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ggQ THB I* E A35ER. [No. S24, Satu&day ,
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Ggq Thb I* E A35er. [No. S24, Satu&Day ,
ggQ THB I * E A 35 ER . [ No . S 24 , Satu & day ,
SISAL . CIGARS , SIS AT , CIGARS , at GOODSIGH'S Cigar , Tobacco , and Snuff Stores ( established ttNfettZ * Omto ^ rtnet . London , ne « Soho ^ quare j —Box . tmntairftT- 1 * . »—» fliiMl Oican , 'for Is . 9 a- ; pose rree , six 5 imM «& a ^ ttLh ^ r < OT & tol « W W » . 1 ^ 8- - > Tone are S ^ S ^^^ iS ^^™ ® 0 ^ ^ ' AIaree 8 tock of the most approved Brands .
DE . DE JONGH'S LIGHT BROWN COD LIVER OIL . Specially rewarded for its purity and efficacy by the Go-TCrnmeuts of Belcupjk and Thb Nethbblajnds . and sanctioned by the Royal . Sakitabx Poucb op Pktjssia . OTTICIAI . COMMUNICATIONS : THE MINISTER OF THE INTERIOR OF HOLLAND . I have the honour of bringing to your knowledge that it has pleased the King to grant you , by his decree No . 101 , a silver medal , with an appropriate honorary inscription , as a testimony 0 / his Majesty ' s high approbation of your efforts in securing to this country a supply of the purest and most efficacious Cod Liver Oil . . The Minister of tho Interior . ( Signed ) Vas Deb Heim . To Dr . De Jongh , at the Hague . THE INTENDANT OF THE CIVIL LIST OF . BELGIUM . Siir—The King has charged me to return you his" very particular thanks for the homage done to him by the presentation of your most valuable researches concerning the Cod Liver Oil ; as an expression of his utmost satisfaction , his Majesty has given me the order of presenting you with the accompanying large gold medal . —I remain , with the highest regard , & c , Tho Intendant of the Civil List , ( Signed ) CoirvrE . To Dr . De Jongh , at the Hague . Sold Wholesale and Retail , in bottles capsuled and labelled with Dr . de Jough ' s Stamp and Signature , without which woke ase GBNunrE , by ANSAJB . HARFOBD . and CO ., sole British Consignees , 77 . Strand , London ; and by many respectableOhemists and Druggists throughout the United Kingdom . Half-pints ( 10 ounces ) , 2 s . 6 d .: Pints ( 20 ounces ) , 4 s . 9 d . ; Quarts ( 40 ounces ) , 9 s . IMPERIAL MEASURE .
SCHWEPPE'S MALVERN SELTZER WATER . Having leased tho Holy Well Spring at Malvera , renowned for its purity , J . 8 . and Co . can now produce a SELTZER WATER with all the CHEMICAL and MEDICINAL properties which havo rendered the Nassau Spring so celebrated . They continue Manufacturing SODA , MAGNESIA , and POTASS "WATERS and LEMONADE , at I / ONDON , LIVERPOOL . BEISTOL , and DERBY . Every bottle is protected by a Red Label bearing their signature .
MINERAL WATERS OF VICHY . —The increasing demand for these Waters , as valuable remedial agents , by the Upper Classes in England , has induced * he Company to whom the French Government baa conceded the privilege of vending them , to form an Establishment in . London , where they may be obtained in any quantities precisely as they are bottled at the springs . The PASTILS or LOZENGES prepared from the Saline Constituents of tho Vichy Waters , and the SALTS , for Internal Uso or for Baths , so celebrated on the Continent for all Stomach , Liver , and Renal Diseases , Gout , Rheumatism , & c , are also kept at the VICHY WATERS COMPANY'S DEPOT , 27 , MARGARET STREET , CAVENDISH SQUARE .
HO LLOWAY'S OINTMENT AND PILLS FOR BAD LEGS : NO REMEDY IS EQUAL TO THEM . —Mrs . Wright , of the Deanery House , Penkridge , Staffordshire , suffered for a period of live years with bad legs , and had the best medical advice without obtaining any relief . Ac last she waa induced to try Holloway's Ointment and Pills ; and , after persevering with them for an inconsiderable time , a perfect cure was effected , and since that two years have elapsed without any return or the complaint , and Mrs . Wright is now enjoying the very best of health . Sold by all Medicino Vendors throughout the world ; at Professor -HOLLO WAY'S Establishments , 24 * . Strand . London , awd 80 , Maiden-lane , Now York ; by A . Stampa , Constantinople ; A . Guidioy , Smyrna -, and E . Muir , Malta .
In the High Court of Chancery . rpB . IES . EMAR . —On the 29 th of May , 1855 , JL an Injunction was granted by tho High Court of Chancery , and on the 11 th of June following was made perpetual , against Joseph Franklin and others , to restrain them , under a penalty of 1 . 000 / .. from imitating this medicine , which in protected by Royal Letters Patent of England , and sacuned by the seals of tho Ecole do Pharmacio do Paris , and the Imperial College of Medicine , Vienna . Triesomar , No . L is a remedy for Relaxation , Spermatorrhoea , and all the distressing consequences arising from early abuse , Ac , and its effects are eUioacious in youth , manhood , and old age ; mndto those persons who are prevented entering tho znanried . state from tho results of early errors it is invaluable . Tricaomar . No . 2 . effectually , in the short space of three days , completely and entirely eradicates all traces of those disorders which capaiviand cubobs havo so long been thought an antidote for , £ 0 the ruin of tho health of a vast portion of the population . Trioaqmar . No . 3 , i *> the great Continental remedy for that class of disorders which unfortunately tho English physician treats with mercury , to tho tturtttabio destruction or the pationt'ci constitution , and wnich all the sarsaparllla in ill © world cannot remove Trtwomar , Nos . l , 2 , and 3 , are alike devoid of Uwtoor amoll , « i > Wl , < tfjtU nauseating qualities . They may lay on tho toilet ' ' table without their uso beinjf suspected . —Trieaeinar , Noa . 1 , 2 , 3 , aro . sold iu tin cases , prtoo lln ., or four cases in 0110 for ; 339 ., - winch naves lls , ; and In Hi . oases , whoroby thoro Ih a saving of If . 12 s . ; divided into separate donos , as admlnta- ' fxefed by Vftipenm , lAltomand , 'Boux , * o . To be had whole-i -mle « nd retiril in Ixmdon . of Johmon . 68 , Oomhill ; Hannay ' and Co .. 03 , Oxford-street ; and Banger , 150 , Oxford-Btroot ; i JL . 0 C . Ingham , druggist . 40 , Maifcet-street , Manchester ; 11 . ' JOnmUnmw . bookseller , Daaasgato . iiolton ; » . Priestly . cho- | raUt . M , Lord-tttreot , Liverpool ; Powell , bookseller , 18 , WestnugMlMid-atoeet , Dublin ; Winnall , booksoller , High . Btroet ,, Birmingham . '
jHBsmwi stock ; of each is at once the largest , newest , and moat varied ever submitted to the * nblio , «* d marked * t prices proportionate withiihose thafe have tended to make his establishment the most distinguished in this country . Bedsteads , from * 0 12 6 to £ 12 0 0 each Shower baths , from ... ... 0 7 6 to 5 15 0 eacli Lamps ( Moderateur ) . from 0 6 0 to 0 6 0 each All other kinds at the same rate . . Pure Colza Oil ... 4 s . * L per gallon / CUTLERY WARRANTED . —The most varied \ J assortment of TABLE-CUTLERY in theworld all warranted . Is on SALE at WILLIAM S . BUTTON'S , at prices that are remunerative only because of the largeness of the sales . 3 £ inch ivory-handled table-knives , with higtt shoulders , lls . per dozen ; desserts to match , 10 s . ; ir to balance , Is . per dozen extra ; carvers , 4 s . per pair : larger sizes , from 14 s . 6 d . to 26 s . per dozen ; extra fine \ , ory » -i if with silver ferrules , 37 s . to 50 s . ; white bone table-knives , 7 s . 6 d . per dozen ; desserts , 5 s . 6 d . ; carvers , 2 s . 3 d . per pair ; black horn table-knives , 7 s . 4 d . per dozen ; desserts , 6 s . ; carvers , 2 a . 6 d- ; black wood-handled table-knives and forks , 6 s . per dozen ; table steels from Is . each . The largest stock in existence of plated dessert knives and forks , in cases and otherwise , and of the new plated fish-carvers . P APIER MACHE and IRON TEA-TRAYS . — An assortment of TEA-TRAYS and WAITERS wholly unprecedented , whether as to extent , variety , or novelty . New Oval Papier Mache Trays , _ , * ,, » per set of three from 20 a . Od . to 10 guineas . Ditto , Iron ditto from 13 s . Od . to 4 guineas . Convex shape , ditto from 7 s . 6 d . Round and gothio waiters , cake and bread-baskets equally low . THE PERFECT SUBSTITUTE FOR SILVER . TheltEAIi NICKEL SILVER , introduced twenty years ago by WILLIAM S . BURTON , when plated by the patent of Messrs . Elkington and Co ., is beyond all comparison the very best article next to sterling silver that can be employed as such , either usefully or ornamentally , as by no possible test can be it distinguished from real silver . Piddle or Thread or Kine ' s Old Silver Brunswick . ^ ? n . Pattern . Pattern . Table Spoons and Forks per dozen 38 s 48 s 60 s . Dessert ditto and ditto ... 30 s 35 s 42 s . Tea ditto 18 s 24 s 30 s . Tea and Coffee Sets , Cruet , and Liqueur Frames , Waiters , Candlesticks , & c- at proportionate prices . All kmds of replating done by the patent process . CHEMICALLY PURE NICKEL NOT PLATED . TableSpoonsandForks Fiddle- Thread- Kine > B ' per dozen 12 s . ... 28 s . ... 80 s . Dessert ditto and ditto ,.. 10 s . ... 21 s . .- 25 s . Tea ditto Cs . ... lls . ... 12 s . Illustrated catalogues eent { per post ) free . S 9 , OXFORD-STREET : 1 . 1 A , 2 , and 3 , NEWMANSTREET ; and 4 , 5 , and 6 , PERRY'S-PLACE . Established a . b . 1820 .
BUY of the MAKERS . —BRUSHES , COMBS , and BROOMS of every description , whether for tho dressing-tablo , household , or stable use , thirty per cent , lower than any other house in the trade , at tho Manufacturers , J . and J . WITHERS , 36 , Tottenham-court-road ( opposite Bedford-street , Bedford-square . )—Warranted tooth brushes , 3 d . ; superior ditto , 4 d . ; the best that can bp made , 6 d . each . —N . B . Tho lowest price asked , and no abatement .
0100 MILNBRS' HOLDFAST AND FIRE-*' *¦ * ' RESISTING SAFES ( non-conducting and vapourising ) , with all tho improvements , under their Quadruplo Patents of 1840 , 61 , 54 , and 1805 , including thoirGunpowdorproof Solid Lock and Door ( without which no aafo is secure ) . TITE BTHONGEST , BEST , AND CHEAPEST SAPEGUABI > S EXTANT . MILNERS' PHCENIX ( 212 degrees ) SAFE WORKS , LIVERPOOL , tho most complete and extensive in tho world . Show-rooms , 0 and 8 , Lord-street , Liverpool . London Depot , 47 a , Moorgate-stroot , City . Circulars froo by post . Sold by HOBBS , ASHLEY , and CO ., 07 , Choapsido .
THE FORTY-SEVEN SHILLING SUITS , made to order , from Scotch Heather and Cheviot Tweeds , all wool and thoroughly shrunk , by B . BENJAMIN , Merchant Tailor , 74 , Regent-stroot . Tho PJSLISS 1 ER OVERCOAT , 21 a . and 28 s ., adapted for tho season ; tho TWO GUINEA DRESS or FROCK COATS ; tho GUINEA DRKSS TROUSERS ; and tho HALFGUINEA WAISTCOAT . JS . li . —A porfect fit guaranteed .
HAIR DESTROYER . 1 , LITTLE QUEEN-STREET , HIGH HOLBORN . ALEX . ROSS'S DEPILATORY , for removing effectually superfluous hair from tho face , neole , arms , and hands , without tho ulightost injury to tho ukiu A . R . will warrant it not to irritate tho uouli in tho smallest , degree , and tho hair to bo entirely destroyed . — Sold in bottled , at 8 s . ttd ., 5 m . ( id ., and 10 s . ( Id . ; or applied at tho Hair Dyeing Estahlitihuioiit a « abovo . Forwarded for stamps ; frco by post , eight extra .
SCOTT ISH EQUITABLE LIFE ASST 7 T ? ANOB SOCIETY .-The ANNUAL MEETING « V * £ above SOCIETY was held in EDINBURGH on tbecthVi The report by tho Directors stated that the number nfZ ' licies issued during the year ending 1 st March last , was Ma the sums assured thereby being ^ 293 ^ 950 , and «*? « » nual premiums thereon £ 9 , 120 ,. * *?" ' a TOe a " - TheTesulfc of the investigation for the triennial division of profits was then announced . The surplus ascertainedT ! have arisen amounted to . £ 133 , 639 , which wholly belonjrs tn the members , but of which one-third ( £ 61 , 279 ) must bvthn laws of tho Society , be set aside as a reserve for allocation at tho next triennial division in 1850 . From the remaining two-thirds a Bonus was declared at the rate of 1 J per cent , per annum , on all policies on which six premiums had been paid , not only on the sums in thp policies , but also on the former vested bonuses . There was left , in addition to £ 01 , 279 of reserve above stated , a surplus of £ 13 , 623 , together £ 74 , 902 to go to the next division . The INVESTED FUNDS of the Society amount to * 979 261 The ANNUAL REVENUE to £ 169 400 The EXISTING ASSURANCES to £ 4 , 764 949 Copies of the report may bo obtained at the Society ' s head office , 26 , St . Andrew-square , Edinburgh ; at the London office , Bishopsgate-street Within ; and at any of the agencies . ROBERT CHRISTIE , Manager . ARCHIBALD T- RITCHIE , London Agent .
BANK OF DEPOSIT , No . 3 , PALL-MALL EAST , LONDON . Established a . d . 1844 . Parties desirous of Investing Money are requested to examine the plan of the Bank of Deposit . Prospectuses and forms for opening accounts sent free on application . PETER MORRISON , Managing Director .
SCOTTISH PROVIDENT INSTITUTION . London Branch—66 , Gracechurch-street , City . 14 , St . Andrew-square , Edinburgh . ASSURANCES , with whole Profits , for a rate of Premium about the same as is charged in other Offices for a fixed amount not entitled to any additious . Tables of Rates , and every information as to the system of Division of tho Profits , may bo had on application . The ANNUAL MEETING of the SOCIETY was held on the 20 th February , JOHN SINCLAIR , Esq ., City Clerk , in the chair . The ' Report from tho Directors showed , that " the business of the past year has considerably exceeded that of the previous year—a result which , considering the continued pressure on the industrial resources of tbe country the Directors could not have ventured to anticipate . the new Proposals were 626 , assuring 281 , 418 ? ., and the corresponding Premiums 9 , 4 , 031 . 17 s . lOd . The total premiums received in the year amounted to 78 , 676 ? . 4 s . 6 d . Tho Claims of the year , by 63 deaths , were 43 J . 39 J . 3 s . The Report concluded as follows : — "The Directors have adhered to the same careful system of administration as in former years , notwithstanding the excessive competition which prevails . They havo refused to recoguiso tho practice of giving commissions to induce a preference in bringing business to them ; and in the extension of the Society by means of Agencies , they have kept steadily in view the importance of its being represented — whether in the case of Agents w Medical Advisers—by persons in whom they can place full reliance . ,. ± ,, __ .. Pull Reports of the Proceedings at the Meeting maybe had at the Head Oflice in . Edinburgh , or at the London Branch .. JAMES WATSON . Manager . GEORGE GRANT , London Agent and Secretary .
SO UTH AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY . Incorporated by . Royal Charter , 1817 . Tho Court of Directors GRANT LETTERS of CliEDIT and BILLS upon tho Company ' s Bank , Adelaide , at i > av . Approved drafts negotiated and sont for collection . Business with all tho Australian Colonies conducted through tho Bank ' s Argents . Apply at tho Company ' s Offices , 51 . Old Broad-str eet , London . WILLIAM PURDY , Manng .-r . London , Juno , 1856 .
LE MIROIR FACE ET NUQLTE . —This now Patent Toilet Glass reilects tho back of the head as perfectly as it does tho face , and both in one glass < at tinsame time , enabling a lady to arrange her back ' ?• » «'' the greatest cn « o and precision ; it w tho most ui u a . ml complete article over introduced into the dreasn K- >> i > Price 21 a . and upwards . The Patent can also bo allIxod > any good Toilet Glass . Drawings and Priws noiit , lioo b > Post . To bo seen only at tho patentees , Messrs . HhAL , & SON , whoso warorooms also contain every variety ol lo u Glass that is manufactured , ns well as n . K « " « ral as « o Unuil of BEDSTEADS , BEDDING , and BEDROOM M . KM T jVuAL & RON'S ILLUSTRATED < 'ATAUKi IIE of ««[¦ steads and Bedding , containing designs and I ' «¦<¦» <>{ , ' £ wards of 100 Bedstead * , sont free by Post . IU ' . AIj M * " »> 10 ( 1 , TOTTENHAM-OOU RT-ROAD .
RUPTURES .-BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT : WlIITJi'S MOO-MAIN L 10 VKK U ^ bh « .-allowed by upwards of ^ 00 Mcdi ( : al O . m . IUsui .. ' " ^ . tho moat oiloctivo invention in tho « urativ « t |«^ I «¦ Hernia . Tho uuo of a stool uprhiK ( ho o Uou h it > u ¦ « ' , uffuotH ) is hero avoided , a Holt UandiiKu Uoujk « ' ' . ' L ¦<¦ body , while tho reiininito rosining power Il 1 "u »)»' , 1 V ,,,. li i-as « - Moe-IUaiu Pad and J ' aU-nt Love- llUiiiK w" ' h ' 1 r vvorn and olosoiiosu tliat it cannot bo detected , and n > u . \ '" " during tdocp . , ... m mmiM fwhit'li A doacriptivo circular may bo had , and the * J »» cannot fail U . jlU forward ™* by post , on tho cn « un 1 ^ . of tho body , two inches below tho hum , boi » K » UI 1 w MlUml MrJOIXN WHITE , B 2 H . Piccadilly . London ^ •¦^ LASTIO STOCKINGS , KNEK-OArs . ^ J . 11 / for VARICOSE VK 1 NB . and all « iw «; n ' ^ « !" . . NJK 8 S and SWELLING or tho J-IOUS . bl'ItAINh . They are porous . light in toxturo . and ' 1 ( . »» ° ' ^ ! -. ' J . to drawnonllkoan ordinary Blocking- 1 ' rico from <• ¦ ¦'"• " jviiuiuiraclory , 22 H , Piccadilly , London-
Leader (1850-1860), June 7, 1856, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_07061856/page/22/