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Juke 7, 1856.] THE LEADER. 541
THE SORE POINT. The sore point of the To...
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Palmer—As An Autist. For Ten Days And Mo...
the dead man's rest . Verily William pAiiMEB handled his mortal instruments with the same consummate skill and collectedness as an Indian juggler handles fire .
Juke 7, 1856.] The Leader. 541
Juke 7 , 1856 . ] THE LEADER . 541
A "Challenge To The Revolution. Isianin ...
A "CHALLENGE TO THE REVOLUTION . ISIanin has addressed another Letter to the Italians . He had said " Agitate . " The word had been construed to mean " Rebel . " Some ardent friends of the Italian cause are offended by his caution , and characterize the explanatory letter as an afflicting palinode , a sign of fear and of moral decay . But Mjlntn is certainly right , —not less right than when he adjured his countrymen to leave assassination to the Church , and to refuse , for liberty , the service of the dagger .
The real patriot will not incur the risk of being confounded in the same class with that pensioned bravo who walks the streets of Paris , and enjoys the favour of the Tuileries for having attempted to murder the Duke of "Wellington" . Of course there is an essential difference between them . The mercenary assassin stands lowest in the scale of crime ; the political assassin , under some circumstances , stands where crime is doubtfully distinguished from error ; and in Italy it is scarcely reasonable to condemn , with all the
austerity of privileged virtue , the desperate soldier of liberty who makes use of the unlawful dagger . To comprehend his situation , and the palliation of his act , we must suppose , ourselves Italians , immured in a Lombard city with an Austrian garrison . Not a human or social right is acknowledged ; we dare not speak ; we dare not write ; the members of our family may disappear , one after another , and we dare not search after them . We may see wives and daughters exposed to
infamous violence , even to public scourgmgs ; three-fourths of our property may be sequestrated for purposes of taxation . If we have exiled friends , we may stand by while their entire fortunes are appropriated by the Austrian officials , who , under the protection of an insolent army , mock the citizens , and threaten them with the prison or the gallows . If we can conceive ourselves in this position , we shall be able to sit in judgment on the assassins of Parma .
Nevertheless , Manin does well to repudiate the doctrine of the dagger . He does equally well , we think , to discountenance an immediate insurrection . The reason is evident . Austria desires an immediate insurrection , provokes it , challenges it . She signs , jointly with France , a note to the Papal
Government , notes to the Dukes of Pamu and Tuscany , perhaps a note to the King of Naples ; but she has a powerful military organization in the Italian peninsula , and a premature , partinl , and desultory outbreak ¦ would give her an opportunity to exert all her means at onco , and to break tlio force of the liberal movement along the whole line of the Adriatic , the ! Euxincj and the Tiber .
The evil would not stop there . Wo repeat , Bonapartism is the danger of Italy . The scheme of lloman reform , proposed at Paris , and sanctioned , probably , with modifications by the Pope , would be the plea of a now occupation , and out of tho embroilment that would ensue it is impossible to say what Italy would gain . Wo know who is scheming for Naples , and who for the Legations . We know , also , what is contemplated in Sardinia .
While tho Italian Liberals , therefore , deserve all praise for keeping in view tho national independence of their country , in preference to dynastic and local " schemes , some of them are perverwe and petulant in attributing cowardice or disloyalty to Manin .
TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION—MARENGO . The English bought Waterloo—who will buy Marengo ? Who will buy the last stone of Napoleon ' s pyramid , the tower of Theodoric , the relic of Theodolinde , the Fontanone , the pictured City of the Victories , the Monumental palace , the statue of the First Consul , the ossuary , the shrine of the Knight Delavo ? If it were in America , the resuscitated Barntjm would buy it ; if it were in England , it vould go in building lots , and a corner would be reserved for a
tea-garden ; in France , it would be bought by and for France . But now , who will have it ? Could not some baby , born in purple among golden bees , and under the wing of an eagle , be created King of Marengo ? There would be an Italian state the more , and three dozen Swiss guards would guarantee his Majesty against all evils except an Austrian occupation , or a visit from his relatives in France . Surely , amid the glories of the Second Empire the field of Fontenone is not to remain mere private property . The
young Knight Delavo , journeying from Alexandria , saw the plain and the field , and Theodoric's ruins , and seems to have grown giddy at the sight . For , with the zeal of Stylites , he ascended Napoleon ' s monument , and has nearer since come down . But , unhappily , the hammer of an auctioneer in the Place du Chatelet will detach this devotee from his altar , and Bonaparte ' s hat , and Desaix ' s bust , and the mock tomb , will pass into other hands , and leave the Italian TrrssAUD without a habitation or a name .
Not exactly that . Delato did certainly bury nearly all his fortune in the purchase of Marengo . But the site and its monuments , passing through the crucible of the auctioneer , will probably restore to the tired Balthazar some part of his exhausted patrimony . It is curious , however , to observe this man , devoting himself to a reputation , spending nearly the whole of liis fortune to buy a battle-field , and lavishing the rest upon a collection of objects recalling the unspeakable degradation of Europe , and the all but irreparable abasement of the Italian nation during the supremacy of the First Empire . True , that since fourteen thousand human bodies ,
and horses uncounted , fed the soil of Marengo , it has been one of the moat productive estates in Italy . During the first eight years after tho battle the corn grew too rapidly and rankly , bent down iu the green ear , and could not be gathered in . But Delato worshipped the ground , not for its hundred-fold yield , but for the sake of the young man , short , lean , with long straight hair , dressed in blue regimoutals , and a wide grey capote , who there beat the Austrians in Juno , 1800 ; who drank at the well ; who , " surrounded by fourteen thousand corpses , " wrote from tho inn his famous letter to Francis oi 1 Austria .
It was nothing to Dej , avo that a King of tho Gotha had made this the place of his delight , that tho Lombard monarchs summered at Marengo . Ho adored the battle , and the battle only , and calculated , with the enthusiasm of a Carriboo , how much blood of men had swelled and stained tho triple stream of the Fontenone . Hero he traced tho rush of the Consular Guard , there the rout of tho Austrian cavalry ; hero ho devoutly noted the stono on which Napoleon « at , there tho well of tho water he had glorified by drinking . All this was madness to Delavoand ho became Lord of Mnrongo .
, But tho consequence of his hero-worship ia , that ho cannot remain Lord of Marengo . There arc not many Gorman princes who could be so prodigal witli the money of their subjects aa was the Alexandrian Knight in tho decoration of his multiform shrine .
Where the inn formerly stood there is now a sumptuous palace , constructed for the sole purpose of preserving the little chamber in which Bonaparte stayed during the few days that followed the battle of Marengo . Inside this palace you perceive that DjbIiAVO flas one religion , one thought , one capacity ; he is the slave—the lost , mortified , spellbound slave—of the First Consul ' s fame . He
has built a Court of Honour . In the centre is a statue of Napoleon ; around rises a palisade of pikes , and lances , the lloman fasces and the axe . On one side is a wall , illuminated with designs in fresco of the City of the Victories , which Bonaparte himself designed to build , with streets named in honour of his triumphs , and gates equivalent in number to the provinces of his empire . Delavo employed the artists of Alexandria to idealize the plan , and to paint it , as an illusion , on the wall . He procured from the
Alps a block of red granite to form the pedestal of the Consul ' s statue . The interior of the palatial monument , rich in architecture and in colour , the chamber of the apotheosis , the vaulted roofs embossed with gold , the figures of winged angels singing an everlasting hosanna to the military chief , the massive chapel of the dead , the Emperor ' s coach , his hat-case of white velvet embroidered with flowing silk , have been treasured by the knight , who has also dug
up the skulls , spines , leg , arm , and breastbones of the dead , wherever they could be found , and deposited them , in monumental profusion , in the ossuary of Marengo . Was ever devotion more devout ? And all this aggregate of triumphal trash is to be split to pieces by a notary's hammer . And the Knight Delavo is to give up Marengo , and some one is to buy it , who may " improve the property , " pull down the angels , and send the hat-case to the Napoleon Chamber in Baker-street .
The Sore Point. The Sore Point Of The To...
THE SORE POINT . The sore point of the Tory party is , that not a single man of ability has risen for years to defend its principles . It has two showy orators , the indolent Earl of Derby and Mr . Disraeli , who notoriously despises his friends , who never was sincere , either as a Radical or a Tory , who is not connected with them by family traditions , and who breaks loose , every now and then , from the Carlton set , and proves that they are dumb without conceived
their leader . It ia scarcely to be how frantic they have been against him , on account of his absence from the division on the temporalities of the Irish Church . He has made equivocal remarks on that subject . They are not quito sure , therefore , that he intends to vindicate much longer the robberies of the Appropriation Clause . We , tot our own part , believe they have nothing Co fear . They will not find in Disraeli the successor of Fbel . But it haa been lamentable to hear their recriminations for a week
past . . . The party , in fact , is so destitute of rising talent , that it ia nlnrmcd by the leaat appearance of defection . Every politician of ability who haa , within the last fifteen years , emerged from the Carlton , has been a thorn in tho aide of tl > o Tories . Lord Stanley ia tho latest example . Ho is exposing them daily , and though he certainly makes aomo amends by Buttering his political clerks to controvert , journalistically , what he utters in Parliament or on tho platform , yet tho Tories cannot help seeing that hia intelligence struggles against their principles , that ho has no desire to bo abused by conformity with tho creed ot fear , finality , and stupefaction . This was one reason for tho ItANEiiAQU
Leader (1850-1860), June 7, 1856, page 13, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_07061856/page/13/