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'.f^HE /LEADER ;V " ¦ ¦ '¦ • ¦ . . . ' A...
' ' ¦' ~L«W} .. ¦ ' ¦ ¦ J^nuaxy 7th, I86...
¦'"¦ - ¦¦ \ \ ¦ ¦ . ' . ¦ . .. . ' ¦ . •...
Argus Life Assurance Cotn-
u » witlidrnwril.^- either jW i» ..; ' l...
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'.F^He /Leader ;V " ¦ ¦ '¦ • ¦ . . . ' A...
' . f ^ HE / LEADER ; V " ¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ . . . ' AND ¦ ¦ . ' ' ¦ . ¦ ¦ ' . . ¦¦¦ ¦ '¦¦ ¦ ¦ . ' ' . SATURDAY ANALYST ; A EEVIE'W AND KECOED OF POLITICAL , LITERARY , ARTISTIC , AND SOCIAL EVENTS .
' ' ¦' ~L«W} .. ¦ ' ¦ ¦ J^Nuaxy 7th, I86...
' ' ¦ ' ~ L « W } .. ¦ ' ¦ ¦ J ^ nuaxy 7 th , I 860 . - { sS ^! j d .
¦'"¦ - ¦¦ \ \ ¦ ¦ . ' . ¦ . .. . ' ¦ . •...
¦'"¦ - ¦¦ \ \ ¦ ¦ . ' . ¦ . .. . ' ¦ . . ' CONTENTS . '¦¦ . ¦ . ¦ ' . ' ¦ . ¦ Our National Look-out for Lord Macaulay—The Poli- Parliament . George Rose and his Con-1860 tician . Bedlamite Literature . temporaries . " Annus Letlialis . " cc Sartor ¦ Triumphans . " State of Music and the Gleanings from Foreign Germany . Papalism and Protestant- Drama . Books . Italy . ism . ' Letters from Italy and ! More of Shakespeare . " Church Associations . " Satire . Germany . Serials . The Last Decade . The Exhibition of 1861 . - " The Cornhill Magazine . " Record of the Week .
Argus Life Assurance Cotn-
A imis Life Assurance Com-
-L . * - 1 * AI \ . 1 , d'J , 1 'UliUUJlUKlUrt ^ , BAKK . —Chun-man ; "William Leaf , Ksq Deputy Chairman , John Humphery , Esq ., Alderman . Richard E . Ardeii , Esq . Rupert Ingleby , Esq .. Kdward Bates , Esq . Saflery . Wm . Johnson , Thos . FHrricdmb , Esq ., Esq . ¦ Alderman Jeremiah Pilcher , Esq . Professor Hall , M . A . Lewis Pocock , Esq . Physician , Dr . Jeaffre 3 OD , 2 , -Finsbury-square . Surgeon , W ; Coulson , Esq ., 2 , Frederick ' s-place , Old Jewry . Artuari / i George Clark . Esq . ADVANTAGES OF ASSURING WITH THIS COMPANY . The Premiums are on the ; lowest scale consistent with security . . ¦ ¦ ' . ¦ ¦ , The ^ assured are protected by an ample subscribed capital—an assurance fund of . # 180 , 000 ; invested on iho . rtga . jRe and ' in' the Government stocks—and an income oi £ t 5 , 000 a-year . ; _ Premiums to Aesure £ 100 . W hoYe Term . ¦ i » . n ;»' V » i . r Seven ¦ With Without Age One ! ear , Year 3 . Profits . Profits . X s . d . £ a . d . £ s . d . £ s . d . 20 0 17 8 0 19 9 1 15 10 1 11 10 30 113 12 7 2 5 5 2 0 7 40 15 0 16 9 3 0 7 2 14 10 50 1 H 1 1 19 10 4 0 8 ' 4011 CO 3 2 4 . 3 . 17 0 6 12 9 0 0 10 MUTUAL BRANCH . Assurers on the Bonus system aro entitled , after five years , to participate in nine-tenths , or 90 per cent , oi tho profits . . ¦ ' Tlio profit assigned to each Policy can be added to the sum assured , applied in , reduction of the-animal pronilum , or be received in cash . At Hie-first division , a return of 20 per cent , in cash on Hie premiums paid was declared ; this will allow a re version itry increase , varying , according to age from 00 to as per cent , on the . premiums ) , or iVom , 5 to 15 per cent , on th'i sum assured ; Ouo half of the Whole Term Premium mny remain on credit for seven yonrs . or one-third of the premium may romuiu for life a * . a debt upon the policy at 0 per cent . i or mny be paid oirnt any time without notice . Cinini . s paid in one month after proofa have been apjirovqd .- . LpntiH upon approved Rccuriry . No charge , for l ' olioy Stamps . ' MeiUcnl ntt . endanta paid for their reports , 1 ' ersonn mny in time of peace proceed to or res ide In any inirt of Kuropo or Jtritinh North America without extra chnrcc . Wo extra charge for tli « Militia , Vohtnteerjliflo , or Artillery Corps on Homo Service . 'J'lie liiudioftl oflicors attend every day nt » quarter before two o ' clock . , E . BAT 1 SS , Kcsulent Director .
. KSTABMSIII & D Idas . Yictoria and Legal and OOMMKHCTAL LIFK ASSURANCK (; O ^ rrAWY , 18 , KING WILLTA ^ l STIMCKT , CITY . Tlio ) JiiHlnoss of tho Company ombrneos ovary desoriptlon oi . rink connected with Lil ' o ABHiirnnco . Credit allowed of one-third of tbo Premiums till < loiitl » , op halftho Premiums for live yenrs , on pollolea tnlcou out for tlio whole of Hie . AdviuiocK in connexion with I-ifo Assurnnoe nrc mado on ndvuntugeoufl torm « , either < mi real or peraohnl nei'urlty . WILUAai KATItAY , Actuary .
INOOUl'OH'ATKD 1847 , Bri tisk Empire Mutual Life A . SSUUANC 10 COMPANY , 32 , NKW BUIDQIO STitEET , LONDON , E . C . Animiil fncqnio , * eM , ' AH 8 . Aocuniulutticl Fund , .-CM 1 , 607 12 u . Tlio proilla docinreU have nniontitotl to , COn ,-l | H , yluMInu u HuifUH ol , a 7 . J por . cont ., on tho promluma , ro-. turiiabfo lit Ctinh to the ruomburti . Binoo tho oommonoemont 1 < lf tl » ' 6 Compnny the nmouut ji | t |< l to tlio Widows uiulotlior ropresonLatlvi'f oI ' duouiiHod mumpcrrt Irt . L ! 7 IM'I 2 ' . )» , tul , FortioiiH iiiHiirlng tl > lrt year will aliuro In Uio Bpnus to bo Uuolurcd up to Popombor , lml . s , JAMiCa INUUtf . Soorotnry .
Law Union Eire and Life INSURANCE COMPANY . Chief Offices , 126 , CHANCERY LANK . London . W . C . Birmingham Branch , -47 , UNION PASSAGE . Capital , O 2 ? E MILLION STIZIiLIXG . The Fire and Life Departments are under one Management , but with separate funds and accounts . Clurirman , Sir . William Foster , Bart . ; Vice-Chairman , James Parker , Esq ., Baddow House , Chelmslbrd . FIRE DEPARTMENT . Capital responsible for Losses , i" 50 , 003 . .. The business iscontined to tho best classes of insurance . The discount allowed by the Government on the duty is in all cases given to the insured . Claims settled with promptitude and liberality . LIFE DEPARTMENT . Capital responsible for losses , £ 250 , 000 , A Bonus every five years , —' . next Bonus in 186 i . Moderate rates of ^ Premium . Annuities granted on favourable terms . Prospectuses ; form'S' of proposal , copies of'annual reports , and every information , oh application to . FRANK McGEDY , Secretary , 120 , 'Chancery-lane .
The Festiniog Slate Quarry COMPANY ( Limited ) . A large portion of the required ne » v cai ^ ital is now subscribed for . and it is probable that allotments to the public will shortly close . The contract for the purchase of the fee-simple of the estate ( 2 . GO acres ) has been effected upon very ad-. vantapeous terms . ' ¦ ' . . . Preliminaries for the construction of the proposed railroad and the expansion of the works are en * tered upon , and both operations , will -be carried out with as little deljly as possible , so as to secure an early dividend . . ¦¦•¦ The Ca ])( tal of t lie Company consists of £ 100 , 000 , in 20 . 000 shares of £ f > ench , of two clas . ses » Viz .: —A- participating in tin-entire profits , after payingof dividend to-B . B . benrinp ; a jireferencedividend notexceedinpr 74 per cent , per annum , imynblo out of the pro / its of the year . Deposit Is . per share on application , and 19 s . per share on allotment . Directors . David Pavics , Esq ., St . James ' s Mount , Liverpool . . Alfred lSrannius Dryden . Esq ., Lincoln's Inn > London-Ricliard lyiorrin Griffiths Esq .. Banker , Bnnpor , William Moiintcastle , Esq ., alarket-street . ^ Innchester Hugh Pugh , Esq .., Banker , Pwllheli , North Wales . Hankers . —The London Joint Stock Bank , London ; Tho National Provincial Bank of England , Bangor . The Quarries of the Company are situatod on the Tyddynbach Estate , Festiniog , North Wales , contiguous to tho extensive and profitable qunrrjes of Lord Pulmerston and others , whoso procluotlon is * known as tlie Portmadoc Slato . Tho Tyddynbnoh Kstntp contni . nR 200 acrefl of yrovart Plato rook of excellent quality , nnd of a dip most favourable . for economio working , affords natural' drainage , tv plentiful Rupply of water power , nnd ample room for deposit of wastu . Tho property is held by tho Company under a J 2 yoarB ' louae BHUitcd in 1818 to the former smnll proprietary at a low royalty , with « n option , lo piu-cIihho the fco-eimplo . Tliifl lenao and option , with tho whole of ttiolr quarries , buildjnga , woi-kh , nnd |< lnnf , lmvo bepn purolmsed from \\\< i former proprU'tora by an allotment of 7 , 514 slinros in tho proaont compuny , tnU * . 'it nt £ 1 por wlinre paid . Tlic ( quarries have been in operation slnco 1 S 4 H , and tho qunllty of Iho Slate nnd Slnbs produced , tho Rf ports biirtod upon Scionllflc Survoyn of tlio wholo 12 ntnte , and Kxperimontal Testa apjilicd nt different points ( rice l ' ro » po ( . 'tu ») t Ailly CHtnblinh tlio souudnoHs of tliu luidoitnking nnd tho cortnlnty of a I urge dividend uiHiiKlngiVom furl her outlny ol cnpltnl . It )« t'Htlmntcd thnt » furthorcnpifHlof from . CM . ooo to jff-io . ooo will eiuiblc tho Conipnnyto puroluiHo tho I ' va-Hlinplo i to ooiiPtniot a KuilruiMl three nilloH in length , connecting thu QunrrlcH with < ho Port ot , Shiimiunt ( rortuutdoc ) wliereby tho eo « fc of tnuiHlt will bo rudtuind two-thirds , « nd to InoroiiHO tho Workings «(> tq u production pf 150 , 000 tons por iinnuni , from whloh It In ortilmutcd a prollt of from £ UQ to < 6 ' 10 j )« r cent , would be vo »\\ y . ei \ . , , Application fo > ' Nlnu'ofl munt bo mmla to tho undcr-8 igiio < l , IVoin whom proper lonnw nnd prOBjiootuauH may be obUlo « i . , y lUrvwu >; ^ . plthn .. HISNUY WHITU'OKTIi , Scorotnry . OfBco , 0 , Cnnnon-stroot , Loiulon , E . O .
BONUS DIVISION . G lobe Insurance , Cornhill and CHAItlXG CROSS , LONDON . EsTABtlSUED 1803 . ;¦ . .. '¦¦¦ Capital ONE MILLION ' , all paid-up and Invested . The following are examples of the PROFITS accruing on GLOBE PARTICIPATING LIF-K POLICIES under the BOX US declared as at 31 st December , 1 S 5 S : — .. ' . . ¦ Bonus applied—Age at Original Original Com- : r-. Date Sum Annual plete My By payof Insured . Premiun Years Addition mont in Policy . in force , to Policy . CASH . 25 Yrs . £ 1000 ^ -21 9 2 6 Years ' . ' £ 72 £ . 17 . 17 35 „ lOOp 28 2 Ofi ,, 72 32 15 40 ,, 1000 32 15 . 0 6 „ 72- 35 7 50 „ 1000 45 12 OG „ _ . _ 72 42 9 _ { . Policies of One to Five complete Years partic / pnfc i ? t ' , ' -. . ¦ 2 > ro P ° rt'on <) ' The above Profits are equivalent—if added to the Policy—to a Reversionary , Sum at Death equnl'to . One Found Four Shillings per Cent- per Annum on the Sum insured for each of the completed , years of the Policy ; ?—Or ,- if taken as an Immediate Cash Pay > merit , id , ' . at most ages , considerably more than One Year ' s Premium . ' The Bonus Periods are JTIVE Years , and the Kates of Life Premiums . , whether with or without Profits , very economicnl . FIRE . LIFE , ANNUITY , ENDOWMENT , and REVERSIONARY business transacted . WILLIAM NIOWMAKC'IT , Secretary . . *» •¦ No Charge for Volunteer and Militia Cur | . a . For upwards of Thirty years No Extra Premmm . has been charged by the Glohe for-service ' » tlio Militia and in Volunteer Corps in t »> u United Kingdom .
Imperial Life Insurance COMPANY , 1 , Ol , I > BK 0 Al > BTUKKT , LONDON . —Instituted lf > 'JO . Directors—Goorgu WiUintn < . 'otf « m , l ' ..- < i . < "uiirn >»»> i Frederick 1 'nttUon , Ka > j ., Deputy Clutii man . Thomas O . Hnrchiy , K * n . 'ii-orgi 1 iniil > ,. r ( . l > q . . rnmea (\ O . lull . Keii . Sanuul Ilibbcrt , ' ' ^ 'b ,, . liunua IJrand , I ' . Vq . Tito * . NiMViiinn M vinr , ¦ I ' . txi .. ( J hui'le . s Cave , Ka < i . . ) , ( jordon Munloch , Kmj . Uco ' rgf Henry Cm lor , Vlaq William H lfi ) lvinhon , Kf <| . llonry Daviii .-wn , Km * . Slurtln T . Smitli .- II . H . q . M . l ' . Qoorgt } Kiold . Kmi . Nowimvn Minitli , Kcq . SKCURITY- —Tin- iiHrturuil nrc prolectiil by n guaruntoe fund oi ' upwnrdti ofn million rnxl u hulj hteriniff IVom tho liabilities uttuchinu U » mutual Ms ^ ul llnco . l'UOFITS . —Ktniv-lil ' tlirt , or olglity nor pout , ol the prolllrt , nro iiRslgncd to Policies ovory ( l ( ih your . 1 no nsanrod nro entitled to prtrtlcMUito after i « iiyim-nt ol one iirouiium . i ' ¦ . CLAIMS . —Tho C ' onipnuy 1 ms ilislmrcod in piiyincnt of clniniH and inltlitlons upwards of X'l . ftno . ooO . I ' roposinlM for . iiisuraiicvrt iniiy-hu inndo itl tlio Chinf Oflioo , nsnbovo ; iittho Mroucli OlBco , HI , Pull Mull , London ; or to miy ofth <> iigMiitettlirouglnjui tlio king , dom . . SA . MUKL J . NUALK , Aclunry .
THIS EIGHTH YEAH . r jphc Conservative I . and Soft clt'ty ^ -TniftcOH : VlHcount . It . nnulngh , und J . C . Cp ) tb ( il <| , Kh (| ., M . I ' .-- JVivoiirt dwlrium nf liivcNting Hiivlngrt und capital nro roquo ^ loil to n |> l'ly for tlio iitm'i / i'orti'iioliM Tlio « y /) h' ) ii ) m » dii | iloil i \> r idl <; Iiih » i ; o of tho community , hum thu buslnuw « im bu- ntt oiiHlly onrrlod on )> v oonvHiKindonco as by jitUindiuioo nt tho Olllcoa , No . i ) U , Ninlnlk Htrcol , Strnnd , Lomion , W . O . —TluiHocloty will bo fiiund mn « t convenient iih woll ( iri oliglblo , us tuvvHtoi'H onn niako lint ) <» l * It either ( is u diipoult or MiivlnKn 1 bunk , ooinblning u koi » I riito of ln . torc » t , wl | h tliu privilege of prompt witlidrnwril . ^ - whon rocnilrod , nnd IiioiiitIiik no llnbHltlofl either jW i » .. ; ' Hhnvuholilor or udc | io « ltor , l- ' rouhoM land , Uio WfiPK •¦ ; ofwhiohlsiiultooptloniil . onn b \> nociulnod IjWWfr . ' - ¦ ; , largo IoIh , by onny inonilily ro uiyinunfu . if ^ tyhWW ' WVI hIiiiio-. n por (•(• ill ., with hiuro In itnnuiil ^™ m *\\ $ C ' L i < Jo | cT ( AnL' ^ T | i \ viH aiiL-NBwiw . nJ J ff ^ Li ft V * *< HU u « lit withdrnwril . ^ - tlofl e | thorj «[ i » . ; ' 11111 "HW ' S ^ i » fl CS ^ fe
U » Witlidrnwril.^- Either Jw I» ..; ' L...
u » witlidrnwril . ^ - either jW i » .. ; ' land , Uio WfiPK •¦ ; IjWWfr . ' - ¦ ; . if ^ tyhWW ' WV- ^™ m *\\ S $ C ' L . nJ J ff ^ ft V * *< HU u « lit withdrnwril . ^ - tlofl e | thorj «[ i » . ; ' 11111 "HW ' ^ i » fl CS ^ fe
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 7, 1860, page 1, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_07011860/page/1/