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1168 &!> * ¦**»>**• [Satubdat ,
dtywt Cmmril.
There is no learned man but willconfess ...
Cmnmtrrial Iffnfra.
FOBEIGN PUND8 - (Last Official Quotation...
CORN EXCHANGE. Mark-lane, Friday, Decemb...
GRAIN, Mark-lane, Nov. 28. Wheat, R. New...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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1168 &!> * ¦**»>**• [Satubdat ,
1168 &!> * ¦**»>**• [ Satubdat ,
Dtywt Cmmril.
dtywt Cmmril .
^ Rin This Department, ^S All Opinions, ...
There Is No Learned Man But Willconfess ...
There is no learned man but willconfess he hath much ¦ DTofited by reading controversies , his senses awakened , imd his -judgment sharpened . If , then , it be profitable for him to read , why should it not , at least , be tolerable for his adversary to write . —Milton .
Palmerston And His Opponents. 11, Russel...
PALMERSTON AND HIS OPPONENTS . 11 , Russell-place , December 2 , 1851 . Sir , —You can appreciate my earnestness if I venture again to trouble you on an old subject . You know something of my opinions of Lord Palinerston , as a friend of freedom here and elsewhere . Mark ¦ who are his enemies now!—Baron Brunnow , the Carlton Club , Lord Grey , and the Times . You have complained that he has come short in action ; they will not allow him to speak his own ¦ words , or even think his own thoughts ( see the Daily News of this day ) . Surely it is quite time that we made up our minds to sustain , rather than disconcert and baffle , him in his struggles "with the despots . I am , yours obediently , B . J .
[ We may add the following anecdote for the edification of B . J . Early in the week Lord Palmerston and the BaTon Brunnow were observed in , Brook - street , walking , engaged in close and lively conversation—the " most liberal of all Ministers" sustaining the arm of the envoy of Nicholas . A groom with a led horse followed . On reaching Mivart ' s Hotel , the pair stopped a moment on the steps , and then Brunnow disappeared behind the hotel doors , after > n affectionate leave-taking , and the " noble and judicious bottle-holder " mounted his horse and rode towards the park . So much for the entente cordiale of hostility ] .
Defence Of The Freehold Land Movement. M...
DEFENCE OF THE FREEHOLD LAND MOVEMENT . Minster , Thanet , Decembers , 1851 . Sik , —Hitherto we have considered you more consistent than most of your Democratic contemporaries ; but your remarks in " News of the Week , " respecting Freehold-Land Societies , appear to us inconsistent in a journal advocating the cause of cooperation . You object to this cooperation for buying land . —The greatest monopoly in existence . One would have supposed you a warm advocate ; you say "It is not precisely the best investment for the working classes . " As a Leader of the working
classes I think it would be but simple justice to enlighten us to " precisely the best , " if this is not . You observe that buying a vote ia almost as bad as Belling one . Is the possessing of a house or land a bad thing for the working man ? and the time ia has a vote attached to it , it cannot be bad for a working man to have one . As to its " admitting the unrea-BonablenesH of the qualification , and that property is the proper standard for fitness , " I cannot conceive that all who possess landrnust necessarily be advocates of " Brick qualification instead of brain . " The men who are the warmest advocates of the Freehold movement , I think a Buflicient answer to such an assertion . The movement does admit of being the means of getting a better interest for the working
man ' s earnings than any other , and b y means of " bricks " of getting a vote for the " brains" : we shall feel grateful by your showing uh a better and quicker mode . Empty talk will not gain universal suffrage . Shouting for the charter over a pot and pipe will never obtain it , nor pikes and stilettoes got the ballot . Such investments will not obtain for tho working clauses their due share in the national councils ; but the investing in n Freehold-Land ( Society will . Till you , the Times , and other objectors to this movement can show us a better " move , " it would be well to < : eane ineffective cavilling . Of Windbags , * ' Star " arguments , and Ilerringtrails we have hudonough . If you aspire to the " leadership " of tho working classes , lead us aright . Yours , respectfully , A Wohkino Man .
The Queen Mltsttsuqwhanl) And Others. Qu...
THE QUEEN MltStTSUQWhANl ) AND OTHERS . Qucoii ' b Prioon , November 2 ft , 1 W ) 1 . Sik , —I have just sent the following correction to the editor of the ' IHmva : —" 3 ir , —Your report of
the sentence passed by the Queen ' s Bench yesterday in this case is incorrect in the material matter ' which I here quote : — ' Mr . Parry made an application that the Court would order that the defendants should not be set to hard labour . Lord Campbell declined to make any such order . That was a matter for the justices . '" Now , I do not stat e that what I have quoted was not said , but I say that this important matter did not end there . I being in Court , pointed out to the Court the two acts " for the better ordering of prisons" ( 2 nd and 3 rd Vic , cap . 56 , and 3 rd and 4 th Vic , cap . 25 ) , which directly contradict the Lord
Chief Justice ; for they say that misdemeanants not sentenced to hard labour shall te divided into first and second divisions , but that none shall be sent to the first division , except by order of the Court or judge . You will thus perceive that there are three degrees in the sentence which have nothing to do with " the justices" ; on the one hand , the Court or judge may make the sort of imprisonment more severe , and on the other , less . This power appertaining to the Court or judge applies only to the gaols other than or " except the Queen ' s Bench and Fleet prisons , and the General Penitentiary at Millbank . "
~ M * . Justice Patteson at first said he thought the acts applied to the Queen ' s Prison , and not to the County Prisons , and on that erroneous supposition this Court has been sentencing to the " first division of misdemeanants in the Queen ' s Prison " for the last six years , without any act for that purpose . On the error being pointed out , Mr . Justice Patteson pleasantly dubbed me , " Amicus Curias . " By the acts I have mentioned the first division of misdemeanants are allowed to be with the debtors . This , therefore , is to be the situation of the above parties , and not to be put to hard labour or not , at the discretion of ' the justices . "
I trouble you with this in case otherwise the truth might not be generally known ; and am , Sir , your obedient servant , "W . Cobbett .
Health Of London Duking The Week. (From ...
HEALTH OF LONDON DUKING THE WEEK . ( From the Registrar-General ' s Report . ) The rate of mortality in the metropolitan districts , which was shown to have been augmented in the two previous weeks , has received a great additional increase in the week ending last Saturday . In the first week of November , 989 deaths were registered , in the second 1022 , in the third 1132 , and in the last week of the month 1279 . During the same period the weekly mortality of peisons aged 60 years and upwards has increased in the following numbers : —202 , 207 , 242 , and 277 .
If corresponding weeks of the 10 years 1841-50 be taken for comparison , it will be seen that the average was only 1044 , and that with the exception of 1847 , when , in con-Bequence of the commencement of epidemic influenza at the end of November in that year , the deaths rose to 1677 , there is no corresponding week in which the mortality was so high as in last week . The average as above staled may be corrected for increase of population , and in this case it becomes 1148 , compared with which the 1279 deaths now registered show an excess of 131 .
Cmnmtrrial Iffnfra.
Cmnmtrrial Iffnfra .
Money Market And City Intelliaence. Flud...
MONEY MARKET AND CITY INTELLiaENCE . FlUDAT . The English Money Market has been greatly disturbed by the revolution in Paris . Closing on Monday at 98 j J , and opening quietl y at the same quotations on Tuesday morning , the news from Paris suddenly arrested business and all Securities sunk in value . Consols soon reached 96 . J—a decline of 2 J per cent ., but Hubsequently recovered to 97 J . On Wednesday they closed at 97 f 8 ; and on Thursday , after rising and falling with the news , they closed at 973 •}• This morning they opened at 961 7 . Market bad . The fluctuations have been : —Consols , from 98 J to 964 ; Bunk Stock , from 214 to 216 ; Exchequer Bills , from 60 s . to 48 s . premium . Activity in Foreign Stocks was of course checked by the events in 1 ' arin . Yesterday- Mexican , for money , were quoted in the official Hut tit 23 $ ; for the account , 231 , 8 > aT | d J ; Peruvian , for account , 89 j ; the Deferred , 4 . 'i iind 44 ; Portuguese Five p «; r CentH ., 91 and iJOA ; the Four per Cents ., , 'J . ' } j | ; tho Small , ' A ' A ; itussian Fourand-a-llalf prr C « nt 8 ., 102 J and 1031 ; Sardinian Five per Cents ., 80 , 79 , and 80 ox div . ; Spanish Five per Cents ., for account , 20 j \ , 19 j | , and ' 20 ; Passive , 5 ; Spanish Three per Cents ., f or account , 38 ^ and . ' { 9 ; Dutcli Two-und-a-Ilnlf per Cents ., 68 ; and tho Four per Cent . Certificates , 8 «) £ .
Hkit1sm Kundh Koit This Past Wkkk. (Clos...
HKIT 1 SM KUNDH KOIt THIS PAST WKKK . ( Closing Tricon . ) Matitr . Monti . 'J ' utm . H'mln . Thura . l <' riil . Hunk Hlock --- : > U > A 2 H 4 iM . > 3 p « r (> 't . Red .. 1 ) 7 ^ 1 » H ^ 1 » 7 (| UOft U « | a |> . C . Coh . Aiih . UH ) 'Mi 1 ( 7 i » 7 . } 07 ft ¦ 3 |> . C . An . 17 Si ( i . —¦ - ; i p . ci .. <;<) ii .. Ar . 'j Hfi < w . t > . n \ !> 7 j 97 a ¦ . : tf p- Cont . All . 1 )!> mj 1 ) H . | » H . | 1 ) 7 ft N «; w . ) \ n : r ( "I . h . . - — . , Loii ^ AnB .. IWiO . 7 ^ 7 7 7 7 Ind . Bt . lOiJp . d . ' MH 204 ii ( W y (» a 2 CA ¦ Ditto OondH .. OH p ( J 2 p « . > p <> f > p !> H p Kx . IUIIb , 10 ( H )/ . Mp ft » p Kip . VJ p Wp Uitto , & l ) 0 t .,. M p Mi p 5 a p W ) p ftU p . Ditto , Hinull M p | Mi p r > a i » tte i > fta p
Fobeign Pund8 - (Last Official Quotation...
FOBEIGN PUND 8 - ( Last Official Quotation durin | the W * eek ending Friday I ^ y ^ bis . ff ¥ S 8 SV #£ ff . £ Chilian 6 per Cents ... 101 J Portugueae 5 per CenV 2 ? Danish 5 perCenta . .. 102 —— 4 DeP r «^ ' % & Dutch 2 J per Cents ... 58 ln ^ lH « ^ —— 4 per Cents . .. 894 Russian , 1822 44 n Cta i 7 qS Ecuador Bonds .. 3 i Span . Actives % Tn ' ni ^ French 5 p . C . An . atPam 90 . 1 o g Ct 8 * 2 2 * 3 p . Ct 8 ., Julyll , 55 . 75 Deferred " J
Corn Exchange. Mark-Lane, Friday, Decemb...
CORN EXCHANGE . Mark-lane , Friday , December 5 . —We have i « a moderate supplies of grain at market this week " vVW Barley , and Oats were firm on Monday and Wednead . ' but not much business was doing . At all the conm markets held during the week , Wheat was ia » cmJ demand at rather improved prices ; secondary quafitieR of Barley were rather lower . In Yorkshire the demand for Beans has raised prices Is . per quarter . The arrivals of Mediteranean and Black Sea cargoes off the coast ar few . Galatz Maize , 27 s . C . F . and I . A cargo of Odessa Maize was sold on Wednesday at 27 s . 9 d . less 2 | per cent Since the arrival of the Alexandrian Mail , Egyptian Wheat has been held for 27 s ., and 22 s . 6 d . has been refused for Egyptian Beans . At this day ' s market ,
Grain, Mark-Lane, Nov. 28. Wheat, R. New...
GRAIN , Mark-lane , Nov . 28 . Wheat , R . New 33 s . to 35 s . Maple 303 . to 3 <>« Tine 35 —37 White 28 -SB Old 36 —38 Boilers 34 —3 R White 37 —39 Beans , Ticks . .. 29 —30 Fine 40 —41 Old 30 —33 Superior New 42 —46 Indian Corn .... 27 —09 Rye 25 —27 Oats . Feed .... 17 —18 Barley 22 —25 Fine .... 18 —19 Malting 25 —27 Poland 20 —21 Malt . Ord 48 —52 Fine .... SI —22 Fine 52 —54 Potato 17 —19 Peas , Hog 29 —30 Fine 19 —20
From The London Gazette. Friday, Novembe...
FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE . Friday , November 28 . Bankruptcy Annulled . —W . B . Pattinson , Liverpool , currier . BANKBurTS . — W . Milleb , Hawley-place , Kentish-town , baker , to surrender Deoember 3 , January 6 ; solicitors , Messrs . " Wilkinson , Gurney , and Stevens , Nicnolas-lane , Lombardstreet ; official assignee , Mr . Stansfeld—R . M . Foebks , Great St . Helen ' s , provision merchant , December 11 , January 13 ; solicitor , Mr . Bower , Tokenhouse-yard , Lothbury ; official assignee , Mr . Edwards , Sambrook-court , Basinghall-street—J . Colquhoxjn , Woolwich , money scrivener , December 12 , January 30 ; solicitor , Mr . Ivimey , Chancery-lane ; official assignee , Mr . Nicholson , Basinghall-street—J . J . K . Boots !
Commercial-road , manufacturing chemist , D ecember 6 , January 16 ; solicitor , Mr . Teague , Crown-court , Cheapside ; official assignee , Mr . Pennell , Guildhall-chambers , Basinghall-street—J . W . Dawson and T . E . Williams , late of Crescent-place , New Bridge-street , Blackfriars , wine merchants , December 9 , January 8 ; solicitors , Messrs . Scott and Tahourdin , Lincoln ' ainn-fields ; and Messrs . Wren , Fenchurch-street ; official assignee , Mr . Johnson , Basinghall-street—W . Young , Newport , Monmouthshire , victualler , December 16 , January 13 ; solicitor , Mr . Hassel , Bristol ; official assignee , Mr . Hutton , Bristol—D . Griffiths , Merthyr Tydfil , druggist , December 15 , January
12 ; solicitors , Messrs . Brittanand Sons , Bristol ; official assignee , Mr . Miller , Bristol—D . and J . 8 haw , Aldmondbury , Yorkshire , manufacturers , December 19 , January 8 ; solicitors , Mr . Haigh , Huddersfield ; and Messrs . Courtenay and Compton , Leeds ; official assignee , Mr . Young . Leeds—W . Davison , Newcaetleupon-Tyne , spirit merchant , Dec . 9 , January 8 ; solicitors , Messrs . Boldingand Pope , Fenchurch-street ; and Mr . Foster , Newcaatleunon-Tyiie ; official assignee , Mr . Wakley , Newcastle-upon-1 yne — W . Shaw , Leeds , millwright , December 12 , January 9 ; solicitors . Messrs . Ferns and Rooke , Leeds ; official assignee , Mr . Young , Leeds-J . and T . Svkhs , Halifax , woollen manulactnr . 'ia . December 12 . January 8 ; solicitors , Messrs . Holroyde , BarwicK
Bon , and Cronhclm , Halifax ; and Messrs . Bond " »«> , Leeds ; official assignee , Mr . Freeman , Leeds—L . J ^ ™^; *' sen ., B . Lonoley , L . Lonoley , jun ., and J . JjONGlbx , Almondbury , Yorkshire , woollen manufacturers , December 11 , January 9 ; solicitors , Mr . Mitchell . Halifax ; M ^ Hunt . BocUdale ; and Messrs . Bond and Barwick . Leeds ; official , astwnee , Mr . Young , Leeds—J . Cummins , Bradford , \ ° 'toto ™ . *™* : draper , December 18 , January 9 ; solicitor , Mr . Leo , Leeds , official assignee , Mr . Freeman , Leed « -T . Chaffhbs : and . H . Jonbs , Liverpool , brewers . December 11 . January 8 ; solicitor , Mr . iforner . Liverpool ; official ™*&* ° - * \ % * Zlb ^ $£ pool—C . Pioot , Wigan , soritener . December 10 and JU , mh citor , Mr . Mayhew , Wigan ; official assignee , Mr . f oil , win cheater . Tuesday , December 2 . . BANKHUPTOiiiS Annuukd .-A . Wrioiit , Kettering . grocer
—W . Languiibld . Camberwell . butcher . miller to Bankrupts .-. ! . Clauk , Upwell . C *» ihnd &* to ™ . ™ j ™ j Burre . » dcr December 16 . January 13 ; «> llcitora . * M «*»^ H ~^ Jenkins , and Abbott . New-inn , Strand ; and Mr . Watson , vv beach ; and oHieiil assignee M % * * "ZJ' - ??\ ° oUcZ » Dover , hotel-keeper , December 18 Jan wry \?' * chaI 1 . Mctmn . Church and Langdall . Soutba . npton-buildinKB j , w ccry-1-ne ; official assignee . Mr . Kdwards , ba " » 5 December Bu » inKhall-BtrU ot _ W . M . NBIl . L . UTC ^^ U , January 30 ; solicitor , Mr . Murray I * ., on J r ** ^^ church-Btreet ; official a ^ igneo . Mr . * cl ! n * 1 1 ' , '" , Warwickbern . UaHlng hall-Btreet-W : Kawlins Mill- « trct War Hhire . maltotor . December 17 , January rt ; aolicrtaw ¦ £ r . Warwick ; Meuiro . Mottorum . Knight , and hum et 11 rmu g oilicial a . ; ig »« e . Mr . Chri . tio . V ^ 1 " 1 ^ 1 ) b ^^ S Mr tingham . butcher . December 1 » . J '""'"^ J \ . £ Xnion , ' jTot-Ho « ley . Nottingham : offic . a »» 0 ^" - Mr J 0 " , ' , otll m . rtin hain-J . I , ongi . ottom and l '^*"" ' ^ Mi < l < H « t «> i > . .. i ........ it .. n ... v . i ... > - l <) -luiiuurv Z & ; solicitor , ""• • , . „„_
Leeds ; oilicial HHHignoo , M r . / ««• " *» ¦ \* ' f ' January Ml Klland . YorkBhlro , corn-miller . Deo niber Ml . J w ke ' fleW ; solicitorH . Meun . We » t . nor « land and !• £ JUIlto , official aHBigiicm . Mr- Y . * £ h , lrv *»• Bolioitors . Mewni . Yorkshire , drapor . December 18 . Jamil V - » . % , „„„ ,. „ . jUchiurd-8 ule . Wortlungtoii . un . 1 8 bijm . au . M' ^ choBt-r yOIing . Leedj .-. oii and Oaunl , L «« d , ; ollcial ** l ) 1 f " ' ^ tlln ; r , j ) econil » r A . ( Jhavkn . LomlH , York-b . ro , « l . » tb «»«'«'' " ; «[ „ ' , „ , (; ttllI , t . 1 H , January J 4 : i ; uolicitorB , M ^ B « rs , ¦ Klo " ~ " M OiiMk a »<« lJMh ; oilicial ' a-Hlgnoo . Mr . Y « M . « jr . »'' « " eIX 16 , JWft W . II . LYNAMN . Liverpool ale inerchi . » » eo ' , on oial ft ; HolicilorB . MosBm . Anderson and Collins £ i , ) HM . BBBlirnee . Mr . Morgan . Liverpool— fc . ; . T ] * lll ^ r '| , ruinner . Liverkeeuer . l > ece « bor 17 . Jw . uary 7 ; b « Ucitor M ^ i __^ , > oo ; oflloial wwlgneo , Mr . ^; "u » "vo \ ' uar l ft ; aolicitor Mr . IJtorpool . chemfct , ''"'^ " ^ 'J ^ J'Sovo UtW ^ Jones Uverpool ; ottlolal aBaiguee . Mr . uumu
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 6, 1851, page 20, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_06121851/page/20/