ^ h ^ auntd in this country , could be kept up arSonS ?!? people , unless a true spirit of brotherhood SSeJt bhshed upon the principle that men should lano ,, * ? gether for the general advantage of all .. After dwelUn !; with much argumentative skill upon the loss of mS sustained b y the people in their dealings with rS tradesmen , Mr . Dawson concluded a very able leotif by pointing out the numerous benefits which would » crue from cooperative establishments if properly okmI ized , and he earnestly called upon all present to sunnnr * him and the friends of these associations in the view ? Jihad taken of this important subject . y
Births, Marriages, And Deaths. Births. O...
BIRTHS , MARRIAGES , AND DEATHS . BIRTHS . On the 26 th of November , in Berkeley-square , the wife nf Sydney Smirke , Esq . : a son . l On the 26 th , at the Parsonage . Buokhurst-hill , Chigwell thn wife of the Reverend John Smith , Head Master of Meriw School : a daughter . "ween On the 27 th , at Woolwich , the wife of Brigade-Major Charlp . Bingham , Royal Artillery : a daughter . eB On the 28 th , at Wickbam-place , Essex , the wife of Sir Claude C . de Crespigny , Baronet : a daughter . On the 28 th , at Greystoke Castle , Cumberland , Mrs . Howard '
a son . On the 28 th , at St . James's Palace , the Honourable Mrs . Grey a son . On the 28 th , at Chesham-place , Lady Caroline King : a son . On the 30 th , at Gloucester-place , Hyde-park , the wife of Beaumont Hankey : a son . On the 30 th , at Apley , near Ryde , Isle of Wight , the wife of Commander Colin Yorke Campbell , Royal Navy , now commanding her Majesty ' s ship Devastation : a daughter . On the 1 st of December , the wife of the Reverend Samuel Clark , National Society's Training College , Battersea : a son .
MARRIAGES . On the 18 th of August , at St . Thomas ' s Church , Mauritius , Captain Arthur Mansel Alexander Bowers , her Majesty ' s Thirtyseventh Regiment , A . D . C . to his Excellency the Governor , only son of the late Lieutenant-Colonel Bowers , her Majesty * Thirteenth Dragoons , to Frances , second daughter of Hugh Hunter , Esq ., Lieutenant , Royal Navy . On the 25 th of November , at Whitehaugh , Robert William Rickart Hepburn , of Rickarton , Esq ., North Britain , to Helen Maria , second daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel James John Forbes Leith , of Wbitehaugh , North Britain , and of his widow , Williamina Helen Stewart , and granddaughter of the late Lieutenant-Colonel James Stewart , of the Forty-second Royal Highlanders . On the ^ 6 th , at St . John ' s Church , Richmond , George Scotland , jun ., of the Middle Temple , Esq ., barrister-at-law , to Pbilippa Augusta , eldest daughter of Henry Fuller , Esq ., late attorneygeneral and member of council iu the Island of Trinidad . On the 26 th , at St . Thomas ' s Chapel , Edinburgh , the Lord Gilbert Kennedy , to Margaret , eldest daughter of Sir David Baird . of Newbyth , Bart . On the 26 th , at St . Saviour ' s Church , St . Heher ' s , Jersey , E . F Tranchell Esq ., Ceylon Rifles , to Eliza Isabella , only daughter of the late Major Blake , of the Forty-fifth Madras Native Infantry . . On the 27 th , at Lyndhurst , Hants , Georgiana Theophila , daughter of Hear-Admiral Dashwood , to Char les Spencer March On The 5 ? th , at Heddon-on-the- \ Vall , Northumberland , Hill Wallace , Esq ., Bombay Horse Artillery , to Harriet Sophia Burgoyne , youngest daughter of the late Captain irederick William UU fX S ^ . l ?™ -. ar . Bhone . Captain Elie d . Roquier Count de Viellefoy , Third Regiment of Cuirassiers to Augusta F . Wynne Aubrey , fourth daughter ot Lieutenant-Colonel Wynne A r the 27 th , at St . Michael ' s Church . FimllcoGeorge . eldest son of George Atherlcy , E 8 q ., of Southampton , to hllen , > ounj'ert daughter of Arthur Frederick , Esq ., of ( ph ™* ' ^""^ " " ! of Colonel Lloyd Watkins , ofPcnnoyre . M . r .. and Lord-Lieutenant of the county of Brecon . T . ., . On the 29 t h , at Dudley . Edward Kenealy , Fq ., LL . D . Gray ' -inn , to Mias flicklin , of Upper-green , lipton , in the county ° ^! ie 2 nd of December , at Dun . by . ^ ^ R ^ Vy ^' of Kmmanuel College , Cambridge and of Si * b y K « ctory . I colnahire , to Elizabeth , only daughter of i . M . Lawrence , ftsq ., ofDuneby-hall , Lincolnshire . DEATH 8 . On the 2 nd of November , at Madrid , the Honourable Uranta Caroline , widow of the ' -te Honoarablo Lieutenant-Gcneral John Meade , and youngest daughter of the late iionou Edward and Lady Arabella Ward . f | lnmntnnKhirc Damo On the S » nd , at Canons Annoy . Northamptc nUiir . " ¦ Elizabeth Dryden . widow of the lute Reverend Sir Henry uxy ^ nU ^ tu . , t Beverley . Rear-Admiral Henry Gage Morris , in the oiglity-necond year of his age . M „ On the 24 th , at the Deanery , iltrtluay . Isle of Bute . " fl wife of the Very Reverend Bamuel Hood . Dean of Ar > i « tl Jnc 24 lh . . t 1 . 1 . residence , ^^^ ' ^^ o ^ scv « .. tv . l ' oter ' Clare . F . K . A . H .. the "'"'"^ J ^ J d ^ fterwara . iiiouof Dr . Dalton . and for man v years ISetretoiy . an a u d on-. ) of tlia Vioe-1 ' rebideiita . of the Munche . ttr Litcra y riiilotiophical Societ y , nnnraiile Sarah Newnham () ,. the 25 th . at Dover . Kent the 1 lonourable » ara Colliii ( fwood . cldcat daughter of the late ^" ''^ ' C ))| lin ({ . wood , and relict of the late < Jcorffe Lew" J ^ liM of wood ! Kaq . . of IlawklmrBt . Kent , in the llit > 1 "" Me 20 th . at hi . ™**™ >* ^ XJ Z ^ William Winch , of tho Iiispeotor-Oencuil 01 Department , London . , ' , Hfiv « iriteen , Kob « rt .. ^^ S ^ tL'S ^ n-aS sj ^ is -S M . . "! ffSKT Zffii " " "¦¦¦ <• - ' » " ¦«¦*•¦ - " ¦•¦* """' Durancfi GeorK e , Eaq ., utf . xl "'" . ^ "l ?** . lir of hig u ( re . tl «> Ilt ; V ( " ,, < : ;¦ £ srsiji £ ZSS- & SZJZ . * , „ , . «—¦ "xt « .. - 1 ,, t ., ™ ,, - jsssi ^ ^ 5 r ; , »» r •& ^ B iSoffiCiNS .- ^^ " " " " *'" row .
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 6, 1851, page 10, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_06121851/page/10/