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THE IiEADEB. [No. 333, Saturday, ¦20.6 ....
_ - , /Mh v • (MTTTTTTWrTm ^Lllllir ^ V!^UIUIUUVUU AUUU^ l..
* London, Friday Evening, August 8,1856....
CORN MARKET. Mark-lane, Friday, August 8...
FOREIGN FUNDS. (Tiaht OrnciAii Quotation...
RO YAL OLYMPIC THEATRE.— LesseeMr. Axfsed Wiganv -
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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The Iieadeb. [No. 333, Saturday, ¦20.6 ....
THE IiEADEB . [ No . 333 , Saturday , ¦ 20 . 6 . -
"""" From The London Gazette. 71ankrtjpt...
" """ FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE . 71 ANKRTJPTS - ^^ i ^ SrtoW * HBTDB and m ^ mmmm ssss ^&^ lilt ssaaa ^ giste ten ^ u hotel-kee per-J . CABDPBEii . Falkirk , writer . Friday , August 8 . ' . . "RAWKftTTPIS . — WraaAM Rose , late of tugn-streec , ^^^ biSnoVoflydenham . Kent , ship smith-Joseph WXLXbIva * Lockwood , 3 . Crown-cour ? ThreadneedlesteeetTstookbroker and dealer in shares—Davii > Thomas , 3 E > ^ OT 0 H S EQ Uli ! STllA . TION . - Johk KEtso Hunter , un .. Glasgow , boot and shoe maker .
Births, Marriages, And Deaths. T3ib/Th S...
BIRTHS , MARRIAGES , AND DEATHS . T 3 IB / TH S LEMON .-On the 26 th alt ., Mrs Mark ^ on : a daughter PETRE . —On the 4 th inst ., at Thorndon , the Lady retre . a PETR &—On the 3 rd inst ., at 2 , Cavendish-square > the Lady TROU BRTOGBr-bn ttSlst inst ., at 20 , Eaton-square . Lady Troubridge : a daughter . MARRIAGES . ^ ,.. . ARN OLD-ORLEBAR . —On the 2 nd inst ., at Poddington , Bedfordshire , the Rev . Edward Penrose Arnold , ttarJ son of the late Dr . Arnold , of Rugby , Fellowof All Souls College , Oxford , to Caroline Augusta , eldest daughter of R . L . Orlebar , Esq ., of Hinwick House , Bedfordshire , BYNG—COOK . —On the 5 th inst ., at East Peckham Church , the Hon . James Byng , third son of George , sutth Viscount Torrington , to Caroline Louisa , second daughter of William Cook , Esq ., of Roydon Hall , in the county of Kent .
DEATHS . A . . CRANLEY . -On the 2 nd inst ., at 11 , Princess-gate , Arthur George Viscount Cranley , son of the Earl of Onslow , INNOCENT . —On the 2 nd inst ., at Whatton-in-the-Vale , Notts , Mr . George Innocent , farmer . He was carried to the grave by his faithful servants , some of them having served him more than 40 years . . ROBERTSON . —On the 12 th June , at Dolosbagey , wkuid of Ceylon , John Spottiswoode Robertson , Esq ., of Hillside , aged 32 years , eldest surviving son of William Robertson , Esq ., lately one of the Deputy Keepers of the Records of Scotland . He was killed by an elephant while hunting in STREET?—On the 4 th inst ., at Cheltenham , in the 83 rd year of his age , the Reverend George Street , who , for upwards of 56 years was rector of Langrton-juxta-Partney , in the county of Lincoln , he having been presented , to the living by the late Bennet Langton , Esq ., in the year 1800 .
_ - , /Mh V • (Mttttttwrtm ^Lllllir ^ V!^Uiuiuuvuu Auuu^ L..
CnmmwM Mara .
* London, Friday Evening, August 8,1856....
* London , Friday Evening , August 8 , 1856 . The closing of the August Consol account on Thursday last was marked by a further and more decided depreciation than the general depression of the early part of the week . Contangoes ranged from 7-16 to J por cent ., and at last 9-16 percent , on the close of that day was obtained for tho continuation of stock , when Consols left off 05 i to 95 g for money and 951 sellers , for tho 10 th of September account . The feature of tho week seems to have boon general weakness in all markets . Ottoman Bank shares , Riga , and Dunaburg Railway shares , and some others , showed a more than ordinary instability . Luxembourg shares , which last week exhibited depression , have shown a reaction and ruled higher . Notwithstanding the pressure for money , and the prospect or tho demand being considerably inoreased hereafter to meet tho exigencies of tho more than . usual . number of new railway and other schemes , lately projected , a premium is still observable in connexion with them , and , but for tho usual absence from town of speculators and tho buying public at this tiino of tho year , there is little doubt that securities would reach higher quotations than oan now be sustained bythe small Amount of . legitimate business trans-Consols this day opened 95 t , f , for account , and closed 95 i to i for money , 95 k to f , for account . Exchoquor bills 13-16 promium . After business hours , Consols closed much worse . Sellors wore at 8 , and the markets all round sympathized . Foreign stocks oontinue dull , and tho market for American securities has not been active , the business being limited . Tho following are tho leading closing prices : — Aberdoen , 28 , 80 ; Caledonian .. 59 J , 601 ; Chester and Holyhead , 10 J , 174 ; Eastern Counties , 91 , 104 ; Great Northern , 97 $ , 084 ; Great Southern and Western ( Ireland ) , 119 , 121 ; Great Western . 63 i , C 3 f ; Lancashire and Yorkshire , 08 , 984 ; London and Blackwall , 74 , 7 S ; London , Brighton , and South Coaat , 107 , 108 x . d . ; London and North-Western , 107 i , 107 J ; London arid South Western , 109 , 110 ; Midland , 83 $ , 8 * 1 ; North-Eastorh ( Berwick ) , 80 , 87 ; South Eastern ( Dover ) , 733 . 74 * ; Antwerp and Rotterdam , 8 J , 8 # ; Dutch Rhenish , 28 , 28 pm . ; Eastern of Prance ( Paris and Strasbourg ) , 3 l )| , 374 ; Groat Central of Franco , 8 , 8 i pm . ; Great Luxembourg , 6 } , 58 ; Groat Western of Canada , 25 $ , 25 $ ; Namur and Liogo , 8 JL 9 J ; Northern of Franco , 41 i , 41 J ; Paris and Lyons , 57 , 571 "; Royal Danish , 19 J , 204 ; Royal Swedish , 1 , li ; Sambro and Meuse , 111 , 13 * .
Corn Market. Mark-Lane, Friday, August 8...
CORN MARKET . Mark-lane , Friday , August 8 . I 860 . Bnrca out laat report , tho weather has been evorything that could bo desired for tho progress of tho harvest . Tho arrival * of Who ** in * o London h * vo boeiv chiefly from St . Petersburg ^ of - whtoh 16 cargoes aro reported , consisting of about 17 , 000 qra .. No . part of tho decline in tho value of Wheat whtoh took phvoo on Monday has been recovered , though to-d » y thereIb . a bettor tono prevalent . Tho total fall from the Highest point has been 13 a . to 14 s . por qr . Good English red Whe * t la now worth , 62 a . to 60 s . according to quality , white 70 s .. to 72 « ., and Norfolk Flour 47 h . Oif tlio Coast tho arrivals have boon trifling , and very few sales liavo been made of oargoeaou paaaage . Danube Wheat has been sold , at 60 » ., GalatzMaisoaOa . 0 a . toaie ., and . 1 Odessa S 20 s . Od ; , cost , freight , and insurance . Maize on tho spot ia hold more firmly iu oonsoquonco of aomo demand for export aud tho
continued scarcity of Barley , which also maintains fully former rates . The supplies of Oats are moderate ; only one cargo has arrived from Archangel daring the week ; there is rather more firmness in this trade also , and former prices are in some instances exceeded . Beans remain without alteration .
British Funds For The Past Week. (Cxo3ik...
BRITISH FUNDS FOR THE PAST WEEK . ( CXO 3 IKQ PRICES . ) Sat . Mon . Tues . Wed . Thur . Frid BankStoek 219 218 218 . J fperCent Red 964 964 95 i 95 } 955 » W 3 per Cent . Con . An . 955 954 95 * 954 95 J 95 | Consols for Account 95 * 95 | 95 g 958 95 | 95 & New 3 perCent . An . 961 981 9 « i 96 f 96 * 96 New 24 per Cents 79 i Long Ans . 1860 ...... 3 i 34 ...... India Stock 236 J 235 Ditto Bonds , £ 1000 — Ditto , under ^ 1000 20 p 21 p 16 p 14 p Ex . Bills , - £ 1000 18 p 19 p 19 a 19 P 17 P a 2 p Ditto , J 6500 18 p 16 p 19 p ...... 17 p Ditto , Small 18 p 20 p 19 P 14 p 17 p
Foreign Funds. (Tiaht Ornciaii Quotation...
FOREIGN FUNDS . ( Tiaht OrnciAii Quotation dttbing- the week : endi kg Friday Evening . ) Brazilian Bonds 102 Portuguese 4 per Cents . 51 Buenos Ayres 6 p . Cents ... Russian Bonds , 5 per Chilian 6 per Cents 106 Cents 112 * Chilian 3 per Cents Russian 4 J per Cents .... 98 i Dutch 24 per Cents 65 J Spanish .............. 45 Dutch 4 per Cent . Certf . 97 £ Spanish Committee Cer . Equador Bonds of Coup , not fun ... Mexican Account 23 Turkish 6 per Cents 1031 Peruvian 4 £ per Cents .... 82 Turkish New , 4 ditto ... 1044 Portuguese 4 per Cents . 50 Venezuela , 4 $ per Cents . S 3 J
Ro Yal Olympic Theatre.— Lesseemr. Axfsed Wiganv -
Monday and during the week , will be performed THE GREEN-EYED MONSTER , Characters by Messrs . 1 . Robson , G . Murray , G . Vining , Danvers ; Misses Ternan , Castleton , and Marston . After which MEDEA . Creon , Mr . Bmery ; Jason , Miss J . St . George ; Orpheus , Miss Ternan ; Medea , Mr . F . Bobson . To conclude with THE WELSH GIRL . Characters by Messrs . Emery , Leslie , Danvers ; Misses Stephens and Ternan . , _ „ Commence at Half-past Seven .
S URREY THEA . TRE . —Extraordinary success of PROFESSOR ANDERSON in his Final Series of Performances in London . MAGIC and MYSTERY every Evening on a scale of Magnificence surpassing that of the same Entertainments , when produced at Covent Garden and the-Lyceum . Houses crowded nightly . Positively the last Eighteen Nights in London of the GREAT WIZARD of the NORTH , previous to his visiting Dublin , Edinburgh , and Liverpool— and departing for Australia . Every evening at Half-past seven . Doors open at seven . Boxes , 2 s . ; Pit , Is . ; Gallery , 6 d . Half-price , to Boxes only , at nine o ' clock .
TVR . KAHN'S ANATOMICAL MUSEUM , I' 9 ' 4 , Coventry-street , Leicester-square . Open ( for gentlemen only ) from Ten till Ten , containing upwards of one thousand models and preparations , illustrating every part of the human frame in health and disease , the race of men & c . Lectures delivered , at Twelve , Two , and at Halfpast Seven , by Dr . G . Sexton , F . R . G . S . ; and a new and tiighly-interesting Series of Lectures is now in course oi delivery by Dr . Kahn , at Four p . at- precisely . —Adinis ainn la
IF YOU ARE BALD , or Your Hair is Thin , pray use ALEX . ROSS'S Cantharides Oil , which causea the hair to grow on bald places produces luxuriant whiskers , a superior gloss , and removes scurf . All who value appearances must use it . Sold at 3 a . 6 d ., 5 s . Cd ., and 10 s . 6 d ., forwarded for stamps ; carriage free 12 extra . A Treatiso upon tho " Sure Restoration of tho Hair , " sent gratis , upon application to Alex . Ross , 1 , Little Queen-street , High Holborn . —A . R . ' s Hair Dye and Depilatory .
BLAIR'S GOUT and RHEUMATIC PILLS . This preparation is one of tho benefits which the science of modern chemistry has conferred upon mankind , for ; during tho first twenty years of tho present contury , to speak of a cure for the Gout was considered a romance—but now tho efficacy and safety of this medicine is so fully demonstrated , by unsolicited testimonials from persons in every rank of life , that public opinion proclaims this asono of tlio most important discoveries of the present age . Sold by PROUT and HARSANT , 229 , Strand , London , and all Medicine Vendors . Price Is . ljd . and 2 s . 9 ( 1 . por box .
T ? RAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH . —The Jt ? manifold advantages to tho heads of familion from tho possession of a medicine of known clHcacy , that may bo resorted to with confidence , and used with success in cases of temporary sickness , occurring in families moro or less ovory day , arc so obvioua to all , tliat no question can bo raised of its importance to evory housekeeper in tho kingdom . For females , those Pills arc truly oxccllont , removing all obstructions , tho distressing hoadaclio so vory prevalent with tho box , depression of spirits , dulnoss of Night , nervous affections , blotches , pimples , and sallownoss of the skin , and produco a healthy complexion . Sold by PROUT and HARSANT , 229 , Straad , London , and all Alodicino Vondora . Price Is . lid . and 2 s . Ud . nor box .
H OLLOWAY'S TILLS AN UNFAILING CURE FOR DROPSY—Thin truly distrosHiii K complaint is sufficiently prevalent amongst individuals , especially fomalc-H , after attaining a curtain period ol'lifo ; unsightly and painful awolllngs of tho extremities in tlio first pfivoo announce , and subseqnontly confirm , tho advont and progress of tho malady . Thoro nro hundreds of suH ' erorN from Dropsy , howovor , who , when thoir di . son . Ho ovon has attained a formidable height , havo boun completely cured by taking Holloway ' u Pills , a modicluo pronounced by millions as tlio most HuccQSHful over introduced to tho world . Sold by all Modioino Vendors throughout tho world ; at Professor HOLLO WAY'S Establishments , 24 ,. ! , Strand , London , and 80 , Maidon-lano , Now York : by A . Stain pa , Constantinople ; A . Guldioy , Smyrna ; aud JH . Muir , Malta .
QISAL CICrARS , SISAL CIGARS , at GOODO RICH'S Cigar , Tobacco , and Snuff Stores ( established 1780 ) , 407 ; Oxford-street , London , near Soho-square . —Box containing 14 . fine Sisal Cigars , for Is . 9 d . ; post free six stamps extra : lb ; boxes , containuig 109 , 12 s . 6 d . None ' are genuine unless signed " H . N . Goodrich . " A large s tock of thomost approved Brands .
THE COMMISSION TEA COMPANY No . 35 , KING WILLIAM STREET , near LONDON BRIDGE . ^ Established 1 S 23-BANKERS . —The Commercial Bank of London . RESIDENT PROPRIETOR . —Mr . John Voce Moore . Tho Company aro one of the oldest firms in the City of London , and have for nearly thirty-three years bnen distinguished by tho excellence , cheapness , and purity of their Teas and Coffees . They supply families properly introduced to them , or who can give them any respectable reference , upon tho best trade terms , in parcels of any size exceeding lib . weight . Teas , when desired , are packed in 101 b ., 14 lb ., and 201 b canisters , without extra charge ; and 31 . valuo ( iucluding Coffee ) forwarded carriage paid . Good to Strong Congou Tea 2 s . 8 dto 3 s . Od . perlb . Fine to very fine Pekoe Souchong .. 3 s . Gd to 3 s . 8 d . „ Very Choice Souchong 4 s , Od . „ Good Ceylon Coffee Is . Od . „ Fine Costa Rica Is . 2 d . „ The finest Mocha , old and very ohoice Is . Gd . „ For the convenience of their customers , tho Company supply Sugars and Colonial Produce at a small por ceutage on import prices . Monthly Prico Circular free . THE COMMISSION TEA COMPANY , 35 , King William-street , near London-bridge .
J . SCHWEPPE fc CO'S . SODA WATER . / CAUTION . —A Decree for perpetual Injunction \ J has been granted by Vice-Chancellor Sir William Pago Wood restraining Messrs . Clayton , Messrs . Ray and Son , and Mr . Selman respectively from using in their trade of Soda Water Manufacturers bottles having the words and figures " J . Schweppe & Co ., 51 , Berners-strect , Oxfordstreet" stamped or impressed thereon , and also from using labels over the corks in such bottles similar to , or merely colourably differing from those used by Messrs . Schwcppe & Co . And a Decree for a perpetual Injunction lias also been granted by Vice-Chancellor Sir William Page Wood restraining Messrs . Nevill and Oxlade from soiling or exposing for sale any Soda Water not manufactured by Messrs . Scuweppe & Co . in such bottles or with such imitation labels . And a further Decree for a perpetual Injunction has also been granted by Vice-Chancellor Sir William Page Wood restraining Mr . John Luntley from printing or disposing of any such spurious or imitation labels ; and in caoli Suit the Defendants were directed to pay the Costs of Messrs . Sohweppe & Co- . AND NOTICE is hereby given , that similar proceedings will bo forthwith instituted against all persons who shall hereafter be found offending in any of the particulars aforesaid .
MI NERAL NATURAL WATERS OF VICHY . —The increasing demand for these Waters , as valuable remedial agents , by the Upper Classes in Ungland , has induced the Company to whom tho French Government has conceded tho privilege of vending them , to form an Establishment in London , where they may be obtained in any quantities precisely as they aro bottled at the springs . The PASTILS or LOZENGES prepared from tho Saline Constituents of tho Vichy Waters , and the SALTS , for Internal Use or for Baths , so celebrated on tho Continent for all Stomach . Livor . and Ronal Diseases , Gout , Rheumatism , & c , aro also kept at the VICHY WATERS COMPANY'S DEPOT , 27 . MARGARET STREET , CAVJJIS'DISIISQUARE .
A NEW AND IMPORTANT DISCOVERY IN THE SCIENCE OF MEDICINE . Patont Office Seal of Great Britain . Dipl 6 mo do l'Ecolo do Pharmacio do l ' aris . Imporial College of Medicine , Vienna . TRIESEMAR , Nos . 1 , 2 , and 3 , is prepared in tlio form oHt lozenge , devoid of taato or smell , and can lie earned in tlio waistcoat pocket . Sold in tin cases , divided into sftjmrute doses , as administered by Valpoau , Lallcniand , ltotix , lucoru , & O .. & 0 . rpRlESEMAR , No . 1 ., is a Remedy for Eelsix-X ation , Spermatorrhoea , and all the distressing consequences arising from early abuse , indiscriminate c- » ii *! . nm . » , or too long rcsidonco in hot climates , It has restored »> "tiuy and sexual strength and viKonr to thousands of ( lebilitaiiu Individuals , who aro now enjoying health and V , '' ,, ' ' ! iVi 4 of Manhood ; and whatever may bo the UAUhh <» i " 'f' - QUAXIFIOATIONS for MARRIAGE , . they " > i- ^^ - TtJALiiY buwjubd by this Woiidorful Diacovcry ! TRIESEMAR No . II ., ofTcotually , in tho short spaco of three days , complexly ana ontlruly cradicatoa all traces ol ( Jonorrlio'ii , lioiii n u . mild and aggravated forms . Glocts , Strictures . Imtuiion tholJladdor , Non-rotcntion of Urino , 1 ' ains ol llu : ' <» "s l ,., Kidneys , and those disorders whoro Copaivi and ( iiiiriis m . i •' so long beon tho « Kl > t an antidoto fur , to tlie ruui oi m < health of a vast i > ortion of tho population . TlUESHMAlt , No . Illis tho ffreut Continontal Itcincdy for Syplj ilisiuxi Sit ; oi ni . n- . v Bynijuomw . It Hoarchoa out and imrillos tlio " ( ; "Y ; humours from tho blood , and oloaiiNcs tho K . ysteni . ruin " ¦ ' < : . oi Scurvy . Hcrofula , and all CutunooiiH Eruptions , niid i ^ ' ¦ uover-fniliiiK Roinodv for that clasH of disorders wlncii imfortunatoly tho . KiignHh 1 'hysician troata with Alciviir . v , n > tho inevitable doHtruoLlon of tho patlenfs constitution , mm which » 11 tho Sarsapaa-illa in tho world cannot rcstoro . Prico Us ., or four conos in ono for : i 3 s ., whicli miivi "' ii . < .. and in Ql . ciihoh , HiiviiiK XL I 2 s . To bo had ut \ " > x \ ' ** " and retail in London , of Johnson , OH , Oornliill ; Ilunn . jy and Co ., «» , Oxford-Htroot ; SaiiKor , 150 , Oxlonl-Ht' « 'i i . it . if . liiKham , driiKKist , 40 , Markot-sLroot , Miuu ; hiw « i-v , " Bradbury , bookuollur , DoanHgatn . Uolfcon ; . 1 . rruwtl . Y . < ' » ' - - mist , 52 , Lord-stroot , Liverpool ; l ' owoll , bookseller , lf > . V , *" .. i " morolaud-Htroot , Dublin ; Wiiuiall bookucllor , IHKU-hiic « i , JJirininubum .
Leader (1850-1860), Aug. 9, 1856, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/cld_09081856/page/22/