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VTO insurance office would grant an insu...
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A Political And Literary Review. : : ,. . ' . '
Endsro^ To Tivr^Low^^^F Wwss A L E ^T R ...
endSro ^ to tivr ^ low ^^^ f wwSS l ^ t ^ Z f ^^ oP ^ l ^ elf into greater distinctness is the Idea of Humanity—th e noble of R |] iBiSi OouSJv ana GoW A tV ^ f ^ K ^ S een men - ^ y prejudice and one-sided views ; and , by setting aside ^ distinctions
; ¦ '¦' . ' . '" ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦:; . ¦¦ . ¦ .. ¦ ¦" . - ©Ontttits:: . " ; . ' . \- ' ¦ '' : . ' . . . ¦ ¦ ¦¦ . ¦¦¦ . ¦ -. .. ' ' .. .. ; ¦ . ?He Earl 1071 In The
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Gavlwke ^ y lOM Mto £ u ? n & ua " ' ' "' V ^ . y Closers _ ...... Opinions held Sixteenth uiyr * awKes Jj » y ...... .... xuas miscellaneous ... 1064 Imperial Stock-iobbinp ? 1071 Rpnturv imk s ^ W T ^ e " io § Po 3 tscripfc ¦ • «• . » wee Bc & rrp-BiiiRu ^ A .:::::::::::::: ; lS 72 tS Travkafa je ; r :::::::::::::::::: ISi Amerira ¦ " ¦¦*" . V'V . - " . ' . ""! 7 '" 1059 PUBLIC AFFAIRS- Imperial RospaasvbiUty ............... ao 72 Puucli's Pocket-Book for 1857 1076 Ireland .. VAV . V . V " » " . VA" \ : Z . V . "" . V . ' ! 'i ;! I !' 1059 Opinion in France and Govera- O ( ^ , 5 ° V ^ : ~ , THEA . RTS' Continental Notes 1060 ment in England .... 1067 ¦¦ mu " £ ? ¦ I , UJ J * al y- ——— 1072 Dramatic and Musical Notes 1076 Lord Palmerston at Manchester and Palmerstoii in Manchester .......... 1067 The Moon ' s Rotation 1072 dramatic ana jiusicatJ \ ote 3 xu 7 t > ¦ : ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ Salford 1061 Robson ' s Ticket of Leave . ; .......... 1068 LITERATURE— TheGazette 1077 Sanitary Matters 1061 The Naughty Board ..... . ...... . 1009 Summary ... .. 1073 Our Civilization .. .. 1061 M . Mazzini and M . Gallenga .... ; .... 1069 Kate Coventry ......... ., 1073 COMMERCIALAFFAIRS— . - Naval and Military ..... 10 C 4 > A Simple Railway Accident . 1070 Poetry andPolitics on the Danube 1073 City Intelligence , Markets , & c . .. -.,. 1078
Vol. Vii. No. 346.] Satuiiday, No^Embee,...
VOL . VII . No . 346 . ] SATUIiDAY , NO ^ EMBEE , 8 , 1856 . Price { S £ ^^^ ::: ISS ? -
≪ &* %I«V £ Lu* ^Ru^K #\£Jjmu Hi Ijj£Zuuk* ' \ ^
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Vto Insurance Office Would Grant An Insu...
VTO insurance office would grant an insurance XV for the continuance of peace . The feeble guarantees that appeared to exist at the conclusion of the Russian war have become still feebler , and it is clear that intriguers of the very lowest order have so mingled in the administration of Europe , that aw accident may embroil the whole Continent , and this country with it . The Constifoitionnel has been permitted to launch at this
country the most intelligible invectives . It pretends that the change of Ministry in Constantinople , which has now been completed by the accession of Reschii > Pacha to power , is no defeat for the Counsels of France , because that Minister must listen to reason ! That is to say , M . Thouvknbi . and his superiors at home intended to persevere in urging their policy upon the Turkish G-overninent , couteque coilte . That policy is now avowed . France , according to , the Constitutionncl , upholds the latest proposal of Bussia , which is to compromise the difference between herself and the Western
Powers , and to strike a line between the two Bolgrads . "What objection can there be to such a proposal ? asks the Const it idionnel , forgetting that , in a question of the kind , no one of two allies ought to depart from the ground originally taken up , and , without the other , to > accept a compromise . " The French press , " says the Co > istitutioniicl , by way of boast , " has shown itself unanimous in condemning the pretensions which , in their interested connivance , the Governments
of Austria and England arrogate to themselves . " This is the view which the organ of the French Ministry puts forth . The Siecle , indeed , endeavours to counteract this counsel . It asserts that despatches have passed between the two Governments of France and England , which have removed any want of concord . But whose organ ia the Sil-cle ? It is the tolerated representative of the J £ udME section of the Bonaparte family ,
« w a kind of intruder in the family circle of the press , permitted out of consideration for our " dear Uncle ; " and we may accept us authentic the declaration of the Cons tit utionnel , that " those who oppose themselves to new conferences create the sole and true obstacle to the execution of the treaty . " The disclaimer of the Moniteur is more important — . it disavows the Constit utionnel by name : but it admits that there is a difference between France and England ; it so far endorses
the disavowed Constitulionnel ; and , at all events , the highest ; authority has permitted the Constitutiotinel , which it could so easily gag and crush—a far more effectual course than a formal disclaimer . There is no siga that our Ministers give way . Keschid Pacha , as we have said , has acceded to power , and the fact shows that the advice of Lord
Stratford be Redcxiffe prevails in Constantinople . The circumstances have placed us in . a painful dependence upon the fidelity of Austria , and Austria is not likely to fulfil the expectation without being paid for it . At present she has her troops in the Principalities , because Turkey and England wish it ; some day , perhaps , she may keep them there because France wishes it ; some say , because it is the wish of Austria .
. Lord Ialmerstow throws no light upon these subjects . In his great Manchester demonstration , his words are . the words of peace , but his tone is the tone of mistrust . In the late war , his pbject , he 6 : iys , was to prevent Avar , for it is only by repelling the approach of insult and the appearance of wrong that a great country cavi guard its peace . This explanation x'enders one of his statements more intelligible than otherwise it would be . u I hope and believe , " he says , " that peace will continue in Europe ; 1 ' but he says it with an "if , " and afterwards he says , " I trust that Power which
brought upon itself the hostility of all Europe , by forgetfulucss of international rights and duties , will observe the treaty and fulfil it with faithfulness , " then no doubt peace will be of " long duration . " " I hope , " says the Emperor Alexander Nicolaiewxtch to General Lu » ers , in releasing him from his present duties , " I hope that if circumstances give , me occasion to recal you to employment before the expiration of that period , you will resume your duties with the same zeal and alacrity which have ever signalized your military career I" What is " that period ? " One
year ! Do we count any longer upon France for protecting this precarious peace ? How can we do so , when the oflicial representative of our ally is now residing closo to the Czaii who writes thus to General Luders , and when the whole of the clique who helped tho Emporor Napoleon to the throne , and administer in his name , are trying to wean him from the English alliance , and to drag him into a Russian alliance , because the Russian Emporor is giving to some of thorn a valuable contract for the making of railways ? No , not for
the malting'of railways . What , indeedj does Count de Mount care for railways , -running _ be - tween St . Petersburg and Ekaterinqslay ? ^ uttheye is another thing which many of the-concessionaries of the railway contract care much about , and that is scrip . The ultimate result of the scrip , the ultimate accession of railways to Russia , the ultimate profits to the ultimate buyers—vvhat does all that matter ? As little does it matter to the
old woman at the corner of the street what becomes of the apples when once she has sold them . The question for the concessionaries is , what profits they can make in the transfer stage of the busindss . There is a property , nominally , of forty millions in the market , upon which they will have agency commission , and for that agency commission the statesmen of France ' go in' for the Russian lines .
We have had a plentiful allowance of autumnal public meetings . The member of Parliament is loose just now , and is available for local association . Lord Palmers-ton has accordingly ' done * three important local bodies in Manchester at the meeting which we have already mentioned . He visited Peel Park and Salford , Manchester Town Hall and Mr . Mayor , tlie Free Trade Hall and the Mechanics' Institute . With his gay and charming vivacity , he delighted mayor , manufacturers , burghers , and working men . 3 STo man is
more perfectly free and easy , at the same time tliat there is something in his upright carriage and the glances of liis eye which prevents the most presumptuous from forgetting that they have among them a real nobleman . This ia delightful . He places the most homely on a level with himself , but does not descend to the level of the homely . He told the people of Manchester nothing , in so emphatic a manner that they caine away wiser than they went ; and if there is a nmn popular in Manchester at the present moment it is Palmekston .
The Crimean , heroes stationed near the Scotch capital have had their entertainment from the Lord Provost and all the notables o £ the place , and the modern Athens shines amongst the hosts of the heroes . Part of the trade of the place is scholastic ; moral philosophy is peculiarly obtainable in that market , and the orations were , necessarily , quite fit to pass an examination . Ladies , too , graced the festival with tl ^ ew ; - p ^ e- . ^ sencc ; and facts were brought fortli by Cplonel' HamXiBV , Sir John M'JSTeiix , and others : wiich really contributed to tho history of th"e Cilpioa . ' m * J > i ' jr ^ l ' A . ¦ W « ¦ " *¦¦ ' ' . ; : ¦ ' ¦ : - ' . '• i —! vj '"• ¦ , .-. . • , - ;!¦« . ¦; . V , i ¦ ' . - • . ' ' I-H
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 8, 1856, page 1, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_08111856/page/1/