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Vnc. 6, 1851.] Kft^ fLiairi?* i*69
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Vnc. 6, 1851.] Kft^ Fliairi?* I*69
Vnc . 6 , 1851 . ] Kft ^ fLiairi ?* i * 69
" Thbatbe Boyal, Deuky Lane. Bal Masque.
M JULLIEN has the honour 10 announce that 0 his GHAND ANNUAL BAt MASQUE will take place t the Theatre Boyal , Drury Lane ^ on FBIDAY , December 12 , llii terminate the 8 eason of Concerts . and termma ^ kef ? for thjJ Ball > los # « each < The Prices of Admission for 8 PECT ATOR 8 ( for whom the Audience portion of the Theatre will , a « before , be « et apart ) , will bea « on former occasions , viz . —Dress Circle , 5 » . ; Soxes , 3 s . ; Lower Gallery , 2 a . ; Upper Gallery , Is . ; Private Boxes , from £ 3 3 s upwards . Persons taking Private Boxes will have the privilege of passing to and from the Ball Boom without extra charge-Tile Theatre being let at Christmas for Dramatic Performances , this Ball will positively be the only one this season .
\ -OEOPENINGof the ROYAL POLYTECHNIC XV INSTITUTION on MONDAY , DECEMBER 8 , 1851 . * « l POPULAR LECTURE on the ADVANCEMENT of AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY , daily at Two o ' clock , by J H . Pepper Esq . in addition to other LECTURES on C HEMI 8 TRY . —PRIZE MODEL of Mr . MECHI'S FARMERY at TIPTREE HALL explained . —A NEW LECTURE on the HISTORY of th 6 HARP , by F . Chatterton , Esq . for Two Weeks only , at Eight in the Evenings , with Illustrations on ERARD'S GREAT EXHIBITION HARP , and Vocal Accomnaniment by Miss Blanche Young . —LECTURE by Dr . Bachhoffner on the PHILOSOPHY of SCIENTIFIC RECREATION . This Lecture has been arranged expressl y for the instruction and amusement of the Junior Branches visiting the Institution during the Holydays . —NUMEROUS PRIZE MODELS , WORKS of ART , & c . from the Great Exhibition , will be explained by Mr . Crispe . —OPTICAL EFFECTS in DISSOLVING VIEWS , PHYSIOSCOPE , OPAQUEMICROSCOPE , CHROMATROPE , & c—DIVER and DIVING BELL , & c . Sec . Admission , Is . ; Schools and Children under ten years of age , Half-price . Open daily from Eleven to Five , and every Evening , except Saturday , from Seven till Half-past Ten .
TH E LONDON NECROPOLIS AND NATIONAL MAUSOLEUM COMPANY . Completely registered and incorporated . TRUSTEES . ' Archibald Hastie , Esq ., M . P . \ William John Evelyn , Esq ., M . P . ' , Sir James Duke , Bart ., M . P . " IT / fis Company being now completely registered , and the usual BQ iices to Parliament naving been given , the few remaining una'Jlotted Shares may be obtained , upon application to the Secretary , at the Offices Of the Company , 16 A , Great George-street , 'Westminster . By order of the Board , RICHARD CHURCHILL , Sec .
THE HAHNEMANN HOSPITAL , for the TREATMENT of PATIENTS on the HOMCE 0 PATH 1 C PRINCIPLE , No . 39 , BLOOMSBURY-SQUARE . Supported by voluntary contributions . President—The Lord Robert Grosvenor , M . P . Treasurer—William Leaf , Esq ., 39 , Old Change . The Hospital is open for the reception of the necessitous poor suffering from acute disease , who aro received into the Hospital without any recommendation . Gratuitous advice is also given to out-patients . The medical officers of the Hospital are in attendance daily . Hours of admission—for out-patients , from half-past Seven to Nine o ' clock ; and for in-patients , from Eight to half-past Nine o ' clock , in the morning . Donations and Subscriptions will be thankfully received by the Treasurer ; by the Honorary Secretary ; Drurnmond and Co ., Cliaring-cross , and Gljrnn and Co ., Lombard-street , bankers ; or at the Hospital . 9 . Gresham-atreet . West . WILLIAM WARNE . Hon . Sec .
T ONDON to DUBLIN ( via Holyhead ) in U THIRTEEN IIOUR 8 and a HALF . Three communications daily on week days ; two on Sundays . Sea passage , Four Hours and a Half . First class , £ 3 ; second , £ 2 . lteturn tickets ( available for a fortnight ) , first class , £ 4 . 10 s . second , £ 3 . Children under twelve half-price . For full particulars of the booking-through system between England and Ireland , see " Bradshaw ' s Guide , " page 122 ; " Walah ' a Irish Guide , " page 20 ; " Fisher ' s Iriah Guide , " page 2 .
CTEAM TO INDIA , CHINA , & c—^ Particulars of the regular Monthly Mail Steam Conveyance and of the additional lines of communication , now established > 'y the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company with the East , & c . The Company book passengers , and receive goods a » il parcels as heretofore for CEYLON , MADRAS , CALCUTTA , PENANG , SINGAPORE , and HONG KONG , by weir steamers , starting from SOUTHAMPTON on the 20 th of every month , and from SUEZ on or about the 10 th of the month . fhu next extra Steamer will bo despatched from Southampton w Alexandria on the 3 rd of April next , in combination with an ° « ra Steamer , to leave Calcutta on or nbout March 20 . Passen-RMb may be booked , and goods and parcels forwarded , by these Mtra Bteamorn to or from SOUTHAMPTON . ALEXANDRIA , AlJ hN . CKYLON , MADRA 8 , and CALCUTTA . . () M HAY . —The Company will likewise despatch from Bombay , "out tli « nth of December and 17 th of February next , a flrst-• «»« Steam-shi p for Aden , to meet there the Company ' s ships wveen Calcutta and Suez , in connection with their Meditorracan Steamers leaving Alexandria about the Cth of January and . ' ° ' March , affording diruct conveyance for pasenngttrs , par-¦ "ib . und KoodH from HOMHAY to Southampton . Passengers , }* « 'l « , and goods for HOMHAYand WEHTE 11 N , INDIA will also conveyed throughout in tho Mail Steamers leaving Southuuip-» « ft tho 20 th of December and the 20 th of February next , and ay ; orr < ' » pondingveHH « ls from Suez to Aden , at which latter port , ' ! ain " Hhl |« of tlifi Company wilLbe in waiting to embark and co "vey them to Uoinhay . U , 'lH 8 (; ngera for llointmy can also proceed by this Company ' s | ) y , " " " «> f tho Sikh of tho month to Malta , thence to Alexandria if ,. , ° . M » jeHty ' 8 steamers , and from Suez by tho Honourable M i ' V ! . ? e month . ndc-i ANI ) l >( Mt I ' OGAL . — Vigo Oporto , Lisbon , Cadiz , N J " r'dtur . «„ th « 7 th , 17 th and 27 th of tin ; month . ^ ' Inutf ,, ! aiu - "hipH of the Company now ply direct Ixitween Koii ,- J ' , ' . "'" "If " yi » gapiu- « , and Hong Konjf . and between Hong l ' or 1 i K Ul " ) reviS 0 ( i „ / '"'"" "'nation und tariffs of tho Company ' s recently P ' aiiB of il r < "ill 0 " < l rftt « 8 of pannage-money and freight , and for ^ ninin . ' »«?"'" ' nnd to xecure passages . &« ., apply at tho l > l «« o BJiui ' » «« Ml « n »«» U- » trt }«> t , Ltmdon . and Orlcntal-
ENAMELLED DAGUERREOTYPES , by Mr . BEARD , 85 , KING WILLIAM-STREET , CITY ; 34 , PARLIAMENT-STREET ; and the ROYAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTION , REGENT-8 TREET ; also 34 , CHURCH-STREET , LIVERPOOL . Mr . R . BEARD has recently introduced an important improvement , by which his Daguerreotype Miniatures are enamelled , and thereby secured from that susceptibility to tarnish and become obscured which . all others are liable to ; the colours also attain the brilliancy , ' depth of tone , and permanency of an oil painting .
LOUIS ROSSI , HAIR-CUTTER and COIFFEUR , 254 , Re gent-street , oppositeHanover-square , inventor of the TRANSPARENT HEAD-DRESSES and PERUKES , the Hair of which is singly attached to a thin , transparent fabric , rendering the skin of the head perfectly visible ; and being attached to a foundation constructed on geometrical principles , renders them superior to all others hitherto nvented . Sole proprietor of the CELEBRATED PERUVIAN BALM , which is unvereally approved and admired . This BALM , containing neither ardent spirit , pungent essential oils , nor other injurious materials , cleans the Hair expeditiously , renders it beautifully bright , and imparts to it the delicate fragrance of Flowers . The Hair when washed with this Balm soon becomes pleasantly soft , and luxuriant in growth : and although by im-Sroperly employing injurious extracts to clean it , the Hair may aye been rendered harsh , or turned grey , it will soon be restored to its Natural Colour and Brilliancy bv using the PERUVIAN BALM .
PPLICATIONS OF GUTTA PERCHA . — f \ . DOMESTIC , & c—Soles for Boots and Shoes , Lining for Cisterns , & c , Picture Frames , Looking-glass Frames , Ornamental Mouldings , Bowls , Drinking Cups , Jars , Soap Dishes , Vases , Ornamental Ink-stands , Noiseless Curtain Rings , Card , Fruit , Pin , and Ppn Trays , Tooth-brush Trays , Shavingbrush Trays , Window-blind Cord , Clothes' Line , Drain and Soil Pipes , Tubing for Watering Gardens , & c , Lining for Sonnets , . Watch Stands , Shells , and Lighter Stands . SURGICAL—Splints , Thin Sheet for Bandages , Stethoscopes , Ear Trumpets . Bed Straps , and Bedpans for Invalids . CHEMICAL —Carboys , Vessels for Acids , & e ., Siphons , Tubing forconveying Oils , Acid 3 , Alkalis , & c , Flasks , Bottles , Lining for Tanks and Funnels . MANUFACTURING—Buckets , Mill Band ? , Pump Bucketa , Felt Edging , Bosses , Shuttle Beds , Washers , Round Bands and Cord , Breasts for Watfer-Wheels . FOR OFFICES , & c . —Wafer Holders , Ink-stands , Ink-cups , Pen Trays , Cash Bowls , Washing Basins , & c , Tubes for Conveying Messages , Canvas for covering Books , & c , and Plan Cases . AGRICULTURAL — Tubing for Liquid Manure , Lining for Manure Tanks , Traces , and Whips . ELECTRICAL , & c—Covering for Electric Telegraph Wire . Insulating Stools , Battery Cells , and Electrotype Moulds . ORNAMENTAL—Medallions , Brackets , Cornices , Mouldings in imitation of Carved Oak , Rosewood , & c , and Picture Frames . USESON SHIPBOARD — Life Buoys , Buckets , Pump Buckets , Hand Speaking Trumpets , Drinking Cups , Waterproof Canvas , Life Boat Cells , Tubes for Pumping Water from the Hold to the Deck , Hound and Twisted Cords , Lining for Boxes . MISCELLANEOUS—Suction Pipes for Fire Engines , Buckets , Communion Trays , Tubinj ? for Ventilation , Hearing Apparatus for Deaf Persons , Balls , Police 8 taves , Life Preservers , Railway Conveisation Tubes , Miners Caps , Thread , & c , Official Seals , & c , Powder Flasks , & c . & c . The Gutta Percha Company , Patentees 18 , Wharf-road , Cityroad .
CENTRAL CO-OPERATIVE AGENCY , INSTITUTED UNDER TRUST , TO COUNTERACT Till ? SYSTEM OF ADULTERATION AND FRAUD NOW PREVAILING IN THE TRADE , AND TO PltOMOTETILE PRINCIPLE OF CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION . Trustees—Edward Vansittart Neale , Esq . ( Founder of the Institution ); and Thomas Hughes , Esq . ( one of the Contributors ) . Commercial Firm—Lechevalier , Woodin , Jones , and Co . Central Establishment—76 , Charlotte-street , Fitzroy-sq , London . Branch Establishments—35 , Great Marylebone-street , Portlandplace , London * and 13 , Swan-street , Manchester . The agency is instituted for a period of 100 years . Its objects are to counteract the system of adulteration and fraud now prevailing in the trade ; to deal as agents for the consumers in purchasing the articles for their consumption , and for the producers in selling their produce ; to promote the progress of the principle of Aesocintion ; to find employment for cooperative associations by the collection of orders to be executed under especial guarantee to the customers . A commercial firm , acting under the permanent control of trustees , has been found the safer and more acceptable mode of carrying out these objects according to law . The agency consists , therefore , of trustees , contributors , subscriber ); , and a commercial partnership . The capital required for the wholesale and retail business having been supplied by the founder and the first contributors , no express call is made at present , either for contributions or subscriptions . Tho capital will bo further increased after the public have been made acquainted with the objects of the institution , and have experienced its mode of dealing . Customers , after three months' regular dealing , are entitled to a bonus , to be fixed according to the amount of their transactions by the council of tho agency , consisting of the trustees and partners . After payment of all expenses , salaries , profits , and bonuses returned to contributors , subscribers , and regular customers , the general profits are to be accumulated , part to form a reserve fund , and part to promote cooperative associations . Business transacted wholesale and retail . Subscribers , Cooperative Stores , Working Men ' s Associations , Regular Cuetouiuru , and the Public supplied . Tho Agency intend hereafter to undertake the execution of all orders for any kind of articles or produce ; their operations for the present are restricted to ( iltOCEKIKS , WINES , and ITALIAN ARTlCLKS . as a hi'KOIMKN of what can be done with the support of cooperative customers . Rules have been ( ruined and printed to enable any number of families of all elastics , in any district of London , or any part of the country , to form themselves into " l'Viendly $ oi : ietien" for eryoying tlm benefit of Cooperative Stores . To bo Bent by post to parties forwarding four stamps . Purtioulnra of the naiuro and objects of the Central Cooperative- Agency , with a Digest of the Dtied of Settlement , aro to bel found in the printed report of a meeting held at the Central Oflluu of the Agency . To be sent by post to partiew forwarding 4 stamps . A list of articles with the wholcsuln pricou for Cooperative Stores , and a detailed Cntaloguu for private ciint <>| iuut < , will aluo be hciiL by post on payment of uim pontage utamp for the Wholeualo Lint , and two for the Catalogue . 1 ' aili < : uliir . M , lluleti , 1 / iut , and Catalogue will bo forwarded immediately on receipt of leu poulard iilainpn . All communications to h «> ¦••< til mined to MM . Iiec . hevalier , Woodin , Jones , and Co ., at tlm Ontiul-ofllc . e , 7 ( i , Charlotleutreet , I it / . roy-Hquare . % pilDKIlti I'OR THE ASSOCIATIONS OF WORKING MEN ALREADY IN KXlHTKNCHt-IlUILDKItH , PIUNTER 9 , 1 JAKKHS , TAILORS , BHOKMAK 1 S 118 , NKKDLEWOMENCAN HE S 1 SNT THROUGH THK AGENOY , AND WILL UECU 1 VK IMMEDIATE ATTENTION .
O FFICE FOR PATENTS , BRITISH AND FOREIGN , and BEGISTBATION of DESIGNS , —Conducted by Mr . J . G . WILSON , C . E ., 18 , Great George-street ( opposite the Abbey ) , Westminster , Every description of business connected" with Patents transacted daily . Inventor * assisted in ascertaining the novelty of their Inventions and with Capital when required . Office hoars , Ten to Four o'Olock .
COCOA is a nut which , besides farinaceous substance , contains a bland oil . The oil in this nut has one advantage , which is , that it is less liable than any other oil to rancidity . Possessing these two nutritive suhgtances , Cocoa U become a most valuable article of diet , more particularly if , by mechanical of other means , the farinaceous substance can be so perfectly incorporated with the oily , that the one will prevent the other from separating . 8 uch a union is presented in the Cocoa prepared by JAMES EPPS ; and thus , while the delightful flavour , in part dependent upon the oil , is retained , the whole preparation will agree with-the most delicate stomach . JAMES EPPS , Homoeopathic Chemist , 112 , Great Russelletreet , Bloomsbury , and 82 , Old Broad-street , City , London .
C URE OF TWENTY YEARS' ASTHMA by Dr . LOCOCK'S PULMONIC WAFERS . —From Mr . K . Bagley , Bookseller , Ironmonger-street ,. Stamford : — " One highly respectable gentleman in Stamford has experienced the most wonderful benefit in a severe cold and obstinate asthma , with which he has been troubled for the last twenty years . I have sold dozens of boxes entirely through his recommendation . " Dr . Locock ' s Pulmonic Wafers give instant relief and a rapid cure of asthma , coughs , and all disorders of the breath and lungs . To Singers and Public Speakers they are invaluable for clearing-and strengthening : the voice ; they have a pleasant taste . Price Is . lid ., 2 s . 9 d ., and Us . per box . Sold by all Druggists . Also Dr LOCOCK'S ANTIBILIOUS WAFERS . They create Appetite , and remove Indigestion , Heartburn , Wind , Headaches , Giddiness , & c . In Hysterical Diseases , a proper perseverance in the use of this Medicine will be found to effect a Cure after all other means have failed . •«• Full Directions are given with every Bos . —Note . —These Wafers do not contain any Minerals , and may be taken either dissolved in water , or whole .
P ILES ! A positive cure is now placed in the reach of every sufferer from this distressing and truly disagreeable affliction by the use of Dr . COOPER'S infallable but perfectly simple remedy , which may be used without the least inconvenience or danger , by patients of both sexes and all ages , with the utmost certainty of success ; and by it Dr . C . will guarantee instant relief and permanent cure for the most aggravated cases of either blind or bleeding piles . Dr . COOPER , Professor of Medicine and Physician Extraordinary to the Eastern Counties Royal Medical Institution , has had 15 years' experience of the efficacy of this remedy , having- during that period applied it in some hundreds of inveterate cases weekly , both in private practice and in various Hospitals in England , on the Continent , and in America , and can positively assert that it has never failed in a single case , therefore , he with confidence offers it to the public , and will send it ( post free ) to any part of the kingdom upon receipt of Post-office Order for 7 s . " 6 d ., payable at the Colchester Office , and addressed to ALFRED COOPER , M . D ., High-street , Colchester , Essex . N . B . —In every case Dr . C . guarantees a certain cure for the above sum , his only motive for making this public announcement being purely for the benefit of suffering humanity .
1 XA 1 NS in the BACK , GRAVEL , LUMBAGO , . 1- Rheumatism , Gout , Indigestion , Nervousness , Debility , Stricture , Gleet , & c . 8 cc . & C .-DR . DE BOOS' COMPOUND RENAI , PILLS , as their name , Renal ( or the kidneys ) , indicates , have in many instances effected a cure when all other means had failed , arid are now established , by the consent of every patient who has yet tried them , as also by the faculty themselves , as the most sate and efficacious remedy ever discovered for the above dangerous complaints , discharges of any kind , retention of urine , and diseases of the kidneys and urinary organ 9 generally , whether resulting- from imprudence or otherwise , which , if neglected , frequently end in piles , fistula , stone in the bladder , and a lingering- death . For gout , sciatica , rheumatism , tic dolorcaux , erysipelas , dropsy , Bcrofula , loss of hair and teeth , depression ot spirits , blushing , incapacity ( or society , study , or business , confusion , giddiness , drowsiness , sleep without refreshment , fear , nervousness , and even insanity itself , when ( as is often the case ) arising from or combined with urinary diseases , they are unequalled . By their salutary action on acidity of the stomach they correct bile and indigestion , purify and promote the renal secretions , thereby preventing the formation of stone , and establishing for life the healthy functions of all these organs . ONE TRIAL will convince the most prejudiced of their surprising properties . May be obtained at Is . lijd ., 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . (< d ., 113 ., and 33 s . per box , through all Medicine Venders in the Kingdom ; or should any difficulty occur , they will lie sent free on receipt of the price in pout ago stumps by Dr . De Koos . N . B . A considerable saving effected by purchasing the larger boxes . CAUTION . —A self-styled ten-shilling doctor ( unblushing impudence being his only qualification ) is advertising , under a different nainu , a highly injurious imitation » f thet >»> I'illa , and a useless abbreviated copy of Dr . I ) e Iloos' celebrated " Medical Adviser , " slightly changing- its title ; sufferers will , then-fort ; , do well to wee that tlm stump , bearing his name , affixed to each box in a " bona fide ( jnvurnniciit stamp" ( not a base counterfeit )* und to guurd ugaintst the tmthletm statements of this individual , which are published only for the basest purposes of deception on invalids and fraud on the Proprietor . TO PREVENT FRAUD on the PubHo by imitations of tho ubovo excellent remedy , her Majesty ' s Honourable 1 ( Joinmuuioners of Stumps have directed tho name of tho Proprietor , in white letters on a rod ground , to be engraved on the Government Stamp aflixed to all hia Medicines , without which non « ia genuino , au < l to imitate which too closel y it forgery and transportation . AUTHBNTIO TKHTIMONIALH . " AbeiHjclian , Pontypool , May i , ' , 18 f > 0 . Dear Hir , —After taking a box of your Renal l'ills , I am ho much better that I am induced to Bund for another , as 1 want to drive the pain quite away . —I ri'imun , yours respectfully , John Andrews . " " J '' iuiie » , June Mi , IHfjU . Dear bir , — lMeam : fonvurd a 4 n . ( id . box of your Renal 1 ' iIIh ; they are the only mvdicino 1 havu met with that lutve been of service . —Yours , &» :., Milton Welch . " " Liiuekihi-Htree . t , Dover . Hir , —I'lonse ; to send a few more of your wonderful 1 'illa . My wife bus nearly tukun nil you n « ut hufore , and feels great relief ulready . —T . Uloein . " " 4 , Market-street , Manchester . Your mediciniu are very highly » pokcn of by all who h % ye purcl ^ ucd tlicin of urn . —Yours truly . (»< "Oijfe WeMtuiaoott . " Out : pernou informs Mr . Bmith , Time * OfHce , Leeds , that thvua celelualed 1 'illti aru worth a guinea a box . N . It . IVriHius witdiing to commit ( ho doctor by hitter may do so by sending a detail of tlin aymptoinn . Sir .., with Hie usual fee of XI , by po . st-ollice order , imyidWe -il the llolborn Ollicti , fur which Out iicccrt ; . try nii < lii : iii < -d and udvico will bit cent to any part of the wot Id . Address , W ALT MR 1 > K ROOH , M . l ) ,,: i , i , Ittv-placw . Holhornhill , London , wiioro ho iniiy bo consulted from id till :, und 5 till 8 , Sunday « ix « : «|» U- « l , uiihxm by pruvloiiH urraii |{ ein « iit . Tlit ) above aro obtainable through every Druggist in the Kingdom ; but , nhoiild dilllculty occur , iuclouu pontage stamp * to the uutabUuhincnt .
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 6, 1851, page 21, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_06121851/page/21/