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1 078 THE LEAPEE, [No. 346, Satftoay/
ROYAL OLYMPIC THEATRE. Lessee Mr. Alfked."VTigas.
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1 078 The Leapee, [No. 346, Satftoay/
1 078 THE LEAPEE , [ No . 346 , Satftoay /
Royal Olympic Theatre. Lessee Mr. Alfked."Vtigas.
ROYAL OLYMPIC THEATRE . Lesseo . Mr . Alfked TViGAy .
Monday , and during tho week ( Thursday oxcepted ) , STAT AT HOME . Characters by Messrs . G . yining , Leslie . G . Murray , White , I Vining and Addison ; Misses Bromley , Herbert , and Mrs . f ^* 1 VODEA . Creon , Mr . Addison ; Jason , Miss Thirl wall ; Orpheus , Miss Maskell ; Creusa , Miss Bromley ; Medea , Mr . F . Robson . A CONJUGAL LESSONMr . lullaby , Mr . F . Robson ; Mrs . Lullaby , Mrs . Stirling . On Thursday , no performance , ia conscquenco of a portion of the Company having the honour of appearing at Windsor Castle . Commence at Half-past Seven-
DE . KAHN'S AN " ATO 3 knCAL MUSEUM , 4 , Coventry-street , Leicester-square . Open ( for gentlemen only ) from . Ten till Ten , containing upwards of one thousand models and preparations , illustrating every part of the human frame hi liealth and disease , the race of men , & c . Lectures delivered at Twelve , Two , and at Halfpast Seven , by Dr . G . Sexton , F . U . G . S . ; and a uew and highly-interesting Series of Lectures is now in course of delivery by Dr . Kahn , at Four t . si . precisely . —Admission , Is .
HARRINGTON , PARKER , and CO ., Wine and Spirit Merchants , 5 } , PAIiIi MALL , LONDON , offer to the public Old and Superior WINES , pure , and of the finestquality , at prices not exceeding those charged for ordinary Wines . HARRINGTON , PARKER , and CO . would call special attention to their PALE and GOLDEN DINNER SHERRIES , as under : Imperial Pints , 27 s . to 34 s . per dozen ; or bottled in Reputed Quarts , 36 s . to 4 os . per dozen . Agents for Allsopp's Pale and India Ale .
SPANISH and WESTPHALIA HAMS , S £ d . _ p « r lb . Good Cheshire Cheese , 5 jd ., GJd ., and 7 £ d . per lb . Rich Blue Mould Stilton , 8 d-, lOd . ^ and 12 d . per lb . ; matchless do ., 14 d . per lb . Osborne ' s famed best Smoked Breakfast Bacon is now- in excellent cure . York Hams , largo and small , in abundance , and Butters in perfection at reasonable rates . A saving of 15 per cent , to the purchaser of all provisions . Packages gratis . . OSBORNE'S Cheese "Vfarehouse , 30 , IiUdgate-hill , St . Paul ' s .. ' . ¦ ¦ ; - ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ . : ¦ ¦ •¦¦ ¦ ¦ . . ¦¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦' . - ¦ •' .
SCHWEPPE'S MALVERJf SELTZER STATER . Having leased tbe Holy Well Spring at Malvern , renowned for its puritv , J . S . and Co . can now produce a SELTZER WATER with all the CHEMICAL and MEDICINAL properties which have rendered the Nassau Spring so celebrated . They continue Manufacturing SODA , MAGNESIA , and POTASS WATERS and LEMONADE , at IiONDON , LIVERPOOL , BRISTOL , and DERBY . , Every bottle is protected by a Red Label bearing their signature .
TO INVALID S , MOTB 1 ERS , AND FAMIXiTES . —By her Majesty ' s Royal Letters Patent ( the only patent for these preparations ) . Strongly recommended by the Medical Profession . ADIfAM'S IMPROVED PATENT GROATS and BARLEY aro manufactured by a process which entirely removes the acidity and unpleasant flavour , so universally found in sitnilar preparations . They proauce Gruel and Barley Water in the highest perfection , and , being manufactured perfectly pure , yield food of tho most light and nourishing quality for the Infant , the Invalid , and the Aged . The Barley also makes a delicious Custard Pudding , and is an excellent ingredient for thickening Soups , & c . . The Patentees publish one only of the numerous testimonials they have received from eminent medical professors , relying more confidently on the intrinsic quality of tho articles , of which one trial will not fail to convince tho most fastidious of their purity and excellence . "Chomical Laboratory , Guy ' s Hospital , February 19 , 1855 . ; ' I have submitted to a microscopical and chemical examination the samples of barley and groats which you have forwarded to mo , and I beg to inform you that I find in them only those principles which , aro found iu good barley ; there is no mineral or other impurity present , and from the result of my investigation I believe them to be genuine , and tp possess those nutritive properties assigned by tholato Dr . Pereira to this description of food . „ ,, ., , ( Signed ) "A . S . TATtOE . ff Messrs . A . dnara and Co . " CAUTION . —To provent orroTs , tho Public aro requested to observe that each package bears tho signature of tho Patentees , J . and J . O . ADNAM . To bo obtained Wholesale at tho Manufactory , MaidonliMio , Queen-street , London ; and Retail in Packets and Canisters at 6 d . and Is . each , and in Canisters for Families at 2 s : , 5 s ., and 10 s . each , of all respectable Grocers , Druggists , & c , in Town and Country .
Under tho Patronage of Royalty and tho Authority of the Faculty . KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES . — A Certain Remedy for Disorders of the Pulmonary Oraans ; in Difficulty of Breathing—in Redundancy of Phlcgm—ln Incipient Consumption ( of which Cough ia the most positive indication ) , they aro of unerring efficacy . In Asthma , and in Winter Cough , thoy havo never been known W ) I & lla Prepared and sold in Boxos , Is . TJdy and Tins , 2 s . 0 d ., Z 4 "A % ^ - ^ - ^ cli , by THOMAS IDEATING-, Chemist , ^ Drug let Iauls-churchyard , London ; * nd rotaU by
TT ° LLOWAY'S OINTMENT AND PILLS . IS 2 ? f = saas ' ^ s ^^ S Si ^^^ s ^ « sf aSS ^ d ' ^^^^ d « n . and M . m ^^^&^^ i ^^ ^^^^ A . J ^ n Btantlnoplo , A . GoiUloy , dfir £ f ? SUK MulrKta " "
AT MR . MECHI'S ESTABLISHMENTS , 112 , Eegent-street , 4 , leadenhall-stroet , and Crystal Palace , are exhibited the finest specimens of British manufactures , in Dressing-cases , Work-boxes , Writing-cases , Dressing-bags , and other articles of utility or luxury suitable for presentation . A separate department for Papier Mach 6 Manufactures , and Bagatelle Tables , Table Cutlery , Razors , Scissors , Penknives , ( strops , Paste , & c . Shipping orders executed . Same prices charged at all tho Establishments . A New Show Room , at the Regent-street Establishment for the sale of Electro Plato in spoons , forks , and a variety of articles .
n ^ HE DESIDERATUM . —It is a singular but J- notorious fact , that in this age of competition a gentlemanly Dress Coat cannot be obtained without paying an exorbitant price . The advertisers , bona fide west-end Tailors of extensive practice . Intend honestly to furnish that desideratum , viz ., a DRESS or FROCK COAT , possessing that fine silky appearance , durability , and superior stylo so peculiar to the high-priced garment worn Iby tho British aristocracy , at the very moderate charge of 2 J guineas , cash . Cash payments and . a large trade solely onabling them to doit . ; - - ¦ ¦ ¦ , . ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ .. ¦ . ¦ ¦ . ¦ . ¦¦ ¦ . ¦ . •¦¦ .
(^ ENTLEMEKT in SEARCH of a TAILOR U arc directed to B . BENJAMIN , Mcrchaut Tailor , 74 , Regent-street . The FORTY-SEVEN SHILLING SUITS , made to order , from Scotch , Heather , and Cheviot Tweeds , all wool and thoroughly shrunk . The PEILISSIER SACS , 21 s ., 25 s ., and 28 s . The BENJAMIN CLERICAL and PROFESSION-AL OVER or UNDER COAT , from 30 s . The ALBERT LONG FROCK or OVER COAT , from 35 s . to 55 s . The REVERSIBLE WAISTCOAT , buttoning : four different sides , 14 s . The TWO GUINEA DRESS and FROCK COATS , tho GUINEA DRESS TROUSERS , and the HALF-GUINEA WAISTCOATS . —N . B . A perfect fit guaranteed .
T 3 EGISTEKED . —The OUDE WRAPPER , -LV combining Coat , Cloak , and Sleeved Cape , by iB . IBENJAMIN , Merchant Tailor , 74 , Regent-street , and Court of Inventions , Crystal Palace , readymade or made to order , in Autumn Tweeds and Meltons , 23 s . ; Winter Tweeds , Meltons , Pilots , aud Witneys , 323 . ; double milled cloths and beavers , 42 s .
DEAF NESS .- —Prize Medals 1851 , First class 1855 . —The newly invented ACOUSTIC INSTRUMENTS , to suit every , degree of deafness , however extreme , can only be obtained of 1 \ C . REIN , solo inventor andmaker , at his Paradise for the Deaf , 103 , Strand , London . Also Rein ' s celebrated Cork Respirators .
FURNISH YOUR HOUSE WITH THE BEST ARTICLES AT ¦ ¦ ¦¦ 7 •• ¦ '¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ . DEAisTE's :: ¦ ' . IRONMONGERY AND FURNISHING WAREHOTTSES . A Priced Furnishing List sent Post Free . DEAME , DRAY , $ c CO ., LONbON-BRIpCE . Established A . D . I 700 .
" THE LANCET " ON DR . DE JOtfGH'S LIGHT BROWN COD LITER OIL . The most speedy and effectual remedy for CONSUMPTION , BRONCHITIS , ASTHMA , GOUT , RHEUMATISM , SCIATICA , DIABETES , DISEASES OT THE SKIN , NEUBA . LGIA , RICKETS , INFANTILE WASTING . GENERAL DEBILITY , and all SCROFU LOUS AFFECTIONS . " Dr . de Joimir . i ^ ives tho preference to tho Light-Brown Oil over tho Pale Oil , which contains scarcely any volatilo fatty acid , a smaller quantity of iodine , phosphoric acid , and the elements of bile , and upon which ingredients tho efficacy of Cod Liver Oil , no doubt , partly depends . Some of the deficiencies of the Palo Oil aro attributable to tho method of its preparation , and especially to its nitration through charcoal . In the preference of the Light-Urown over the Palo Oil wo fully concur . Wo have carcfull y tested a specimen of Dr . » e Jowon ' s Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil . We find it to bo genuiuo , and rich in iodine and the elements of bilo . " Sold ONLY in IMPBWAX Half-pints , 2 a . Cd . ; Pints , 43 . Od . ; Quarts , Os . ; capsuled and labolled with JJn . i > k Joncih ' s Stamnand Signature , without wjiioh no » u akkginuink , by ANSAli , HAILFORD , and CO ., solo British Consignees . 77 , Strand , London ; and by many respectable Chomlstsand Druggiats .
BLAIR'S qOUT and RHEUMATIC PILLS . This preparation is one of tho benefits wliich tho science ; of modern chemistry has conferred upon mankind , Tor , during tho first twenty years of tho present century , to speak of a euro for tho Gout was considered aronianco—but now tlio efficacy and safety of this medicine is so fully demonstrated by unsolicited testimonials from pcrsonain every rank of life , that public opinion proclaims this asoue of tho most important discoveries of the present a « o . SoMb j VPPUT and UABSAJNT , 220 , Strand , London , and all Medicine Vendors . Prico is . 1 id . and 23 . 9 d . per box .
I ^ llAMPTON'S PILL OP HEALT H . —Tho 3- manifold advantages to tho heads of families from tho possession of a medicine of known efficacy , that mny bo resorted , to with confidence , and used with success in cases ol temporary sickness , occurring in families more or less every day , nro so obvious to all , that no question can bo raised of ita importance to every housekeeper in the kingdom . For females , thoso Pills aro truly excellent , romovina all obstructions , tho distressing headache so very prevalent with tho sox , depression of Hpirits . duhiess of sight , nervous affections , blotches , pimples , and uallownoaH of tho skin , and produce a healthy complexion . S ° H Z ? , . OU £ , HARSAJNT . 229 , Strand , London , . and . all Medicine Vendors . Prlco Is . 11 d . and 2 s . Od . per box . .
T ^ ADIATING REFLECTING STOVP £% » -WILLIAM S . BURTON'S new register stovi « Lbines completely the woll-known principles of bo ^ s ? ' phen ' s and Sylvester ' s celebrated patent stoves ? while iuSTothers equally valuable wliich aropeculiarly ^ ts own i for which a patent has been granted . KfleSS radiating powers are perfect , if is very simple , and cfnr , ^ bs nut out of order , consumes but littlei Aral , isi niostM ™ ? and cbeerfuTin use , while its general appearance ^ n 0 fX being needed , is most imposing . PriMsrcomplete bClf bronzed , from 9 / , los . ; bright , HI . 6 s ., and upwards rw may bo seen m action in Iris show-rooms , which m ^ such an assortment of fenders , stoves , rango 8 , ™ hCsIwi general ironmongery , as cannot be approached eW ^ n either for variety , novelty , beauty of design , or exaSfc of workmanship . Bright stoves with bronzed SmS and two sets ot Ws , 4 , 114 s . to 13 * . 13 s . ; ditto , with S & ornaments and two sets of bars , 6 f . 5 s . to 22 J . BrSi fenders , with standards , 7 s . to 5 ? , 12 s . ; steel fenders 2 ° $ s to ill . ; ditto with rich ormolu ornaments , 21 . iss td is / Fire-irons , from Is . Od . the set toil . 4 s . ° - T > EDSTEADS , BEDDING , and FURNIJL > I'URE .-WILLIAM S . BURTON'S Stock oiv show rf Iron and Brass Bedsteads and Children's Cots , stands un nvalled either for extent > auty of design , or modSnm of prices . He . also supplies Bedding andBod-haniriiiKS of guaranteed quality and workmanship . «» b « iks oi ^ Portable Folding Bedsteads , from 12 s . Gd . ; Patent Iron Bedsteads , fitted with dovetail joints and patent s ^ w from 153 . ; and Cots , from . 20 s , each . ' . Handsome ornamental Iron and Brass Bedsteads , in great variety , from il . 7 s . CU . A Half-Tester Patent Iron Bedstead , three feet wide with — Bedding , & c ., complete : ' Bedstead .. ^ , £ \ a n Chintz furniture .. .........................,.. „ ... ' o 14 ft Palliasse , wool mattress , bolster , and pillow " i n o A pair of-cotton sheets , three blankets , and ' a coloured counterpane i so . - ; ¦ ' . ;¦ : ¦ ' . - ;' . . ¦ ' ¦ : ¦ ' - . - ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' . ^ -a 11 & A double bedstead , same ................................. £ q 3 q ¦¦"¦ _ ,... ' ¦• , If without Half-Tester and Furniture Single bed , complete .. £ 3 1 : 5 0 Double bed , complete ....... ; . i 15 0 T AMPES a MODERATEUR , from 6 s . to ii . 7 / - 7 S .-WILLIAM S . BURTON lias collected from ' tne different makers hero and in France a variety that clerics competition . As many imported from France are inferior m the works , Williaiii S . Burton selects at Paris from the best makers only , and lie cau guarahteo each lanip he sells as perfect in all its parts . His stock comprises also an extensive assortment of SOLAR , C AMPHINE , PALME 1 VS , and all other LAMPS . Pure Colza , Oil , 4 s . 8 d . a gallon . Patent Campbine , 4 s . a gallon . : Palmer ' s Candles , 9 d . per lb . The late additions to these extensive premises ( already by far the largest in Europe ) are of such a character that the entire of EIGHT HOUSES is devoted to the display of the most magnificent stock of GENERAL HOUSE IRONMONGERY ( including Cutlery , Nickel Silver , Plated Goods , Baths , Brushes , Turnery , Lamps , Gaseliers , Iron and Brass Bedsteads , Bedding , and Bed-hangings ) , so arranged in Sixteen Largo Show Rooms as to afl ' ord to parties furnishing facilities in the- selection of goods that caiiuot be hoped for elsewhere . Illustrated Catalogues sent ( per post ) free . 39 , OXFORD-STREET ; 1 , 1 a , 2 , and 3 , NF / WMAXSTREET ; and 4 , 5 , and C , PERRY'S-PLACE , LONDON . . . : Established 1820 .
WATCH , CLOCK , and CHRONOMETER MANUFACTORY , 33 and 31 . LUDGAT 1 MULL , LONDON . Established 174 !) . —J . W . BENSON , Manufacturer of GOLD and SILVER WATCHES of every descrtytion , construction , and pattern , invites attention to his magnificent and unprecedented display of > Vatch ' , which is admitted to be tho largest and best selected Stock in London . It consists of Chronometer , Duplrx , Patent , Detached Lover , Horizontal , and Vertical Movements , . jewelled , & c , with all the latest improvements , mounted in superblyilnished engine-turned and engraved Gold and Silver Cases . The desjgns engraved upon many of the cases arc by eminent artists , ana can only be obtained at this Manufactory . If the important requisites , superiority of Hnish , combined with accuracy of performance , elegance , durability , and reasonableness of price , are wished for , the iiitomling Purchaser should visit this Manufactory , or send for the ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLET , published by J . W . JtHXSON ( and scut post free on application ) , which contains sketches , prices , and directions as to what Watch to buy , where to buy it , and how to usoifc . Several hundred' letters have been received from persons who have , bought Watclns at tins Manufactory , bearing testimony to tho correct iiorfonuauofls the same . OPINIONS Ol ? THE PRESS . From tho Liverpool Journal , Juno 11 . — " Wo would uuhesitatingly recommend thorn to intending purchasers . ' From tho Leicester Journal , May 9 . — " Hnvinp tried his watches , wo are enabled to givo thoin a lirst-rato character , " Ifrom tho Jlerts Guardian , May » 1 . —" SpcalunR in soino degree from experience , Mr . Bouaon ' a slock is scarcely w bo equalled . " From tho Ahcrdcni Journal , August 31 . — " Suitable for all classos and purses . " "From tho liaily Tolcoraph , March 28 . — "Wo havf prm * pleasure in pointing out a watch manufactory where our friends can purchase a good watuh without payinK an exorbitant price " GOLD WATCHES , Horizontal Movements , . TowvlH , ' * ; acourato time-keepers , M . IBs ., 4 ' -. 15 s .. r > I . "lfis ., to ir >( . imeach . Gold Lever Watches , iowcllcd , nnd hlKhly-ll " , ^' ™ movemcntH , 01 . tin ., HI . 8 s ., 10 / . lus ., VZl . 1 : 2 s ., 11 / . its ., I 1 " - > to to guineas . SILVER WATCHES , Horizontal Movomonls , J . 'WelH & o ., exact timo-Uecpors , 2 / . 2 s ., It . ir , s ., !?/ . 15 s ., to . 1 ' . ns . eain-Bilver Lovov Watches , highly liniHlied , j « w « llod niovi'inciii ' i 3 / . 10 . S ., U . 10 s ., 5 / . 10 s ., 71 . 10 k , «/ . 103 ., iol . 10 s ., lo' ^ t K "» ' ' A Two Years' AVarranty given with ovory Watch , niw sent , carriage paid , to Scotland , Irulmul , Wales , ° ' '""'' . ' " j , of tho kingdoiTi , upon ronoii > t of Tost-odlco <» r »»»« , '" order , mado payable to J . W . BENSON , 33 ami $ •'> I ' lll ( ^ hill , London . .. Morchnnts , Shlpporfl , and "Watch Clubs supplicu . Old Watchca taken iu Exchange .
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 8, 1856, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_08111856/page/22/