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KoTembeb 8,1856. j THE LEIDIB, 1079
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Kotembeb 8,1856. J The Leidib, 1079
KoTembeb 8 , 1856 . j THE LEIDIB , 1079
TTNITEP MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE LJ SOCIETY , 64 , Charingf-crbss , London . Whole Profits divided annually . No charge for Policy Stamps . Every description of Life Assurance effected on . eqiiitablo terms . THOMAS PRITCHARD , Resident Director .
Established 32 Years . T HE SCOTTISH UNIOK INSURANCE COMPANY ( Fire and Life ) invite attention to the liberal terms and conditions , and large resources of the oldestablished office . -. '¦ .- ¦ The fire insurance duty exceeds 26 , 0 OOf . per annum . The additions to life policies average lj per cent , per annum . Prospectuses in detail may be had at the offices . -37 , Gornhill , London . F . G . SMITH , Sec .
T 7 QUITY and LAW LIFE ASSURANCE JDi SOCIETY , No . 26 , Lincoln ' s Inn-fields , London . TKTJSTEES . The Eight Hon . the LORD HIG K CHANCELLOB . The Bight Hon . LOUD MONTE AGLB . The Right Hon . the LORD CII IE F BAltONi The Hon . Mr . JUSTICE COLERIDGE . The Hon . Mr . JUSTICE ERLE . NASSAU , W ., SENIOR , Esq ., Master in Chancery . CSABLES PURTON COOPER , Esq .. Q . C ., LL . D ., F . R . S . GEORGE CAPRON , Esq . Examples of the Bonus upon Policies declarecl to the 31 st December , 1851 : ^ Date of Policy ... IMarch 18 , 1845- April 2 * . 18457 Nov . 7 , 1 S 45 . Age at Entry ...... 30 43 51 Annual Premium £ 25 7 6 ' ^ 35 ' 16 8 £ t 9 8 4 Sum Assured 1000 0 0 ' 100 . 6 0 0 1000 0 0 Bonus added ...... 157 10 0 184 0 0 211 10 0 Copies of the last Keport , Prospectuses , and everv information may bo had upon written or personal application to the Office .
T HE CAMBRIAN and UNIVERSAL LIFE and FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY . Capital lQO . OOOi ! . Established 1849 . Office , 27 , Gresham-street . Agencies in the principal towns of England and Wales . This office offers the benefit of assurance in all its branches , and is highly eligible for every description of life assurance . A new and most important feature , entirely originating with this Company , viz ., Marriage Dowries . Life Assurance , and Deferred Annuities included in 0110 policy . Rates of premium moderate . Annuities granted . Family endowments . Loans on personal and other securities . Forms of proposal and every information may be obtained on application . By order , ALFRED JIELHADO , Manager .
T HE HOUSEHOLDERS' ASSUKANCE COMPANY . DIRECTORS . Win . Ashtou , Esq ., Horton-house , Wraysbnry , Staines . The Rev . Tlios . Cator , BryanstonrSiHiaro , and Skclbrookpark , Doncaster . Charles Hulse , Esq ., Hall-grove , Bngsliot . P . D . Bullock Webster , Esq . j Norfolk-terrace , Hyde-park-Arthur P . Onslow , Esq ., Lawbrook-houso , Shore , Guildford . Thomas 1 ' ocock , Esq ., Southwark-bridp ; e-road . Peter Patcrson , Esq ., jun ., Park-road , Holloway . James Laughton , Esq ., Holm Yilla , Lcwisham-road . , This Company enables persons , without speculation , to invest large or small sums , at a higher rate of interest than can bo obtained from the public fuuds , and on as secure a oasis . Forms of application to doposit sums of money , at 5 per cent , interest , payable half-yearly , or to purchasesharcs ( the present interest on which is 0 per cent . ) i may ho had on application to R , U . ODSON , Sec . 18 and 10 , Adam-street , Adclphi .
A FIXED ALLOWANCE OF £ 6 PER WEEK , IN CASE OF IN ' JURY BY \ CCIDENT OF ANY DESCRIPTION , •**• OR THE SUM OP £ 1000 IN CASE OF DEATH , May bo secured by an Annual Payment of £ 3 foraPolicv in the RAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE COMPANY . A weekly Allowance of Fifteen Shillings for Injury or jfflOO in case of Denth Becurod by a payment of Ten Shillings . NO CHARGE FOR STAIVIP DUTY . Forms of Proposal , Prospectuses , & c , may bo had of the Agents—of tho ClurkH at all the Principal Railway Stations —and at tho Head OiHco , London , where also RAILWAY ACCIDENTS ALONE May bo insured against by tho Journey or by tho Tear as heretofore . WILLIAM J . YIAtf , Secretary . Ballway Tassonpiora Insurance Company , Empowered "by a Special Act of Parliament . OHlces 3 , Old Broad . street , London . '
T > UPTURES EFFECTUALLY CURED MMi ? W A TltUSS .-Dtt ; BARKER'S celebrated K « . nivi protooto (\ by tlm' ° Pat <» lts . of . England , n ™ Si Vi «» H &; and from its « roat success in private mw ? lii « , V ? J V imdo k »<> wn as a uublio duly through tho runtinS . i th , ° , P 1 CSH - In cvor -V Cfts 0 of " "' K or double Btandini * A oitllol \ , > ° f . \ > lS 0 i llowovcr bad or long dma ; wfi , f . l » i " y applicable olfcolinff a euro in a few allwCim ? , i iuco ! i luon , > - nnd wil 1 ll ° fiftilca as a boon by ^ T ^ f ^^^^^ ^ j ^ tosftesss ^ ffiB ^ & flsjas ;
THE EAGLE and PALLADIUM INSURANCE COMPANY , 3 , Crescent , New Bridge-street , Elackfriars , London . TJltrSXEES . Lord Bateman . Joseph Esdaile , Esq . Captain Chas . J Bosanquet , Charles Thomas Holcombe . B . NT . Esq . Robert Cheere , Esq . Bicliard Harman Lloyd , Esq . Patrick Colquhoun , LL . D . Ealph Charles Price , JEsq . DIttECTOES . Citaiiliis Thomas Holcombe , Esq ., Chairman . EicnAED Hakmah Llotd , Esq-, Deputy-Chairman . Charles Bischpfif , Esq . Sir W . G . Ouseley , K . C . B ., Thomas Boddington , Esq . D . C . L . Thomas Devas , Esq . ¦ W . Anderson . Peacock , Esq . Sir James Buller East , Bart ., Ralph Charles Price , Esq . M . LV Philip Rose , Esq . Nathaniel Gould , Esq . Thomas Godfrey Sambrooke , Robert A . Gray , Esq . Esq . William Augustus Guy , M . D . Charles Evan Thomas , Esq . Joshua Lockwood , Esq . Rt . Hon . Sir John Young , James Murray , Esq . Bart . Audxxoes—Thohas Alien , Esq . ; William H . Smith , Jun ., Esq . Medicax Ofe'iceks—Seth Thompson , M . D . ; Jameb Saner , Esq ., M . D . ; Wir-tiAJt Cooke , Esq ., MJ ) ., 39 , Trinity Square , Tower Hill . Actuaky aad Seceetabt—Ohableb jErjiicOE , Esq . The realized Assets of this Company amount to One Million Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Pounds . The Annual Income exceeds Two Hundred Thousand Pounds . The number of existing Policies is upwards of Six Thousand Five Hundred . The total Amount Assured exceeds Four Million Tour Hundred Thousand Pounds . A division of Surplus will take place in June next : the divisions are quinquennial , and the whole Surplus ( less 20 per cent , only ) is distributed amongst the Assured . The Premiums required , although moderate , entitle the Assured to 80 per Cent , of the quinquennial surplus . The lives assured are permitted , in time of peace , and not being engaged in mining or gold digging , to reside in any country , or to pass by sea ( not being seafaring persons by profession ) between any two parts of the same hemisphere , distant more than 33 degrees from the Equator , without extra charge . All Policy Stamps and Medical Fees are paid by the Company . ' . : . ¦ . ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦ - ' ¦ : ¦ . ' : ¦ ' ¦ .. ¦ ¦ , ' . ¦ : '• By recent enactments , persons are exempt , under certain restrictions , from . Income Tax , as respects so much of their income as they may devote to Assurance on Lives . The Annual Heports of the Company ' s state and progress , Prospectuses and Forms , maybe had , or will be sent , post free , on application at the Office , or to any of the Company ' s Agents .
THE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY , 39 , King- street , Cheapside , London . Established 1834 ; . This is a purely Mutual Life Assurance Society , with a Capital of 25 O . 000 Z ., iuv « sted in Government and Real Securities , created entirely by the steady . accumulation of the . Premiums , and all belonging to the Members . The Assurances in force are 3 , 250 , 000 / ., and the Income 50 , 000 ? . per annum . , Detailed Prospectuses and Forms of Proposal , together with the List of Bonuses paid on Claims in 1855 , and the Office Accounts for the same year , will be given on a written or personal application . CHARLES INGALL , Actuary .
ANNUAL DIVISION OF PROFITS . GRE AT BRITAIN MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY , 14 , Waterloo-place , Loudon , and 30 , Brown-street , Manchester . Directors . THE CHISHOLM , Cliairman . RICHARD HARTLEY KENNEDY , Esq ., Alderman , Deputy-Chairman . Major-Gen . Michael E . Bag- William Morley , Esq . nold . Robert Francis Power , Esq .. Francis Brodigan , Esq . M . p . Alexander Robert Irvine , Usq . Archibald Speiis / Esq . John Inglis Jerdein , Esq . Frederick Valiant , Esq . James John Kinloch , Esq . ltev . F . W . J . Vickery . This Society is established on tho tried and approved principle of Mutual Assurance . The funds aro accumulated for tho cxclusivo benefit of tho Policy-holders , under their own immediate superintendence and control . The Profits arc divided annually , and applied in reduction of tho current Premiums . Policy-holders participate in Profits after payment of Jive annual Premiums . The Annual General Meeting was hold on the 28 th of May , 1850 , when a highly satisfactory Report of the state of tho affairs and progress of tho Institution was presented to tho Members . JJuriug tho last thrco years , upwards of 1200 new assurances have been effected , yielding an increase of premium income of moro than 20 . 000 ? . per annum ; and although a general high rate of mortality has prevailed among Assured lives during tho last two years , it has not been deumed necessary to reduce , in tho slightest degroo , the allowances previously awarded to tho Policy-holders . The Members present at tho Meeting were fully satisfied with tho Report , and resolved unanimously that a reduction of 814 per cent , should bo inado in tho current year ' s Premium payable by all Policy-holders now entitled to participate in tho Profits . Credit is allowed for half tho Annual Premiums for tho first live years . The following Table exemplifies the effect of the present reduction . Ago when' Amount ^ "F . m / nrf" Allowance of A" »« alPro-Aw " rod - ^"" d . ginally - paid . 81 * por _ ccnt . ^ XlT £ £ s . a . £ " a . d . X s . d . 20 1000 20 17 fl 0 11 6 11 . 0 0 HO 10 IH ) 25 18 4 8 18 17 11 8 40 101 ) 0 : $ . 'i 18 4 10 18 8 2 ! J 4 8 CO 1000 -tS 1 U 8 15 7 8 »» 9 0 00 1000 70 17 ( 1 23 18 0 5 L 10 0 1-ii , Watorloo-placo , Londou A ~ , R . IRVINE . Juno 2 , 1850 . Managing Director .
In course of publication , price 5 s . each , a Series of PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAITS of LIVING CELEBRITIES . By MATJLIi and POLYBLANK . With appropriate Biographical Notices . Ther ' Jt ' ovember Number contains : — SAMUEL AVARREN , Esq ., Q . C ., MP . Already Published : — No . 1 . containing PROFESSOR OWEN" , F . B . S ., Sec . No . 2 . „ The Right . Hon . T . B . MACAULAY . Iso . 3 . . „ ¦ ROBERT STEVENSON , Esq ., M . P-, No . 4 . ,, J . A ROEBUCK , Esq ., M . P . F . R . S ., & c . No . 5 . „ Sir JB . C . ; BRODLE , Bart ., D . C . L .,. No . C . „ E . H . BAII / Y . Esq ., R , A . London : Matjxl and Poi . ti 5 la . nk :, 55 , Gracechurch-street - David Booue , 88 , Fleet-street , and all Book and Printsellers .
A LEXANDER SMITH'S NEW POEM , XX . " The Night before the Wedding , " in No . VII . of the NATIONAL MAGAZINE , price . ad . weekly , lOd . monthly . ¦ ¦ Paex T . will be forwarded as a spechnen , post free , from the Office , on receipt of ten postage stamps ; or regularly for 12 s . a year , paid in advance . Natiokai . Ma & azine COMPAirr audited ) , 25 , Essexstreet , Strand , London .
P > ARTmDGE and COZENSVKo . 1 , Chan-EviMS & iRft !®! siiSif- ' 8 & fiSS ! S - note , 5 quires for Gd . ; super thick ditto , 5 quires for Is . i superfine cream laid adhesive envelopes , 6 d . per 100 ; larce blue office envelopes , 4 s . 6 d . per 1000 ; letter paper 4 s . 6 d . per ream . Partridge and Cozens ' new paper made from straw , 2 s . 9 d . per ream . The Correspondence steel peri ( as flexible as the quill ) is . 3 d . per gross . Catalogues post free . Ordersover 20 s . carriage paid . —Observe , ^ PARTRIDGE and COZENS , Manufacturing Stationers , 1 , Chancery-lane .
ITALIAN AND FRENCH LANGUAGES . ¦ Ji / TR . ARRIVABENE , B . LL ., from the Uni-JLTA Tersity of Padua , who has been established in London for three years , gives private lessons in Italian and French at his own house , or the houses of his pupils . He also at- ' tenUs . Schools both in town and country . Mr . ARRIVABEN-E teaches on a plan thoroughly practical ^ and the most mediocre mind cannot fail to thoroughly comprehend hislessons . . '' ¦ irtypty , by , ^ tfcer to Mr . ARRIVABDNB , No . 4 , St . Michaels-place , Brompt on .
SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY . Incorporated by Royal Charter , 1847 . The Court of Directors GRANT LETTERS of CREDIT and BILLS upon the Company ' s Banks in South Australia at par . ¦ ¦; . ¦ . ¦ ¦' .. . . ¦ ¦ , - . •• . . ; Approved drafts negotiated and sent for collection . Business with all the Australian Colonies conducted through , the Bank ' s Agents . . Apply at the Company ' s Offices , 5 * . Old Broad-street , London . WILLIAM PUBJDY , Manager . London , November , 1856 .
rpHE CONSERVATIVE LAND SOCIETY J . —THE FIFTH TEAR . —Prospectuses wiU be sent , free of charge , to any part of tho United Kingdom , the Continent , and the Colonies , on application to the Secretary at the Central Office , 33 , Norfolk-street , Strand , London . Plans of estates , price 6 d . each , or 7 d . if by post , Agencies . —Applications for agencies in tho Provinces must be accompanied by references . As the Society has now just entered on its fifth year , a good opportunity is aflbrded lor new agencies , tho terms and conditions for which will bo duly forwarded by CHARLES LEWIS GRUNEISEN , Secretary .
rpEETH . —Messrs . GABRIEL supply COMJ- P 1 ETE SETS , without Springs , on the principle of capillary attraction , avoiding tho necessity of extracting stumps or causing any pain . rp ™ 5 n & P ?? S ^ WJEIiLEb AMERICAN MINERAL riiJiXH . tho best in Europe—guaranteed to answer every purpose of mastication or articulation—from 3 s . Cd . per Tooth . . Sets , 41 . 4 B . ~ Hcr Majesty ' s Royal Letters Patent have PSS } . I ^ V ^ S 9 the production of a perfectly MWHITE « ENAMEL , for decayed FRONT TEETH , which can only bo obtained at Messrs . Gabriel ' s Establishments ¦*^^^§ feKto ^ tto ou *** ™* Consultation and every information gratis .
RUPTURES .-BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TJRUSS is YY allowed by upwards of 200 Medical Gcutlemon to bo Uie most cflcctivo invention m tho curative treatment or Hernia . , Thouse of a stool spring ( so often hurtful in its effects ) isi hero avoided . a soft Bandage being worn round tho £ ? \?' . lllo -. J ? q " lfiit « resisting power is supplied by tho Bloc-Main Pad and Patent Lover , fitting with so much ease and closeness that it cannot bo detected , and may be worn during sleep . A descriptive circular may bo had , and tho Truss ( which cannot fail to fit ; forwarded by pest , on tho circumlerence of tho body , two inches below tho hips bemg sent to tho Manufacturer , Mr . JOHN "WHITE , 228 Piccadilly , London . . l ' rko of single truss , 10 s ., 21 s ., 20 s . < 5 d ., and 31 s . ( Id . — Postage , is . l > oublo Truss , 31 s . Cd . ( 42 a ., and 52 s . Od . — Postage , la . 8 d . Umbilical Truss , 42 s . and 52 s . Od . —Postage , IHt J UCl * ELASTIC STOCKINGS , KNEE-CAPS , & c , ™ . < ca for JA ^ . ?? VEINS , and all cases of WEAKNESS and SWELLING of tho LEGS , SPRAINS , & c . They aro porous , light in texture , and inoxpciiHivo , and aro drawn on liko an ordinary stocking . Prico from 7 s . Od . to Ids . Pcatago , tid . Manufactory , 228 , Piccadilly , London .
Leader (1850-1860), Nov. 8, 1856, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_08111856/page/23/