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1 1170 ffifjtf %Z&Xlt t* [Saturday , ^_ ...
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1 1170 Ffifjtf %Z&Xlt T* [Saturday , ^_ ...
1 1170 ffifjtf % Z & Xlt t * [ Saturday , ^_ . __ _ . _ _ . — tTt ~ H ^^^ m ¦¦ i ¦ i __ _
DR . CULVER WELL ON NERVOUSNESS , DEBILITY , AND INDIGESTION ; also on Urinary Derangements , Constipation , and Haemorrhoids . Is . each ; by post , Is . 6 d . WHAT TO EAT , DRINK , AND AVOID . " Abstinentia multi curantur morbi . " A popular exposition of the principal causes ( over an- careless feeding , & c . ^ of the above harassing and distressing complaints , with an equally intelligible and' popular exposition of how we should live to get rid of them ; to which is added diet tables for every meal in the day , and full instructions for the regimen and observance of every hour out of the twenty-four : illustrated Dy numerous cases , & c . Vols . Jf and 3 , companions to the preceding ' , THE ENJOYMENT OF LIFE . | HOW TO BE HAPPY . " Jucunde Vivere . " IV . ON URINARY DISORDERS , CONSTIPATION , and HAEMORRHOIDS ; their Obviation and Removal . Sherwood , 23 , Paternoster-row ; Mann , 39 , Cornhill ; and the Author , 10 , Argyll-place , Reg-ent street : consultation hours , ten to twelve : evenings , seven till nine .
XmAMPTON'S PILL of HEALTH . Price J - Is l ^ d . per box . This excellent Family Pill is a Medicine of long-tried efficacy for correcting all disorders of the stomach and bowels , costiveness , flatulency , spasms , loss of appetite , sick headache , giddiness , sense of fulness after meals , dizziness of the eyes , drowsiness , and pains in the stomach and bowels . Two or three doses will convince the afflicted of its salutary effects . The stomach will speedily regain its strength ; a healthy action of the liver , bowels , and kidneys will rapidly take place ; and—instead of listlessness , heat , pain , and jaundiced appearance—strength , activity , and renewed health will be the quick result of taking this medicine according to the directions accompanying each box . Persons of a full habit , who are subject to headache , giddiness , drowsiness , and singing in the ears , arising from too great a flow of blood to the head should never be without them , as many dangerous symptoms will be entirely carried off by their immediate use . For Females these pills are most truly excellent , removing all obstructions , the distressing headache so very prevalent with the sex , depression of spirits , dulness of sight , nervous affections , blotches , pimples , and sallowness of the skin , and give a healthy and juvenile bloom to the complexion , lo Mothers they are confidently recommended as the best medicine that can be taken during pregnancy ; and for children of all ages they are unequalled . As a pleasant , safe , and easy aperient , they unite the recommendation of a mild operation with the most successful effect , and require no restraint of diet or confinement during their use . By regulating the dose , according to the age and strength of the patient , they become suitable for every case , in either sex , that can be required ; and for Elderly People they will be found to be the most comfortable medicine hitherto prepared . Sold by T . PBOUT , 229 , Strand , London . Price Is . ljd . and 2 s . 9 d . per box ; and by the Venders of Medicine generally throughout the kingdom . —Ask for FRAMPTON'S PILL of HEALTH , and observe the name and address of " Thomas Prout , 229 , Strand , London , " on the Government stamp .
RUPTURES EFFECTUALLY CURED WITHOUT A TRUSS ! DR . BARKER continues to supply the afflicted with his celebrated remedy for this alarming complaint , the great success of which , for many year 3 past , render ? any further comment unnecessary . It is easy and painless in use , causing no inconvenience or confinement , and is applicable to every variety of single or double rupture , however bad or long-standing , in male or female of any age . The remedy , with full instructions for use , fee , will be sent post free to any part of the world on receipt of 7 s ., in cash , postage stamps , or Post-office Order , payable at the General Post-oflice , to Alfred 13 arkkh , M . D ., 48 , Liverpool-street , King ' scross , London , where he may be consulted dail y from INine till Three o'Clock ( Sundays excepted ) . All communications bein ? strictly confidential . . B . does not publish cases or testimonials , a great number of which , with old trusses , have been sent to him by persons cured , as trophies of the success of this remedy ; they can , therefore , be seen by any sufferer at the establishment only . 1 JKAFNKSS , NOISES in the HEAD , EARS , & c—Dr . Barker ' s remedy permanently restores * hearing in infanta or adults , whether deficient from cold , illness , or any accidental causes ; and lias been tmccossful in thousands of cases , where the most eminent of the I ' rofeasion have failed in givingrelief . It removes nil thorn ; distressing noises in the head and ears , arising from nervousness , deafness , or other causes , and by its occasional use , will preserve the important faculty of hearing to the latest period of life . In every case of d « 'afiiesn , Sec . ( without an exception ) , a porfect cure is f * uaranteed . The remedy , with full instructions for use , Sec , will l > e . sent post free to any part of tho world , on receipt of 7 s . ( id ., in cash , postage stamps , or Font-office Order , p ; iynl > l <; at this General l ' ost-oflice , to Al-l'llKl ) IUkkbh , M . I ) ., 48 , Liverpool-Htreet , King ' s-cro ^ s , London , where he may be consulted < laily from Nine till Three o'Clock ( Sundays excepted ) .
1 ) 1 ) YOU WANT itKAUTIl'MJL AND LUXURIANT HAIR , WHIKKKKK . MOUBTACIIIOK , EYKUKOW 8 , KTC . I rpHE Immense Public Patronage" bestowed upon JL MiHS KI . UCN GRAHAM'S NIOUKUKNK , during the last seven year * , is mifllcient evidence of its amazing properties in reproducing the human hair , whether lost by < lineane or natural decity , preventing the hair falling off , stron ^ tbeniug weak hair , an « l < : li < 'ckiiig ^ leyueBH . It in guaranteed to produce whinkera , nxiiiHtiichioH , to :., i » three or four weekH , without fail . It ia elegantly Hcenteil ; and Htiflicicnt for three months' use will be nent pout-free , 011 receipt of twenty-four postage-stamps , by AIibh Kllen < jinilnun . 14 , Hand-court , llolhorii , London . Unlike all other preparation *) for the Hair , it i » free from artificial colouring and filthy ^ reaaiiienB , well known to be so injurious to it . CiKNiiiNK Thstimonialh . — " I bad been laid for years ; your JS'ioukrene him quite restored my bair . "—Henry Wutkino , Oolney , HertB . ' I have used your Nioukrenc three wmIih , and nui happy to inform you that 11 full moiiHtucbo in growing-. "J . Hammond , Nuna , Ireland . " My liuir win turning f , ' ™ y rapidly ; i < ban elleotually checked it , and 1 havn new bair growj ,,,, if ,. KlkiiiM , Surgeon . " It it ) the bcul nurncry preparation I ~ v «! r UHiid . "— Mrs . Ko »« , Cboaham . For tlx ; mii-Hcry , Nioukrone ia invaluable , ita bulHamic properl ien Ui-. ' uig admirably adapted to infant ' s hair . 1 JQU 1 I ) IIA I It DY 1 C . —Tho only perfect one extant is Miss Oi-ahiiiirK It i « a clear liquid , that changeB huir in thmo iniium-H to any allude , from lig ht nuhurii to jet bl . ick , so natural uh to defy detection , < loeH not Bliiin the Hlun , ami in free from ( ivury ohi < - « 'tioiiubl «> ( Miulity . It hmhIh only to bo uh «< 1 once producing a permanently .- for ever . J > cruoiiH who have been deceived by uhoU-hh preparutloMH ( dangeroua to tin , h .-. ul . ike .. ) will find this Dye perfect in every reaped ., and that " none but ltHelf cnu bo itB parallel . " I ' rice 3 n .. Het . t poHt-fr « e by po » t for forty-two p » nt ! ig « HtiiinpH , by MiHB UraliHiii . 14 , Hand-court , Holborn , ' ° rrdfV « aor Ryan miyo : — " Your < lyo is tlui only pure and perfe . t one I h » v « analyzed ; the neutral principle i » decidedly letter tkuu ull othcrtt . "
A SPEEDY CURE FOR STONE AND GRAVEL will be sent to any person , by enclosing thirteen Stamps to Thomas Wilkinson , Land Agent , Gainsborough , Lincolnshire .
A NEW MEDICINE . TTIRANKS'S SPECIFIC CAPSULE —A form J- of Medicine at once safe , sure , speedy , and pleasant , especially applicable to urethra ! morbid secretions , and other ailments for which copaiba and cubebs are commonly administered . Each Capsule containing the Specific is made of the purest Gelatine ,-which , encased in tinfoil , may be conveniently carried in the pocket , and , being both elastic and pleasant to take , affords the greatest facility for repeating- the doses without intermission—a desideratum to persons travelling , visiting , or engaged in business , as well as to those who object to fluid medicines , being unobjectionable to the most susceptible stomach . Prepared only by GEORGE FRANKS , Surgeon , at his Laboratory , 90 , Blackfriars-road , London , where they may be had , and of all Medicine Venders , in boxes , at 2 s . 9 d . and 4 s . bd . each , or sent free by post at 3 s . and 5 s . each . Of whom , also , may be had , in bottles , at 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., and 11 s . each , FRANKS'S SPECIFIC SOLUTION OF COPAIBA . TESTIMONIALS . From Joseph Henry Green , Esq ., F . R . S ., President of the Royal College of Surgeons , London ; Senior Surgeon to St . Thomas ' s Hospital ; and Professor of Surgery in King ' s College , London . " I have made trial of Mr . Franks ' s Solution ofvCopaiba . St . Thomas ' s Hospital , in a variety of cases , and the results warrant my stating , that it is an efficacious remedy , and one which does not produce the usual unpleasant effects of Copaiba . ( Signed ) " Joseph Henry Green . " Lincoln ' s-inn Fields , April 15 , 1835 . " FromBransby Cooper , Esq ., F . R . S ., one of the Council of the Royal College of Surgeons , London ; Senior Surgeon to Guy ' s Hospital ; and Lecturer on Anatomy , & c . Mr . Bransby Cooper presents his compliments to Mr . George Franks , and has great pleasure in bearing testimony to the efficacy of his Solution of Copaiba . Mr . Cooper has prescribed the Solution in ten or twelve cases with perfect success . " New-street , April 13 , 1835 . " # These medicines are protected against counterfeits by the Government Stamp—on which is engraven ?• Gborge Fkanks , Blackfriars-road "—being attached to each .
HERE 18 YOUR REMEDY 1 HOLLOW AY'S OINTMENT . —A most miraculous CURE of BAD LEGS , after forty-three years ' suffering . Extract of a Letter from Mr . William Galpih , of 70 , St . Mary' 3-street , Weymouth , dated May 15 , 1851 . ' To Professor Hollow ay . "Sib , —At the age of eighteen my wife ( who is now sixty-one ) caught a violent cold , which settled in her Ieg 3 , and ever since that time they have been more or less sore and greatly inflamed . Her agonies were distracting , and for months together she v » as deprived entirely of rest and sleep . Every remedy that medical men advised was tried , but without effect ; her health suffered severely , and the state of her legs was terrible . I had often read your advertisements , and advised her to try your pills and ointment ; and , as a last resource , after every other remedy had proved useless , she consented to do 6 O . She commenced six weeks ago , and , strange to relate , is now in good health . Her legs are painless , without seam or scar , and her sleep pound and undisturbed , Could you have witnessed the sufferings of my wife during the last forty-three years , and contrast them with her present enjoyment of health , you would indeed feel delighted in having been the means of so greatly alleviating the sufferings of a fellow creature . ( Signed ; WILLIAM GALP 1 N . " Sold by the Proprietor , 244 , Strand ( near Temple Bar ) , London , and by all respectable Venders of Patent Medicines throughout the Civilized World , in Pots and Boxes , at Is . l ^ d ., 2 s . 9 d . 4 s . 6 d ., lls ., 2 a 8 ., and 33 s . each . There is a very considerable saving in taking the larger sizes . N . H . —Directions for the guidance of Patients are affixed to each pot or box .
RUPTURES EFFECTUALLY CURED WITHOUT A TRUSS , CAUTION . —Sufferers are cautioned against useless imitations , by a self-styled doctor , who copies this announcement , and who also professes to cure deafness , with various other wonderful feats ; and to render the abominable deception more complete , concocts " testimonials " as glaringly truthless as they are numerous . The utter fallacy of these may , however , be easily detected by writing to the pretended authors , whom it will be found have existence only in the imagination . Dr . WALTER DE ROOS continues to supply the afflicted with his celebrated remedy for this alarming complaint , the great success of which for many years past , renders comment unnecessary . It is easy and painless in use , causing no inconvenience and confinement , and is eqnally applicable to every variety of rupturo , however bad or long standing , in male or feinule of any age . The remedy , witli full instructions for use , will be sent post-free to any part of the kingdom , on receipt of 7 a . in cash , or by post-oflice order , payable at the Holbornoflice . to Walter De Roo » , M . D ., 35 , Ely-place , Holborn . London , where lie may be consulted daily from Ten till One ; and Five till Wight ( Sundays excepted ) . A great number of testimonials and trusses ( which may be Been ) , have been left behind by persons cur * 'd , as trophies of the immense success of this remedy . Authkntic'Tkstimonials , to prove tbe accuracy of which inquiry is solicited of the writers themselves , whoso addresses are given in full—a teat which other advertisements of this cIbbs cannot stand : —U . Ilaworth , Esq ., Hull Bank , JIull : " I feel great pleasure in adding my testimony to Dr . Roos'n remedy for rupture , which has utrectually cured mine . " Mr . Samuel Stockcr , timber merchant , Clcwer-ficlds , Windsor , Uerks : " I wan cured last summer by your invaluable ) remedy , and have not found the leant inconvenience eince . " Mr . Robert Rogers , Stavelcy , Derbyuhiro : "My baby , I urn happy to say , thanks to your excellent remedy , ia quite well . " Mr . Jainuti ChcBsum , Ickevell-liouse : " lly the bleuaing of God , my rupture of ten years' standing is perfectly cured by your remedy , " Mr . Sapcotc , brazier . Market-Weigbton : " I am glad to tell you that I am quite cured by your remedy ; and no i » th « little boy who wan ruptured on both uiden , —thanks to you , Sir . " " A respected correspondent desire * to call tho attention of ¦ uch of our readers as arc bia fellow-sufferers to an announcement in our advertising columna , emanating from Dr . De Roos , the eminent physician of I-ondon . Of tlvia gentleman'M ability in treiiting ruptures , our correspondent upcaka in the highest temiH , having availed himne ) f of th < 5 name , and thereby tested tlio Bupuriority of Iub method of treatment over every other extant , all of which he bus tried to no purpose , llu feela ammred ' Unit whoever i » ho ulllicted will find a cure by paying Dr . De Rooh a vittit , bin method being ' . " » «> ur correspondent believes , beyond improvement . "—Tho above nppeared in the Tablet of Saturday , Heptemlxir H « , IMS ) , Tbe gtmtlemaii alluded to in V . Orulnun , Khcj ., an intimate fiiciul »> f tbo editor ' s , who miiy bo referred to . N . 15 . Hlumld Hufli-rern think pr ») i »; r to aihlrcKu either or all of tho above , they will of courqy t'ucloue two pontage ytuinpii for u rej > ly . WALT Jilt DE JIOO 8 , M . D ., No , 3 b , Jily-plwct ' , Holborii-hill , London .
li / lITRE GENERAL LIFE ASSTTrI ^ , j-Sf tarafe Sn ^ v sxr £ iom «• intervals , w ill , in the MITRE , assure nearly * £ im ^ 4 8 ^ ted IMMEDIATE BONUS of what requires more th ? n er ? U « years to attain in other cases . thha twent y Endowments granted on Uberal terms for 8 chool anrf r n Education , Professional Premiums , Marriage Portion ^ 1 « Oct . 1851 . WILLIAM BRIDGES , ActuarV Sd se ± ^
E NBLISH AND CAMBRIAN ASSuSScI Chief Office , 9 , New Bridge-street , London Branch Offices : —London : 6 , Trinity-Btreet , Borough ana # k Sun- « treet , Bishopsgate-street . Glasgow 65 Sr Nr ™« street . Dublin : 38 , Lower Ormond-q ^ ay . * Norwich ^ W Giles' -street . Bury St . Edmunds : 18 a , Corntmarket " ' Policies Indisputable . Half Premiums taken * « ' Diseased , " Military and Naval Lives accepted at equitable Annuities , Endowments , and Loans on the most advantageous Claims payable three months after satisfactory proof of death Profits divided annnually after first seven years . ' C . W . BEVAN , Manager and A ctuary .
EAGLE INSURANCE COMPANY London , August 8 , 1851 . At the Annual General Meeting of Proprietors held this dav the Honourable JOHN CHETWYND TALBOT , QC ! the Chairman of the Company in the chair , ' " ' A Report was read , from -which it appeared—That the income of the Company for the year ending June 20 , 1851 , was £ 140 , 338 ' 9 The Premium on Policies issued in the year .... 5 * 13 9 The claims on decease of lives assured 83691 1 9 Theexpenses fa 6 5 „ The total assets of the Company 704 , 010 14 0 The Report entered into further details , and finished by stating that the Directors felt it unnecessary to dwell further upon thfc items of tbe year ' s account , as the quinquennial valuation / m be made in June next was so near . f The Report was unanimously adopted , and some routilne business having been disposed of , the thanks of the meeting w ;/ re very cordially voted to the Chairman , Directors , and Officers ; of the Company , when the meeting separated . The Premiums required by this Company are very moderate • , and moreover are adequately adjusted . / The Assured of the participating class share the whole surprf '> less 20 per cent . only . . 1 ' The lives as sured may travel and live in any part of the glolt * ' not within thirty degrees of the Equator , without extra charged Transfers are registered , and assignments may be effected oJl forms supplied by the Company ; and in all particulars , tli »" interests of the Assured are carefully consulted . - -M 3 , Crescent , New Bridge-street , Blackfriars , September , 1851 . ^
T 3 ROFESSIONAL LIFE ASSURANCE X . COMPANY . Admitting , on equal terms , persons of every class and degree to all its benefits and advantages . Capital—Tvro Hundbbd and Fifty Thousand Pounds . Chairman—Major Henry Stonbs , LL . B . Deputy Chairman—James Andbbw Duhham , Esq . With upwards of Fourteen Hundred Shareholders . There are two important clauses in the Deed of Settlement , DT which the Directors have power to appropriate ONli-TENTU ol the entire profits of the Company : — 1 st —For the relief of aged and distressed parties assured for life , who have paid five years' premiums , their widows ana orphans . . . . . 2 nd . —For the relief of aged and distressed original proprietors , assured or not , their widows and orp hans , together wnn 5 per cent , per annum on the capital originally lnveateu by them . All policies indisputable and free of stamp duty . Rates of premium extremely moderate . _ *¦ „»«« . »* No extra charge for going to or residing at ( in time of peace ; Australasia—Bermuda—M adeira—Capeof Good Hopo-tlit li » tieh North American Colonies—and the Mauritius . Medical men in all cases remunerated for their report . Assurances granted against paralyBis , blindness accidents > ¦ anity , and every other affliction , bodily and mental , at moutraw rates . A liberal commission allowed to agents . Annual premium for assuring X 100 , namely : Age-20 £ 1 10 9 I Age-4 <) f JJ 6 30 £ \ 19 6 | 50 A- » *» ° , Prospectuses , with tables and fullest information , may utu » at the offices of the Company , or any of their agents . Applications for agencies requested . EDWAUD BAYLI 8 , Resident Manager and Actuary . Offices , 76 , Cheapeide , London .
THE MERCHANT'S AND TRADESMAN ^ 1 MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY . J . . ' ^ fl ) 1 place , Ulaokfriara , London ; . ? 3 . Dale-street , Liverpuu » the principal Towns in the Kingoin . THUHTKES . John Macgregor , Kan ., M . P . . Qnarlea Harris . Eeq . 1 David VW" ** "' ** Jefftry Smith , Esq . | Thoma . How , Lmi . DIB BCTOllS . Trvtlc-Pa ^' Chairman-John Macgrcgor , Esq ., I ' rinccs-terraco , j M . P . for Glasgow . John Carter , K « q ., fiouth Molton-Bt . rect . T t v , i e-i > ark . Francia Edward * . Esq .. Wwtbourne-torriico ¦ . Ily * ; P » David FergUBion . Kan . .. Bustchean . and V" "I Tunilwin-trreon . ThomaH How , K « q ., Kaatoheap ; Gordon-houac , x u Benjamin Hooper , Eaq ., 8 e « : thing-hme . Daniel MoParlaii . E «« ., Fenchurch-Btreet . Mary ' s- * " ' William Northcott , JSaq ., 13 . " Rood-lane , and Bt . * I ' eekhani . Charles Suowin , Esq ., Lloy d-squarc . MKDIOAL Ol'VIUBBS . . , anc < Archibald Billing . }} * $ ¦> ™ l ) .: \ UU \ li » v \\^»^ uetli \ e R . W . Tamplin . ^ l- ' K' ^ n <"• J , jb - / rinity- "' ! 11 " ^ Daniel Hooper . «« ... ^ J ^^ ' ABBUrunc , on Uv .. an- ^ " ^ j ascription of ^ Atfe ; KnilowmcntH for Children ; »'"' cvory AaWranee ... ny »»« eff « ct « d in tins o" ^ , _ J ' olicicB iiitlt » putable , excep t in cu « e » ol All tho I ' rolltH K » t" tj »« i M ? h „ omi-ea <> rof the Affontn . l ^ pocta . * . -nay b . I * £ ffi i % « U /« ffiT . THOMAS Ml ) H ( ' , r «' UiW a ™ " . . . Active penoni quired u » . geuU wh . rc ««* " alroudy appointed .
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 6, 1851, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_06121851/page/22/