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Dbc. 6* 1851.] &$$ VLtHUieV. 1171
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Dbc. 6* 1851.] &$$ Vlthuiev. 1171
Dbc . 6 * 1851 . ] & $$ VLtHUieV . 1171
METROPOLITAN COUNTIES and GENERAL LIFE A 88 CTBANOB 8 OCIETT . 27 , Regentstreet , Waterloo-place , London . DIRECTORS . Samuel Driver , Esq . Thomas Littledale , Esq . inhn Griffith Frith , Esq . Edward Lomax , Esq . flenrv Peter FuUer , Esq . 8 amuel Miller , Esq . Tohn Falk Griffin , Esq . Edward Vansittart Neale , Esq . Teter Hood , Esq . Sir Thomas N . Beeve . Capt . Hon . G . F . Hotham . R . K . William Studley , Esq . Life Assurances , ' ' Annuities , and Endowments . Three-fourths « f oronts divided amongst the assured . —Prospectuses , post free , on application . F . FERGUSON CAMROUX , Manager .
T ~ ~~ liAFALGAR LIFE ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION . Every description of Life Assurance business transacted . Loans granted on personal and other securities . Detailed Prospectuses , containing the names and addresses of nearly seven hundred shareholders , rates of premium , an explanation of the system now originated , together with useful information and statistics respecting Life Assurance , may be had on application at the offices . Parties desirous of becoming- Agents or Medical Referees are reaueated to communicate with the Secretary . * By order of the Board , THOMAS H . BAYLIS . Offices ; 40 , Pall-mall , London .
UNITED KINGDOM TEMPERANCE and GENERAL PROVIDENT INSTITUTION . OFFICES . 39 , Moorgate-street , London 17 , George-street , Edinburgh . 52 , Princess-street , Manchester . DIRECTORS . Chairman—Robert Warner , Esq . William R . Baker . Esq . I C . H . Lovell , Esq ., M . D . R . Barrett , Jun ., Esq . I J . T . Pritchett , Esq . William Janson , Esq . | J . Talbot Tyler , E ? q . MEDICAL DIUECTOB . J . T . Mitchell , Esq ., Clapham . SOLICITORS . Messrs . Gatliff and De Carteret , 19 , Coleman-street . BANKERS . Messrs . Barclay , Be van , and Co ., London . The National Bank of Scotland , Edinburgh . The British Linen Company , Glasgow . SE 0 KETAKT . Thomas Aston Binns , Esq . From the commencement of the present year 500 New Policies have been issued , making the total number since the establishment of the Office , in 1840 , more than 5700 . SPECIAL ADVANTAGES . Lower Premiums than in most other Offiees . The Entire Profits divisible among the Assured . Claims paid to Widows and Children free of Legacy and Probate duty . The Lowest Eate of Mortality of any Office in England . Annuities , Immediate and Deferred , Assurances for the whole of Life , for Short Terms , on Joint Lives , and every other description of Business . Prospectuses and Forms of Proposal may be obtained on application to the Secretary , or any of the Agents . N . B . Active and respectable Agents wanted in every town where none are appointed .
' INDUSTRIAL BRANCH OF THE NATIONAL PROVINCIAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY . Incorporated by Act of Parliament , 7 and 8 Vic , cap . 110 . With a Guarantee Fund of Fifty Thousand Pounds . Chief Office , 34 , Moorgate-street . Bank , London . TRUSTEES . John Hinde Palmer , Esq . I Thomas Winkworth , Esq . William Anthony Purnell , Esq . | John Poole , Esq . DIRECTORS . William G . H . Baines , Esq ., Kensington . 8 tephen Broad , Esq ., Rye-hill , Pcckham . William Carr , Esq ., Bishopsgate-street Without , and Sydenham . John Cropp , Esq ., Oakland-house , Clapham . Joseph Davison , Esq ., Friday-street , Cheapside , and Highgate . Wellington Gregory , Esq ., Cheapside . John Poole , Esq ., Gutter-lane , Cheapside , and Highbury . William Anthony Purnell , Esq ., Oriental Club , and Lee , Kent . AUDITORS . James Hutton , Esq ., Accountant . Moorgate-street . Henry Chatteris , Esq ., Accountant , Gresham-Ptreet . William Henry Furnell , Esq ., Accountant , Old Jewry . PHYSICIAN . Henry Letheby , Esq ., M . D ., Professor of Medical Jurisprudence , London Hospital . 8 UKHKONS . Thomas Olliver Duke , Esq ., Kennington . Thomas Carr Jackson , Esq ., Hamilton-place . New-road . Bankkbs—Commercial Bank of London . BOI . KHTOK . Edward Kelly Harris , Esq ., 52 , Lincoln's-inn-flelds . SURVKYOR . Henry Annesley Voysoy , Esq ., Ouildford-street , Russell-square . Manager—J . W . Sprnguo , Esq . The Directors of this Society , in addition to the ordinary business usually transacted by Life Assurance Societies , hava formed u distinct Branch for the Industrial Classes , embracing every system of Life Assurance , and for that purpose have caused extttiisive tables to be prepared , combining theinterests of every class of Assurers , in a manner more comprehensive than has , , 't ! rto heen attempted by any similar Society . I ho system of Life AHBiirance hitherto propounded , although admirably woll adapted to the meant ) and circumstances of tho "Mauling and higher clauses of society , nevertheless is not avail-»» ' « to tho evor-varying condition of nearly ninc-tonths of tho People of this grout commercial country , viz ., tho Industrial JNlnepence nor Month , or the cost of one phitof beer per week , will secure £ 20 to tho wife and family , at tho death of a man » K «< 1 H > next birthday ; or . ¦ or ^''""" fT "nd Three Pence per Month will secure to a pern of tho sumo age tho sum of £ 2 !> oa his attaining the age of i ,.. r " ' sumo mini would bo puid to his family should he dio " « for « attaining that ago . 81 N () N-W ) ltKI '" rrUUH OF MONKY PAID . of I " I a P . l'r 8 im from any cnusu bo unablo to inert tho payment i bur hi r ' " " . «« will not Iobo th « benefit of the Assurance , to . 1 ll | l « wed , ns often as the value of the Policy will admit , ' •"""• ge tho amount thereof on hi » I ' olioy ; or , ru .,, ! ' " Person be altogether unable td continue tho Amiu- < he win i HlunB P »»< 1 will not bo forfeited an in ollior Offices , an ] ainoi t i punted , by tho Directors , another Policy of Iohh I from ' , «!< llliv « h > nf to the Hums already paid , and exonerated i . '" rt "y futun , , myui « ntB . 1 for Chili " ' romluin for I )« : f « rr «« l AnnuitiOH , Endowments i ll »« « .. < * " ¦ aml OVl ) ry other informution may bo obtained of I Bunk ,. r W at the Om ««» of thu Society , M , Moorjrute-Htreot , •"' k . WoTanyoftho / nents . J
. Just published , Fifth Edition , price 3 a . ; post-free , 3 s . 6 d ., AH ESSAY on SPERMATORRHOEA . ¦ lm . By Riohard Dawson , M . D ., Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians , London , & c . Also , by the same Author , 8 vo ., cloth lettered , price 3 b . ; post-free , 3 s . 6 d . / 5 t NERVOTJS AFFECTIONS ; being a few observations on Nervous Disorders , the result of an extensive experience in the treatment of those Diseases ; with some remarks on the Use and Abuse of Hydropathy . London : Aylott and Jones , 8 , Paternoster-row .
, TjiUROPEAN LETTERS and TRACTS for -Ci THE NATIONAL REFORM LEAGUE . By James Bbonterbb O'Bbibn . These Letters and Tracts will embrace the entire range of Political , Moral , and Social Science , They will treat of the fallacies and misrepresentations of Historians , Publicists , Economists , Politicians , and Party Leaders ; of International Rights and Duties ( including the solidarity of Peoples ); of Parliamentary and Municipal Franchises ; of real Democracy and Local Government ( as opposed to class-legislation and centralization under forms of spurious Republicanism and Constitutional Monarchy ); of Social Rights as distinguished from Social Systems ; of the Home and Foreign Affairs of the Day ; and of the Institution , Objects , and Prospects of the National Reform League in relation to Agrarian , Monetary , and Commercial Reform , & c , & c . The Letters will appear weekly , or oftener , if need be—Price TWOPENCE . The Tract 3 as often as occasion may require , the price according to size and quantity of letter-press . Letter No . 1 , addressed to Kossuth ( with a Sketch of his Life ) , is published this day , Saturday , December 6 . Publisher : James Watson , Queen ' s Head-passage , Paternoster-row .
Just published , THE PROSPECTUS OF THE f ^ ENTRAL CO - OPERATIVE AGENCY . V ^ Containing the necessary mean s for obtaining further Information . May be had at the following placeB : —The Cbntkal Orpice , 76 , Charlotte-street , Fitzroy-square ; the Marylebone Branch , 35 , Great Marylebone-street ; the Manchester Branch , 13 , Swan-street , Manchester ; the Publishing Office of the Society for Promoting- Working-Men ' s Associations , 183 , Fleetstreet . Gratis , if by personal application if by letter , o e Postage Stamp .
Fifth Edition , now ready , THE PARENT'S DENTAL GUIDE ; with a Few Remarks on the Use of Impure Gold for Dental Purposes . By William Imbib , Surgeon-Dentist . " Mr .. Imrie has obtained the opinion of Dr . Alfred Taylor on the action of the saliva on the gold plates used by dentists , and has received a sufficiently explicit answer to enable him to affirm that the gold used by respectable dentist 3 can produce no deleterious action upon the animal economy . "—London Medical Gazette . London : Churchill , Princes-street , Soho .
CHEAP FOREIGN BOOKS . Just published , post-free , one stamp , WILLIAMS AND NORGATE'S SECONDHAND CATALOGUE . No . 4 . Literature , History , Travels , German Languages , Illustrated Books , Art , Architecture , and Ornament . Six hundred Works at very much reduced prices . 2 . WILLIAMS AND NORGATE'S GERMAN ' BOOK CIRCULARS . New Books and Books reduced in price . No . 28 . Theology , Classics , Oriental and European Languages General Literature . No . ' 29 . Sciences , Natural History , Medicine , Mathematics , & c . % Gratis on application . WILLIAMS AND NORGATE , 14 , Henrietta-street , Covent-garden .
T HE SHEFFIELD FREE PRESS , published every Saturday Morning , price 4 £ d ., in now acknowledged to be the leading organ of a vast manufacturing district , including the populous towns of Sheffield , Rotheram , Barnsley , and Worksop , and containing a population of about 250 , 000 . It is attached to no sect or party , the great and distinguishing- ieature being a thorough and determined opposition to Centralization , and an unflinching and persevering advocacy of the great principle of Local 8 elf-Govermnent . The speeches of the gr * at Magyar chief , Kossuth , will draw increased attention to this vital subject . The other important principles of the paper are : —Abolition of the Excise and Standing Army ; Monetary Reform , based on the Principle of a Self-Regulating Currency ; the Gradual and Final Extinction of the National Debt ; Direct Legislation , as developed by Rittinghausen ; the Enfranchisement of Woman ; Parliamentary Reform , founded on the People's Charter , & c . The unprecedented success which hau attended the journal since its establishment at thecommencementof the present year , and its circulation being amongst tho active , intelligent , thoughtful , and earnest classes , render it the best medium for solicitors , auctioneers , insurance offices , authors , publishers , and advertisers in general , to make tl ; eir announcements public in the south of Yorkshire . Mr . Chas . Mitchell , in tho last edition of the Newspaper Press Directory , thus notices the Free Presi : — " It iu cleverly conducted ; tho reviews ol new books are ably and impartially written ; and there are copious details of the foreign , home , and colonial news of the week . " Free Press Office : Exchange-gateway , Sheffield , November , 1851 .
IMPORTANT TO ADVERTISERS . rpHE WOLVERHAMPT 0 N and STAFFORDJ- SHIRK HERALD , and BIRMINGHAM , SHROPSHIRE and MIDLAND COUNTIES ADVERTISER . The advertising public ia respectfully informed that the WOLVEHIIAMPTON and STAFFORDSHIRE HERALD is now circulating extenuivcly throughout Sluflortltdiire , Shropshire , and the Midland Counties , and is , therefore ) , the best advertising medium in this f > opuloi ) H and highly important Ditilrict , ae , independently of its urge ciiciihition in 1 'rlvato Kamiliea , it haa an extensive mm amongst Public Institutions and Professional Men , and in read in « veiy respectable Hotel and Tavern in Urn above Counties . With reaped to its teeming population , its vast extent , immense rettourcuu , and unrivalled manufacturing- operation !) , thiu District ih one of the highest importance to advertisers , and circiilatinir extensively throughout , the WOLVERHAMPTON and STAFFORDSHIRE HERALD affordu to advertisers and thu public the best possible medium of publicity for the announcement of Auctioneers , IiiHuraucn Off Icon , I'uUie , Companies , and Societies . Profemdonul Men , Merchants , Factors , Tradesmen , and ( Jrnciai Dealers , and that too at a ncal « of charges , the liberal character of which , haa not failed to secure to the proprietor * an uxtcituive patron ng « . The WOLVK 1 UIAMPTON and HTAl ' FOROHHIRE Ti ERALD is published evory Wednesday morning , price !> d ., on a sheet as large as tho Time . * , and circulated , at ai » early hour in the morning , through tho entiro District , and in many narla of tho Kingdom . % All letters for tho Ilv . rald Hhould be addremiod , Thoinaa Itardel Hrindley , Herald O / lice , Hnovv-hill , Wolveihumpton . i < ] i 1 i I J
Second Eifttion , post 8 vo ., price 2 s . 6 d ., cloth , THE EDUCATION of the FEELINGSBy Chablbs Bbay . " With unaffected simplicity , and in a clear , manly , healthfully ¦ vigorous moral tone , has Mr . Bray executed the task he set himself , and has produced a book of small size , but of great . merit and utility , and containing much excellent remark . "—. Wettmintter Review . i " We have seldom seen a volume which contains so much practical good sense in so few pages . " —Critic . " Teachers of all kinds , whether parents or professional guar-, diana of youth , are deeply indebted toMr . Brayfor this charming little volume . It embodies in modest size and style a number of practical rules in the highest department of education , such as the labour of a whole life could but with difficulty collect and sift . " —Weekly JVews . By the same Author , in two vols . 8 vo ., price 10 s . 6 d ., The PHILOSOPHY of NECESSITY ; or , the Law of Consequences ; as applicable to Mental , Moral , and Social Science . Contents : —Mental Science ; Moral Science ; On the Origin , Objects , and Advantages of Evil , & c ; Social Science ; On the Present Condition of Society ; On the Measures proposed for the Amelioration of the Condition of the People ; On the Cause of the Poverty of the Working Classes ; Social Reform ; Appendix , containing an Outline of the various Social Systems founded on the Principles of Cooperation . Altfo , price 5 s ., An OUTLINE of the VARIOUS SOCIAL SYSTEMS and COMMUNITIES which have been founded on the Principle of CO-OPERATION . With an Introductory Essay . By the Author of " The Philosophy of Necessity . " London : Longman and Co . .
WORKS on CO-OPERATION and SOCIALISM , Sold by JAMES WATSON . ROBERT OWEN'S BOOK of the NEW MOBAL s . d . WOBLD . 1 vol . cloth 11 a Ditto , Six PaTts , reduced to 6 d . each . Part 4 out of print . BOBEBT OWEN'S DEVELOPMENT , or Principles of Home Colonization . 1 vol . 36 BOBEBT OWEN'S LECTURES on a BATIONAL STATE of SOCIETY , in Answer to the Bishop of Exeter 30 BOBERT OWEN'S TWELVE LECTUBES on an ENTIBE NEW STATE of SOCIETY . . . . 36 ROBEBT OWEN ' BEPOBT to the COUNTY of LANABK 0 6 BOBEBT OWEN'S SIGNS of the TIMES . . . 02 BOBERT OWEN'S ADDRESS to SOCIALISTS . . 02 BOBEBT OWEN'S OUTLINES of the BATIONAL SYSTEM 0 2 ROBEBT OWEN'S MANIFESTO ( Seventh Edition ) . 1 0 BOBEBT OWEN'S DISCUSSION with the Reverend WM . LEGG 16 BOBERT OWEN'S DISCUSSION with J . BUINDLEY , at Bristol 06 BOBERT OWEN'S FIBST LECTURE at the MECHANICS' INSTITUTION , London . . , . 03 ROBERT OWEN'S ADDRESS on the OPENING of the NEW LANARK INSTITUTION . . . . 06 ROBERT OWEN'S JOURNAL , Vols . 1 and 2—each . 2 6 ROBERT OWEN'S LETTERS to the HUMAN RACE 1 0 BOBERT OWEN'S REVOLUTION in the MIND and PRACTICE 10 THOMPSON' 8 ENQUIRY into the DISTRIBUTION of WEALTH . 1 vol C > 0 THOMPSON'S APPEAL of WOMEN . In a wrapper . 1 « THOMPSON'S LABOUR REWARDED . In a wrapper I 0 BRAY'S LABOUR'S WRONGS and LABOUR'S HE * MEDIES . 1 vol 3 0 London : J . Watson , 3 , Queen ' s Head-passage , Paternoster-row .
On the 1 st and 15 th of each month , rp II E CRITIC : London Literary Journal : The largest and most complete Journal of Literature , Art , and Science published in Europe ; containing 72 columns , price only fid . ; stamped , ( i ^ d . ; 6 s . for half-year ; 12 a . for a year . In monthly parts , price Is . ; or in quarterly parts , price 3 s . The contents of The London Litbrauy Journal arc thua arranged : — LEADING ARTICLES—By writers of eminence , comprising : I . Original Biographical Sketches of Notable Contemporaries . ( Of this scries Carlylo and Emerson huvo ulrcndy appeared . ) II . Sketches of the Bine and Progress of the Contemporary Press , and of the Writers and Editors connected therewith . ( Sketches of the Edinburgh and Quarterly Itetriewt have already been inserted , and will shortly be followed by the Westminster Review , and tho Times . ) III . Dialogues of the Day ; Notes b y an Observer ; and Gossi p of tho London Literary Circles , with brief Sketches of Authors and Artists . IV . Gleanings of the Georgian Era ; being a Horiea of curioua original Documents , unpublished Letters bydintinguitdied Persons , &<; ., collected and edited by O llAHKiH , Esq ., Barrister-ut ~ I , uw , Author of The Life of Lord flnrdwick" ( now in progress ) . NOTICES OK ALL THE NEW BOOKS , with copious extracts selected for the ai' : ; iaoment ai >; l information of rea . lers uo as to enable them to know the subjects , ntyle . and charact . r of books , classified , for convenience of reference :, undur the following divisions : — IliHtory . roetry and the Drama . Biography . Natural History . Kellgion . Medicine . Philosophy . Mental Philosophy . Science . Periodical and Heriala . Voyages and Travels . Pamphlets , fiction . AliuccliuneoiiM . Education . FOREIGN lilTKHATUUE AND AKT— -French , German , Swedish , Italian , and American . Wotie . es of NKW WOKKH OF ART , with the Talk of the HtudioH . Wotlo . esof NFAV INVENTIONS . THE DRAMA and PUIIMC AMUSEMENTS . Notices of NKVV MUSICand MU 8 I 0 AI , CHIT-CHAT CORRK 8 PONDKNCE of Authors , ArtlsU , Publishers & c A Monthly Cl . AHHIl'IKD LI 8 T OF NKWll () OKS , & o HORAI'H from t > io NKW HOOK 8 . The ADVKHTIHIvMKNTS of Authors , Puhlinlujra , and othora connected with Mttiraturu , Art , and Education . May be had of any bookseller , by order ; or Huhscrihora' naiuuu may bo mint direct to Mr . Crooklord , tho uitbliuht-r i **> Khuoi utrcet . bUand , jLoudon . *
Leader (1850-1860), Dec. 6, 1851, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_06121851/page/23/