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APRiii 7, I860."] The Leader and Satxird...
News from the "Zambesi- Missionary party...
FOREIGN. The intelligence from Vienna, M...
ENTEKTAUtfRrKNTS. Mb. Gy-b was not fnr.b...
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Apriii 7, I860."] The Leader And Satxird...
APRiii 7 , I 860 . " ] The Leader and Satxirday Analyst . 337
News From The "Zambesi- Missionary Party...
News from the " Zambesi- Missionary party , dated the 4 th of October ,. ' states that they are in good health . There is no intelligence from . Dr . Liivinsrstone . ¦ .-.. On Saturday , March 31 , the transport Havering-, of London , Avith Government stores from liondon for Hong Kong-, wag ' wrecked in Batter Bay , by Plymouth . No lives lost . " . ' ' -rr . : - The number of patients relieved at the Royal iree . Hospital , Gray ' s-inn-road , during the week ending- March . 31 , was 2 , 914 , of which 807 were new cases . It is stated that forty commissioners from France are here in England , for the purpose of collecting' details , with a view to assist the French Government in fixing contemplated specific duties . The Roman Catholic papers report the secession from the Church of Eng-land , and connection with the Church of Rome , of the Rev . Charles John Pratt Forster , M . A ., curate of Stoke Abbot , Dorsetshire , and chaplain to the Beaminster Union .
On Monday , April 2 nd , the patrons and supporters of the General Theatrical Fund dined together at the Freemasons' Tavern . Mr . 13 uckstone , the honorary secretary , stated that the capital of the Theatrical Fund now amounted to £ 12 , 000 ; that during- the last year eleven annuities of from £ 60 to' £ 90 had been granted ; besides which , the funeral expenses of three deceased members had been paid , and £ 250 had been voted towards the building of the Dramatic College . . A public meeting vyas held on Monday evening , in New Park Street , Chapel , for the purpose of hearing a statement as to the progress of the building- fund , for the erection of the great " metropolitan tabernacle for the Rev . Mr . Spurgeon , now in progress . The contract for the building was £ 2 . 0 , 000 , of which £ 4 , 000 had only yet been paid .
The Liverpool Burial Board have awarded prizes to Mr . C . D . Barry . ; , ' of Liverpool , and , W . Stokes and Mr . Wimble , of London , for their plans for a new cemetery at Walton , near Liverpool , which is to cost £ 100 , 000 . and to extend over one hundred acres . At the Central . Criminal Court , on Tuesday , the grand jury returned a true' bill against ¦ Eugenie Plummer for perjury , upon whose evidence the Rev . Mr . Hatch had been convicted of an offence of a particular character , arid the case had since attracted a good deal of public attention . The Registrar-General ' s Return states that the liealth of London is far froiii being- in rt satisfactory condition . The deaths , which were in the first week of March 1 , 397 , have during the rest of the month shown a constant increase , and rose in the week that ended Saturdav 31 st ult . to 1 ^ 708 ;
, The favourite vocalist , Mademoiselle Victoire Balfe , has just been married at St . Petersburg to Sir John Fiennes T . Crampfcon , K . C . B ., Her Majesty ' s Minister at the Court of Russia . The bridegroom is in his 53 rd year . The St . George ' s-in-the-East riots , in consequence of the withdrawal of the police , are likely to be renewed . During the services last Sunday the congregation were very tumultuous ' , the rector being-loudly hissed when , he pronounced the benediction from the altar .
Foreign. The Intelligence From Vienna, M...
FOREIGN . The intelligence from Vienna , March 31 , is that the Austrian Cabinet hag resolved to protest solemnly against the annexation ^ of Tuscany , Parma , and Modena , to Piedmont . A note to this effect has been addressed to the Cahinct of Turin , April 1 . Count Rechberg- has communicated to M . Steiger , Charge * cl'Affaires of Switzr erland , the definitive reply of Austria to the protest against the annexation of Savoy , addressed by the Federal Council to the Great Powers . In reference to the annexution of Savoy , Austria declares that she could not abandon the passive attitude which her real interests demand in that affair . Ah regards the neutrality of Switzerland , Austria declares her readiness to join the Great Powers for the fulfilment of the legitimate wishes of Switzerland . 1 The atti
The French troops entered Nice on Sunday , April . - tude of the population .-was cold . In the ovening- disturbances were suppressed . . , Saturday , March 31 ,- —The ConsiUufionnol bus nn article statingthat " the al ' litmco of Euglimd . and France id firmly cumi . uct . ed . with modern ideas and nuuesailies , which , if ruptured , woiild bo the signal for a atrugg-le and for fresh troubles . The Patrio states that the Savoyards have repulsed the 300 persons from Geneva who had arrived in i \ steamer with the intention of attacking Chablais imd Faucigny . The Moniteur of Sunday , April 1 st , contains the following article of the Concordat , recalled by the Government , that no bull , brief , rescript , mandate , or olhor doemhenb i'vvtn the Court of Rome can be received , published , printed , or otherwise pub into execution without the authorization of the Government ,
Nows from America to the 23 rd ult . The Fulton , from Southampton , and the Canada from Liverpool , had nrrived out . The Senate at Washing-ton had reconsidered the treaty with Nicaragua ; the treaty wna expected to puss . Latest news from Mexico . Mirnmon commenced the aiogo of Vera Cruz on the 5 th of March , with 0 , 000 men nnd a strong siege train . An attack was made on the city on the 7 th , bufc was repulsed . The American sloop of war captured the atoamer » . G-onernl Mintmow and Miwquozy , oflf Vera Cruz , lifter roAiiiing to show colom-a , and firing on fcho American flag-. The Ainorioan Minister had been instruqted to luna » iorco at Vera Cruz , Tor the protection of Amfivican oitteonfl . Tho Sardinian ChamberH were opened on Monday , April 2 nd . The King of Sardinia delivered a speech , in which ho recounts by
what means Lombardy and Central Italy became free , their gratitude to France ; and in entering- upon the new order of things , the principal . object of the Italians must be the welfare of the people and the greatness of the country . ¦ In reply to the request addressed by Switzerland to the powers who signed the treaty of Vienna , Russia , Eug-land , Austria , aid Pussia have pronounced themselves in . favour- of the immediate assembling-of a congress . Erotri Madrid , Tuesday , the news is that the revolutionary movement under Genei-al Ortega is suppressed , and that perfect tranquillity prevails everywhere . The Bank of Barcelona has offered ^ 10 , 000 , 000 reals to the Government . From Berne . —The National Council , by 10 <> votes against three , arid the Council of State unanimously , have voted tho extraordinary powers demanded by the Federal Council .
The following- telegram was on April 4 tli received from India . Mr . Wilson explained in tlie Legislative Council his scheme , fora convertible paper currency for all India on the 3 rd of March . Notes " of from five to one thousand rupees to be issued to the aggregate value of £ 5 fiO 0 . Q 0 O sterling" . Gold standard condemned . The ship Clifton-,-iJeil , from London , with soldiers' families , arrived at Kurrachee on the Gth of March . A despatch from Washing-ton states that the seizure of the Mexican vessels has no ' connexion ' whatever with the present imbroglio in Mexico , and so the President will inform Congress . if ' called upon . The United States Government will , however , demand of Spain whether these vessels were fitted out at Ilavannah for the purpose of interfering with their commerce . From New Orleans ; , ' -March- 23 , it was reported that Miramou had abandoned the siege of Vera Cruz , deserted his army , arid .-taken refuge on board the French fleet .
In l'eference to the United States' relations with Japan , Cpns ' uT-¦ Geueral Harris , writing from Yeddio to the Secretary of State , says that American affairs there are in an unsatisfactory condition . Lord Elgin had requested the Japanese to send an Ambassador direct to . Eng-Iand , hut they evaded the application , giving the United States the preference . . Her Majesty ' s ship Roebuck has been cruising outside , testing the Japanese coiil , and trying to find out whei-e the principal mines are in the vicinity of Nagasaki ; she proceeded to Yeddo direct to try to obtain permission from the Emperor to see the mines . An engineer who is on board her state ' s that there must be splendid coal in the country , if they will only allow of the aid of a little science in working it .
The money market at New York was without change , the tendency being to increased ease . Money was freely offered to the brokersat 5 per cent ., and at the discount houses the complaint was of « i scarcity of paper . From Melbourne ,-February 17 . —In Parliament the Land Bill is progressing-. The Government has agreed to the alteration in the mail route , on the condition of other colonies sharing the expenses . A great fire had broken out at Creswick . The gold receipts had decreased 30 , 000 ounces , as compared with the atune period last year . At Sydney , the Parliament met on the 24 th of . -January . An increased subsidy for the ; . ' alteration of the mail route has been refused . Great floods have caused the destruction of a large amount of property .
Entektautfrrknts. Mb. Gy-B Was Not Fnr.B...
ENTEKTAUtfRrKNTS . Mb . Gy-b was not fnr . behind tlie new lessee of the rival Opera house in issuing the programme of the Roy Ah Jtaj . m . v Opjjra , Covert Gakdhn , which , it will be seen , is nn interesting urnl a strong one as regards . the celebrity of the nrtists named , if not in musical novelties . First on tho list of the fprmer is £ iti Gruii , who , snys rumour , may still qlaim her ancient pluce on tho top step of operatic " ' star-terraces , " while Mario leads . tho host of mnle voices . Of last yonr ' s prirno donne , wo are to haye Madame P « mico and Miolan-Ciirvalho , both Parisian favourites , of whom tlie former takes the Gil ' tla in Verdi's " Rigolotto , " Lady Henrietta in "" Martha , " and Ninatta in "La < U \ 7 . M JLfuirn ; " while tlie latter , wlio will take Dinorak , Itosina , Am ' ma , ami Zerlina , must be fresh in the memory of opera goers as our first exponent of the first of those characters . Then
for Madlle . Rosa ' Csillag , from . the . Grand Opera of Vienntt , a vast success is predicated us Ffden in Meyerbeer's " Prophisto ( with TambcrliU as Jean qf / , a >/( lo > i ) , and as Coono ' ra in " Pirjelio . " Aitiong th « gentlemen r » ro Slgnori ' J . uchtt . si , Ncri , Uaraldi ( one of last year ' s tenors ) , Gurdoni , Tninbcrlik , llnnconi , Zclger , Graxiani , Monsienr Fiiure ( from the Opera Comiqun ) , cum multis alils . Madame ZUin . Riohnrd is principal dmiHouse , The bnnd nnd chorus of tho RoyiU 0 }> o-a remain un < ler S'igfior Costa ' a direction , and Mr . AugiiHtua Hiirris , lately of the Princess s Thoatrc , is , as of old , stngo manager . The only new work at prcaont promised is tho Pronoh oporotta for Mndamo Miolaii and S ^ iior Ronconi , called "hn Norae di Glwnotta . " Tim "Htraflolla" of Vlntow will be givon for { ho 11 rat time on tho An / jlo-Italian singo . The Matrimonio to ho rovivodtlie
Segreto" of ( Jimaroaa , and HeroUl ' a •' Z « mpa" we , former after nn eight years' roposo . AH tho stoch operas arc to be presented during the sonson , und four grand conooits ( two morning and two cvouing ) will also Inko f > l )» co In tho Nbw Flohax IIau ,. At one of thorn will bo produced , for the first Mine iu this country , illufltraUid with costume , aoonory , ami decoration , GlUck ' n " Orplious and Hurydioe , " a wot-k impelialmbly associfttod with that groat Gorman composer '<« renown in tho miuda of both Gurinan and English amateurs . We have small doubt that the dircotor has other novelties In store , whlo . h A perhaps prudent reticence induces him to rofrnin . from naming just at proacnt . « nt , even without thorn , tho Hubaoribors mny looH for ample antisfttoiiou from tho nroaent iiromiaeii . The " FWio , " with such a hand ai ) d . olionis , ana tho " Prophoto " and « ' HugMenota , " -with these and tho grand scenic
Leader (1850-1860), April 7, 1860, page 21, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_07041860/page/21/